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SCORE 96 2 room addition on second floor Client: Ellison Marie | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: 1-2fam | Permit id: E593690 | Parcel: 2009663000 |
SCORE 96 2 room addition on second floor Client: Ellison Marie | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: December 2, 2016 | Current use: 1-2fam | Permit id: E593690 | Parcel: 2009663000 |
SCORE 99 Construct a salt box style shed dormer over portion of existing structure Client: Ellison Marie | Permit type: Addition | Permit status: Expired | Current use: 1-2fam | Permit id: Alt548459 | Parcel: 2009663000 |
SCORE 99 Construct a salt box style shed dormer over portion of existing structure Client: Ellison Marie | Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: August 16, 2016 | Current use: 1-2fam | Permit id: Alt548459 | Parcel: 2009663000 |
Leak repair 5x4 roadway ![]() Client: Howe Christophe | Permit type: Emergency excavation permit | Permit id: Emer-408813 | Parcel: 2009663000 |
SCORE 91 Gas pipe furnace Client: Howe Christophe | Permit type: Gas | Current use: 1-2fam | Permit id: G389796 | Parcel: 2009663000 |
SCORE 91 Gas pipe furnace Client: Howe Christophe | Permit type: Gas | Permit status: Expired | Current use: 1-2fam | Permit id: G389796 | Parcel: 2009663000 |
SCORE 91 Gas pipe furnace Client: Howe Christophe | Permit type: Gas permit | Expiration date: January 31, 2015 | Current use: 1-2fam | Permit id: G389796 | Parcel: 2009663000 |
SCORE 100 Demo old bx wires fish in new outlets (oldwork) range outlet 2 kitchen applience circirts gfci (oldwork) living room switches (oldwork) Client: Howe Christophe | Permit type: Electrical | Current use: 1-2fam | Permit id: E325512 | Parcel: 2009663000 |
SCORE 100 Demo old bx wires / fish in new outlets (oldwork) / range outlet / 2 kitchen applience circirts gfci (oldwork) / living room switches (oldwork) Client: Howe Christophe | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: 1-2fam | Permit id: E325512 | Parcel: 2009663000 |