Building Permits at 671 Carlston Av Oakland CA

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Re-roofing permit
Date:  March 7, 2011

Permit id: R1100114
2011/03/0709545 Hillwood Pl Oakland Ca
Overlay re-roof
Date:  March 15, 2011
Contractor: Cef Contractors

Permit id: R1100121
2011/03/1505910 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland CaCef Contractors
Substructural strengthening: mudsill bolts, holddowns, foundation plates, and plywood panels
Date:  June 20, 2003
Value:   $5,425

Permit id: Rb0303038
2003/06/2054259510 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Vehicle damage to exter. Wall
Date:  July 29, 2003
Value:   $5,000

Permit id: Rb0303774
2003/07/2950009510 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Replace existing concrete exterior stairs
Date:  April 3, 2008
Value:   $1,000

Permit id: Rb0801384
2008/04/0310009510 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Voluntary seismic strengthening to reduce risk of damage per plan set a. Permit shall be finalled w/in 1 year per
Date:  May 2, 2008
Value:   $5,000

Client: Denienke, Dr. Kwame S. | Permit id: Rb0801913
2008/05/0250007010 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland CaBrian W Alameda Structural
Partial foundation replacement per engineered plans.
Date:  July 1, 2008
Value:   $24,000

Permit id: Rb0802857
2008/07/01240009510 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Remodel kitchen, bath, modify windows, add 56 s. F. Under existing second floor to enlarge bedroom.
Date:  June 22, 2009
Value:   $70,000

Permit id: Rb0902169
2009/06/22700009510 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Repair 30% of garage foundation; repair exterior wall.
Date:  March 15, 2011
Value:   $13,300

Permit id: Rb1100897
2011/03/15133009510 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Replace electrical service damaged by vehicle. 1 amps
Date:  August 18, 2003

Permit id: Re0303039
2003/08/1809510 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
1 switch for new furnace
Date:  August 20, 2007

Permit id: Re0702855
2007/08/2009510 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical/remodel kitchen, bath, modify windows, add 56 s. F
Date:  July 10, 2009

Permit id: Re0901998
2009/07/1009510 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
At garage: 1 circuit, 1 fluor fixure, 1 switch, 1 receptacle
Date:  March 15, 2011

Permit id: Re1100786
2011/03/1509510 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Install new furnace in existing location, new ducts, flue
Date:  August 20, 2007

Permit id: Rm0701540
2007/08/2009510 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Mechanical/remodel kitchen, bath, modify windows, add 56 s. F
Date:  July 10, 2009

Permit id: Rm0900937
2009/07/1009510 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing/remodel kitchen, bath, modify windows, add 56 s. F
Date:  July 10, 2009

Permit id: Rp0901445
2009/07/1009510 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing remodel kitchen, bath, modify windows, add 56 s. F
Date:  July 10, 2009

Client: Jones Timothy N & Millicent M | Permit id: Rp0901445
2009/07/1009510 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Voluntary seismic strengthening to reduce risk of damage per plan set a. Permit shall be finalled w in 1 year per
Date:  May 2, 2008
Value:   $5,000

Client: Denienke, Dr. Kwame S. | Permit id: Rb0801913
2008/05/0250007010 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland CaBrian W Alameda Structural
Electrical remodel kitchen, bath, modify windows, add 56 s. F
Date:  July 10, 2009

Client: Jones Timothy N & Millicent M | Permit id: Re0901998
2009/07/1009510 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Mechanical remodel kitchen, bath, modify windows, add 56 s. F
Date:  July 10, 2009

Client: Jones Timothy N & Millicent M | Permit id: Rm0900937
2009/07/1009510 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Re-roofing permit
Date:  May 24, 2011

Client: Perkins Winifred D | Permit id: R1100211
2011/05/24095745 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Replace wall furnace
Date:  September 28, 2011

Client: Perkins Winifred D | Permit id: Rm1101554
2011/09/28095745 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
3-r report
Date:  April 26, 2011

Client: Alex Khalil Mcdow | Permit id: Rrr110103
2011/04/26095745 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Re-roof permit
Date:  July 7, 2011
Contractor: Ray Sharmarbroker

Client: Us Bank National Association T | Permit id: R1100293
2011/07/07059735 Calmar Av Oakland CaRay Sharmarbroker
Re-roof permit
Date:  July 7, 2011

Client: Us Bank National Association T | Permit id: R1100293
2011/07/07095735 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Demolish detached garage.
Date:  July 1, 2011

Client: Us Bank National Association T | Permit id: Rb1102321
2011/07/01095735 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Replace furnace in basement 900 btu
Date:  December 15, 2005

Client: Jackson Carl L | Permit id: Rm0502358
2005/12/15095735 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Re roofing
Date:  August 25, 2011

Permit id: R1100389
2011/08/25093674 Rosal Av Oakland CaSungate Energy Solutions
Voluntary seismic upgrade
Date:  June 8, 2005
Value:   $16,000

Permit id: Rb0502533
2005/06/081600095674 Rosal Av Oakland Ca
Replace 125 amp service
Date:  May 15, 2003

Permit id: Re0301795
2003/05/15095674 Rosal Av Oakland Ca
Re roofing
Date:  September 8, 2011

Permit id: R1100417
2011/09/08095966 Larkspur Rd Oakland Ca
Replace basement concrete floor, remove stucco and repair any dry rot sheeting and framing if needed, repair door
Date:  May 21, 2003
Value:   $6,000

Permit id: Rb0302455
2003/05/21600095966 Larkspur Rd Oakland Ca
Interior remodel started under rb0302455 for basement and main floor including relocating interior stair.
Date:  July 8, 2008
Value:   $6,000

Permit id: Rb0802929
2008/07/08600095966 Larkspur Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical for remodel of sfd
Date:  November 21, 2003

Permit id: Re0304207
2003/11/21095966 Larkspur Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical for outdoor cooking island
Date:  July 1, 2008

Permit id: Re0802081
2008/07/01095966 Larkspur Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical for remodel of sfd finish work started under #re0304207
Date:  August 21, 2008

Permit id: Re0802606
2008/08/21095966 Larkspur Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical for remodel of sfd finish work started under #re0304207 & re0802606
Date:  March 30, 2010

Permit id: Re1000961
2010/03/30095966 Larkspur Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical for outdoor cooking island
Date:  March 30, 2010

Permit id: Re1000962
2010/03/30095966 Larkspur Rd Oakland Ca
Upgrade fau
Date:  May 21, 2003

Permit id: Rm0301009
2003/05/21095966 Larkspur Rd Oakland Ca
Upgrade fau finish work started under #rm0301009
Date:  August 21, 2008

Permit id: Rm0801390
2008/08/21095966 Larkspur Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for replacing existing wasteline, hot wtr htr, remove flue attached to basement floor, new copper water
Date:  May 21, 2003

Permit id: Rp0301486
2003/05/21095966 Larkspur Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for outdoor cooking island
Date:  July 1, 2008

Permit id: Rp0801591
2008/07/01095966 Larkspur Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for replacing existing wasteline, hot wtr htr, remove flue attached to basement floor, new copper wtr line
Date:  August 21, 2008

Permit id: Rp0802111
2008/08/21095966 Larkspur Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for outdoor cooking island
Date:  March 30, 2010

Permit id: Rp1000770
2010/03/30095966 Larkspur Rd Oakland Ca
Re-roof permit
Date:  September 28, 2011

Permit id: R1100471
2011/09/28095851 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Re-roof permit
Date:  September 30, 2011

Client: Jordan Gudebski | Permit id: R1100475
2011/09/300954 Bowles Pl Oakland Ca
Re-roof permit
Date:  November 22, 2011

Client: Deutsche Bank National Trust C | Permit id: R1100614
2011/11/220954253 Lakeshore Av Oakland Ca
Install new water heater
Date:  November 14, 2006

Client: Reed Richard Iii | Permit id: Rp0603146
2006/11/140954253 Lakeshore Av Oakland Ca
Re-roofing permit
Date:  December 20, 2011

Client: Lyon Margot K | Permit id: R1100664
2011/12/200951031 Ardmore Av Oakland Ca
Termite repairs, see attached report, item 6, 1
Date:  May 14, 2003
Value:   $7,150

Permit id: Rb0302320
2003/05/147150951031 Ardmore Av Oakland Ca
Foundation repair
Date:  August 18, 2003
Value:   $3,500

Permit id: Rb0304081
2003/08/183500951031 Ardmore Av Oakland Ca
Eliminating knob and tube in garage area & reroute wires
Date:  May 30, 2003

Permit id: Re0301983
2003/05/300951031 Ardmore Av Oakland Ca
Construct deck at lower level at rear of sfd.
Date:  September 18, 2006
Value:   $10,950

Permit id: Rb0604158
2006/09/181095095787 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical for basement remodel to habitable space.
Date:  February 5, 2003

Client: Mike Sagat | Permit id: Re0300430
2003/02/05095787 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Mechanical for lower level remodel.
Date:  February 6, 2003

Client: Mike Sagat | Permit id: Rm0300283
2003/02/06095787 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for lower level bathroom.
Date:  February 5, 2003

Client: Mike Sagat | Permit id: Rp0300381
2003/02/05095787 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Add 570s/f new liveable space at lower level & new deck at u pper level. Deck isd not approved on this permit.
Date:  February 11, 2003
Value:   $60,984
Contractor: Mike Sagat

Client: Mike Sagat | Permit id: Rb0201333
2003/02/116098471787 Rosemount Rd Oakland CaMike Sagat
Add 570s/f new liveable space at lower level & new deck at u pper level.
Date:  February 23, 2007
Value:   $1,000
Contractor: Mike Sagat

Client: Mike Sagat | Permit id: Rb0700802
2007/02/23100071787 Rosemount Rd Oakland CaMike Sagat
Kitchen & two bathroom remodels, cabinets, sheetrocks, tile, counters, new wood retaining wall
Date:  April 1, 2003
Value:   $40,000

Client: Anthony Thomas S | Permit id: Rb0205642
2003/04/0140000954225 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Constr exterior deck at rear of sfd
Date:  September 29, 2009
Value:   $15,220

Permit id: Rb0903511
2009/09/2915220954225 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for remodel
Date:  March 6, 2003

Client: Anthony Thomas S | Permit id: Re0300805
2003/03/060954225 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
1 receptacle
Date:  April 14, 2005

Client: Anthony Thomas S | Permit id: Re0501287
2005/04/140954225 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Constr exterior deck at rear of sfd
Date:  January 6, 2010

Permit id: Re1000115
2010/01/060954225 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for remodel, gas test
Date:  March 6, 2003

Client: Anthony Thomas S | Permit id: Rm0300477
2003/03/060954225 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for remodel
Date:  March 6, 2003

Client: Anthony Thomas S | Permit id: Rp0300686
2003/03/060954225 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Install sump pump
Date:  April 14, 2005

