Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 56 General repairs retail store interior cosmetic repairs to antique store 1st floor :painting, sheetrock, plaster & patching, non-structural work no exterior work allowed. ![]() ![]() Client: Galleries, Manheim Antiqu E | Permit id: B02003644 | |||||
SCORE 56 General repairs restaurant people and over william brown ![]() ![]() Client: Galleries, Manheim Antiqu E | Permit id: E03001621 | |||||
SCORE 100 Electrical relocations restaurant 49 and under william brown ![]() ![]() Client: Galleries, Manheim Antiqu E | Permit id: E03003880 | |||||
SCORE 66 Circuits only mixed occupancy larry munster ![]() ![]() Client: Galleries, Manheim Antiqu E | Permit id: E03004236 | |||||
SCORE 89 Increase of service retail store larry munster ![]() ![]() Client: Galleries, Manheim Antiqu E | Permit id: E03006453 | |||||
SCORE 82 Install mechanical equipment community center replace 15-ton a c (package unit) and elec warm air furnace. Donald pullen - 455-6039 ![]() ![]() Client: Galleries, Manheim Antiqu E | Permit id: M02003845 | |||||
SCORE 98 Install mechanical equipment retail store install gas line and gas water heater. Edward fraiche 828-1636 ![]() ![]() Client: Galleries, Manheim Antiqu E | Permit id: M03006363 | |||||
SCORE 97 Install mechanical equipment restaurant 49 and under install range hood harlod lack - fire protection 985-651-0002 ![]() ![]() Client: Galleries, Manheim Antiqu E | Permit id: M03006541 | |||||
Historical import type: enforcement vcc permit generaluser: cabergtracking: 86146801652status: permit issuedstatus date: 5/4/2012 12:00: amowner: royal cloud ninellcowner address: 403 royal st, new orleans, la 70130owner edited by: 5/4/2012 by caberg-to do exploratory research to find source of leaks at conti st. Dormer.-repair as required, to match existing.-re-use existing slate to patch, as required ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Staff action - issue perm | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: Vccp-12-0422 | |||||
1. Remove three existing hvac condensers and duct work on right/rear area of flat roof, (located immediately to right of rear dependency.)2. Install new american standard model #tfd181e30ma 15-ton hvac condenser unit and ductwork on right/center area of flat roof (near right/rear corner of main building), and install new ductwork. 3. New condenser will be installed on new metal platform measuring 16x55", mounted on existing parapet walls. 4. All work, including removal of old equipment and duct work, new platform, and new equipment installation will be done per application and drawings received 3/20/13, and specs received 4/10/13, and stamped vcc approved 4/10/13. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: October 10, 2013 | Current use: Mixed use | Permit id: 13-11147-Vcgen | |||||
Repair window sill and dentals below window on conti street elevation ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: May 15, 2014 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 13-44546-Vcgen | |||||
Ironwork: black (to match existing) ![]() Permit type: Vcc paint | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: August 4, 2016 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 16-03854-Vcpnt | |||||
1. Repaint/touch-up to match existing, on lower portion of walls (below white band)2. Color will be: hawthorne yellow hc-12 (benjamin moore) ![]() ![]() Permit type: Vcc paint | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: July 23, 2013 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 13-02261-Vcpnt | |||||
Application for review by vcc ac, on-going review of existing elements as per plans. ![]() Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Application submitted | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 14-32632-Rnvn | |||||
Resolutions to vcc and safety & permits violations & renovation to main building, service wing, and courtyard infill, per drawings & materials received 10/28/15 & stamped vcc approved 10/29/15, including:retain existing security cameras on conti (1) and royal (2) streets, paint housing to match adjacent surfaceremove existing flood light and replace with remcraft 11 outdoor cylindrical bullet security spotlight, paint base to match trim and paint can to match yellow walls,remove existing satellite dish from service wing slate roof and repair roof as needed, restore/replace deteriorated millwork/broken glass as needed,remove existing glass block window and infill wall with 6" metal studs per detail a2. 5 - 03, leaving 1" plaster reveal,remove existing dryer vent hood, replace with "size 4" famco round wall vent, paint hood to match adjacent surface,remove existing metal flashing on service wing roof, replace with copper,remove existing mini-split mounted to service wing wall, relocate to ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: August 3, 2016 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 14-32632-Vcgen | |||||
