Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 86 Interior remodel to repair fire damage hvac with ductwork electrical water heater sheet rock tub and toilet kitchen and bath sinks replace some wood and partial roofshingles Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 3, 2014 | Expiration date: July 3, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-130485 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to repair fire damage hvac with ductwork electrical water heater sheet rock tub and toilet kitchen and bath sinks replace some wood and partial roofshingles and relocation of elect meters to bring up to cuurent code Date: January 10, 2014 Contractor: Dosey Mitchell Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: May 30, 2014 | Expiration date: May 30, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-130902 Ep | |||||
SCORE 65 Interior remodel to repair fire damage hvac with ductwork electrical water heater sheet rock tub and toilet kitchen and bath sinks replace some wood and partial roofshingles Date: January 17, 2014 Contractor: Adrian Benites Sr Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 3, 2014 | Expiration date: July 3, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-130904 Mp | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior remodel to repair fire damage hvac with ductwork electrical water heater sheet rock tub and toilet kitchen and bath sinks replace some wood and partial roofshingles Date: January 21, 2014 Contractor: Guadalupe V Patino Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 3, 2014 | Expiration date: July 3, 2014 | Permit id: 2013-130905 Pp | |||||
SCORE 100 Foundation repair to 2 family res unit 37 and 38 Applicant: Centex House Leveling | Applicant Phone: (512) 444-5438 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 21, 2014 | Expiration date: February 21, 2014 | Permit id: 2014-0081 Bp | |||||
New community center Date: September 15, 1988 Value: $75,000 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Void | Completion date: March 14, 1989 | Expiration date: March 14, 1989 | Permit id: 1988-009375 Mp | |||||
New community center Date: July 30, 1991 Value: $73,433 Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 22, 1991 | Expiration date: November 22, 1991 | Permit id: 1991-007459 Mp | |||||
SCORE 98 Modify elec srv on exist laundry site lighting Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 5, 2002 | Expiration date: November 5, 2002 | Permit id: 2002-015696 Ep | |||||
SCORE 98 Modify elec srv on exist laundry site lighting Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: November 5, 2002 | Expiration date: November 5, 2002 | Permit id: 2002-015696 Ep | |||||
SCORE 67 New storage building Permit type: Driveway / sidewalks | Permit status: Final | Completion date: July 23, 2003 | Expiration date: July 23, 2003 | Permit id: 2003-001256 Ds | |||||
SCORE 100 Replacement of complete existing central heat and air system with or without duct work Date: December 12, 2017 Contractor: Albert D Andrea Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Active | Expiration date: June 10, 2018 | Permit id: 2017-152047 Mp | |||||
SCORE 100 Repair foundation to 2 family res units 39 and 40 Applicant: Centex House Leveling | Applicant Phone: (512) 444-5438 | Permit type: Building permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: February 21, 2014 | Expiration date: February 21, 2014 | Permit id: 2014-008137 Bp | |||||
SCORE 100 Emergency repair to exterior electrical panel box Date: August 14, 2017 Contractor: Patrick Sisti Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Final | Completion date: August 18, 2017 | Expiration date: August 18, 2017 | Permit id: 2017-1008 Ep |