Client: Anthony Thomas S | Permit id: Rp0501094
2005/04/140954225 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Bath remodel with direct replacement of 1 window
Date:  January 6, 2003
Value:   $9,000

Permit id: Rb0300127
2003/01/069000954247 Lakeshore Av Oakland Ca
Date:  December 7, 2006
Value:   $7,200
Contractor: Mark L. Corrallo

Client: Bortnick, Brand | Permit id: Rb0605384
2006/12/077200564247 Lakeshore Av Oakland CaMark L. Corrallo
Electrical for: bath remodel
Date:  January 6, 2003

Permit id: Re0300077
2003/01/060954247 Lakeshore Av Oakland Ca
Furnace changeout tural work)
Date:  October 24, 2006

Permit id: Rm0601871
2006/10/240954247 Lakeshore Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for: bath remodel
Date:  January 6, 2003

Permit id: Rp0300078
2003/01/060954247 Lakeshore Av Oakland Ca
Remodel master bathroom - replace window, cabinets and install new custom shower.
Date:  January 6, 2003
Value:   $15,000

Permit id: Rb0300130
2003/01/061500095873 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical for bathroom remodel.
Date:  January 6, 2003

Permit id: Re0300082
2003/01/06095873 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for bathroom remodel.
Date:  January 6, 2003

Permit id: Rp0300082
2003/01/06095873 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Build new two-story sfd 2535 sf with attached garage
Date:  January 6, 2003
Value:   $465,000

Permit id: Rb0300131
2003/01/064650009541 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Restore one car garage to its original use, remove walled off portion of opening and replace with garage door.#0807713
Date:  May 15, 2009
Value:   $2,000

Permit id: Rb0901716
2009/05/1520009541 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for new sfd
Date:  September 12, 2003

Permit id: Re0303352
2003/09/1209541 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for new sfd
Date:  September 12, 2003

Permit id: Rm0301691
2003/09/1209541 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for new sfd
Date:  September 12, 2003

Permit id: Rp0302725
2003/09/1209541 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Build new two-story sfd 2604 sf with attached garage
Date:  January 6, 2003
Value:   $470,000

Permit id: Rb0300132
2003/01/064700009542 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Total foundation replacement w/o elevation change, partial remodel in lower floor, 61sf addtion. 4/30: kitchen repair
Date:  April 11, 2008
Value:   $260,000

Permit id: Rb0801517
2008/04/112600009542 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Complete rb0801517: fdn replacement, lower floor remodel, 61sf addn, kitchen remodel.
Date:  November 23, 2010
Value:   $25,000

Permit id: Rb1004532
2010/11/23250009542 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Temporary construction power
Date:  July 31, 2003

Permit id: Re0302829
2003/07/3109542 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for new sfd
Date:  September 12, 2003

Permit id: Re0303353
2003/09/1209542 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Electrical/remodel lower floor, new 2 amp service.
Date:  November 18, 2008

Client: Estep Anne L H | Permit id: Re0803548
2008/11/1809542 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Electrical/remodel lower floor, new 2 amp service. Complete work started under re0803548.
Date:  May 17, 2011

Client: Estep Anne L H | Permit id: Re1101342
2011/05/1709542 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for new sfd
Date:  September 12, 2003

Permit id: Rm0301693
2003/09/1209542 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for remodel, addition
Date:  October 20, 2008

Client: Estep Anne L H | Permit id: Rm0801717
2008/10/2009542 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Hydronic heating for living room, kitchen & dining room to be added to boilers
Date:  April 30, 2009

Permit id: Rm0900606
2009/04/3009542 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for remodel, addition. Complete work started under rm0801717.
Date:  May 17, 2011

Client: Estep Anne L H | Permit id: Rm1100838
2011/05/1709542 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for new sfd
Date:  September 12, 2003

Permit id: Rp0302728
2003/09/1209542 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for remodel, addition
Date:  October 20, 2008

Client: Estep Anne L H | Permit id: Rp0802631
2008/10/2009542 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for remodel, addition. Complete work started under rp0802631.
Date:  May 17, 2011

Client: Estep Anne L H | Permit id: Rp1101085
2011/05/1709542 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Electrical remodel lower floor, new 2 amp service.
Date:  November 18, 2008

Client: Estep Anne L H | Permit id: Re0803548
2008/11/1809542 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Electrical remodel lower floor, new 2 amp service. Complete work started under re0803548.
Date:  May 17, 2011

Client: Estep Anne L H | Permit id: Re1101342
2011/05/1709542 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Total foundation replacement w o elevation change, partial remodel in lower floor, 61sf addtion. 4 30: kitchen repair
Date:  April 11, 2008
Value:   $260,000

Client: Estep Anne L H & Nathaniel | Permit id: Rb0801517
2008/04/112600009542 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Remodel lower level and reconfigure room layout. Replace bonus room posts with beam.
Date:  January 7, 2003
Value:   $70,000

Permit id: Rb0300145
2003/01/077000095763 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Remodel kitchen; no structural or exterior work, configura- tion will remain the same.
Date:  May 27, 2009
Value:   $7,500

Permit id: Rb0901809
2009/05/27750095763 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical/reconfigure lower level floor plan.
Date:  January 7, 2003

Permit id: Re0300094
2003/01/07095763 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical/remodel kitchen
Date:  May 27, 2009

Permit id: Re0901483
2009/05/27095763 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Mechanical - add heat ducts, gas dryer, gas test.
Date:  May 19, 2003

Permit id: Rm0300980
2003/05/19095763 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Mechanical/remodel kitchen
Date:  May 27, 2009

Permit id: Rm0900717
2009/05/27095763 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing/reconfigure lower level floor plan. Laundry and bath room.
Date:  January 7, 2003

Permit id: Rp0300094
2003/01/07095763 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Extend gas houseline to relocate meter.
Date:  October 17, 2008

Permit id: Rp0802606
2008/10/17095763 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing/remodel kitchen
Date:  May 27, 2009

Permit id: Rp0901083
2009/05/27095763 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical reconfigure lower level floor plan.
Date:  January 7, 2003

Client: Plum Carole M & Wing Claire | Permit id: Re0300094
2003/01/07095763 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing reconfigure lower level floor plan. Laundry and bath room.
Date:  January 7, 2003

Client: Plum Carole M & Wing Claire | Permit id: Rp0300094
2003/01/07095763 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing remodel kitchen
Date:  May 27, 2009

Client: Plum Carole M & Wing Claire | Permit id: Rp0901083
2009/05/27095763 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical remodel kitchen
Date:  May 27, 2009

Client: Plum Carole M & Wing Claire | Permit id: Re0901483
2009/05/27095763 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Mechanical remodel kitchen
Date:  May 27, 2009

Client: Plum Carole M & Wing Claire | Permit id: Rm0900717
2009/05/27095763 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel, cabinets, counters, flooring, replacing existing window
Date:  January 13, 2003
Value:   $25,000

Permit id: Rb0300231
2003/01/1325000951198 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Voluntary sub-structural strengthening: install anchor bolts, plywood, blocking.
Date:  April 25, 2011
Value:   $1,800

Permit id: Rb1101389
2011/04/251800951198 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Residential electrical for an existing kitchen remodel: circuits, fixtures, switches, receptacles, range, exhaust
Date:  January 21, 2003

Permit id: Re0300254
2003/01/210951198 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Residential plumbing for an existing kitchen remodel: sinks, dishwasher, garbage disposal and gas test.
Date:  January 21, 2003

Permit id: Rp0300203
2003/01/210951198 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Rebuild chimney above the roof line and rebuild interior firebox 01/30/03 add 2nd interior firebox
Date:  January 21, 2003
Value:   $6,000

Client: Hammond Clarence E Trust | Permit id: Rb0300332
2003/01/21600095866 Paloma Av Oakland Ca
Remodel powder room; new sink, toilet, tile.
Date:  March 7, 2003
Value:   $1,000

Client: Douglas R. Smith | Permit id: Rb0301079
2003/03/07100095866 Paloma Av Oakland Ca
Redesign of stairs and walkway in front yard
Date:  June 3, 2004
Value:   $6,000

Client: Douglas R. Smith | Permit id: Rb0402412
2004/06/03600095866 Paloma Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing/remodel powder room; new sink, toilet, tile.
Date:  March 7, 2003

Client: Douglas R. Smith | Permit id: Rp0300690
2003/03/07095866 Paloma Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing remodel powder room; new sink, toilet, tile.
Date:  March 7, 2003

Client: Douglas R. Smith | Permit id: Rp0300690
2003/03/07095866 Paloma Av Oakland Ca
Rebuild chimney above the roof line and rebuild interior firebox 01 30 03 add 2nd interior firebox
Date:  January 21, 2003
Value:   $6,000

Client: Hammond Clarence E Trust | Permit id: Rb0300332
2003/01/21600095866 Paloma Av Oakland Ca
Termite repair per report: items #1, #3 and #4
Date:  January 22, 2003
Value:   $29,000

Client: Broadhead Robert H | Permit id: Rb0300363
2003/01/222900095748 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
New tile floor 8x 8, new drywall 8x9 in laundry room
Date:  February 9, 2005
Value:   $1,000

Client: Boutros Sameh R | Permit id: Rb0500576
2005/02/09100095748 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Circuits, fixture, receptacles
Date:  June 18, 2003

Client: Sameh Boutros | Permit id: Re0302247
2003/06/18095748 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Electrical for laundry room
Date:  February 9, 2005

Client: Boutros Sameh R | Permit id: Re0500516
2005/02/09095748 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
New forced air unit
Date:  October 13, 2006

Client: Boutros Sameh R | Permit id: Rm0601804
2006/10/13095748 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
1 wtr alt, gas test
Date:  December 8, 2004

Client: Boutros Sameh R | Permit id: Rp0403569
2004/12/08095748 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Voluntary retrofit, add pier and grade beam, alter founda- tion and alter deck
Date:  January 24, 2003
Value:   $40,000

Client: Madsen Donald H Tr | Permit id: Rb0300410
2003/01/244000095816 Wawona Av Oakland Ca
Residential sfd--bathroom remodel: non-structural work
Date:  January 29, 2003
Value:   $1,000

Client: Erin Grassie | Permit id: Rb0300469
2003/01/291000953709 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Partial foundation replacement & anchor bolts
Date:  March 21, 2003
Value:   $5,500

Client: Eric Lambrecht And Erin Grassi | Permit id: Rb0301348
2003/03/215500953709 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Add deck at rear, interior non-struct. Remodel w/new windows throughout.
Date:  March 25, 2004
Value:   $90,000

Permit id: Rb0401270
2004/03/2590000953709 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Additional circuits and receptacles for bathroom.
Date:  March 3, 2003

Client: Erin Grassie | Permit id: Re0300743
2003/03/030953709 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for interior non-struct. Remodel
Date:  June 4, 2004

Permit id: Re0402203
2004/06/040953709 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for interior non-struct. Remodel; new fau, ducts; 2 flues and gas test
Date:  June 4, 2004

