Building Permits at 525 Harrison Pointe Dr Cary NC

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Meridian @ harrison pt apart bldg #3 fire area b
Date:  February 12, 2015
Value:   $2,900,677

Client: Meridian At Harrison Pointe | Client Address: 6131 Falls Of Neuse Rd Cary Nc 27609 | Permit type: Multi-family new | Permit status: Certificate issued | Completion date: February 12, 2015 | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 12-00005354
2015/02/1229006779320 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcNorthview Construction Llc
Inground swimming pool
Date:  July 25, 2016
Value:   $77,000
Contractor: Aquarian Pools

Client: Meridian At Harrison Pointe | Client Address: 6131 Falls Of Neuse Rd Cary Nc 27609 | Permit type: Building | Permit status: Expired permit | Current use: Non-residential | Permit id: 13-00008253
2016/07/25770009020 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcAquarian Pools
Meridian @ harrison pt apart bldg #3 fire area a
Date:  February 12, 2015
Value:   $2,275,041

Client: Meridian At Harrison Pointe | Client Address: 6131 Falls Of Neuse Rd Cary Nc 27609 | Permit type: Multi-family new | Permit status: Certificate issued | Completion date: February 12, 2015 | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 12-00004436
2015/02/1222750419320 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcNorthview Construction Llc
Electrical ground work
Date:  September 11, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 13-00008253
2014/09/1109520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Fire final
Date:  April 10, 2015

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 13-00008253
2015/04/1009520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Wall insulation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Utility final

Permit type: Utility pr | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plumbing slab
Date:  June 27, 2013

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004436
2013/06/2709520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection
Date:  August 22, 2013

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004436
2013/08/2209520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in
Date:  April 29, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004436
2014/04/2909520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plumbing rough-in
Date:  June 10, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004436
2014/06/1009520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical temporary bd
Date:  June 23, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004436
2014/06/2309520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Wall insulation
Date:  July 17, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Disapproved with penalty | Permit id: 12-00004436
2014/07/1709520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  September 22, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004436
2014/09/2209520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Commercial building walk thru
Date:  September 23, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004436
2014/09/2309520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec rough-in genrl commercial
Date:  October 27, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004436
2014/10/2709520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mechanical rough-in
Date:  October 28, 2014

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004436
2014/10/2809520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Fire alarm test
Date:  November 18, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004436
2014/11/1809520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Date:  May 21, 2013

Permit type: Other | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00005354
2013/05/2109520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work
Date:  July 24, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00005354
2013/07/2409520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in
Date:  April 10, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00005354
2014/04/1009520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in
Date:  April 11, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00005354
2014/04/1109520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Date:  September 22, 2014

Permit type: Water reso | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00005354
2014/09/2209520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mech c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  September 23, 2014

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00005354
2014/09/2309520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Commercial fire walk though
Date:  September 29, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00005354
2014/09/2909520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Fire alarm test
Date:  February 2, 2015

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00005354
2015/02/0209520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Utility rough in
Date:  February 3, 2015

Permit type: Utility pr | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00005354
2015/02/0309520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec groundwork pool/spa
Date:  April 4, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 13-00008253
2014/04/0409520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Site inspection
Date:  April 10, 2015

Permit type: Planning | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 13-00008253
2015/04/1009520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler final
Date:  September 19, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004436
2014/09/1909520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Bldg c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  November 26, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004436
2014/11/2609520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work
Date:  February 12, 2015

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 13-00008253
2015/02/1209520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  April 2, 2015

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 13-00008253
2015/04/0209520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Bldg c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  April 10, 2015

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 13-00008253
2015/04/1009520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Utility rough in

Permit type: Utility pr | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Conditional power inspection
Date:  September 8, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004436
2014/09/0809520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plbg c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  September 18, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004436
2014/09/1809520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Site inspection
Date:  November 26, 2014

Permit type: Planning | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004436
2014/11/2609520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mechanical rough-in

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Water service
Date:  September 10, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00005354
2014/09/1009520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Date:  February 3, 2015

Permit type: Water reso | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00005354
2015/02/0309520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Reclaimed water inspection

Permit type: Reclaimed | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Fireplace inspection

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sewer service
Date:  August 19, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004436
2014/08/1909520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Fire final
Date:  November 26, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004436
2014/11/2609520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Wall insulation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler final

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in
Date:  February 3, 2015

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00005354
2015/02/0309520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Utility final
Date:  February 3, 2015