Historical import type: enforcement vcc permit generaluser: cabergtracking: 86166127719status: permit issuedstatus date: 4/13/2012 12:00: amowner: royal cloud ninellcowner address: 403 royal st, new orleans, la 70130owner edited by: 4/13/2012 by caberg-to replace two (2) louvered sunbursts in street facing dormers, to match existing in all details of fabrication and style.-material to be cypress.-new sunbursts to be scribed to existing openings to ensure proper fit.-new sunbursts to be painted to match shutters--shutter color under separate paint permit. Note: applicant to provide vcc with photographic documentation of existing sunburst prior to intallation of new sunburst, aswell as shop drawing of proposed design.. All work must conform to standard vcc policies & guidelinesestimated cost: 1050. Cab, 04/13/2012 ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Staff action - issue perm | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: Vccp-12-0350 | |||||
Historical import type: enforcement vcc permit paintuser: cabergtracking: 86176929555status: permit issuedstatus date: 4/10/2012 12:00: amowner: royal cloud ninellcowner address: 403 royal st, new orleans, la 70130owner edited by: 4/10/2012 by caberg walls..., flat or satin finish: hc-12 "concord ivory" wooden elements including doors, windows, frames, shop windows, fascia /soffit/outriggers of gallery..., semigloss:"brilliant white", to match existing. Shutters,semigloss: color to be approved under separate permit. Ironwork: black ![]() Permit type: Vcc paint | Permit status: Staff action - issue perm | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: Vccp-12-0337 | |||||
Make repairs to slate roof around blind valleys and dormer ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: July 15, 2014 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 14-01772-Vcgen | |||||
Historical import type: enforcement vcc permit paintuser: cabergtracking: 86122491434status: permit issuedstatus date: 5/29/2012 12:00: amowner: royal cloud ninellcowner address: 403 royal st, new orleans, la 70130owner edited by: 5/29/2012 by caberg-to touch-up/repaint green marbelized faux finished columns at main entry to match existing, per sample received 05/29/12. ![]() Permit type: Vcc paint | Permit status: Staff action - issue perm | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: Vccp-12-0504 | |||||
Painting of existing building exterior including preparation work. Existing building is painted stucco with painted wood trim, doors, windows, shutters, wood balconies with metal outriggers & railings. Existing painted brick and white roof at brown rated courtyard in-fill. ![]() Permit type: Vcc paint | Permit status: Returned for revision | Current use: Mixed use | Permit id: 16-14939-Vcpnt | |||||
Selective exploratory demolition of existing exterior wall finishes as plans and photographs for referenced locations. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit approved | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 15-16081-Rnvn | |||||
Historical import type: enforcement vcc permit paintuser: cabergtracking: 86155495167status: permit issuedstatus date: 5/16/2012 12:00: amowner: royal cloud ninellcowner address: 403 royal st, new orleans, la 70130owner edited by: 5/16/2012 by cabergnote: all paint to be helm. This permit is to paint the shutters only. Shutters,semigloss: 43 hunter green ![]() Permit type: Vcc paint | Permit status: Staff action - issue perm | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: Vccp-12-0455 | |||||
Historical import type: enforcement vcc permit generaluser: cabergtracking: 86147371806status: permit issuedstatus date: 5/31/2012 12:00: amowner: royal cloud ninellcowner address: 403 royal st, new orleans, la 70130owner phone: 299-0601owner edited by: 5/31/2012 by cabergto replace rotted door frame, where found, with spanish cedar, all work to match existing.-paint door frames to match existing.-patch any damaged stucco at frames, to match existing.-paint stucco to match existing. ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Staff action - issue perm | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: Vccp-12-0518 | |||||
