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SCORE 70 Deconversion of existing 2 du to single family residence, interior renovation of 2 story frame with basement as per plans certified corrections- - subject to field inspections & audit Permit type: Permit - renovation/alteration | Permit id: 100530436 |
SCORE 99 Repair or replace electrical drop and meter scoket. Add one 15a branch circuit on first floor and one 20a branch circuit on second floor. Install light on rear of building Permit type: Permit - electric wi | Permit id: 100277262 |
SCORE 99 Repair or replace electrical drop and meter scoket. Add one 15a branch circuit on first floor and one 20a branch circuit on second floor. Install light on rear of building Permit type: Permit - electric wiring | Permit id: 100277262 |
SCORE 95 Replace existing stair and repair floor landings of open wood (2) story porch, per plans by lic. Structural engineer. Porch permit application is not to be used to verify or legalize number of dwelling units of building. Permit type: Permit - porch const | Permit id: 100127969 |
SCORE 95 Replace existing stair and repair floor landings of open wood (2) story porch, per plans by lic. Structural engineer. Porch permit application is not to be used to verify or legalize number of dwelling units of building. Permit type: Permit - porch construction | Permit id: 100127969 |