Permit id: Rm0401148
2004/06/040953709 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Residential plumbing for an existing bathroom remodel: toilet, shower, sink and waste/vent alt.
Date:  January 29, 2003

Client: Erin Grassie | Permit id: Rp0300297
2003/01/290953709 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for interior non-struct. Remodel; new fixtures & gas test
Date:  June 4, 2004

Permit id: Rp0401709
2004/06/040953709 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Residential plumbing for an existing bathroom remodel: toilet, shower, sink and waste vent alt.
Date:  January 29, 2003

Client: Erin Grassie | Permit id: Rp0300297
2003/01/290953709 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Add deck at rear, interior non-struct. Remodel w new windows throughout.
Date:  March 25, 2004
Value:   $90,000

Client: Lambrecht Eric M & Grassie Eri | Permit id: Rb0401270
2004/03/2590000953709 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Remove replace foundation and attached retaining wall
Date:  January 30, 2003
Value:   $30,000

Client: Harrell Holli | Permit id: Rb0300473
2003/01/303000095667 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Remove/replace foundation and attached retaining wall
Date:  January 30, 2003
Value:   $30,000

Client: Harrell Holli | Permit id: Rb0300473
2003/01/303000095667 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Meter reset
Date:  September 14, 2010

Client: Harrell Holli N | Permit id: Re1002759
2010/09/14095667 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Termite repairs, see attached report, items: 3a-b, 1a-4a
Date:  February 3, 2003
Value:   $2,600

Permit id: Rb0300514
2003/02/032600953866 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Enlarge exist. Deck - includes reframing part of exist.
Date:  October 27, 2005
Value:   $15,000

Permit id: Rb0505055
2005/10/2715000953866 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Repair dry rot damage to bay window; repairs will not show on completion.
Date:  February 5, 2003
Value:   $2,000

Permit id: Rb0300558
2003/02/052000951281 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Foundation repair and subdrain.
Date:  February 6, 2003
Value:   $26,558

Client: Kranen Merria R Tr | Permit id: Rb0300619
2003/02/062655895815 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel
Date:  April 13, 2007
Value:   $5,200

Client: Kranen Merria R Tr | Permit id: Rb0701599
2007/04/13520095815 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Electrical service upgrade to 1 amps, 5 circuits, switches receptacles, garbage disposal.
Date:  June 12, 2006

Client: Kranen Merria R Tr | Permit id: Re0601909
2006/06/12095815 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen remodel
Date:  April 19, 2007

Client: Kranen Merria R Tr | Permit id: Re0701336
2007/04/19095815 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen remodel
Date:  April 19, 2007

Client: Kranen Merria R Tr | Permit id: Rp0701175
2007/04/19095815 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Remodel bathroom; no structural or exterior chnges; no change to layout.
Date:  February 10, 2003
Value:   $17,000

Permit id: Rb0300644
2003/02/10170009513 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Fnd bolting,plywood cripplewall,floor ties
Date:  October 28, 2008
Value:   $13,500

Permit id: Rb0804663
2008/10/28135009513 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Remove existing skylight and create 2nd floor area to relo- cate two closets & misc. Remodel, new stucco walls & roof to
Date:  November 2, 2010
Value:   $25,975
Contractor: Amelia Kirk

Permit id: Rb1004233
2010/11/02259756713 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland CaAmelia Kirk
Electrical for bath remodel.
Date:  February 10, 2003

Permit id: Re0300477
2003/02/1009513 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical for 2nd floor area to relocate two closets & misc.. Remodel. Install solar panels on new roof area.
Date:  November 3, 2011
Contractor: Amelia Kirk

Permit id: Re1103018
2011/11/0306713 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland CaAmelia Kirk
Gas test.
Date:  April 15, 2011

Permit id: Rm1100699
2011/04/1509513 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for bath remodel.
Date:  February 10, 2003

Permit id: Rp0300420
2003/02/1009513 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Substructural strengthening: add 5/8 x mud sill bolts, angle iron struts, knee braces, and 5/8 plywood panels
Date:  February 11, 2003
Value:   $4,150

Client: Digre Richard | Permit id: Rb0300675
2003/02/11415095974 Underhills Rd Oakland Ca
Substructural strengthening: add 5 8 x mud sill bolts, angle iron struts, knee braces, and 5 8 plywood panels
Date:  February 11, 2003
Value:   $4,150

Client: Digre Richard | Permit id: Rb0300675
2003/02/11415095974 Underhills Rd Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel, cabinets, fixtures
Date:  February 14, 2003
Value:   $36,000

Permit id: Rb0300722
2003/02/1436000951153 Ashmount Av Oakland Ca
Remove 2 windows and replace with 2 doors.
Date:  March 25, 2003
Value:   $4,000

Permit id: Rb0301408
2003/03/254000951153 Ashmount Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen remodel, cabinets, fixtures
Date:  February 14, 2003

Permit id: Re0300541
2003/02/140951153 Ashmount Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for kitchen remodel, cabinets, fixtures
Date:  February 14, 2003

Permit id: Rm0300333
2003/02/140951153 Ashmount Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen remodel, cabinets, fixtures
Date:  February 14, 2003

Permit id: Rp0300463
2003/02/140951153 Ashmount Av Oakland Ca
Replace shower pan, fixtures, storage cabinet
Date:  February 18, 2003
Value:   $20,000

Client: Forys Maureen | Permit id: Rb0300732
2003/02/1820000953725 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel: non-bearing wall alter, window replacements
Date:  April 18, 2006
Value:   $85,000

Client: Forys Maureen | Permit id: Rb0601540
2006/04/1885000953725 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Electrical bath remodel
Date:  February 18, 2003

Client: Forys Maureen | Permit id: Re0300557
2003/02/180953725 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
New 2 amp service and add solar circuit.
Date:  November 4, 2004

Client: Forys Maureen | Permit id: Re0404146
2004/11/040953725 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel: non-bearing wall alter, window replacements electrical: 6 circuits, 11 fixtures, 9 switches, 11 recept,
Date:  April 18, 2006

Client: Forys Maureen | Permit id: Re0601266
2006/04/180953725 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel: non-bearing wall alter, window replacements mechanical: gas range, ead
Date:  April 18, 2006

Client: Forys Maureen | Permit id: Rm0600647
2006/04/180953725 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for bath remodel
Date:  February 18, 2003

Client: Forys Maureen | Permit id: Rp0300473
2003/02/180953725 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel: non-bearing wall alter, window replacements plumbing: 1 each: lavy,sink,d/w, waste/vent altercept,
Date:  April 18, 2006

Client: Forys Maureen | Permit id: Rp0600987
2006/04/180953725 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel: non-bearing wall alter, window replacements plumbing: 1 each: lavy,sink,d w, waste vent altercept,
Date:  April 18, 2006

Client: Forys Maureen | Permit id: Rp0600987
2006/04/180953725 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Remodel kitchen - widen interior arch. No exterior changes.
Date:  February 19, 2003
Value:   $38,000

Permit id: Rb0300780
2003/02/193800095955 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Replace front porch framing, install waterproofing, pour new concrete and lay flagstone
Date:  February 2, 2004
Value:   $3,500

Permit id: Rb0400503
2004/02/02350095955 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Remove upper brick chimney
Date:  September 16, 2010
Value:   $10,000

Permit id: Rb1003572
2010/09/161000095955 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen remodel.
Date:  February 19, 2003

Permit id: Re0300580
2003/02/19095955 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen remodel.
Date:  February 19, 2003

Permit id: Rp0300492
2003/02/19095955 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Build new 3-story sfd 3007 sf w/attached garage.
Date:  February 20, 2003
Value:   $516,000

Permit id: Rb0300818
2003/02/20516000954022 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for new sfd.
Date:  April 14, 2003

Permit id: Re0301318
2003/04/140954022 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical: build new 3-story sfd 3007 sf w/attached garage.
Date:  July 16, 2003

Permit id: Rm0301359
2003/07/160954022 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing to: build new 3-story sfd 3007 sf w/attached garage
Date:  July 16, 2003

Permit id: Rp0302104
2003/07/160954022 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing to: build new 3-story sfd 3007 sf w attached garage
Date:  July 16, 2003

Client: Yu Simon S & Renee H | Permit id: Rp0302104
2003/07/160954022 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical: build new 3-story sfd 3007 sf w attached garage.
Date:  July 16, 2003

Client: Yu Simon S & Renee H | Permit id: Rm0301359
2003/07/160954022 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Build new 3-story sfd 3007 sf w attached garage.
Date:  February 20, 2003
Value:   $516,000

Client: Yu Simon S & Renee H | Permit id: Rb0300818
2003/02/20516000954022 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel - no structural work,replace an existing win dow and back door
Date:  March 3, 2003
Value:   $34,700

Client: Hardy Artise Tr | Permit id: Rb0300983
2003/03/033470095806 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical for: kitchen remodel - no structural work 4/8/03 revised to include additional fixtures in family
Date:  March 3, 2003

Client: Hardy Artise Tr | Permit id: Re0300738
2003/03/03095806 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Mechanical for ead and new duct to furnace.
Date:  April 8, 2003

Client: Hardy Artise Tr | Permit id: Rm0300713
2003/04/08095806 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for: kitchen remodel - no structural work 4/8/03 revised to include plumbing fixtures in laundry room.
Date:  March 3, 2003

Client: Hardy Artise Tr | Permit id: Rp0300622
2003/03/03095806 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical for: kitchen remodel - no structural work 4 8 03 revised to include additional fixtures in family
Date:  March 3, 2003

Client: Hardy Artise Tr | Permit id: Re0300738
2003/03/03095806 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for: kitchen remodel - no structural work 4 8 03 revised to include plumbing fixtures in laundry room.
Date:  March 3, 2003

Client: Hardy Artise Tr | Permit id: Rp0300622
2003/03/03095806 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Addition of 303 sf to rear of house for new master bedroom and bath.
Date:  March 6, 2003
Value:   $60,000

Permit id: Rb0301062
2003/03/0660000951302 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Interior remodel of 3 bedrooms, convert 2 closets to new master bath. Hold final: need enmi for culvert on property.
Date:  August 10, 2010
Value:   $12,000

Permit id: Rb1003070
2010/08/1012000951302 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical/interior remodel; new 1 amp service. Hold final: need enmi for culvert on property.
Date:  August 12, 2010

Permit id: Re1002425
2010/08/120951302 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing/create new bathroom hold final: need enmi for culvert on property.
Date:  August 12, 2010

Permit id: Rp1001929
2010/08/120951302 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical interior remodel; new 1 amp service. Hold final: need enmi for culvert on property.
Date:  August 12, 2010

Client: Santinelli Paul & Langhi Kathl | Permit id: Re1002425
2010/08/120951302 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing create new bathroom hold final: need enmi for culvert on property.
Date:  August 12, 2010