Permit type: Utility pr | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00005354
2015/02/0309520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Site inspection
Date:  March 10, 2016

Permit type: Planning | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 13-00008253
2016/03/1009520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Date:  April 4, 2014

Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 13-00008253
2014/04/0409520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Utility rough in

Permit type: Utility pretreatment | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mechanical rough-in

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Wall insulation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Fireplace inspection

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Utility final

Permit type: Utility pretreatment | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Wall insulation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Reclaimed water inspection

Permit type: Reclaimed water | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler final

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Meridian @ harrison pt apart bldg #3 fire area b

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005354
07920 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Plumbing And Construction
Meridian @ harrison pt apart bldg #3 fire area a
Contractor: Makson Inc

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004436
09320 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Inc
Meridian @ harrison pt apart bldg #3 fire area a

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004436
07920 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Plumbing And Construction
Meridian @ harrison pt apart bldg #3 fire area b
Contractor: Makson Inc

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005354
09320 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Inc
Meridian @ harrison pt apart bldg #3 fire area a

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004436
08620 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Fire Protection
Meridian @ harrison pt apart bldg #3 fire area a

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004436
09320 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcNorthview Construction Llc
Meridian @ harrison pt apart bldg #3 fire area b

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005354
09720 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcAmerican Mechanical Inc
Meridian @ harrison pt apart bldg #3 fire area b

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005354
09320 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcNorthview Construction Llc
Meridian @ harrison pt apart bldg #3 fire area b

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005354
08620 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Fire Protection
Meridian @ harrison pt apart bldg #3 fire area a

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004436
09720 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcAmerican Mechanical Inc
Inground swimming pool
Contractor: Makson Inc

Permit type: New structures not bldgs | Permit id: 13-00008253
09320 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Inc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Wall insulation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Utility final

Permit type: Utility pretreatment | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mechanical rough-in

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Fireplace inspection

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Wall insulation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Reclaimed water inspection

Permit type: Reclaimed water | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler final

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Utility rough in

Permit type: Utility pretreatment | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Meridian @ harrison pt apart bldg #3 fire area a

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004436
08420 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcAmerican Mechanical, Inc
Meridian @ harrison pt apart bldg #3 fire area b

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005354
08420 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcAmerican Mechanical, Inc
Date:  February 3, 2015

Permit type: Water resources | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00005354
2015/02/0309520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mechanical rough-in

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler final

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Reclaimed water inspection

Permit type: Reclaimed water | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Wall insulation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Utility rough in

Permit type: Utility pretreatment | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Utility final

Permit type: Utility pretreatment | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Date:  September 22, 2014

Permit type: Water resources | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00005354
2014/09/2209520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Date:  February 3, 2015

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00005354
2015/02/0309520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005354
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Wall insulation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Fireplace inspection

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004436
09520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Date:  November 26, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004436
2014/11/2609520 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 14-00006676
095525 Harrison Pointe Dr Cary Nc
Plumbing rough-in
Date:  March 12, 2015

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 14-00006676
2015/03/12095525 Harrison Pointe Dr Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  June 22, 2015

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 14-00006676
2015/06/22095525 Harrison Pointe Dr Cary Nc
Plbg c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  May 24, 2016

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 14-00006676
2016/05/24095525 Harrison Pointe Dr Cary Nc
Irrigation rough-in
Date:  March 11, 2015

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 14-00006676
2015/03/11095525 Harrison Pointe Dr Cary Nc
Plbg c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  June 22, 2015

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 14-00006676
2015/06/22095525 Harrison Pointe Dr Cary Nc
Irrigation rough-in
Date:  June 8, 2016

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Disapproved with penalty | Permit id: 14-00006676
2016/06/08095525 Harrison Pointe Dr Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in
Date:  June 22, 2015

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 14-00006676
2015/06/22095525 Harrison Pointe Dr Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 14-00006676
095525 Harrison Pointe Dr Cary Nc
Well - irrigation
Contractor: Makson Inc

Permit type: Well/irrigation only | Permit id: 14-00006676
093525 Harrison Pointe Dr Cary NcMakson Inc
Electrical rough-in

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 14-00006676
095525 Harrison Pointe Dr Cary Nc
Well - irrigation
Date:  October 9, 2014
Value:   $55,000

Client: Meridian At Harrison Pointe | Client Address: 6131 Falls Of Neuse Rd Suite 20 Cary Nc 27609 | Permit type: Well/irrigation only | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Non-residential | Permit id: 14-00006676
2014/10/095500088525 Harrison Pointe Dr Cary NcPope Landscape And Irrigation Co
Electrical rough-in

