Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 99 Replace 47 windows and to comply with nov# 200679992 (bid). Date: November 30, 2006 Contractor: Undecided Undecided Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #200611308836 | |||||
Change of use from hair salon to baraber shop. Upgrade sub panel to 1 amps new lighting replace water heater move sink new sinks partition wall modifications. Add 1 exterior door install millwork & paint Date: February 17, 2011 Current use: Barber/beauty s | Permit id: #201102170467 | |||||
SCORE 64 Modify front door threshold for accessible approach replace front door hdwr replace broken door at 18th street with accessible door threshold approad. Relocate hairwash sink relocate handwash sink. Install display furniture paint. No change in use. Current use: Barber/beauty s | Permit id: #201102250994 | |||||
SCORE 64 Revision to appl #201102250994: patch interior walls fur one interior wall patch concrete hole in floor add non-load bearing partition wall add interior door wood floors. Current use: Barber/beauty s | Permit id: #201103111968 | |||||
Demolition of decorative partition construction of new partition and new gyp bd dropped ceiling. Date: December 18, 2013 Value: $18,000 Current use: Barber/beauty s | Permit id: #201312184542 | |||||
SCORE 95 Comply w nov #20067992. Replacement of windows @ street frontages w vinyl windows prior to purchase of bldg. Current use: Barber/beauty s | Permit id: #201305036094 | |||||
SCORE 100 Demolition of decorative partition construction of new partition and new gyp bd dropped ceiling. Current use: Barber/beauty s | Permit id: #201312184542 | |||||
Street space and mta Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: February 28, 2011 | Permit id: M244066 | |||||
Demolition of decorative partition construction of new partition and new gyp bd dropped ceiling. Date: December 18, 2013 Value: $18,000 Permit type: Building permit | Current use: Barber/beauty salon | Permit id: #201312184542 | |||||
SCORE 96 Main store space floor 1 change out 1 amp subpanel #2 copper. Install approx 15 circuits 25 lights 6 switches and receptacles. Date: February 7, 2011 Contractor: Christman Electrical Contracting Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: E201102072728 | |||||
SCORE 64 Modify front door threshold for accessible approach replace front door hdwr replace broken door at 18th street with accessible door threshold approad. Relocate hairwash sink relocate handwash sink. Install display furniture paint. No change in use. Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: February 29, 2012 | Current use: Barber/beauty salon | Permit id: #201102250994 | |||||
Comply w/ nov #20067992. Replacement of windows @ street frontages w/ vinyl windows prior to purchase of bldg. Date: July 10, 2013 Value: $1 Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: November 10, 2013 | Current use: Barber/beauty salon | Permit id: #201305036094 | |||||
SCORE 100 Demolition of decorative partition construction of new partition and new gyp bd dropped ceiling. Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: September 5, 2014 | Current use: Barber/beauty salon | Permit id: #201312184542 | |||||
SCORE 98 Install ductless hvac unit Date: March 19, 2015 Contractor: Paragon Mechanical Inc Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Complete | Permit id: Pp20150319955 | |||||
Change of use from hair salon to baraber shop. Upgrade sub panel to 1 amps new lighting replace water heater move sink new sinks partition wall modifications. Add 1 exterior door install millwork & paint Value: $50,000 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Withdrawn | Completion date: February 17, 2011 | Current use: Barber/beauty salon | Permit id: 201102170467 | |||||
Street space permit (scaffolding) Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: February 24, 2014 | Permit id: M466127 | |||||
Sidewalk repair Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: May 25, 2005 | Permit id: M32637 | |||||
Demolition of decorative partition construction of new partition and new gyp bd dropped ceiling. Value: $10,000 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: December 18, 2013 | Expiration date: February 28, 2015 | Current use: Barber/beauty salon | Permit id: 201312184542 | |||||
Revision to appl #201102250994: patch interior walls fur one interior wall patch concrete hole in floor add non-load bearing partition wall add interior door wood floors. Value: $8,500 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 11, 2011 | Expiration date: March 8, 2012 | Current use: Barber/beauty salon | Permit id: 201103111968 | |||||
Modify front door threshold for accessible approach replace front door hdwr replace broken door at 18th street with accessible door threshold approad. Relocate hairwash sink relocate handwash sink. Install display furniture paint. No change in use. Value: $37,500 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: February 25, 2011 | Expiration date: February 23, 2012 | Current use: Accessory cottage | Permit id: 201102250994 | |||||
Repair damaged tile on wall below window window replacement Value: $3,000 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: April 7, 1999 | Expiration date: August 7, 1999 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 9906631 | |||||
Replace 47 windows and to comply with nov# 200679992 (bid). Value: $20,000 Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Filed | Completion date: November 30, 2006 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 200611308836 | |||||
Comply w nov #20067992. Replacement of windows @ street frontages w vinyl windows prior to purchase of bldg. Date: May 3, 2013 Value: $1 Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Expiration date: May 3, 2013 | Current use: Barber/beauty salon | Permit id: 201305036094 | |||||
