Building Permits at 5045 Jackson St Philadelphia PA 191242116

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Electrical permit
Date:  October 30, 2013

Client: Hoggard Jerry L | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 499210
2013/10/300955045 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 19124 2116
Administrative permit
Date:  August 5, 2013

Client: Hoggard Jerry L | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 479312
2013/08/050955045 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 19124 2116
Use permit
Date:  May 17, 2013

Client: Hoggard Jerry L | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 457513
2013/05/170955045 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 19124 2116
Plumbing permit
Date:  June 3, 2015

Client: Hoggard Jerry L | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 614625
2015/06/030955045 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 19124 2116
Permit for a day care center in an existing one (1) story detached structure on the same lot with an existing two (2) story structure with an existing two (2) family dwelling.
Date:  March 27, 2013

Client: Hoggard Jerry L | Applicant: Joseph Beller, Esquire | Permit type: Appeal | Permit status: Granted/prov | Completion date: May 22, 2013 | Permit id: 20138
2013/03/270955045 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 19124 2116
Electrical permit
Date:  September 3, 2013

Client: Hoggard Jerry L | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 492414
2013/09/030955045 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 191242116
Use permit
Date:  May 17, 2013

Client: Hoggard Jerry L | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 457513
2013/05/170955045 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 191242116
Administrative permit
Date:  August 5, 2013

Client: Hoggard Jerry L | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 479312
2013/08/050955045 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 191242116
Plumbing permit
Date:  June 3, 2015

Client: Hoggard Jerry L | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 614625
2015/06/030955045 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 191242116
Permit for a day care center in an existing one (1) story detached structure on the same lot with an existing two (2) story structure with an existing two (2) family dwelling.
Date:  March 27, 2013

Client: Hoggard Jerry L | Applicant: Joseph Beller, Esquire | Permit type: Appeal | Permit status: Granted/prov | Completion date: May 22, 2013 | Permit id: 20138
2013/03/270955045 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 191242116
Certificate of occupancy for daycare in existing prior rear detached residential garage space. Change of use and occupancy. New kitchen area and bathroom, mechanical closet, electrical, plumbing - no permits on record, installed prior, no work cited by owner, plans cite repairs, alterations. New bathroom should be fit out as accessible, see attached for accessible bathroom standards, entrance to rear building should be accessible at grade. Additional permits required: electrical, plumbing, hvac, signs. Licensed contractor required. 5 year temporary permit.
Date:  August 5, 2013

Client: Hoggard Jerry L | Permit type: Administrative permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: November 19, 2013 | Permit id: 479312
2013/08/050955045 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 191242116
Lateral,curb trap & vent pa2015143039 "self-certifications are no longer permitted" - "all excavations and plumbing trenches in excess of 5 feet in depth must have approved shoring in place at the time of inspection"
Date:  June 3, 2015

Client: Hoggard Jerry L | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: July 1, 2015 | Permit id: 614625
2015/06/0301005045 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 191242116Reliable Plumbing And Drain Clng
Install fire alarm system,emergency and exit signs and lighting and outlets per 2008 nec & nfpa 72 (mixed use)
Date:  October 30, 2013
Contractor: Vincent Roselli

Client: Hoggard Jerry L | Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: December 10, 2013 | Permit id: 499210
2013/10/3001005045 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 191242116Vincent Roselli
Change use of building (rear detached garage) from office to daycare facility on same lot with existing 2-family dwelling.
Date:  May 17, 2013

Client: Hoggard Jerry L | Permit type: Use permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: May 17, 2013 | Permit id: 457513
2013/05/170955045 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 191242116
New service 200amp per 2008 nec (mixed use)
Date:  September 3, 2013
Contractor: Vincent Roselli

Client: Hoggard Jerry L | Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: November 6, 2013 | Permit id: 492414
2013/09/0301005045 Jackson St Philadelphia Pa 191242116Vincent Roselli

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