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 14-00006676
095525 Harrison Pointe Dr Cary Nc
Meridian @ harrison pointe apart. Bldg #1-area b
Date:  February 5, 2015
Value:   $778,806

Client: Meridian@harrison Pointe Llc | Client Address: 6131 Falls Of Neuse Rd Cary Nc 27609 | Permit type: Multi-family new | Permit status: Certificate issued | Completion date: February 5, 2015 | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 12-00005352
2015/02/057788069330 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcNorthview Construction Llc
Meridian @harrison pte apart bldg #1 fire area c
Date:  February 5, 2015
Value:   $2,558,934

Client: Meridian @ Harrison Pointe Llc | Client Address: 6131 Falls Of Neuse Rd Cary Nc 27609 | Permit type: Multi-family new | Permit status: Certificate issued | Completion date: February 5, 2015 | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 12-00005353
2015/02/0525589349330 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcNorthview Construction Llc
Meridian @harrison pt apart bldg #1 fire area a
Date:  March 3, 2015
Value:   $2,225,174

Client: Meridian@harrison Pointe | Client Address: 6131 Falls Of Neuse Rd Cary Nc 27609 | Permit type: Multi-family new | Permit status: Certificate issued | Completion date: March 3, 2015 | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 12-00004434
2015/03/0322251749330 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcNorthview Construction Llc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in
Date:  June 30, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004434
2014/06/3009530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in
Date:  August 7, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004434
2014/08/0709530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mechanical rough-in
Date:  September 15, 2014

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004434
2014/09/1509530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plumbing rough-in
Date:  September 24, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004434
2014/09/2409530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Wall insulation
Date:  December 11, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004434
2014/12/1109530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mechanical rough-in
Date:  January 21, 2015

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004434
2015/01/2109530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plbg c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  February 5, 2015

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004434
2015/02/0509530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Date:  February 23, 2015

Permit type: Water reso | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004434
2015/02/2309530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Bldg c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  February 27, 2015

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004434
2015/02/2709530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Bldg c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc

Permit type: Other | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mech c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plumbing slab

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Footing excavation
Date:  October 4, 2013

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00005352
2013/10/0409530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection
Date:  November 6, 2013

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00005352
2013/11/0609530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plumbing slab
Date:  February 3, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00005352
2014/02/0309530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work
Date:  November 6, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00005352
2014/11/0609530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work
Date:  January 6, 2015

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00005352
2015/01/0609530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Date:  January 7, 2015

Permit type: Other | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00005352
2015/01/0709530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mech c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  January 23, 2015

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00005352
2015/01/2309530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Fire final
Date:  January 26, 2015

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00005352
2015/01/2609530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Footing excavation
Date:  January 27, 2015

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00005352
2015/01/2709530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Site inspection
Date:  February 2, 2015

Permit type: Planning | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00005352
2015/02/0209530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in
Date:  January 5, 2015

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00005353
2015/01/0509530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in
Date:  January 6, 2015

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00005353
2015/01/0609530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  January 6, 2015

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00005353
2015/01/0609530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Fire alarm test
Date:  January 21, 2015

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00005353
2015/01/2109530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Wall insulation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mech c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plumbing slab

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection
Date:  May 20, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004434
2014/05/2009530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical temporary bd
Date:  June 19, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004434
2014/06/1909530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in
Date:  September 18, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004434
2014/09/1809530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Conditional power inspection
Date:  December 16, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004434
2014/12/1609530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Utility final
Date:  February 4, 2015

Permit type: Utility pr | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004434
2015/02/0409530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Footing excavation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Date:  May 21, 2013

Permit type: Other | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004434
2013/05/2109530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler final
Date:  February 10, 2015

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004434
2015/02/1009530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in
Date:  February 20, 2015

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004434
2015/02/2009530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection
Date:  February 20, 2015

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004434
2015/02/2009530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Footing excavation
Date:  February 19, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00005352
2014/02/1909530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Footing excavation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plumbing slab

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Footing excavation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sewer service
Date:  January 7, 2015

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004434
2015/01/0709530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Fire alarm test

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Water service
Date:  January 7, 2015

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00005353
2015/01/0709530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc

Permit type: Other | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Footing excavation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plumbing slab

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plumbing slab

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Footing excavation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Bldg c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc

Permit type: Other | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mech c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plumbing slab

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mech c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Wall insulation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc

Permit type: Other | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Footing excavation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Fire alarm test

