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SCORE 56 Remove and replace existing rear open wood porch and stairs as per plan. Same size and location as existing. Permit type: Permit - renovation/alteration | Permit id: 100675338 |
SCORE 67 Tear off and replace shingle roof of church. All work sae Permit type: Permit - easy permit process | Permit id: 100565362 |
SCORE 67 Tuckpoint 50 sq. Ft. & sealant replacement 5 ln. Ft. Permit type: Permit - easy permit process | Permit id: 100485948 |
SCORE 95 Intallation of 1 verticle wheel chair lift. Pursuant to plans submitted & to be installed in compliance with city of chicago elevator code. Permit type: Permit - elevator eq | Permit id: 100440388 |
SCORE 95 Intallation of 1 verticle wheel chair lift. Pursuant to plans submitted & to be installed in compliance with city of chicago elevator code. Permit type: Permit - elevator equipment | Permit id: 100440388 |
SCORE 72 Replace existing 6-0" tall by 89-0" long solid wood fence with post set in concrete including one gate - located at east property line set back from front property line by approx 48. Permit type: Permit - easy permit process | Permit id: 100341014 |
SCORE 59 Replace two steel front balconies, first and second floors, same size same location per plans Permit type: Permit - renovation/ | Permit id: 100323916 |
SCORE 59 Replace two steel front balconies, first and second floors, same size same location per plans Permit type: Permit - renovation/alteration | Permit id: 100323916 |
SCORE 100 Provide and install one (1) vertical wheel chair lift at rear deck. Pursuant to plans submitted. Permit type: Permit - elevator eq | Permit id: 100321747 |
SCORE 100 Provide and install one (1) vertical wheel chair lift at rear deck. Pursuant to plans submitted. Permit type: Permit - elevator equipment | Permit id: 100321747 |