Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 95 Replace a 3gang meter socket and 3 panels that stolen as well as replace circuits to replace interior wiring that was remove throughout building conduit is still intact. Reinstall according to city of chicago electrical code Permit type: Permit - electric wiring | Permit id: 100660392 | |||||
SCORE 56 Istall two rheem 3 ton split systems, air cooled, r410a, one located on grade, one located on roof. Date: September 22, 2017 Contractor: Blackboard Properties Permit type: Permit - easy permit process | Permit id: 100727385 | |||||
SCORE 95 Replace drywall & replace plumbing fixtures in 2 baths and 2 kitchens,replace 2 water heaters. Ceramic tiles- all work same as existing Permit type: Permit - easy permit process | Permit id: 100727387 | |||||
SCORE 96 Replace (2) furnaces. Date: September 22, 2017 Contractor: Miller Heating And Cooling Permit type: Permit - easy permit process | Permit id: 100727392 |