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Meridian @harrison pte apart bldg #1 fire area c
Contractor: Makson Inc

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005353
09330 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Inc
Meridian @harrison pt apart bldg #1 fire area a

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004434
08630 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Fire Protection
Meridian @ harrison pointe apart. Bldg #1-area b

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005352
09730 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcAmerican Mechanical Inc
Meridian @ harrison pointe apart. Bldg #1-area b
Contractor: Makson Inc

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005352
09330 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Inc
Meridian @harrison pte apart bldg #1 fire area c

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005353
09330 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcNorthview Construction Llc
Meridian @harrison pt apart bldg #1 fire area a
Contractor: Makson Inc

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004434
09330 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Inc
Meridian @harrison pt apart bldg #1 fire area a

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004434
09730 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcAmerican Mechanical Inc
Meridian @ harrison pointe apart. Bldg #1-area b

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005352
07930 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Plumbing And Construction
Meridian @ harrison pointe apart. Bldg #1-area b

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005352
09330 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcNorthview Construction Llc
Meridian @harrison pte apart bldg #1 fire area c

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005353
07930 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Plumbing And Construction
Meridian @harrison pte apart bldg #1 fire area c

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005353
09730 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcAmerican Mechanical Inc
Meridian @harrison pte apart bldg #1 fire area c

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005353
08630 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Fire Protection
Meridian @harrison pt apart bldg #1 fire area a

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004434
07930 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Plumbing And Construction
Meridian @harrison pt apart bldg #1 fire area a

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004434
09330 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcNorthview Construction Llc
Meridian @ harrison pointe apart. Bldg #1-area b

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005352
08630 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Fire Protection
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc

Permit type: Other | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Wall insulation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mech c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plumbing slab

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Footing excavation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Footing excavation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plumbing slab

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Bldg c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc

Permit type: Other | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mech c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plumbing slab

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Footing excavation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Fire alarm test

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Meridian @ harrison pointe apart. Bldg #1-area b

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005352
08430 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcAmerican Mechanical, Inc
Meridian @harrison pt apart bldg #1 fire area a

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004434
08430 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcAmerican Mechanical, Inc
Meridian @harrison pte apart bldg #1 fire area c

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00005353
08430 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcAmerican Mechanical, Inc
Plumbing slab

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Footing excavation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Date:  January 30, 2015

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00005352
2015/01/3009530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Fire alarm test

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Date:  February 23, 2015

Permit type: Water resources | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004434
2015/02/2309530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plumbing slab

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mech c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Wall insulation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plumbing slab

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mech c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc

Permit type: Other | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Bldg c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc

Permit type: Other | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005353
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Footing excavation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00005352
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Footing excavation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004434
09530 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #2
Date:  May 29, 2014
Value:   $2,181,059

Client: Meridian @ Harrison Pointe Llc | Client Address: 6131 Falls Of Neuse Rd Cary Nc 27609 | Permit type: Multi-family new | Permit status: Certificate issued | Completion date: May 29, 2014 | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/05/2921810599310 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcNorthview Construction Llc
Plbg c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in
Date:  October 24, 2013

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004437
2013/10/2409510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plumbing rough-in
Date:  November 22, 2013

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2013/11/2209510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Wall insulation
Date:  February 18, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/02/1809510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Framing rough-in
Date:  February 20, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/02/2009510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mechanical rough-in
Date:  February 27, 2014

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/02/2709510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  May 12, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/05/1209510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mech c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  May 21, 2014

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/05/2109510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Fire final
Date:  May 27, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/05/2709510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Date:  May 28, 2014

Permit type: Water reso | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/05/2809510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work
Date:  June 28, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004437
2013/06/2809510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in
Date:  December 4, 2013

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004437
2013/12/0409510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Mechanical rough-in
Date:  December 9, 2013

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2013/12/0909510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Pumper truck test
Date:  May 5, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/05/0509510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Site inspection
Date:  May 6, 2014

Permit type: Planning | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/05/0609510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in
Date:  May 8, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/05/0809510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Fire alarm test
Date:  May 20, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/05/2009510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection
Date:  July 8, 2013

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2013/07/0809510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in
Date:  December 4, 2013

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2013/12/0409510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work
Date:  March 6, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/03/0609510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler final
Date:  May 22, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/05/2209510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Date:  May 21, 2013

Permit type: Other | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2013/05/2109510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plumbing slab
Date:  June 21, 2013

