Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 56 Nissan will be bringing out some of their new sustainable cars for zappos employees to see and test drive. ![]() Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 282724 | |||||
Rev. Ncrs struc. Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 243473 | |||||
Fire sprinkler for ti 257207 8 4 14 as builts in 1 ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | Permit id: 262101 | |||||
Deferred struc calcs to bobby w penta for corrections 06 20 base build returned 07 01 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 238416 | |||||
Rev arch, bulletin#31-ti-monitors,water filters,addl rooms 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233464 | |||||
7-6"x6-6" metal awning ![]() Permit type: Commercial project | |||||
Compactor remodel w electrical ![]() Permit type: Commercial project | |||||
Central plant remodel ![]() Permit type: Commercial project | |||||
On sites does not include electrical, must acquire separate electrical permit and sign permit if new work installed ![]() Permit type: Commercial project | |||||
Core & shell remodel reroof included within this permit ok per d. M. Express/expedited fees charged to this permit see tech comments ![]() Permit type: Commercial project | |||||
Shade structures installed on rooftop split for bv 8/3/15-be ![]() Permit type: Commercial project | |||||
Temporary chain link construction fencing around perimeter of property ![]() Permit type: Wall fence | |||||
Demolition of existing modular office 46762 w plumbing investigation ![]() | |||||
Fire sprinkler for ti 257207 8/4/14 as builts in /1 ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | |||||
Ragnar relay series runners will pick up their information packet at our campus on stewart;we will provide free food and entertainment. St baldricks will be onsite shaving heads for donations. ![]() Applicant: Staceysam | Permit type: Special event application | |||||
Highrise office t. I. Xprs 12/10/2012 @ 9: am ilo expedited approved by mb on 12/20-pb ![]() Permit type: Tenant improvement | |||||
First friday 12 year anniversary celebration - live music and art to celebrate first friday (ff) 12-year anniversary. ![]() Applicant: Mikelalee- Manaois | Permit type: Special event application | |||||
Zappos. Com to host second annual tree lighting event with ceo lighting the tree and lva choir performing. There will be hot chocolate, pictures with santa, story-telling, music, fake snow and good times. ![]() Applicant: Tylerwilliams | Permit type: Special event application | |||||
Fa - new sys for podium portion (metro) of structure (excludes auditorium, basement data center) ![]() Permit type: Fire alarm system | |||||
Power for door operators, card readers ![]() Permit type: Electrical only | |||||
Fa - new sys for south 2 story addition of structure. ![]() Permit type: Fire alarm system | |||||
Keed visits zappos for a day of rock climbing and hanging out. ![]() Applicant: Tylerwilliams | Permit type: Special event application | |||||
Fa demo to shell for 208178 ![]() Permit type: Fire alarm system | |||||
Sprk core & shell for tower for ap# 219114 ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | |||||
Alternate method - curtain wall & floor intersection assembly/insulation for 46762 ![]() Permit type: Plan check application | |||||
Fire sprinkler - tower restroom - levels 1-10 ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | |||||
Electrical improvements for level 2 and 3 ![]() Permit type: Electrical only | |||||
Annunciator removal ![]() Permit type: Fire alarm system | |||||
Sprk for tower level 11 penthouse for 223095/46762 ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | |||||
Replace 10a breaker w/60a ![]() Permit type: Electrical only | |||||
Anniversary - private party at zappos headquarters. Music, dinner and coctails for three year anniversary of non-profit. ![]() Applicant: Donpurdue | Permit type: Special event application | |||||
Fire sprinkler - podium restroom - levels 1-3 ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | |||||
Fa - new sys for high rise only (exludes podium / rest of structure) ![]() Permit type: Fire alarm system | |||||
Clean agent (echro-25) extinguishing sys and vesda sys for ap# 227425 ![]() Permit type: Clean agent extinguishing sys. | |||||
New fa sys for ap#223096 (campus style sys tied to zappos hq fa sys) ![]() Permit type: Fire alarm system | |||||
Fire/hood ![]() Permit type: Kitchen hood extinguishing sys | |||||
Class i wet - manual standpipe (ti / expansion) for ap# 46762 / 219114 entire projects as-builts / calcs scanned under a/p#233281 ![]() Permit type: Standpipe system | |||||
For the love of animals- saving the zoo: applicant will work with roos and more to hold an onsite zoo at the location of zappos. Com campus/old city hall. Donations to help raise funds for the charity, will be accepted during the event. The public will be able to view animals, interact with animals, take pictures and be part of a live show. ![]() Applicant: Stevenbautista | Permit type: Special event application | |||||
Standpipe demo class ii per inspections & retro-fit ![]() Permit type: Standpipe system | |||||
Roof mounted 16kw photovoltaic solar system ![]() Permit type: Electrical only | |||||
Rework mains in basement, create pre-action system. Scope changed from shell c of c to full build-out w/ as-builts. Entire projects as-builts / calcs scanned under a/p#233281 11/7/13 as builts in for otc ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | |||||
Ti remodel - adding sliding nanawall @ courtyard sqft) ![]() Permit type: Tenant improvement | |||||
Interior nonstructural demo of walls only (mep not included) needs asbestos letter/rated walls indicated-contractor has all plans & appl 04/03 ![]() | |||||
Low voltage data ![]() Permit type: Electrical only | |||||
Road to wellness fair by zappos - sponsoring 5k & fun run ![]() Applicant: Cynthiaganey | Permit type: Special event application | |||||
