Building Permits at 480 482 Washington S Brighton MA

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Replace lighting with energy efficient fixtures at prime realty group.
Date:  March 7, 2011
Value:   $1,279
Contractor: Ralph Carroccio

Client: Fargo Street As | Permit type: Electrical | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E65235 | Parcel: 2147483647
2011/03/071279100480-482 Washington S Brighton Ma 02135Ralph Carroccio
Ritest two gas lines for roof top units
Date:  September 27, 2011
Value:   $600
Contractor: Yulius Katsas

Client: Fargo Street As | Permit type: Gas | Current use: Comm | Permit id: G97737 | Parcel: 2147483647
2011/09/2760095480-482 Washington S Brighton Ma 02135Yulius Katsas
Install traffic signal in sdwk (15) for new signal post; # 1363015594250; extension
Date:  April 8, 2013

Client: Fargo Street As | Permit type: Maintenance | Permit id: Exca-23213 | Parcel: 2147483647
2013/04/08095480-482 Washington S Brighton Ma 02135
Build 6 tall partition walls (20lf). Move one door and close up wall where door was. Build two desks. Create lead shielded area for x-ray.
Date:  December 11, 2013
Value:   $18,000
Contractor: Ken Nazarian

Client: Fargo Street As | Permit type: Renovations -interio | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf312333 | Parcel: 2147483647
2013/12/1118000100480-482 Washington S Brighton Ma 02135Ken Nazarian
Install 14 receptacles
Date:  December 24, 2013
Value:   $1,800
Contractor: Louis Fisher Jr

Client: Fargo Street As | Permit type: Electrical | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E315080 | Parcel: 2147483647
2013/12/24180069480-482 Washington S Brighton Ma 02135Louis Fisher Jr
Street paving only; susi; extension
Date:  March 25, 2014

Client: Fargo Street As | Permit type: Capital improvement | Permit id: Exca-34665 | Parcel: 2147483647
2014/03/25095480-482 Washington S Brighton Ma 02135
Replace lighting with energy efficient fixtures at prime realty group.
Date:  March 7, 2011
Value:   $1,279
Contractor: Ralph Carroccio

Client: Fargo Street As | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E65235 | Parcel: 2205158000
2011/03/071279100480 482 Washington S Brighton Ma 02135Ralph Carroccio
Ritest two gas lines for roof top units
Date:  September 27, 2011
Value:   $600
Contractor: Yulius Katsas

Client: Fargo Street As | Permit type: Gas | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: G97737 | Parcel: 2205158000
2011/09/2760095480 482 Washington S Brighton Ma 02135Yulius Katsas
Build 6 tall partition walls (20lf). Move one door and close up wall where door was. Build two desks. Create lead shielded area for x-ray.
Date:  December 11, 2013
Value:   $18,000
Contractor: Ken Nazarian

Client: Fargo Street As | Permit type: Renovations -interior nsc | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf312333 | Parcel: 2205158000
2013/12/1118000100480 482 Washington S Brighton Ma 02135Ken Nazarian
Install 14 receptacles
Date:  December 24, 2013
Value:   $1,800
Contractor: Louis Fisher Jr

Client: Fargo Street As | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E315080 | Parcel: 2205158000
2013/12/24180069480 482 Washington S Brighton Ma 02135Louis Fisher Jr
Ritest two gas lines for roof top units
Date:  September 27, 2011
Value:   $600
Contractor: Yulius Katsas

Client: Fargo Street As | Permit type: Gas permit | Expiration date: March 27, 2012 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: G97737 | Parcel: 2205158000
2011/09/2760095480 482 Washington S Brighton MaYulius Katsas
Street paving only; susi; extension
Date:  March 25, 2014

Client: Fargo Street As | Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: July 14, 2015 | Permit id: Exca-346651 | Parcel: 2205158000
2014/03/25095480 482 Washington S Brighton Ma
Build 6 tall partition walls (20lf). Move one door and close up wall where door was. Build two desks. Create lead shielded area for x-ray.
Date:  December 11, 2013
Value:   $18,000
Contractor: Ken Nazarian