Client: Santinelli Paul & Langhi Kathl | Permit id: Rp1001929
2010/08/120951302 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Remove/replace foundation at left rear of bldg, dry-rot repair at rear of bldg, and substructural strengthening
Date:  March 14, 2003
Value:   $12,000

Permit id: Rb0301233
2003/03/141200095747 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Remove replace foundation at left rear of bldg, dry-rot repair at rear of bldg, and substructural strengthening
Date:  March 14, 2003
Value:   $12,000

Client: Kass Michael J & Hartley Katha | Permit id: Rb0301233
2003/03/141200095747 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Add 100s/f to upper floor by enclosing existing porch for new liveable space
Date:  March 21, 2003
Value:   $40,000

Permit id: Rb0301342
2003/03/2140000959 Carlston Av Oakland Ca
Replace rear exterior deck w/new
Date:  May 29, 2009
Value:   $4,000

Permit id: Rb0901846
2009/05/294000959 Carlston Av Oakland Ca
Replace gallon water heater.
Date:  January 11, 2006

Permit id: Rp0600130
2006/01/110959 Carlston Av Oakland Ca
Replace water heater
Date:  January 2, 2007

Permit id: Rp0700059
2007/01/020959 Carlston Av Oakland Ca
Add 100s f to upper floor by enclosing existing porch for new liveable space
Date:  March 21, 2003
Value:   $40,000

Client: Wendt Timothy A & Solecki Mary | Permit id: Rb0301342
2003/03/2140000959 Carlston Av Oakland Ca
Replace rear exterior deck w new
Date:  May 29, 2009
Value:   $4,000

Client: Taylor Steven L & Caroline D | Permit id: Rb0901846
2009/05/294000959 Carlston Av Oakland Ca
Remodel kitchen and downstairs bath; remove dropped ceiling from master bedroom and kitchen ceilings--existing vaulted
Date:  March 21, 2003
Value:   $27,500
Contractor: Bert Kurtin

Client: Nycal Equities | Permit id: Rb0301353
2003/03/2127500664267 Lakeshore Av Oakland CaBert Kurtin
Electrical for interior remodel.
Date:  March 21, 2003
Contractor: Bert Kurtin

Client: Nycal Equities | Permit id: Re0300986
2003/03/210664267 Lakeshore Av Oakland CaBert Kurtin
Mechanical for interior remodel.
Date:  March 21, 2003
Contractor: Bert Kurtin

Client: Nycal Equities | Permit id: Rm0300570
2003/03/210664267 Lakeshore Av Oakland CaBert Kurtin
Replace f. A. U., ducts, condensate drain
Date:  October 14, 2010

Permit id: Rm1001678
2010/10/140954267 Lakeshore Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for interior remodel.
Date:  March 21, 2003
Contractor: Bert Kurtin

Client: Nycal Equities | Permit id: Rp0300831
2003/03/210664267 Lakeshore Av Oakland CaBert Kurtin
Foundation repair
Date:  March 21, 2003
Value:   $51,714

Client: Hall Cherry L | Permit id: Rb0301359
2003/03/2151714954125 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Install epa certified wood burning stove.
Date:  December 17, 2010
Value:   $2,500

Permit id: Rb1004795
2010/12/172500954125 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
1 amp service upgrade
Date:  March 23, 2009

Permit id: Re0900799
2009/03/230954125 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Install epa certified wood burning stove.
Date:  December 17, 2010

Permit id: Rm1002145
2010/12/170954125 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Replace furnace
Date:  October 13, 2011

Permit id: Rm1101643
2011/10/130954125 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel with window alteration and remove non-bearg wall.
Date:  March 24, 2003
Value:   $40,000

Permit id: Rb0301371
2003/03/244000095784 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Remodel existing bathroom, fixtures, tile
Date:  January 14, 2010
Value:   $25,000

Permit id: Rb1000213
2010/01/142500095784 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen remodel. Upgrade service to 1 amps.
Date:  March 24, 2003

Permit id: Re0300999
2003/03/24095784 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Remodel existing bathroom, fixtures, tile
Date:  January 14, 2010

Permit id: Re1000188
2010/01/14095784 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Mechanical for kitchen remodel. Ead and gas test.
Date:  March 24, 2003

Permit id: Rm0300577
2003/03/24095784 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen remodel.
Date:  March 24, 2003

Permit id: Rp0300837
2003/03/24095784 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Water heater
Date:  September 30, 2004

Permit id: Rp0402899
2004/09/30095784 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Change 1 bedroom window
Date:  January 16, 2007
Value:   $12,000

Permit id: Rb0700206
2007/01/1612000952 Humphrey Pl Oakland Ca
Date:  July 1, 2009
Value:   $2,500

Permit id: Rb0902317
2009/07/012500562 Humphrey Pl Oakland CaGeoffrey Semans Original Craft
Electrical for addition, kitchen remodel.
Date:  April 2, 2003
Contractor: Doug Lawler

Permit id: Re0301142
2003/04/020962 Humphrey Pl Oakland CaDoug Lawler
2 fixture, 4 switch, 2 receptacle.
Date:  January 16, 2007

Permit id: Re0700206
2007/01/160952 Humphrey Pl Oakland Ca
Plumbing for addition, kitchen remodel.
Date:  April 2, 2003
Contractor: Doug Lawler

Permit id: Rp0300955
2003/04/020962 Humphrey Pl Oakland CaDoug Lawler
2 lav, 1 shower.
Date:  January 16, 2007

Permit id: Rp0700193
2007/01/160952 Humphrey Pl Oakland Ca
Addition of 96 s. F. To kitchen/family room at rear of sfd.
Date:  March 31, 2003
Value:   $23,000
Contractor: Doug Lawler

Client: Pine Scott E & Angelique | Permit id: Rb0301507
2003/03/3123000962 Humphrey Pl Oakland CaDoug Lawler
Termite repairs per east bay structural report dated 12-26-02 and supplemental report dated 2-17-03. All items.
Date:  April 1, 2003
Value:   $50,000
Contractor: Craig Compiano

Client: Baltic Property Ventures I Lld | Permit id: Rb0301535
2003/04/015000071654 Longridge Rd Oakland CaCraig Compiano
Addition of second story 4 sf. On top of first floor at rear. Renovate kitchen and 3 bathrooms.
Date:  April 7, 2003
Value:   $100,000
Contractor: Craig Compiano

Client: Baltic Property Ventures Ii | Permit id: Rb0301662
2003/04/0710000071654 Longridge Rd Oakland CaCraig Compiano
Addition of 1 sf to enclose rear alcove, new powder room; interior remodel to relocate kitchen, create family room.
Date:  March 28, 2006
Value:   $27,500

Client: Bahloul Paige | Permit id: Rb0601186
2006/03/282750095654 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Install pool and deck at rear of sfd.
Date:  April 5, 2006
Value:   $52,000

Client: Bahloul Paige | Permit id: Rb0601327
2006/04/055200095654 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical: addition of second story, kitchen and baths remodel
Date:  April 29, 2003
Contractor: Craig Compiano

Client: Baltic Property Ventures Ii | Permit id: Re0301542
2003/04/29071654 Longridge Rd Oakland CaCraig Compiano
Electrical for addition, kitchen remodel, interior remodel.
Date:  March 28, 2006

Client: Bahloul Paige | Permit id: Re0601036
2006/03/28095654 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical for new pool.
Date:  October 31, 2006

Client: Bahloul Paige | Permit id: Re0603663
2006/10/31095654 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Mechanical: addition of second story, kitchen and baths remodel
Date:  April 29, 2003
Contractor: Craig Compiano

Client: Baltic Property Ventures Ii | Permit id: Rm0300868
2003/04/29071654 Longridge Rd Oakland CaCraig Compiano
Mechanical for addition, kitchen remodel, gas test
Date:  March 28, 2006

Client: Bahloul Paige | Permit id: Rm0600533
2006/03/28095654 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Install pool and deck at rear of sfd.
Date:  October 31, 2006

Client: Bahloul Paige | Permit id: Rm0601929
2006/10/31095654 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing: addition of second story, kitchen and baths remodel
Date:  April 29, 2003
Contractor: Craig Compiano

Client: Baltic Property Ventures Ii | Permit id: Rp0301267
2003/04/29071654 Longridge Rd Oakland CaCraig Compiano
Plumbing for new powder room, kitchen remodel, etc.
Date:  March 28, 2006

Client: Bahloul Paige | Permit id: Rp0600757
2006/03/28095654 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Install new swimming pool.
Date:  October 31, 2006

Client: Bahloul Paige | Permit id: Rp0603044
2006/10/31095654 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Foundation underpinning
Date:  April 2, 2003
Value:   $13,752

Permit id: Rb0301557
2003/04/0213752951073 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Voluntary non-engineered residential substructural strengthening; install angle iron sruts, holddowns,mudsill
Date:  February 16, 2007
Value:   $6,350

Permit id: Rb0700716
2007/02/166350951073 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Install 2 retrofit patio doors only with retention of original framing materials per section 3403. 1 exception #2;
Date:  October 31, 2011
Value:   $9,976

Client: Topp Karen Tr | Permit id: Rb1103887
2011/10/319976951073 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Replace several kitchen cabinets, plywood in garage on one wall, minor patch and repair of drywall. No structural or
Date:  April 18, 2003
Value:   $1,000

Permit id: Rb0301917
2003/04/18100095875 Paloma Av Oakland Ca
Install rear deck, less than above grade.
Date:  February 4, 2011
Value:   $2,500

Permit id: Rb1100465
2011/02/04250095875 Paloma Av Oakland Ca
Install circuit & receptables for the ref and range 7/3/ move distribution panel, add fixtures to closet,
Date:  April 18, 2003

Permit id: Re0301395
2003/04/18095875 Paloma Av Oakland Ca
3 fixtures, 4 switches, 2 receptacles, 1 circuit.
Date:  December 30, 2005

Permit id: Re0504525
2005/12/30095875 Paloma Av Oakland Ca
Install light fixture in bath room and gfci receptacle out- et in garage.
Date:  June 20, 2006

Permit id: Re0602005
2006/06/20095875 Paloma Av Oakland Ca
Adding 2 outside lights
Date:  May 21, 2008

Permit id: Re0801640
2008/05/21095875 Paloma Av Oakland Ca
Install laundry sink in garage.
Date:  June 20, 2006

Permit id: Rp0601595
2006/06/20095875 Paloma Av Oakland Ca
Install circuit & receptables for the ref and range 7 3 move distribution panel, add fixtures to closet,
Date:  April 18, 2003

Client: Robertson James M & Edith L | Permit id: Re0301395
2003/04/18095875 Paloma Av Oakland Ca
Termite repairs per report attached; r/r rear patio door; remodel upstairs bath.
Date:  April 21, 2003
Value:   $12,000

Client: Wirshup David S | Permit id: Rb0301932
2003/04/2112000951129 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Volntary substructural strengthening: see attached
Date:  April 23, 2004
Value:   $7,121