Historical import type: enforcement vcc permit paintuser: cabergtracking: 861238477status: permit issuedstatus date: 3/13/2012 12:00: amowner: royal cloud ninellcowner address: 403 royal st, new orleans, la 70130owner edited by: 3/13/2012 by cabergnote: all paint to be helm or equiv. Walls..., flat or satin finish: hawthorne yellow hc-4 wooden elements including doors, windows, frames, shop windows, fascia /soffit/outriggers of gallery..., semigloss:brilliant white ![]() Permit type: Vcc paint | Permit status: Permit finaled | Completion date: October 16, 2013 | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: Vccp-12-0243 | |||||
Historical import type: enforcement vcc permit generaluser: tmcleodtracking: 86111264017status: permit issuedstatus date: 5/22/2012 12:00: amowner: royal cloud ninellcowner address: 403 royal st, new orleans, la 70130owner phone: 299. 0601owner edited by: 5/22/2012 by tmcleod-to install temporary x x frame tent on royal street sidewalk and street per drawing received 5. 17. 12 and stampedapproved on 5. 22. 12.-tent will extend from front of 403 royal over the sidewalk and onto royal street.-to install temporary portable a/c compressor, generator, planters, and hedges.-to install temporary wood floor on royal street sidewalk. Note: tent will be erected at 7a. M. On 5. 25. 12 and be taken down by 3a. M. On 5. 26. 12. No other work is approved under thispermit. Separate permits must be obtained from the department of public works, the fire prevention division of the neworleans fire department, the department of safety & permits. ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Staff action - issue perm | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: Vccp-12-0474 | |||||
SCORE 59 Replace 15-ton condenser unit on roof. Brad mccoy (#1143) 985-788-6810vcc #13-11147-vcgen ![]() ![]() Permit type: General mechanical | Permit status: Permit expired | Completion date: July 28, 2014 | Expiration date: December 4, 2013 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 13-17311-Mech | |||||
SCORE 59 Replace 15-ton condenser unit on roof. Brad mccoy (#1143) 985-788-6810vcc #13-11147-vcgen ![]() ![]() Permit type: General mechanical | Permit status: Permit expired | Completion date: July 28, 2014 | Expiration date: December 4, 2013 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 13-17311-Mech | |||||
Reserve space for 1 day, 10 15 2016 to 10 15 2016, from 7: a. M. To 11:59 p. M., for a wedding. ![]() Permit type: Dumpster/construction zone | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: April 10, 2017 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 16-33521-Rczd | |||||
Repairs of st. Louis side windows, front and rear dormers, and painting as indicated, per drawings received 01 04 17 and stamped vcc approved 01 11 17, as follows: install new six-over-six double hung window in royal st. Dormer within existing frame, to measure approx. 3-6" x 5-11" (verify existing conditions), back prime and paint window, trim and wood louvered sunburst to match existing trim (white). Install new twelve-over-twelve double hung window in bourbon st. Dormer within existing frame, to measure approx.. 3-10" x 7-4" (verify existing conditions). Back prime and paint window and trim to match existing trim (white). Install three (3) new six-over-six windows and casing on the second floor st. Louis elevation, per millwork details in attached vcc stamped drawing. Verify dimensions of existing openings, back prime and paint windows to match existing trim color (white). Reinstall existing shutters. Paint existing doors, windows and shutters as indicated in attached vcc stamped ![]() Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Application submitted | Current use: Mixed use | Permit id: 16-36556-Rnvn | |||||
Repairs of st. Louis side windows, front and rear dormers, and painting as indicated, per drawings received 01 04 17 and stamped vcc approved 01 11 17, as follows:install new six-over-six double hung window in royal st. Dormer within existing frame, to measure approx. 3-6" x 5-11" (verify existing conditions), back prime and paint window, trim and wood louvered sunburst to match existing trim (white). Install new twelve-over-twelve double hung window in bourbon st. Dormer within existing frame, to measure approx 3-10" x 7-4" (verify existing conditions). Back prime and paint window and trim to match existing trim (white). Install three (3) new six-over-six windows and casing on the second floor st. Louis elevation, per millwork details in attached vcc stamped drawing. Verify dimensions of existing openings, back prime and paint windows to match existing trim color (white). Reinstall existing shutters. Paint existing doors, windows and shutters as indicated in attached vcc stamped drawin ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: July 11, 2017 | Current use: Mixed use | Permit id: 16-36556-Vcgen | |||||