SCORE 95 Comply w nov #20067992. Replacement of windows @ street frontages w vinyl windows prior to purchase of bldg. Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: November 10, 2013 | Current use: Barber/beauty salon | Permit id: #201305036094 | |||||
G f: disconnect and reconnect (e) track lights for new ceiling drops occupancy sensor & emergency lights. Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E201403318477 | |||||
Main store space floor 1 change out 1 amp subpanel #2 copper. Install approx 15 circuits 25 lights 6 switches and receptacles. Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E201102072728 | |||||
Installductlesshvacunit Date: March 19, 2015 Permit status: Complete | Expiration date: March 19, 2015 | Permit id: Pp20150319955 | |||||
Remodeltwosinks 1laundrysink 1newwaterheater. Date: February 3, 2011 Permit status: Complete | Expiration date: February 3, 2011 | Permit id: Pp20110203790 | |||||
G f: disconnect and reconnect (e) track lights for new ceiling drops occupancy sensor & emergency lights. Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E201403318477 | |||||
Main store space floor 1 change out 1 amp subpanel #2 copper. Install approx 15 circuits 25 lights 6 switches and receptacles. Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E201102072728 | |||||
Repair damaged tile on wall below window, window replacement Date: April 7, 1999 Value: $3,000 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Completion date: August 4, 1999 | Expiration date: April 7, 1999 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 9906631 | |||||
To comply with nov 20154521 for 201526921 remove fence at rear and limit ht to 3 above grade for (201540521) fence at west side of 35 18th street elevation fence ht to be removed. Front & back platform. Date: November 8, 2017 Value: $2,000 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Completion date: November 8, 2017 | Expiration date: November 8, 2017 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 201711083468 | |||||
Change of use from hair salon to baraber shop. Upgrade sub panel to 1 amps, new lighting, replace water heater, move sink, new sinks, partition wall modifications. Add 1 exterior door, install millwork & paint Date: February 17, 2011 Value: $50,000 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Expiration date: February 17, 2011 | Current use: Barber/beauty salon | Permit id: 201102170467 | |||||
Modify front door threshold for accessible approach, replace front door hdwr, replace broken door at 18th street with accessible door, threshold, approad. Relocate hairwash sink, relocate handwash sink. Install display furniture, paint. No change in use. Date: February 28, 2011 Value: $37,500 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Completion date: May 4, 2011 | Expiration date: February 25, 2011 | Current use: Accessory cottage | Permit id: 201102250994 | |||||
Revision to appl #201102250994: patch interior walls, fur one interior wall, patch concrete hole in floor, add non-load bearing partition wall, add interior door, wood floors. Date: March 14, 2011 Value: $8,500 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Completion date: May 4, 2011 | Expiration date: March 11, 2011 | Current use: Barber/beauty salon | Permit id: 201103111968 | |||||
Demolition of decorative partition, construction of new partition and new gyp bd dropped ceiling. Date: March 5, 2014 Value: $10,000 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Expiration date: December 18, 2013 | Current use: Barber/beauty salon | Permit id: 201312184542 | |||||
G f: disconnect and reconnect (e) track lights for new ceiling drops, occupancy sensor & emergency lights. Date: March 31, 2014 Permit status: Complete | Completion date: July 9, 2014 | Permit id: E201403318477 | |||||
Main store space, floor 1change out 1 amp subpanel, #2 copper. Install approx 15 circuits, 25 lights, 6 switches and receptacles. Date: February 7, 2011 Permit status: Complete | Completion date: May 2, 2011 | Permit id: E201102072728 | |||||
Install ductless hvac unit Date: March 19, 2015 Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 27, 2015 | Expiration date: March 19, 2015 | Permit id: Pp20150319955 | |||||
Remodel two sinks, 1 laundry sink, 1 new water heater. Date: February 3, 2011 Permit status: Complete | Completion date: May 3, 2011 | Expiration date: February 3, 2011 | Permit id: Pp20110203790 | |||||
SCORE 95 Comply w nov #20067992. Replacement of windows @ street frontages w vinyl windows prior to purchase of bldg. Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: November 10, 2013 | Current use: Barber/beauty salon | Permit id: #201305036094 | |||||
Change of use from hair salon to baraber shop. Upgrade sub panel to 1 amps new lighting replace water heater move sink new sinks partition wall modifications. Add 1 exterior door install millwork & paint Date: February 17, 2011 Permit type: Building permit | Current use: Barber/beauty salon | Permit id: #201102170467 | |||||
SCORE 64 Revision to appl #201102250994: patch interior walls fur one interior wall patch concrete hole in floor add non-load bearing partition wall add interior door wood floors. Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: September 14, 2011 | Current use: Barber/beauty salon | Permit id: #201103111968 | |||||
SCORE 100 To comply with nov 20154521 for 201526921 remove fence at rear and limit ht to 3 above grade for (201540521) fence at west side of 35 18th street elevation fence ht to be removed. Front & back platform. Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: March 8, 2018 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201711083468 |