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2013/06/2109510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plbg c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  May 14, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/05/1409510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in
Date:  May 22, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/05/2209510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Commercial building walk thru
Date:  May 27, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/05/2709510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Slab preparation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Water service
Date:  April 15, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/04/1509510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sewer service
Date:  April 15, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/04/1509510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Conditional power inspection
Date:  April 17, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/04/1709510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Bldg c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  May 28, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/05/2809510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Slab preparation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plbg c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #2
Contractor: Makson Inc

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004437
09310 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Inc
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #2

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004437
07910 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Plumbing And Construction
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #2

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004437
09710 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcAmerican Mechanical Inc
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #2

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004437
09310 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcNorthview Construction Llc
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #2

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004437
08610 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcMakson Fire Protection
Foundation inspection

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plbg c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Slab preparation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Electrical ground work

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #2

Permit type: New 5 & more family | Permit id: 12-00004437
08410 Banyon Grove Loop Cary NcAmerican Mechanical, Inc
Electrical ground work

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Slab preparation

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Foundation inspection

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Date:  May 28, 2014

Permit type: Water resources | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/05/2809510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Plbg c. O. C. Per gs160a423

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004437
09510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Date:  May 27, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004437
2014/05/2709510 Banyon Grove Loop Cary Nc
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #4
Date:  July 17, 2014
Value:   $126,894

Client: Meridian @ Harrison Pointe Llc | Client Address: 6131 Falls Of Neuse Rd Cary Nc 27609 | Permit type: Multi-family new | Permit status: Certificate issued | Completion date: July 17, 2014 | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/07/171268949315 Weeping Tree Dr Cary NcNorthview Construction Llc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Date:  May 21, 2013

Permit type: Other | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2013/05/2109515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Plumbing rough-in
Date:  February 6, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/02/0609515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in
Date:  February 19, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/02/1909515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Wall insulation
Date:  March 14, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/03/1409515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Conditional power inspection
Date:  April 28, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/04/2809515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  July 7, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/07/0709515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Site inspection
Date:  July 14, 2014

Permit type: Planning | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/07/1409515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Mechanical rough-in
Date:  February 24, 2014

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/02/2409515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Water service
Date:  April 24, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/04/2409515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Mech c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  June 30, 2014

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/06/3009515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler final
Date:  July 7, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/07/0709515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Plbg c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  July 10, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/07/1009515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Bldg c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  July 14, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/07/1409515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Fire final
Date:  July 14, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/07/1409515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler final

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Foundation inspection
Date:  July 10, 2013

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2013/07/1009515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Framing rough-in
Date:  March 6, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/03/0609515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sewer service
Date:  April 24, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/04/2409515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Fire alarm test

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Framing rough-in
Date:  September 17, 2013

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004441
2013/09/1709515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in
Date:  February 11, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/02/1109515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Fire alarm test
Date:  July 9, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/07/0909515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Conditional power inspection

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Plumbing slab
Date:  June 5, 2013

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2013/06/0509515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Conditional power inspection

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Fire alarm test

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler final

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #4

Permit type: New two family buildings | Permit id: 12-00004441
09315 Weeping Tree Dr Cary NcNorthview Construction Llc
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #4

Permit type: New two family buildings | Permit id: 12-00004441
07915 Weeping Tree Dr Cary NcMakson Plumbing And Construction
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #4

Permit type: New two family buildings | Permit id: 12-00004441
08615 Weeping Tree Dr Cary NcMakson Fire Protection
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #4

Permit type: New two family buildings | Permit id: 12-00004441
09715 Weeping Tree Dr Cary NcAmerican Mechanical Inc
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #4
Contractor: Makson Inc

Permit type: New two family buildings | Permit id: 12-00004441
09315 Weeping Tree Dr Cary NcMakson Inc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Conditional power inspection

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Fire alarm test

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler final

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #4

Permit type: New two family buildings | Permit id: 12-00004441
08415 Weeping Tree Dr Cary NcAmerican Mechanical, Inc
Fire alarm test

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Date:  July 14, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004441
2014/07/1409515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Conditional power inspection

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler final

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004441
09515 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #5
Date:  July 22, 2014
Value:   $126,894

Client: Meridian @ Harrison Pointe Llc | Client Address: 6131 Falls Of Neuse Rd Cary Nc 27609 | Permit type: Multi-family new | Permit status: Certificate issued | Completion date: July 22, 2014 | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/07/221268949311 Weeping Tree Dr Cary NcNorthview Construction Llc
Framing rough-in
Date:  September 17, 2013