Client: Wirshup David S | Permit id: Rb0401746
2004/04/237121951129 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Remodel kitchen and bathroom on second floor
Date:  March 2, 2005
Value:   $90,000

Client: Woolard John M | Permit id: Rb0500896
2005/03/0290000951129 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Addition of 6 sf for upstairs family room, enlarge sitting area, new downstairs study room & attached garage. New deck.
Date:  February 2, 2010
Value:   $190,000

Permit id: Rb1000426
2010/02/02190000951129 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Remodel kitchen and bathroom on second floor electrical.
Date:  April 4, 2005

Client: Woolard John M | Permit id: Re0501149
2005/04/040951129 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Addition of 6 sf for upstairs family room, enlarge sitting area, new downstairs study room & attached garage. New deck.
Date:  June 21, 2010

Permit id: Re1001806
2010/06/210951129 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Proposal to revise a previously-approved 645 s. F. Addition at the rear of an
Date:  January 13, 2010

Permit id: Rev100002
2010/01/130951129 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Remodel kitchen and bathroom on second floor mechanical.
Date:  April 4, 2005

Client: Woolard John M | Permit id: Rm0500645
2005/04/040951129 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Plumbing for termite repairs.
Date:  April 21, 2003

Client: Wirshup David S | Permit id: Rp0301169
2003/04/210951129 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Remodel kitchen and bathroom on second floor plumbing.
Date:  April 4, 2005

Client: Woolard John M | Permit id: Rp0500978
2005/04/040951129 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Outoor sink, waste & water alt.,tankless wtrhtr, gas test.
Date:  October 1, 2010

Permit id: Rp1002330
2010/10/010951129 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Proposal to revise a previously-approved 645 s. F. Addition at the rear of an
Date:  January 13, 2010

Permit id: Rev100002
2010/01/130561129 Clarendon Cres Oakland CaCarolyn Van Langjarvis Arch
Termite repairs per report attached; r r rear patio door; remodel upstairs bath.
Date:  April 21, 2003
Value:   $12,000

Client: Wirshup David S | Permit id: Rb0301932
2003/04/2112000951129 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel - no structural work
Date:  May 5, 2003
Value:   $17,500

Permit id: Rb0302151
2003/05/051750095842 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Bathroom remodel; new shower pan, whirlpool tub, shift window by .
Date:  June 7, 2005
Value:   $15,000

Client: Loduha Timothy | Permit id: Rb0502525
2005/06/071500095842 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Electrical: kitchen remodel - no structural work
Date:  May 5, 2003

Permit id: Re0301613
2003/05/05095842 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Electrical for bath remodel
Date:  June 7, 2005

Client: Loduha Timothy | Permit id: Re0501988
2005/06/07095842 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Replace existing furnace, flue, conden. Drain.
Date:  December 18, 2009

Permit id: Rm0901814
2009/12/18095842 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Plumbing for: kitchen remodel - no structural work
Date:  May 5, 2003

Permit id: Rp0301322
2003/05/05095842 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Plumbing for bath remodel
Date:  June 7, 2005

Client: Loduha Timothy | Permit id: Rp0501675
2005/06/07095842 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Install plywood roofing in preparation for re-roof
Date:  May 6, 2003
Value:   $10,000

Client: Piephostern Phyllis | Permit id: Rb0302170
2003/05/061000095618 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Install ~43 of 8 high fence along the south east side
Date:  August 27, 2009
Value:   $1,500

Client: Piephostern Phyllis | Permit id: Rb0903112
2009/08/27150095618 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
To remodel bathroom, drywall repairs in two rooms
Date:  May 7, 2003
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Crispin Lazarit

Client: Crispin Lazarit | Permit id: Rb0302194
2003/05/07300061798 Calmar Av Oakland CaCrispin Lazarit
Electrical for bath remodel.
Date:  May 7, 2003

Client: Crispin Lazarit | Permit id: Re0301636
2003/05/07095798 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical - replace heat ducts
Date:  October 14, 2003
Contractor: Crispin Lazarit

Client: Crispin Lazarit | Permit id: Rm0301883
2003/10/14061798 Calmar Av Oakland CaCrispin Lazarit
Plumbing for bath remodel.
Date:  May 7, 2003

Client: Crispin Lazarit | Permit id: Rp0301345
2003/05/07095798 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen expansion/addition
Date:  May 7, 2003
Value:   $200,000

Permit id: Rb0302207
2003/05/0720000095813 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Add flash wall along north side of sfd struct,approx l. F.
Date:  April 4, 2011
Value:   $3,000

Permit id: Rb1101112
2011/04/04300095813 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitche expansion and addition
Date:  May 30, 2003

Permit id: Re0301989
2003/05/30095813 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Mechanical for kitchen expansion and addition
Date:  May 30, 2003

Permit id: Rm0301077
2003/05/30095813 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen expansion and addition
Date:  May 30, 2003

Permit id: Rp0301593
2003/05/30095813 Rosemount Rd Oakland Ca
Mechanical for kitchen expansion and addition
Date:  May 30, 2003

Permit id: Rm0301077
2003/05/30066813 Rosemount Rd Oakland CaKarl Golden L A Attached
Electrical for kitche expansion and addition
Date:  May 30, 2003

Permit id: Re0301989
2003/05/30066813 Rosemount Rd Oakland CaKarl Golden L A Attached
Plumbing for kitchen expansion and addition
Date:  May 30, 2003

Permit id: Rp0301593
2003/05/30066813 Rosemount Rd Oakland CaKarl Golden L A Attached
Kitchen expansion/addition
Date:  May 7, 2003
Value:   $200,000

Client: Hanson Stuart & Foxhanson Mary | Permit id: Rb0302207
2003/05/0720000066813 Rosemount Rd Oakland CaKarl Golden L A Attached
Voluntary non engineered residential substructural strenghtening: install angle irons and tension ties.
Date:  May 9, 2003
Value:   $4,900

Permit id: Rb0302263
2003/05/09490095894 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Replace furnace syst
Date:  February 19, 2003

Permit id: Rm0300358
2003/02/19095894 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel, alter partitions, alter 6 windows, add french doors, and add deck at rear of bldg
Date:  May 12, 2003
Value:   $54,000

Permit id: Rb0302280
2003/05/1254000951072 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Electrical for: kitchen remodel
Date:  May 27, 2003

Permit id: Re0301932
2003/05/270951072 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Mechanical for: kitchen remodel
Date:  May 27, 2003

Permit id: Rm0301039
2003/05/270951072 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Plumbing for: kitchen remodel
Date:  May 27, 2003

Permit id: Rp0301539
2003/05/270951072 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Upgrade water service.
Date:  July 1, 2005

Permit id: Rp0501951
2005/07/010951072 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Demolish detatched garage
Date:  May 13, 2003

Permit id: Rb0302296
2003/05/1309515 Van Sicklen Pl Oakland Ca
Add master suite
Date:  July 24, 2003
Value:   $163,000

Client: Chester Regen | Permit id: Rb0303697
2003/07/241630009515 Van Sicklen Pl Oakland Ca
Electrical for master suite
Date:  March 1, 2004

Client: Chester Regen | Permit id: Re0400835
2004/03/0109515 Van Sicklen Pl Oakland Ca
Mechanical/add master suite
Date:  March 29, 2004

Client: Chester Regen, Marie Soval | Permit id: Rm0400657
2004/03/2909515 Van Sicklen Pl Oakland Ca
Plumbing for master suite
Date:  December 3, 2003

Client: Chester Regen | Permit id: Rp0303496
2003/12/0309515 Van Sicklen Pl Oakland Ca
Mechanical add master suite
Date:  March 29, 2004

Client: Chester Regen, Marie Soval | Permit id: Rm0400657
2004/03/2909515 Van Sicklen Pl Oakland Ca
Replace roof, change front entry & second front windows, minor change of kitchen
Date:  May 14, 2003
Value:   $50,000

Permit id: Rb0302328
2003/05/1450000958 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Underpin foundation at sfd.
Date:  May 25, 2007
Value:   $8,000

Permit id: Rb0702351
2007/05/258000958 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Add plywood panels, foundation bolting, h clips @ joists, a35 clips @ rim joists, blocking as needed.
Date:  September 23, 2009
Value:   $3,800

Permit id: Rb0903439
2009/09/233800958 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Repair damaged framing behind stucco per items 1c and 6g.
Date:  February 4, 2011
Value:   $6,500

Permit id: Rb1100460
2011/02/046500958 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Minor electrical
Date:  May 29, 2003

Permit id: Re0301958
2003/05/290958 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Electrical circuit upgrade to 1 amps, 4 circuits.
Date:  October 14, 2004

Permit id: Re0403898
2004/10/140958 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
125 amp service upgrade, 8 circuits, add lights, switches, receptacles.
Date:  July 9, 2010

Permit id: Re1002003
2010/07/090958 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Replace furnace and ductwork
Date:  November 26, 2007

Permit id: Rm0702134
2007/11/260958 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen remodel, gas test.
Date:  August 4, 2003

Permit id: Rp0302314
2003/08/040958 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Replace water heater
Date:  January 30, 2007

Permit id: Rp0700337
2007/01/300958 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Installation of tankless water heater with associated water piping and gas lines
Date:  January 2, 2008

Permit id: Rp0800059
2008/01/020958 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Adding a new deck
Date:  May 21, 2003
Value:   $30,000

Client: Breeden James T | Permit id: Rb0302454
2003/05/213000095894 Paramount Rd Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel, replace a kitchen window and a door. Remove one wall and place a header on its place.
Date:  June 15, 2004
Value:   $46,000

Permit id: Rb0402632
2004/06/154600095894 Paramount Rd Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel: circiuts, fixtures, switches, receptacles
Date:  June 15, 2004

Permit id: Re0402325
2004/06/15095894 Paramount Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical/adding a new deck - switches, lights
Date:  July 1, 2004

Client: Breeden James T | Permit id: Re0402576
2004/07/01095894 Paramount Rd Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel: hood exhaust fan
Date:  June 15, 2004

Permit id: Rm0401268
2004/06/15095894 Paramount Rd Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel: sink, dishwasher, garbage disposal
Date:  June 15, 2004

Permit id: Rp0401829
2004/06/15095894 Paramount Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical adding a new deck - switches, lights
Date:  July 1, 2004

Client: Breeden James T | Permit id: Re0402576
2004/07/01095894 Paramount Rd Oakland Ca
Bath remodel in detached garage
Date:  May 21, 2003
Value:   $15,000

Permit id: Rb0302474
2003/05/2115000951112 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Electrical: bath remodel in detached garage
Date:  June 2, 2003

Permit id: Re0302010
2003/06/020951112 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Mechanical for bath remodel
Date:  May 21, 2003

Permit id: Rm0301015
2003/05/210951112 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Plumbing: bath remodel in detached garage
Date:  June 2, 2003

