Building Permits at 7331 52nd Ave Ne Seattle WA

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Replace existing entry deck with new expanded deck, new deck to provide access to new doors at living room which will replace existing window. Excavated 1 2 story of soil to day-light basement and install new door for access from basement to garden lawn terrace level. Install new segmented garden walls to replace existing rockery and to level front lawn terrace. New deck steps from house to lawn terrace, new concrete steps from city walk to lawn terrace, per site plan, subject to field inspecti
Date:  December 18, 2014
Value:   $40,000

Applicant: Williamson, Bill | Permit type: Construction | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Single family / | Permit id: 6442945
2014/12/1840000957331 52nd Ave Ne Seattle Wa
Replace existing entry deck with new expanded deck, new deck to provide access to new doors at living room which will replace existing window. Excavated 1/2 story of soil to day-light basement and install new door for access from basement to garden lawn terrace level. Install new segmented garden walls to replace existing rockery and to level front lawn terrace. New deck steps from house to lawn terrace, new concrete steps from city walk to lawn terrace, per site plan, subject to field inspecti
Date:  December 18, 2014
Value:   $40,000

Applicant: Williamson, Bill | Permit type: Construction | Permit status: Permit closed | Current use: Single family / duplex | Permit id: 6442945
2014/12/1840000957331 52nd Ave Ne Seattle Wa
Replace existing 200amp panel and connect to existing 200amp metering.
Date:  April 28, 2005

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Permit finaled | Completion date: July 27, 2005 | Expiration date: April 28, 2006 | Current use: Single family / duplex | Permit id: 6056691
2005/04/280957331 52nd Ave Ne Seattle WaKemly Electric Incorporated
Remove knob & tube wiring to re-wire upstairs remodel & basement; tie-in to panel in basement. 6/30/05 mlb: permit about to expire letter sent.
Date:  August 13, 2004
Contractor: Williamson Bill

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Permit finaled | Completion date: January 11, 2006 | Expiration date: August 13, 2006 | Current use: Single family / duplex | Permit id: 6040604
2004/08/130567331 52nd Ave Ne Seattle WaWilliamson Bill
Sewer repair
Date:  May 19, 2014

Applicant: Strictly Sewers Inc | Permit type: Side sewer | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: May 20, 2014 | Expiration date: November 19, 2015 | Current use: Single family / duplex | Permit id: 6418445
2014/05/1901007331 52nd Ave Ne Seattle WaStrictly Sewers Inc
Replace existing entry deck with new expanded deck, new deck to provide access to new doors at living room which will replace existing window. Excavated 1 2 story of soil to day-light basement and install new door for access from basement to garden lawn terrace level. Install new segmented garden walls to replace existing rockery and to level front lawn terrace. New deck steps from house to lawn terrace, new concrete steps from city walk to lawn terrace, per site plan, subject to field inspection (stfi).
Date:  December 18, 2014
Value:   $40,000

Applicant: Williamson, Bill | Permit type: Construction | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: August 19, 2015 | Expiration date: June 18, 2016 | Current use: Single family / duplex | Permit id: 6442945
2014/12/1840000957331 52nd Ave Ne Seattle Wa
Remove knob & tube wiring to re-wire upstairs remodel & basement; tie-in to panel in basement. 6 30 05 mlb: permit about to expire letter sent. 12 22 05 ama - renew permit
Date:  August 13, 2004
Contractor: Williamson, Bill

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Permit finaled | Completion date: January 11, 2006 | Expiration date: August 13, 2006 | Current use: Single family / duplex | Permit id: 6040604
2004/08/130567331 52nd Ave Ne Seattle WaWilliamson, Bill

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