Building Permits at 56 Florence Ave Philadelphia PA 191434626

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Plumbing permit
Date:  April 25, 2013

Client: Ferrette Fancian A | Permit status: Expired | Permit id: 467392
2013/04/2509556 Florence Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 4626
Alteration permit
Date:  January 15, 2013

Client: Ferrette Fancian A | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 437950
2013/01/1509556 Florence Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 4626
Plumbing permit
Date:  August 6, 2014

Client: Ferrette Fancian A | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 554256
2014/08/0609556 Florence Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 4626
Use permit
Date:  November 14, 2012

Client: Ferrette Fancian A | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 437832
2012/11/1409556 Florence Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 4626
Electrical permit
Date:  March 14, 2014

Client: Ferrette Fancian A | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 466720
2014/03/1409556 Florence Ave Philadelphia Pa 19143 4626
Use permit
Date:  November 14, 2012

Client: Ferrette Fancian A | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 437832
2012/11/1409556 Florence Ave Philadelphia Pa 191434626
Alteration permit
Date:  January 15, 2013

Client: Ferrette Fancian A | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 437950
2013/01/1509556 Florence Ave Philadelphia Pa 191434626
Plumbing permit
Date:  August 6, 2014

Client: Ferrette Fancian A | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 554256
2014/08/0609556 Florence Ave Philadelphia Pa 191434626
Electrical permit
Date:  March 14, 2014

Client: Ferrette Fancian A | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 466720
2014/03/1409556 Florence Ave Philadelphia Pa 191434626
Plumbing permit
Date:  April 25, 2013

Client: Ferrette Fancian A | Permit status: Expired | Permit id: 467392
2013/04/2509556 Florence Ave Philadelphia Pa 191434626
Replace waste and water lines and set fixture 1 wc, 1 lav sink, and 1 hand sink
Date:  April 25, 2013
Contractor: Norman Cole Sr,

Client: Ferrette Fancian A | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: February 24, 2014 | Permit id: 467392
2013/04/25010056 Florence Ave Philadelphia Pa 191434626Norman Cole Sr,
3" rain leader (mixed use)
Date:  August 6, 2014
Contractor: Norman Cole Sr,

Client: Ferrette Fancian A | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: August 19, 2014 | Permit id: 554256
2014/08/06010056 Florence Ave Philadelphia Pa 191434626Norman Cole Sr,
Use space as corner store grocery store
Date:  November 14, 2012

Client: Ferrette Fancian A | Permit type: Use permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: November 14, 2012 | Permit id: 437832
2012/11/1409556 Florence Ave Philadelphia Pa 191434626
Interior alterations to create a ground floor retail variety store, one dwelling on 2nd floor and one dwelling on 3rd floor. This permit satisfies violation only if permit holder can show the alterations do not include creation of a 3rd dwelling or other work not approved. Sprinklers required throughout entire bldg. Work not approved for load bearing walls floors.
Date:  January 15, 2013

Client: Ferrette Fancian A | Permit type: Alteration permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: May 18, 2015 | Permit id: 437950
2013/01/1506056 Florence Ave Philadelphia Pa 191434626Sterling Contractors
Install 200amp main service w 2 sub panel, 2-disconnect & a 100amp main panel w 3 gang meter box, rewire basement as per bule prints & ned, install fire alarm as per blue print & nfpa-72 as per nec 2008 & nfpa 72
Date:  March 14, 2014
Contractor: Code Electrical

Client: Ferrette Fancian A | Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: May 5, 2015 | Permit id: 466720
2014/03/14010056 Florence Ave Philadelphia Pa 191434626Code Electrical

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