Permit id: Rp0301606
2003/06/020951112 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Rebuild rear stairs
Date:  May 22, 2003
Value:   $1,500

Permit id: Rb0302486
2003/05/2215009511 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Add 419sq. Ft. Second story addition to 2,387sq. Ft. Two-story sfd
Date:  February 22, 2007
Value:   $100,000

Permit id: Rb0700773
2007/02/221000009511 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Add 419sq. Ft. Second story addition to 2,387sq. Ft. Two-story sfd
Date:  March 19, 2009
Value:   $1,000

Permit id: Rb0900950
2009/03/1910009511 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Building air sealing and insulation; duct sealing.
Date:  July 19, 2011
Value:   $2,200

Permit id: Rb1102545
2011/07/1922009511 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
2 outlet for a hot tub
Date:  April 2, 2003

Permit id: Re0301141
2003/04/0209511 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Electrical for second story addition
Date:  July 13, 2007

Permit id: Re0702402
2007/07/1309511 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Electrical for second story addition finish work started under #re0702402
Date:  March 26, 2009

Permit id: Re0900836
2009/03/2609511 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Add 419sq. Ft. Second story addition to 2,387sq. Ft. Two-story sfd
Date:  May 31, 2007

Permit id: Rm0701038
2007/05/3109511 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Replacement furnace, condensate dreain, flue
Date:  December 5, 2007

Permit id: Rm0702192
2007/12/0509511 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Add 419sq. Ft. Second story addition to 2,387sq. Ft. Two-story sfd
Date:  March 26, 2009

Permit id: Rm0900448
2009/03/2609511 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Voluntary substructural strengthening with bolting, clips and plywood.
Date:  May 22, 2003
Value:   $7,800

Client: Rogert Hartley | Permit id: Rb0302516
2003/05/22780095996 Grosvenor Pl Oakland Ca
Termite repairs per report #0303139: items 1a, 1b, 3a, 4a, 8a, 9b, 10a, 10b and 10c and termite repairs per report
Date:  June 6, 2003
Value:   $6,800

Permit id: Rb0302748
2003/06/06680095996 Grosvenor Pl Oakland Ca
Replace partial fnd
Date:  June 28, 2007
Value:   $14,000

Permit id: Rb0702979
2007/06/281400095996 Grosvenor Pl Oakland Ca
Reinforce foundation with additional concrete. #1103214. Final permit by 8-22-11
Date:  June 23, 2011
Value:   $1,000

Permit id: Rb1102220
2011/06/23100095996 Grosvenor Pl Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel, structural strengthening. Window changes, remove rear stairs.
Date:  May 23, 2003
Value:   $95,000

Permit id: Rb0302528
2003/05/2395000955 Downey Pl Oakland Ca
Baths remodel, structural strengthening on sw corner. Window changes
Date:  May 6, 2005
Value:   $80,000

Permit id: Rb0502005
2005/05/0680000955 Downey Pl Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen remodel.
Date:  May 23, 2003

Permit id: Re0301906
2003/05/230955 Downey Pl Oakland Ca
Replace furnace, flue, & circuit
Date:  July 21, 2004

Permit id: Re0402809
2004/07/210955 Downey Pl Oakland Ca
Electrical/ remodel 2 baths
Date:  May 24, 2005

Permit id: Re0501794
2005/05/240955 Downey Pl Oakland Ca
Mechanical for kitchen remodel. Gas test.
Date:  May 23, 2003

Permit id: Rm0301030
2003/05/230955 Downey Pl Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen remodel.
Date:  May 23, 2003

Permit id: Rp0301519
2003/05/230955 Downey Pl Oakland Ca
Plumbing/ remodel 2 baths
Date:  May 24, 2005

Permit id: Rp0501509
2005/05/240955 Downey Pl Oakland Ca
Plumbing remodel 2 baths
Date:  May 24, 2005

Client: Preiss Jack & Olson Susan | Permit id: Rp0501509
2005/05/240955 Downey Pl Oakland Ca
Electrical remodel 2 baths
Date:  May 24, 2005

Client: Preiss Jack & Olson Susan | Permit id: Re0501794
2005/05/240955 Downey Pl Oakland Ca
Addition to attached garage, new heated studio behind garage and new entry steps and walk.
Date:  December 17, 2010
Value:   $60,000

Permit id: Rb1004803
2010/12/176000095739 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for addition and rewire house
Date:  August 5, 2004

Permit id: Re0402961
2004/08/05095739 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Two f. A. U. S, 1 flue, 9 envir. Air ducts in sfd
Date:  June 18, 2004

Permit id: Rm0401292
2004/06/18095739 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for addition and kitchen remodel
Date:  July 27, 2004

Permit id: Rp0402275
2004/07/27095739 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Add 870s/f 2-story addition
Date:  May 23, 2003
Value:   $250,000
Contractor: Zoe Gholson

Client: Kass Michael J & Hartley Katha | Permit id: Rb0302536
2003/05/2325000059739 Calmar Av Oakland CaZoe Gholson
Bathroom remodel.
Date:  August 16, 2010
Value:   $12,000

Client: Allor Catharine L Tr | Permit id: Rb1003131
2010/08/161200095745 Walavista Av Oakland Ca
Electricla for 2nd story addition
Date:  September 10, 2003
Contractor: Bethany Opalach

Client: Allor Catharine L | Permit id: Re0303281
2003/09/10064745 Walavista Av Oakland CaBethany Opalach
1 toilet, 1 lav, 1 shower.
Date:  August 16, 2010

Client: Allor Catharine L Tr | Permit id: Re1002433
2010/08/16095745 Walavista Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical to: add 317s/f 2nd-story addition
Date:  August 28, 2003

Client: Allor Catharine L | Permit id: Rm0301602
2003/08/28095745 Walavista Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for 2nd story addition
Date:  September 10, 2003
Contractor: Bethany Opalach

Client: Allor Catharine L | Permit id: Rm0301657
2003/09/10064745 Walavista Av Oakland CaBethany Opalach
Machanical permit to install a eviornmental exhaust fan and 1 heat register.
Date:  August 16, 2010

Client: Allor Catharine L Tr | Permit id: Rm1002434
2010/08/16095745 Walavista Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing to: add 317s/f 2nd-story addition
Date:  August 8, 2003

Client: Allor Catharine L | Permit id: Rp0302372
2003/08/08095745 Walavista Av Oakland Ca
1 envir air duct, 1 fan blower.
Date:  August 16, 2010

Client: Allor Catharine L Tr | Permit id: Rp1001937
2010/08/16095745 Walavista Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical to: add 317s f 2nd-story addition
Date:  August 28, 2003

Client: Allor Catharine L | Permit id: Rm0301602
2003/08/28095745 Walavista Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing to: add 317s f 2nd-story addition
Date:  August 8, 2003

Client: Allor Catharine L | Permit id: Rp0302372
2003/08/08095745 Walavista Av Oakland Ca
Add 317s/f 2nd-story addition
Date:  May 27, 2003
Value:   $125,000
Contractor: Bethany Opalach

Client: Allor Catharine L | Permit id: Rb0302560
2003/05/2712500064745 Walavista Av Oakland CaBethany Opalach
Remove and replace front porch and steps
Date:  May 30, 2003
Value:   $10,090

Client: Wilkins Deanna | Permit id: Rb0302636
2003/05/301009095795 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Electrical service upgrade to 125 amps
Date:  September 25, 2003

Client: Wilkins Deanna | Permit id: Re0303499
2003/09/25095795 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Foundation & retaining repair under house
Date:  June 3, 2003
Value:   $12,000

Permit id: Rb0302674
2003/06/031200095885 Creed Rd Oakland Ca
Kitchen and bath remodel on 1st floor, alter 7 windows, al- ter interior stairs to basement, & add deck at rear of bldg
Date:  June 4, 2003
Value:   $105,000

Client: Difilippo Carol Tr | Permit id: Rb0302694
2003/06/0410500095708 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Addition of master bathoom on second floor of sfr
Date:  August 18, 2005
Value:   $90,000

Client: Carol Difilippo | Permit id: Rb0503795
2005/08/189000095708 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical for: kitchen and bath remodel on 1st floor
Date:  July 15, 2003

Client: Difilippo Carol Tr | Permit id: Re0302574
2003/07/15095708 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical for addition of master bathoom on second floor
Date:  January 30, 2006

Client: Carol Difilippo | Permit id: Re0600310
2006/01/30095708 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Mechanical for: kitchen and bath remodel on 1st floor
Date:  July 15, 2003

Client: Difilippo Carol Tr | Permit id: Rm0301348
2003/07/15095708 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for: kitchen and bath remodel on 1st floor
Date:  July 15, 2003

Client: Difilippo Carol Tr | Permit id: Rp0302078
2003/07/15095708 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for addition of master bathoom on second floor
Date:  January 30, 2006

Client: Carol Difilippo | Permit id: Rp0600278
2006/01/30095708 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Termite repair per report #0208125: items 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, 8e, and 8f
Date:  June 6, 2003
Value:   $3,000

Permit id: Rb0302746
2003/06/06300095815 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Termite repair per report #0208125: items 10a
Date:  June 6, 2003
Value:   $800

Permit id: Rb0302747
2003/06/0680095815 Longridge Rd Oakland Ca
Termite repairs per report attached - all items.
Date:  June 10, 2003
Value:   $38,000

Client: Edwrd Lee | Permit id: Rb0302810
2003/06/1038000951258 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Kitchen, master bath room remodel, relocating powder room from existing space to existing space
Date:  July 2, 2003
Value:   $30,000

Permit id: Rb0303278
2003/07/0230000951258 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen, powder, master bath room remodel
Date:  July 2, 2003

Permit id: Re0302428
2003/07/020951258 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Mechanical for fau
Date:  July 2, 2003

Permit id: Rm0301283
2003/07/020951258 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen, powder, master bath room remodel
Date:  July 2, 2003

Permit id: Rp0301947
2003/07/020951258 Sunnyhills Rd Oakland Ca
New foundation, retaining walls, piers and drainage
Date:  June 12, 2003
Value:   $90,000

Permit id: Rb0302850
2003/06/1290000954289 Lakeshore Av Oakland Ca
Relocate existing duct for permit #rb0302865
Date:  August 24, 2004

Client: Ngoc Robertson | Permit id: Rm0401688
2004/08/24067825 Santa Ray Av Oakland CaJonathan P Robertson
Plumbing repairs for sfd,
Date:  June 2, 2004

Client: Robertson Ngoc N | Permit id: Rp0401667
2004/06/02095825 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for 2nd fl bathroom, create space for laundry machines, alteration of 1st fl areas & 1/2 bath, alteration
Date:  May 25, 2004

Client: Ngoc Robertson | Permit id: Re0402044
2004/05/25067825 Santa Ray Av Oakland CaJonathan P Robertson
Alteration of 2nd fl bathroom, create space for laundry machines, alteration of 1st fl areas & 1/2 bath, alteration
Date:  June 12, 2003
Value:   $30,000

