Building Permits at 5801 Morris St Philadelphia PA 191443809

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Use permit
Date:  November 20, 2013

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 506798
2013/11/200955801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809
Mechanical permit
Date:  September 9, 2013

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 493621
2013/09/090955801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809
Electrical permit
Date:  April 22, 2008

Permit status: Expired | Permit id: 144369
2008/04/220955801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809
Zoning permit
Date:  February 8, 2008

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 130178
2008/02/080955801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809
Zoning admin review
Date:  September 13, 2013

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 494760
2013/09/130955801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809
Plumbing permit
Date:  February 21, 2008

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 132581
2008/02/210955801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809
Use permit
Date:  February 8, 2008

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 130626
2008/02/080955801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809
Plumbing permit
Date:  May 31, 2007

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 79853
2007/05/310955801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809
Administrative permit
Date:  February 5, 2013

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 450333
2013/02/050955801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809
New construction permit
Date:  November 20, 2013

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 495980
2013/11/200955801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809
Suppression permit
Date:  September 12, 2013

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 446629
2013/09/120955801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809
Electrical permit
Date:  August 3, 2007

Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 84410
2007/08/030955801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809
Install 6 hvac units with ductwork(multi-family)
Date:  February 12, 2013

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: March 6, 2014 | Permit id: 453309
2013/02/1201005801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809Cool Rite Air Conditioning And
Extension of building permit #175081 and plan #959-a-05 approved 4 22 05 pursuant to pa act 46. This extension to expire on july 2, 2016 unless extended by other portions of the philadelphia code. Work to include interior alteration and some exterior alterations. Plan #959-a-05 part of this permit record. Building to be fully sprinklered.
Date:  February 5, 2013

Permit type: Administrative permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: March 6, 2014 | Permit id: 450333
2013/02/050955801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809
Installation of automatic sprinkler system throughout building (previous installation was incomplete) in accordance with nfpa 13 and 13-r throughout a three (3) story structure with basement. Existing backflow prevention device previously installed under permit # 183284, dated 1 13 2006.
Date:  September 12, 2013

Permit type: Suppression permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: March 6, 2014 | Permit id: 446629
2013/09/1201005801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809B. M. Consulting Services Inc
Install (5) 5" curb traps and (5) house drain
Date:  July 20, 2007
Contractor: Joseph Moretti

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: March 6, 2014 | Permit id: 90825
2007/07/200995801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809Joseph Moretti
Install 4" main house drain
Date:  May 31, 2007
Contractor: Joseph Moretti

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: August 10, 2013 | Permit id: 79853
2007/05/310995801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809Joseph Moretti
Install 1000a service to feed 36 condos & 600a service to feed 6 elevators & house panel.
Date:  August 3, 2007
Contractor: Lai John

Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 21, 2008 | Permit id: 84410
2007/08/0301005801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809Lai John
Reconfigure parking previously approved on permit # 130626 - total of thirty-eight (38) spaces including two (2) accessible spaces
Date:  November 20, 2013

Permit type: Use permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: November 20, 2013 | Permit id: 506798
2013/11/200955801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809
Partial site grading, paving and installation of retaining walls per plans for the creation of an open-air parking lot with a total of thirty-eight (38) spaces including two (2) accessible spaces. All parking accessory to dwellings in adjacent building. Separate permits required for all plumbing and electrical work.
Date:  November 20, 2013

Permit type: New construction permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: March 6, 2014 | Permit id: 495980
2013/11/200565801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809John Mcphillips And Sons
Amend plumbing permit #132581 to reflect a change in contractor
Date:  February 12, 2013
Contractor: Joseph Rosati

Permit type: Administrative permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: March 6, 2014 | Permit id: 453183
2013/02/1201005801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809Joseph Rosati
Install 21 hvac units with ductwork, self-contained units(multi-family)
Date:  September 9, 2013

Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: March 6, 2014 | Permit id: 493621
2013/09/0901005801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809Cool Rite Air Conditioning And
Extension of permit # 130178 under pa act 87, this extension to expire on july 01. 2016 unless extended by other provisions of the philadelphia code
Date:  September 13, 2013

Permit type: Zoning admin review | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: September 13, 2013 | Permit id: 494760
2013/09/130955801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809
1-1 2" water distribution service, curb to meter
Date:  August 6, 2007
Contractor: Joseph Moretti

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: August 10, 2007 | Permit id: 94488
2007/08/060995801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809Joseph Moretti
Extend permit number 130626
Date:  November 18, 2013

Permit type: Zoning admin review | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: November 18, 2013 | Permit id: 488337
2013/11/180955801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809
Wiring 12 condos as per plans, 5801-03, 5821-23 morris street. All electrical wiring for receptacles, lighting, switches, etc as per 2005 nec (north dist)
Date:  April 22, 2008
Contractor: Lai John

Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: April 22, 2008 | Permit id: 144369
2008/04/2201005801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809Lai John
Supply and install required water waste lines and fixtures from foundation wall. (no work outside of bldg). 72 wc, 72 lavs, 36 fl dr, 36 ks, 36 wash machines, 72 bath tubs, 36 hwh. - note: this permit was amended via administrative building permit #453183 to reflect a change in contractor
Date:  February 21, 2008
Contractor: Joseph Rosati

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: March 6, 2014 | Permit id: 132581
2008/02/2101005801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809Joseph Rosati
Temporary certificate of occupancy for 5821 morris,units a,b,c and 5823 morris units a,b,c
Date:  June 27, 2013

Permit type: Administrative permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 27, 2013 | Permit id: 480249
2013/06/270935801 Morris St Philadelphia Pa 191443809Us Best Construction

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