Blocking of sidewalk for a wedding per sketch on the conti st side of the building. ![]() Permit type: Dumpster/construction zone | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: March 27, 2017 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 16-32091-Rczd | |||||
To close sidewalk and one parking spot in front of 4 royal st and 15 ft of sidewalk on the conti st side for a private party. ![]() Permit type: Dumpster/construction zone | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: June 6, 2017 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 16-39996-Rczd | |||||
SCORE 56 Exploratory and documentation of existing stucco to determine conditions for future removal and replacement of modern stucco and of loose stucco. Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Application submitted | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 17-02177-Rnvn | |||||
Sounding plaster work ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: July 20, 2017 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 17-02177-Vcgen | |||||
Historical import type: enforcement vcc permit generaluser: tmcleodtracking: 86111264017status: permit issuedstatus date: 5 22 2012 12:00: amowner: royal cloud ninellcowner address: 403 royal st, new orleans, la 70130owner phone: 299. 0601owner edited by: 5 22 2012 by tmcleod-to install temporary x x frame tent on royal street sidewalk and street per drawing received 5. 17. 12 and stampedapproved on 5. 22. 12.-tent will extend from front of 403 royal over the sidewalk and onto royal street.-to install temporary portable a c compressor, generator, planters, and hedges.-to install temporary wood floor on royal street sidewalk. Note: tent will be erected at 7a. M. On 5. 25. 12 and be taken down by 3a. M. On 5. 26. 12. No other work is approved under thispermit. Separate permits must be obtained from the department of public works, the fire prevention division of the neworleans fire department, the department of safety & permits. ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Staff action - issue perm | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: Vccp-12-0474 | |||||
Historical import type: enforcement vcc permit paintuser: cabergtracking: 86176929555status: permit issuedstatus date: 4 10 2012 12:00: amowner: royal cloud ninellcowner address: 403 royal st, new orleans, la 70130owner edited by: 4 10 2012 by caberg walls..., flat or satin finish: hc-12 "concord ivory" wooden elements including doors, windows, frames, shop windows, fascia soffit outriggers of gallery..., semigloss:"brilliant white", to match existing. Shutters,semigloss: color to be approved under separate permit. Ironwork: black ![]() Permit type: Vcc paint | Permit status: Staff action - issue perm | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: Vccp-12-0337 | |||||
Resolutions to vcc and safety & permits violations & renovation to main building, service wing, and courtyard infill, per drawings & materials received 10 28 15 & stamped vcc approved 10 29 15, including:retain existing security cameras on conti (1) and royal (2) streets, paint housing to match adjacent surfaceremove existing flood light and replace with remcraft 11 outdoor cylindrical bullet security spotlight, paint base to match trim and paint can to match yellow walls,remove existing satellite dish from service wing slate roof and repair roof as needed, restore replace deteriorated millwork broken glass as needed,remove existing glass block window and infill wall with 6" metal studs per detail a2. 5 - 03, leaving 1" plaster reveal,remove existing dryer vent hood, replace with "size 4" famco round wall vent, paint hood to match adjacent surface,remove existing metal flashing on service wing roof, replace with copper,remove existing mini-split mounted to service wing wall, relocate to ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: August 3, 2016 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 14-32632-Vcgen | |||||
Historical import type: enforcement vcc permit paintuser: cabergtracking: 86122491434status: permit issuedstatus date: 5 29 2012 12:00: amowner: royal cloud ninellcowner address: 403 royal st, new orleans, la 70130owner edited by: 5 29 2012 by caberg-to touch-up repaint green marbelized faux finished columns at main entry to match existing, per sample received 05 29 12. ![]() Permit type: Vcc paint | Permit status: Staff action - issue perm | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: Vccp-12-0504 | |||||
Historical import type: enforcement vcc permit paintuser: cabergtracking: 861238477status: permit issuedstatus date: 3 13 2012 12:00: amowner: royal cloud ninellcowner address: 403 royal st, new orleans, la 70130owner edited by: 3 13 2012 by cabergnote: all paint to be helm or equiv. Walls..., flat or satin finish: hawthorne yellow hc-4 wooden elements including doors, windows, frames, shop windows, fascia soffit outriggers of gallery..., semigloss:brilliant white ![]() Permit type: Vcc paint | Permit status: Permit finaled | Completion date: October 16, 2013 | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: Vccp-12-0243 | |||||
