Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Jackson, jeanne ![]() Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 13-06119 | |||||
SCORE 100 Jackson, jeanne Client: Jackson Renovation | Permit type: Res: remodel | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 13-06119 | Parcel: 19276 | |||||
SCORE 93 Jackson, jeanne Client: Jackson Renovation | Permit type: Res: remodel | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 13-06119 | Parcel: 19276 | |||||
SCORE 100 Jackson, jeanne Client: Jackson Renovation | Permit type: Res: remodel | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 13-06119 | Parcel: 19276 | |||||
Jackson Client: Jackson | Permit type: Planning level i | Permit status: Issued | Current use: Development | Permit id: 10-04407 | Parcel: 19276 | |||||
August 5, 20 12:01:58 pm scarver. Stand alone grading permit for lot with established s/f home on it..... Leveling orchard/garden on side lot;scc; september 3, 20 2:59:43 pm ssalyer. Rec new application and revised site plan with additional grading for project;moving dirt off site this is a borrow site for bell elementary; september 16, 20 6:07:22 pm kneel. Received additional site plan per plannings request.; received application and site plans. August 9, 20 12:36:38 pm soconner.; gave application and site plans to chuck watson for review. August 9, 20 12:37:21 pm soconner.; grading for garden/orchard area approved - no additional conditions; engineering inspection requests must be made at least 24 hours in advance of inspections. Inspection request should be called into redacted phone number by 7: am, or can be scheduled via web at www. Ashevillenc. Gov/online services/permit tracking. The grading/erosion and stormwater inspector assigned to this project is woody ledford and can be re Permit type: Planning level i | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 10-04407 | Parcel: 19276 | |||||
Jackson ![]() Client: Jackson | Permit type: Planning level i | Permit status: Issued | Current use: Development | Permit id: 10-04407 | Parcel: 19276 | |||||
Jackson, jeanne ![]() ![]() Permit type: Residential | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 13-06119 | |||||
August 5, 20 12:01:58 pm scarver. Stand alone grading permit for lot with established s f home on it..... Leveling orchard garden on side lot;scc; september 3, 20 2:59:43 pm ssalyer. Rec new application and revised site plan with additional grading for project;moving dirt off site this is a borrow site for bell elementary; september 16, 20 6:07:22 pm kneel. Received additional site plan per plannings request.; received application and site plans. August 9, 20 12:36:38 pm soconner.; gave application and site plans to chuck watson for review. August 9, 20 12:37:21 pm soconner.; grading for garden orchard area approved - no additional conditions; engineering inspection requests must be made at least 24 hours in advance of inspections. Inspection request should be called into redacted phone number by 7: am, or can be scheduled via web at www. Ashevillenc. Gov online services permit tracking. The grading erosion and stormwater inspector assigned to this project is woody ledford and can be re ![]() Permit type: Planning level i | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 10-04407 | Parcel: 19276 | |||||
SCORE 56 October 3, 2013 2:42:23 pm heatherr. Jackson renovation - add 8x16 to kitchen on rear of home, add pre fad. Insulated fireplace unit, add electrical, add heat pump to attic, add 8x screen porch to front, add 8x rear deck and add closet to se end of house; har location:charlotte st to hwy to maple springs; october 9, 2013 4:56:11 pm ssalyer. Rec amendment revised drawing delete all refereence to post and beam. A continuous footing with 8" concrete block for walls to be used;sls; october 8, 2013 1:04:56 pm rhurley. Approved--existing single family dwelling; single family use only; steep slope zone a--all work proposed is within previously disturbed area; no retaining walls shown on plan;rlh; mark, the additions built on piers are beyond the prescriptive code and would require a design professionals evaluation. The design professional will need to size the footing, post or pier, provide method of attachment, and address whether any method of lateral bracing would be required. Sincerely, s Client: Jackson Renovation | Permit type: Res: remodel | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 13-06119 | Parcel: 19276 |