Client: Ngoc Robertson | Permit id: Rb0302865
2003/06/123000067825 Santa Ray Av Oakland CaJonathan P Robertson
Kitchen remodel, cabinets, counters, replacing window in existing opening, relocating 1 door
Date:  June 13, 2003
Value:   $59,000

Client: Wassam Ann | Permit id: Rb0302890
2003/06/1359000957 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Replace 62 of foundation.
Date:  May 13, 2004
Value:   $12,000

Permit id: Rb0402077
2004/05/1312000957 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Remodel existing kitchen, laundry, bath. Planning approval on plans.
Date:  January 19, 2010
Value:   $150,000
Contractor: David Hatfield

Client: Merck Elizabeth A Tr | Permit id: Rb1000255
2010/01/19150000647 Mandana Bl Oakland CaDavid Hatfield
Electrical for kitchen remodel
Date:  June 13, 2003

Client: Wassam Ann | Permit id: Re0302174
2003/06/130957 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Electrical - remodel existing kitchen, laundry, bath.
Date:  February 8, 2010
Contractor: David Hatfield

Client: Merck Elizabeth A Tr | Permit id: Re1000429
2010/02/080647 Mandana Bl Oakland CaDavid Hatfield
Mechanical for kitchen remodel
Date:  June 13, 2003

Client: Wassam Ann | Permit id: Rm0301154
2003/06/130957 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Install new fau, flue and condensate drain.
Date:  January 5, 2010

Client: Wassam Ann | Permit id: Rm1000078
2010/01/050957 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Mechanical - remodel existing kitchen, laundry, bath. Planning approval on plans.
Date:  February 8, 2010
Contractor: David Hatfield

Client: Merck Elizabeth A Tr | Permit id: Rm1000270
2010/02/080647 Mandana Bl Oakland CaDavid Hatfield
Plumbing for repairs
Date:  February 19, 2003

Permit id: Rp0300494
2003/02/190957 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen remodel
Date:  June 13, 2003

Client: Wassam Ann | Permit id: Rp0301744
2003/06/130957 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Repl water main from meter to house
Date:  November 4, 2003
Value:   $1

Client: Lott Bernice Etal | Permit id: Rp0303201
2003/11/041957 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Replace water system
Date:  September 1, 2005

Client: Lott Bernice Etal | Permit id: Rp0502574
2005/09/010957 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Replace water main
Date:  September 13, 2005

Permit id: Rp0502662
2005/09/130957 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Plumbing - remodel existing kitchen, laundry, bath.
Date:  February 8, 2010
Contractor: David Hatfield

Client: Merck Elizabeth A Tr | Permit id: Rp1000356
2010/02/080647 Mandana Bl Oakland CaDavid Hatfield
Add 975s f new liveable space in basement
Date:  June 16, 2003
Value:   $20,000

Client: Blackburn Sidney & Gloria J | Permit id: Rb0302910
2003/06/162000095815 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Add 975s/f new liveable space in basement
Date:  June 16, 2003
Value:   $20,000

Permit id: Rb0302910
2003/06/162000095815 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Continue permit rb0100782,for final
Date:  August 27, 2004
Value:   $1,000

Permit id: Rb0403879
2004/08/27100095815 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Addition at rear
Date:  December 4, 2006
Value:   $110,000

Permit id: Rb0605326
2006/12/0411000095815 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Complete rb0605326 for addition at rear
Date:  July 2, 2008
Value:   $80,000

Permit id: Rb0802870
2008/07/028000095815 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
New panel, 12 fixtures, 4 switches, 6 receptacles
Date:  September 15, 2004

Permit id: Re0403460
2004/09/15095815 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Complete rb0605326 for addition at rear
Date:  September 29, 2008

Permit id: Re0802995
2008/09/29095815 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Complete rb0605326 for addition at rear
Date:  July 15, 2010

Permit id: Re1002080
2010/07/15095815 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Continue permit rb0100782,for final
Date:  August 27, 2004
Value:   $1,000
Contractor: Steven Wilson

Client: Blackburn Sidney & Gloria J | Permit id: Rb0403879
2004/08/27100090815 Santa Ray Av Oakland CaSteven Wilson
New panel, 12 fixtures, 4 switches, 6 receptacles
Date:  September 15, 2004
Contractor: Steven Wilson

Client: Blackburn Sidney & Gloria J | Permit id: Re0403460
2004/09/15090815 Santa Ray Av Oakland CaSteven Wilson
Remove front steps scheduled for replacement later
Date:  June 16, 2003
Value:   $1,000

Client: Alice M Beasley | Permit id: Rb0302918
2003/06/161000951018 Park Ln Oakland Ca
Replace front steps and retaining walls. Note; the removal of existing is under rb0302918
Date:  June 23, 2003
Value:   $18,000

Client: Alice M Beasley | Permit id: Rb0303071
2003/06/2318000951018 Park Ln Oakland Ca
Add closet and deck to existing master bedroom.
Date:  July 1, 2003
Value:   $4,750
Contractor: David Reichel

Client: Alice M. Beasley | Permit id: Rb0303241
2003/07/014750801018 Park Ln Oakland CaDavid Reichel
Addition of a vestibule connecting garage to kitchen. Replacing stairs with fireproof construction to grade.
Date:  May 17, 2005
Value:   $10,000
Contractor: William Coburn

Client: Alice Beasley | Permit id: Rb0502180
2005/05/1710000861018 Park Ln Oakland CaWilliam Coburn
Replace deteriorated wall at garage. Repair existing fence. New decorative fences. Remove existing planter, add on to
Date:  May 17, 2005
Value:   $8,000
Contractor: William Coburn

Client: Alice Beasley | Permit id: Rb0502183
2005/05/178000861018 Park Ln Oakland CaWilliam Coburn
Bathroom remodel; replace 1 bathroom window.
Date:  July 1, 2011
Value:   $19,500

Client: Beasley Alice M Tr | Permit id: Rb1102313
2011/07/0119500951018 Park Ln Oakland Ca
Voluntary seismic upgrade by installing new hardyframe shear panels on both levels,fill in
Date:  August 1, 2011
Value:   $34,500

Client: Beasley, Alice M. Trust | Permit id: Rb1102720
2011/08/0134500561018 Park Ln Oakland CaJonathan Dougall Construction
Electrical for new closet.
Date:  July 1, 2003
Contractor: David J. Reichel

Client: Alice M. Beasley | Permit id: Re0302411
2003/07/010701018 Park Ln Oakland CaDavid J. Reichel
Electrical for new closet. Complete re0302411
Date:  March 22, 2005

Client: Alice M. Beasley | Permit id: Re0500997
2005/03/220951018 Park Ln Oakland Ca
Replace deteriorated wall at garage. Repair existing fence. New decorative fences. Electrical for rb0502183
Date:  September 19, 2005
Contractor: William Coburn

Client: Alice Beasley | Permit id: Re0503344
2005/09/190861018 Park Ln Oakland CaWilliam Coburn
2 switch, 2 receptacle, 1 fan, 4 fixture
Date:  July 1, 2011

Client: Beasley Alice M Tr | Permit id: Re1101835
2011/07/010951018 Park Ln Oakland Ca
Install new a/c unit in back patio.
Date:  May 17, 2010

Client: Beasley Alice M Tr | Permit id: Rm1000789
2010/05/170951018 Park Ln Oakland Ca
1 toilet, 2 lav, 1 shower.
Date:  July 1, 2011

Client: Beasley Alice M Tr | Permit id: Rp1101451
2011/07/010951018 Park Ln Oakland Ca
Install new a c unit in back patio.
Date:  May 17, 2010

Client: Beasley Alice M Tr | Permit id: Rm1000789
2010/05/170951018 Park Ln Oakland Ca
Repair rotted shower/wood; replacle tile on shower walls.
Date:  June 18, 2003
Value:   $2,500

Permit id: Rb0302985
2003/06/182500953733 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for bathroom repair/replace fixtures.
Date:  June 18, 2003

Permit id: Rp0301792
2003/06/180953733 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Copper re-pipe. 9/24/08: 1 water service.
Date:  September 16, 2008

Permit id: Rp0802310
2008/09/160953733 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Repair rotted shower wood; replacle tile on shower walls.
Date:  June 18, 2003
Value:   $2,500

Client: Wong Pak H & Vivian M | Permit id: Rb0302985
2003/06/182500953733 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Copper re-pipe. 9 24 08: 1 water service.
Date:  September 16, 2008

Client: Wong Pak H & Vivian M Tr | Permit id: Rp0802310
2008/09/160953733 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for bathroom repair replace fixtures.
Date:  June 18, 2003

Client: Wong Pak H & Vivian M | Permit id: Rp0301792
2003/06/180953733 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Upgrade and extension of existing rear deck.
Date:  June 23, 2003
Value:   $2,000

Permit id: Rb0303067
2003/06/232000951124 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen and bath remodel.
Date:  February 6, 2003

Permit id: Re0300441
2003/02/060951124 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Mechanical for kitchen and bath remodel. Gas test, gas range
Date:  February 6, 2003

Permit id: Rm0300282
2003/02/060951124 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen and bath remodel.
Date:  February 6, 2003

Permit id: Rp0300389
2003/02/060951124 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Replace existing deck and build new 6x8 ft landing deck at rear.
Date:  June 25, 2003
Value:   $4,500

Client: Hollenbach Jill A & Paul A & G | Permit id: Rb0303122
2003/06/25450095695 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Replace existing deck and build new 6x8 ft landing/deck at rear.
Date:  June 25, 2003
Value:   $4,500

Permit id: Rb0303122
2003/06/25450095695 Calmar Av Oakland Ca
Replacement of of foundation on right side
Date:  June 27, 2003
Value:   $5,000

Permit id: Rb0303184
2003/06/27500095834 Carlston Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel including struct. Work,window replacement. Relocation of laundry & powder room.
Date:  May 11, 2004
Value:   $128,500

Permit id: Rb0402026
2004/05/1112850095834 Carlston Av Oakland Ca
Remodel existing master bathroom and closet.
Date:  April 16, 2010
Value:   $18,700

Permit id: Rb1001386
2010/04/161870095834 Carlston Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel including struct. Work,window replacement. Relocation of laundry & powder room.
Date:  May 11, 2004

Permit id: Re0401835
2004/05/11095834 Carlston Av Oakland Ca
3 switch, 2 receptacle, 1 fan, 2 fixture.
Date:  April 16, 2010

Permit id: Re1001163
2010/04/16095834 Carlston Av Oakland Ca
1 toilet, 1 lav, 1 shower.
Date:  April 16, 2010

Permit id: Rp1000928
2010/04/16095834 Carlston Av Oakland Ca
Abate complaint #0607484; replace old trellis w/new trellis, at approx. 7 high for a rear yard shade structure. Add 24 lf
Date:  December 18, 2006
Value:   $1,001
Contractor: Jeanne Finberg