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004442
2013/09/1709511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Mechanical rough-in
Date:  February 24, 2014

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/02/2409511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Framing rough-in
Date:  March 6, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/03/0609511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sewer service
Date:  April 24, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/04/2409511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Plbg c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  July 10, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/07/1009511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Mech c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  July 16, 2014

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/07/1609511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Pumper truck test
Date:  July 16, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/07/1609511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Site inspection
Date:  July 17, 2014

Permit type: Planning | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/07/1709511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in
Date:  February 19, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/02/1909511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler final
Date:  July 7, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/07/0709511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Fire final
Date:  July 18, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/07/1809511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Elec c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  July 7, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/07/0709511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Conditional power inspection

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Fire alarm test

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Date:  May 21, 2013

Permit type: Other | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2013/05/2109511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Plumbing slab
Date:  June 5, 2013

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2013/06/0509511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Foundation inspection
Date:  July 10, 2013

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2013/07/1009511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Water service
Date:  April 24, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/04/2409511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Fire alarm test
Date:  July 9, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/07/0909511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Bldg c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  July 21, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/07/2109511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler final

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Plumbing rough-in
Date:  February 6, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/02/0609511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Electrical rough-in
Date:  February 11, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/02/1109511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Wall insulation
Date:  March 11, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/03/1109511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Conditional power inspection
Date:  April 28, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/04/2809511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Fire alarm test

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Conditional power inspection

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler final

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #5

Permit type: New two family buildings | Permit id: 12-00004442
08611 Weeping Tree Dr Cary NcMakson Fire Protection
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #5

Permit type: New two family buildings | Permit id: 12-00004442
07911 Weeping Tree Dr Cary NcMakson Plumbing And Construction
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #5

Permit type: New two family buildings | Permit id: 12-00004442
09711 Weeping Tree Dr Cary NcAmerican Mechanical Inc
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #5

Permit type: New two family buildings | Permit id: 12-00004442
09311 Weeping Tree Dr Cary NcNorthview Construction Llc
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #5
Contractor: Makson Inc

Permit type: New two family buildings | Permit id: 12-00004442
09311 Weeping Tree Dr Cary NcMakson Inc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler final

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Conditional power inspection

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Fire alarm test

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Meridian at harrison pointe apartment bldg #5

Permit type: New two family buildings | Permit id: 12-00004442
08411 Weeping Tree Dr Cary NcAmerican Mechanical, Inc
Fire alarm test

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Conditional power inspection

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Date:  July 18, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004442
2014/07/1809511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler final

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Framing rough-in

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004442
09511 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Meridian at harrison pointe bldg #6
Date:  July 22, 2014
Value:   $126,894

Client: Meridian @ Harrison Pointe Llc | Client Address: 6131 Falls Of Neuse Rd Cary Nc 27609 | Permit type: Multi-family new | Permit status: Certificate issued | Completion date: July 22, 2014 | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 12-00004443
2014/07/22126894939 Weeping Tree Dr Cary NcNorthview Construction Llc
Water service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004443
0959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler final

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004443
0959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Framing rough-in
Date:  September 17, 2013

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved with exception | Permit id: 12-00004443
2013/09/170959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Water service
Date:  April 24, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004443
2014/04/240959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sewer service
Date:  April 24, 2014

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004443
2014/04/240959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Conditional power inspection
Date:  April 28, 2014

Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004443
2014/04/280959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Bldg c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  July 21, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004443
2014/07/210959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sewer service

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004443
0959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Sprinkler sys rough-in

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004443
0959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Foundation inspection
Date:  July 5, 2013

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004443
2013/07/050959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Framing rough-in
Date:  February 28, 2014

Permit type: Building | Permit status: Disapproved | Permit id: 12-00004443
2014/02/280959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Mech c. O. C. Per gs160a423
Date:  July 16, 2014

Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004443
2014/07/160959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Fire final
Date:  July 18, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004443
2014/07/180959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Fire alarm test

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Cancelled | Permit id: 12-00004443
0959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Date:  May 21, 2013

Permit type: Other | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004443
2013/05/210959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Plumbing slab
Date:  June 5, 2013

Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004443
2013/06/050959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Fire alarm test
Date:  July 9, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004443
2014/07/090959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Pumper truck test
Date:  July 16, 2014

Permit type: Fire | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004443
2014/07/160959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc
Site inspection
Date:  July 17, 2014

Permit type: Planning | Permit status: Approved | Permit id: 12-00004443
2014/07/170959 Weeping Tree Dr Cary Nc

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