1. Repaint touch-up to match existing, on lower portion of walls (below white band)2. Color will be: hawthorne yellow hc-12 (benjamin moore) ![]() ![]() Permit type: Vcc paint | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: July 23, 2013 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 13-02261-Vcpnt | |||||
Historical import type: enforcement vcc permit generaluser: cabergtracking: 86146801652status: permit issuedstatus date: 5 4 2012 12:00: amowner: royal cloud ninellcowner address: 403 royal st, new orleans, la 70130owner edited by: 5 4 2012 by caberg-to do exploratory research to find source of leaks at conti st. Dormer.-repair as required, to match existing.-re-use existing slate to patch, as required ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Staff action - issue perm | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: Vccp-12-0422 | |||||
Historical import type: enforcement vcc permit generaluser: cabergtracking: 86166127719status: permit issuedstatus date: 4 13 2012 12:00: amowner: royal cloud ninellcowner address: 403 royal st, new orleans, la 70130owner edited by: 4 13 2012 by caberg-to replace two (2) louvered sunbursts in street facing dormers, to match existing in all details of fabrication and style.-material to be cypress.-new sunbursts to be scribed to existing openings to ensure proper fit.-new sunbursts to be painted to match shutters--shutter color under separate paint permit. Note: applicant to provide vcc with photographic documentation of existing sunburst prior to intallation of new sunburst, aswell as shop drawing of proposed design.. All work must conform to standard vcc policies & guidelinesestimated cost: 1050. Cab, 04 13 2012 ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Staff action - issue perm | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: Vccp-12-0350 | |||||
Historical import type: enforcement vcc permit generaluser: cabergtracking: 86147371806status: permit issuedstatus date: 5 31 2012 12:00: amowner: royal cloud ninellcowner address: 403 royal st, new orleans, la 70130owner phone: 299-0601owner edited by: 5 31 2012 by cabergto replace rotted door frame, where found, with spanish cedar, all work to match existing.-paint door frames to match existing.-patch any damaged stucco at frames, to match existing.-paint stucco to match existing. ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Staff action - issue perm | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: Vccp-12-0518 | |||||
1. Remove three existing hvac condensers and duct work on right rear area of flat roof, (located immediately to right of rear dependency.)2. Install new american standard model #tfd181e30ma 15-ton hvac condenser unit and ductwork on right center area of flat roof (near right rear corner of main building), and install new ductwork. 3. New condenser will be installed on new metal platform measuring 16x55", mounted on existing parapet walls. 4. All work, including removal of old equipment and duct work, new platform, and new equipment installation will be done per application and drawings received 3 20 13, and specs received 4 10 13, and stamped vcc approved 4 10 13. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: October 10, 2013 | Current use: Mixed use | Permit id: 13-11147-Vcgen | |||||
Historical import type: enforcement vcc permit paintuser: cabergtracking: 86155495167status: permit issuedstatus date: 5 16 2012 12:00: amowner: royal cloud ninellcowner address: 403 royal st, new orleans, la 70130owner edited by: 5 16 2012 by cabergnote: all paint to be helm. This permit is to paint the shutters only. Shutters,semigloss: 43 hunter green ![]() Permit type: Vcc paint | Permit status: Staff action - issue perm | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: Vccp-12-0455 | |||||
SCORE 67 Change of use restaurant people and over convert rear portion of existing retail space to a restaurant as per plans & vcc permit #020653. No use & occupancy of the second floor. ![]() ![]() Client: Galleries, Manheim Antiqu E | Permit id: B02004746 | |||||
SCORE 93 Repairs alterationlouis verges (#52766) 504-243-1917 Permit type: Mechanical hvac | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Completion date: May 24, 2017 | Expiration date: October 10, 2017 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 17-11206-Hvac | |||||