Client: Stalker Robert&finberg Jeanne | Permit id: Rb0605505
2006/12/18100156834 Carlston Av Oakland CaJeanne Finberg
Rear deck addition and new in-kind retaining wall. New window s, exterior stair installation,foundation repairs,
Date:  June 30, 2003
Value:   $15,000

Permit id: Rb0303231
2003/06/3015000954035 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Rear deck addition and new in-kind retaining wall. New window s, exterior stair installation,foundation repairs,
Date:  May 11, 2005
Value:   $15,000

Permit id: Rb0303231
2005/05/1115000954035 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Electrical lights, plugs, switches, etc.
Date:  January 13, 2006

Permit id: Re0600199
2006/01/130954035 Balfour Av Oakland Ca
Bolt sill plate to foundation
Date:  July 1, 2003
Value:   $2,500

Permit id: Rb0303244
2003/07/01250095805 Walavista Av Oakland Ca
Run 3 circuits with receptacles outlets
Date:  July 1, 2003

Permit id: Re0302410
2003/07/01095805 Walavista Av Oakland Ca
Install new window and minor bath remodel, replace fixtures
Date:  July 7, 2003
Value:   $3,500

Client: Graeme Blackmore | Permit id: Rb0303325
2003/07/07350095723 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Replace fixtures in bathroom
Date:  July 7, 2003

Client: Graeme Blackmore | Permit id: Re0302480
2003/07/07095723 Santa Ray Av Oakland Ca
Replace solarium roof, damaged doors, windows, new exterior stair, new skylights
Date:  July 8, 2003
Value:   $82,000

Permit id: Rb0303344
2003/07/0882000951147 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Bathroom remodel/ no strructural changes
Date:  March 16, 2004
Value:   $18,000

Permit id: Rb0401120
2004/03/1618000951147 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Electrical to: replace solarium roof
Date:  September 3, 2003

Permit id: Re0303208
2003/09/030951147 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Electrical for bathroom remodel/ no strructural changes
Date:  March 16, 2004

Permit id: Re0401011
2004/03/160951147 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Plumbing for bathroom remodel/ no structural changes
Date:  March 16, 2004

Permit id: Rp0400794
2004/03/160951147 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Plumbing for bathroom remodel no structural changes
Date:  March 16, 2004

Client: Benvenutti Peter J & Pearlman | Permit id: Rp0400794
2004/03/160951147 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Electrical for bathroom remodel no strructural changes
Date:  March 16, 2004

Client: Benvenutti Peter J & Pearlman | Permit id: Re0401011
2004/03/160951147 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Bathroom remodel no strructural changes
Date:  March 16, 2004
Value:   $18,000

Client: Benvenutti Peter J & Pearlman | Permit id: Rb0401120
2004/03/1618000951147 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Residential sfd--retaining wall. Complete rb0200490. R ok.
Date:  July 8, 2003
Value:   $500

Permit id: Rb0303362
2003/07/08500951087 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Bath remodel - add 1 window, fixture changeouts, tile and flooring
Date:  February 17, 2005
Value:   $3,000

Permit id: Rb0500712
2005/02/173000951087 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Bathroom remodel remove and replace fixtures and no framing.
Date:  November 24, 2009
Value:   $7,400

Permit id: Rb0904127
2009/11/247400951087 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Install new retaining wall against existing inside the detached garage.
Date:  May 19, 2010
Value:   $8,000

Permit id: Rb1001849
2010/05/198000951087 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Voluntary partial earthquake reinforcing in crawl space/ basement area.
Date:  May 19, 2010
Value:   $8,000

Permit id: Rb1001850
2010/05/198000951087 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Electrical for bath remodel.
Date:  February 17, 2005

Permit id: Re0500601
2005/02/170951087 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Electrical for bathroom remodel.
Date:  November 24, 2009

Permit id: Re0903359
2009/11/240951087 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Replace furnce with 100k btu furnace
Date:  January 11, 2008

Permit id: Rm0800125
2008/01/110951087 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Replace furnce with 100k btu furnace. Complete work started rm0800125.
Date:  March 10, 2010

Permit id: Rm1000425
2010/03/100951087 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Plumbing for bath remodel.
Date:  February 17, 2005

Permit id: Rp0500516
2005/02/170951087 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Increasing water service from 3/4 to 1 1/4 copper.
Date:  November 5, 2007

Permit id: Rp0703103
2007/11/050951087 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Plumbing for bathroom remodel.
Date:  November 24, 2009

Permit id: Rp0902470
2009/11/240951087 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Voluntary partial earthquake reinforcing in crawl space basement area.
Date:  May 19, 2010
Value:   $8,000

Client: Gamble, Paul F & Eugenia B | Permit id: Rb1001850
2010/05/198000951087 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Increasing water service from 3 4 to 1 1 4 copper.
Date:  November 5, 2007

Client: Cole Rufus L & Lisa R | Permit id: Rp0703103
2007/11/050951087 Mandana Bl Oakland Ca
Kitchen and bathroom remodel; relocate windows.
Date:  July 10, 2003
Value:   $40,000

Permit id: Rb0303417
2003/07/1040000951092 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen and bath remodel.
Date:  July 31, 2003

Permit id: Re0302816
2003/07/310951092 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Mechanical/kitchen and bathroom remodel; relocate windows.
Date:  July 31, 2003

Permit id: Rm0301454
2003/07/310951092 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Plumbing/kitchen and bathroom remodel; relocate windows.
Date:  July 31, 2003

Permit id: Rp0302260
2003/07/310951092 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Plumbing kitchen and bathroom remodel; relocate windows.
Date:  July 31, 2003

Client: Smith Roger E & Victoria K | Permit id: Rp0302260
2003/07/310951092 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Mechanical kitchen and bathroom remodel; relocate windows.
Date:  July 31, 2003

Client: Smith Roger E & Victoria K | Permit id: Rm0301454
2003/07/310951092 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Add 2 bath rms within existing footprint, remodel laundry, bath, garage door, remdel game room, new fence
Date:  July 11, 2003
Value:   $40,000

Client: Smith Brian C | Permit id: Rb0303457
2003/07/11400009514 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Add 2 bath rms within existing footprint, remodel laundry, bath, garage door, remdel game room, new fence
Date:  March 17, 2004
Value:   $40,000

Client: Smith Brian C | Permit id: Rb0303457
2004/03/17400009514 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Voluntary non-engineered residential substructural strength- ening: add ancor bolts, plywood bracing to cripple walls,
Date:  December 8, 2009
Value:   $5,400

Permit id: Rb0904284
2009/12/0854006214 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland CaWayne Harrison Earthquake Safe
Legalize interior remodel of laundry room done w/o the benefits of a permit. Abate 1002669.
Date:  May 6, 2010
Value:   $2,500

Permit id: Rb1001655
2010/05/0625009514 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical service upgrade to 2 amps, interior remodel.
Date:  November 18, 2003

Client: Smith Brian C | Permit id: Re0304149
2003/11/1809514 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Legalize interior remodel of laundry room done w/o the benefits of a permit. Abate 1002669.
Date:  May 10, 2010

Permit id: Re1001371
2010/05/1009514 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Add 2 bath rms within existing footprint, remodel laundry, bath, garage door, remdel game room, new fence
Date:  September 17, 2004

Client: Smith Brian C | Permit id: Rm0401828
2004/09/1709514 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Replace existing btu 95% afue furnace
Date:  September 7, 2007

Client: Chambers Darlene | Permit id: Rm0701652
2007/09/0709514 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Replacing 6 env. Air ducts/vents
Date:  October 12, 2007

Client: Chambers Darlene | Permit id: Rm0701857
2007/10/1209514 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for new bathrooms, interior remodel.
Date:  November 18, 2003

Client: Smith Brian C | Permit id: Rp0303357
2003/11/1809514 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Legalize interior remodel of laundry room done w o the benefits of a permit. Abate 1002669.
Date:  May 6, 2010
Value:   $2,500

Client: Camara Ronald F & Marilyn A | Permit id: Rb1001655
2010/05/0625009514 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Replacing 6 env. Air ducts vents
Date:  October 12, 2007

Client: Chambers Darlene | Permit id: Rm0701857
2007/10/1209514 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Legalize interior remodel of laundry room done w o the benefits of a permit. Abate 1002669.
Date:  May 10, 2010

Client: Camara Ronald F & Marilyn A | Permit id: Re1001371
2010/05/1009514 Trestle Glen Rd Oakland Ca
Foundation support & seismic retrofit per plan
Date:  July 16, 2003
Value:   $15,000

Permit id: Rb0303526
2003/07/161500095983 Park Ln Oakland Ca
Remodel bathroom in lower level; new shower walls, tile floor and fixture replacements in same locations.
Date:  February 23, 2005
Value:   $7,500

Permit id: Rb0500801
2005/02/23750095983 Park Ln Oakland Ca
Replace 2 rear windows, replace deck access window w/french door, kitchen remodel, kitchen fixture upgrade.
Date:  November 14, 2007
Value:   $15,000

Permit id: Rb0705292
2007/11/141500095983 Park Ln Oakland Ca
Electrical for bath remodel.
Date:  February 23, 2005

Permit id: Re0500657
2005/02/23095983 Park Ln Oakland Ca
Replace 2 rear windows, replace deck access window w/french door, kitchen remodel, kitchen fixture upgrade.
Date:  November 14, 2007

Permit id: Re0703841
2007/11/14095983 Park Ln Oakland Ca
Plumbing for bath remodel.
Date:  February 23, 2005

Permit id: Rp0500579
2005/02/23095983 Park Ln Oakland Ca
Replace 2 rear windows, replace deck access window w french door, kitchen remodel, kitchen fixture upgrade.
Date:  November 14, 2007

Client: Silver Franklin S & Elizabeth | Permit id: Re0703841
2007/11/14095983 Park Ln Oakland Ca
Replace 2 rear windows, replace deck access window w french door, kitchen remodel, kitchen fixture upgrade.
Date:  November 14, 2007
Value:   $15,000

Client: Silver Franklin S & Elizabeth | Permit id: Rb0705292
2007/11/141500095983 Park Ln Oakland Ca
Bathroom remodel - replace tile in shower and floor, replace cabinets.
Date:  July 17, 2003
Value:   $3,500

Permit id: Rb0303541
2003/07/173500951115 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Electrical for bath remodel.
Date:  July 17, 2003

Permit id: Re0302615
2003/07/170951115 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Plumbing for bath remodel.
Date:  July 17, 2003

Permit id: Rp0302109
2003/07/170951115 Clarendon Cres Oakland Ca
Replace siding with wood shake siding. Remove chimney and replace with class 5 vent and false chaseway.
Date:  July 21, 2003
Value:   $5,000

Permit id: Rb0303613
2003/07/215000953801 Balfour Av Oakland Ca

Contractor Rank Contractor Details Number of Projects Avg. Project Cost Years in Business Photos
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