Client: Fargo Street As | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: June 11, 2014 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf312333 | Parcel: 2205158000
2013/12/1118000100480 482 Washington S Brighton MaKen Nazarian
Install traffic signal in sdwk (15) for new signal post; # 1363015594250; extension
Date:  April 8, 2013

Client: Fargo Street As | Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: June 13, 2013 | Permit id: Exca-232130 | Parcel: 2205158000
2013/04/08095480 482 Washington S Brighton Ma
Replace lighting with energy efficient fixtures at prime realty group.
Date:  March 7, 2011
Value:   $1,279
Contractor: Ralph Carroccio

Client: Fargo Street As | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: September 7, 2011 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E65235 | Parcel: 2205158000
2011/03/071279100480 482 Washington S Brighton MaRalph Carroccio
Install 14 receptacles
Date:  December 24, 2013
Value:   $1,800
Contractor: Louis Fisher Jr

Client: Fargo Street As | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: June 24, 2014 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E315080 | Parcel: 2205158000
2013/12/24180069480 482 Washington S Brighton MaLouis Fisher Jr
Replace lighting with energy efficient fixtures at prime realty group.
Date:  March 7, 2011
Value:   $1,279
Contractor: Ralph Carroccio

Client: Fargo Street Associates Inc | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E65235 | Parcel: 2205158000
2011/03/071279100480482 Washington S Brighton Ma 02135Ralph Carroccio
Ritest two gas lines for roof top units
Date:  September 27, 2011
Value:   $600
Contractor: Yulius Katsas

Client: Fargo Street Associates Inc | Permit type: Gas | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: G97737 | Parcel: 2205158000
2011/09/2760095480482 Washington S Brighton Ma 02135Yulius Katsas
Build 6 tall partition walls (20lf). Move one door and close up wall where door was. Build two desks. Create lead shielded area for x-ray.
Date:  December 11, 2013
Value:   $18,000
Contractor: Ken Nazarian

Client: Fargo Street Associates Inc | Permit type: Renovations -interior nsc | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf312333 | Parcel: 2205158000
2013/12/1118000100480482 Washington S Brighton Ma 02135Ken Nazarian
Install 14 receptacles
Date:  December 24, 2013
Value:   $1,800
Contractor: Louis Fisher Jr

Client: Fargo Street Associates Inc | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E315080 | Parcel: 2205158000
2013/12/24180069480482 Washington S Brighton Ma 02135Louis Fisher Jr
Ritest two gas lines for roof top units
Date:  September 27, 2011
Value:   $600
Contractor: Yulius Katsas

Client: Fargo Street Associates Inc | Permit type: Gas permit | Expiration date: March 27, 2012 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: G97737 | Parcel: 2205158000
2011/09/2760095480482 Washington S Brighton MaYulius Katsas
Replace lighting with energy efficient fixtures at prime realty group.
Date:  March 7, 2011
Value:   $1,279
Contractor: Ralph Carroccio

Client: Fargo Street Associates Inc | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: September 7, 2011 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E65235 | Parcel: 2205158000
2011/03/071279100480482 Washington S Brighton MaRalph Carroccio
Install 14 receptacles
Date:  December 24, 2013
Value:   $1,800
Contractor: Louis Fisher Jr

Client: Fargo Street Associates Inc | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: June 24, 2014 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E315080 | Parcel: 2205158000
2013/12/24180069480482 Washington S Brighton MaLouis Fisher Jr
Street paving only; susi; extension
Date:  March 25, 2014

Client: Fargo Street Associates Inc | Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: July 14, 2015 | Permit id: Exca-346651 | Parcel: 2205158000
2014/03/25095480482 Washington S Brighton Ma
Build 6 tall partition walls (20lf). Move one door and close up wall where door was. Build two desks. Create lead shielded area for x-ray.
Date:  December 11, 2013
Value:   $18,000
Contractor: Ken Nazarian

Client: Fargo Street Associates Inc | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: June 11, 2014 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf312333 | Parcel: 2205158000
2013/12/1118000100480482 Washington S Brighton MaKen Nazarian
Install traffic signal in sdwk (15) for new signal post; # 1363015594250; extension
Date:  April 8, 2013

Client: Fargo Street Associates Inc | Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: June 13, 2013 | Permit id: Exca-232130 | Parcel: 2205158000
2013/04/08095480482 Washington S Brighton Ma

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