Flashing and downspout work per attached materials stamped vcc approved 10 25 17, as follows:install new section of copper downspout on conti elevation where missing, to match diameter of existing downspout. Paint to match adjacent surface. On conti elevation, install new copper flashing on top of transom bar, with drip edge. Paint white to match adjacent trim. Repair existing galvanized flashing on second floor, below bridge on st. Louis side, above brown-rated alley infillthis permit prohibits the application of the following exterior coating materials and paints: sealers, ceramic coatings paints, elastomeric coatings paints, waterproofing water repellent coatings ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: April 25, 2018 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 17-36514-Vcgen | |||||
Exterior painting of existing building including preparation work. Building is painted stucco with wood doors, windows and shutters and trim. There are wood balconies with metal outriggers & railings. And there is also some existing painted brick that will repainted. ![]() Permit type: Vcc paint | Permit status: Voided - duplicate permit | Completion date: October 25, 2017 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 17-35721-Vcpnt | |||||
Build-out for a private event hosted by latrobes on royal. Build-out will occupy the sidewalk and the parking lane adjacent to the sidewalk in front of latrobes on royal. ![]() Permit type: Dumpster/construction zone | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: May 16, 2018 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 17-38448-Rczd | |||||
Railings: black (to match existing), semiglossblacony decking: sw barracks stree gray, semigloss ![]() Permit type: Vcc paint | Permit status: Permit issued | Completion date: February 1, 2017 | Expiration date: August 1, 2017 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 17-03023-Vcpnt | |||||
Reserve space to park service vehicle in front of latrobes in the freight zone on royal street for one (1) day on 02 01 2017 to load and unload equipment. ![]() Permit type: Dumpster/construction zone | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: July 30, 2017 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 17-03326-Rczd | |||||
Stucco and masonry repairs on the purple-rated main building, per architectural committee approval 20 24 17 & materials stamped vcc approved 10 31 17, as follows:remove dead and delaminated stucco as indicated on stamped elevation: on the conti elevation: three (3) locations at ground level, four (4) at or above the first floor stucco band, and one patch between two windows on the second floor. On the royal elevation: three (3) locations at ground level and four (4) above the first floor stucco band. On the st. Louis elevation: three (3) locations surrounding double-hung windows on the second floor. Repoint masonry as needed using the vcc mortar formula (attached). Cracked or broken bricks shall be replaced to match existing in color, size, material, porosity, detail, profile and exposure. Any new bricks must be inspected and approved by vcc staff prior to installation. Install vcc stucco formula as noted above, using natural hair fibers. Finish must match adjacent surface. Prepackaged m ![]() Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: April 30, 2018 | Current use: Mixed use | Permit id: 17-35449-Vcgen | |||||
SCORE 64 Renovate existing mixed use building as per plans and vcc approval. Exterior work only. Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: May 6, 2018 | Current use: Mixed use | Permit id: 17-35449-Rnvn | |||||
Sidewalk cut for fiber optic cable ![]() Permit type: Street cut | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: January 24, 2018 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 17-23791-Rstc | |||||
Reserve space for private party beginning 02 15 2017 7: a. M. To 02 18 2017 3:59 a. M.. ![]() Permit type: Dumpster/construction zone | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Completion date: June 5, 2017 | Expiration date: August 13, 2017 | Current use: Business use | Permit id: 17-05033-Rczd | |||||
SCORE 56 To install ten (10)-42 high bollard 3 round, with ball type post caps on conti st. @ royal, per plans received 11/26/12 and approved 11/30/12. Approved by new orleans dept. Of public works 11/20/12. All bollards to be installed 18" from face of curb. All bollards to be painted black no other work is approved under this permit. Permit type: Vcc general work | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: May 30, 2013 | Current use: Mixed use | Permit id: 12-32089-Vcgen | |||||
SCORE 89 Electrical emergency reconn - after hrs. Retail store larry munster ![]() ![]() Client: Galleries, Manheim Antiqu E | Permit id: E03006723 |