Emergency services radio system ![]() Permit type: Emergency radio system | |||||
Wall signs - 4 ![]() Permit type: Signs | |||||
Fundraiser selling zappos merchandise ![]() Applicant: Stevenbautista | Permit type: Special event application | |||||
Yoga with yoga products sold and merchanside give aways. Dj ![]() Applicant: Staceysam | Permit type: Special event application | |||||
2nd annual roos and more zoo on zappos campus ![]() Applicant: Stevenbautista | Permit type: Special event application | |||||
Runner service by tri-signal integration. Monitors both zappos main, and bistro cafe ![]() Permit type: Central station monitoring sys | |||||
Restaurant t. I. Xprs 12/03/2012 @ 9: am cnt sheet will be e-mailed to ls and si-2,3 will come in at the express put on exp. 12/12 si-2 in 12/18 docs on shelf structural alt means & methods see pp#47978 ![]() Permit type: Tenant improvement | |||||
Onsite sewer ![]() Permit type: Water distribution | |||||
Sprinkler for ap# 219114 ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | |||||
Zappos downtown community dinner - zappos is hosting a community dinner on zappos campus. ![]() Applicant: Mikelalee-Manaois | Permit type: Special event application | |||||
Removal of atm machine & electrical & patch concrete folded / no doc ![]() | |||||
Sprk shell for 3rd floor podium shell c of c. ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | |||||
Waterflow test requested by dale of desert fp. ![]() Permit type: Pre construction water flow | |||||
Block screen walls, pour in place walls, railings, gates, chain link does not include new planters at south parking garage ![]() Permit type: Wall fence | |||||
Fire alarm letter to add (2) relay modules for ada control doors ![]() Permit type: Fire alarm system | |||||
Wds/fire underground fire lines & the inbldg riser 219114 ![]() Permit type: Water distribution | |||||
Fire alarm letter to add relay module and door holders ![]() Permit type: Fire alarm system | |||||
Core & shell remodel 9/6 strucs in 9/17-xpd for backchecks si-3 in 9/25 appd civils in 10/29 rac ![]() Permit type: Plan check application | |||||
Fire sprinkler build-out (south addition) for 223095 entire projects as-builts / calcs scanned under a/p#233281 ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | |||||
Local industry workers participating in amateur boxing match. ![]() Applicant: Derrickharmon | Permit type: Special event application | |||||
Temporary hoist beam for elevator repair folded plan in file appl pkg scanned ![]() Permit type: Tenant improvement | |||||
Restripe garage and misc structural repairs 46762 ![]() Permit type: Tenant improvement | |||||
Smoke control for #223095 / 46762 11/20/13 mqaa final report in 12/2/13 fpr amendment #3 in ![]() Permit type: Smoke control/management sys. | |||||
Zappos. Com 1st annual road to wellness community expo. Zappos to host a wellness expo that is open to public. Event includes vendors providing free health screenings/analysis. Vendors will charge for food truck items, play zone activities for kids,etc. ![]() Applicant: Kellymaher | Permit type: Special event application | |||||
Sprk ti for towers floors 1 thru 223095/46762 entire projects as-builts / calcs scanned under this a/p# ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | |||||
Sprinkler demo letter ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | |||||
Storm drain 3/21/13: dispatch: please schedule all inspections for customer - staged too far. Jl ![]() Permit type: Water distribution | |||||
Fire sprk ti build-out for metro levels 1,2,3 (no basement) entire projects as-builts / calcs scanned under a/p#233281 ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | |||||
Smith center parking exit plan ![]() | |||||
Demo-2nd fl-old jail-interior-non structural ![]() | |||||
Wall signs - 3 ![]() Permit type: Signs | |||||
Sign - wall/2 approved per dbm encroachment application to be signed monday ![]() Permit type: Signs | |||||
Fire alarm ltr /modification to add module ![]() Permit type: Fire alarm system | |||||
Add 200a subpanel ![]() Permit type: Electrical only | |||||
Fire alarm letter to add (4) relay modules for door realease ![]() Permit type: Fire alarm system | |||||
Alternate means and methods drinking fountains ![]() Applicant: Zappos | Permit type: Plan check application | |||||
Retrofit existing structure with sprinkler sys for 223096 (old clv pw offices building) ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | |||||
Electical investigation inspection only, one area ![]() | |||||
Fire alarm for ti 257207 7/29/14 as builts in /1 ![]() Permit type: Fire alarm system | |||||
Mech & elec for data center - arch under #223095 ![]() Permit type: Tenant improvement | |||||
Fa sys for the "data center" in basement, for ![]() Permit type: Fire alarm system | |||||
Fire/wds for 107v5739 ![]() Permit type: Water distribution | |||||
Sign ![]() Permit type: Signs | |||||
Assembly/office t. I. Levels 2 and 3 3/27 gave cstmr df-1/2 and si-3 forms-pb 3/31 split for caa-pb 4/ merged/stamped/queued for fire & plannings re-stamps and nenads si docs rev/placing i-hold-pb (6,234 sqft) ![]() Permit type: Tenant improvement | |||||
Revision elec, mech, plumb bulletin #-021-bb-mep mod due to ti changes 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233067 | |||||
Deferred struc calcs to bobby w/penta for corrections 06/20 piping and duct work Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 238414 | |||||
Rev arch mech 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 237869 | |||||
Revision mech, struc bulletin #-014-bb-ahu 22 & 23 bulletin#-014a add silencer to ra duct 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233061 | |||||
Deferred sub - ti low wall at bubble connection - level 2 & 3 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 242008 | |||||
Deferred submittal- ti ceiling restraint detail Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 242091 | |||||
Rev. Ncrs struc. Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 243473 | |||||
Rev mech, elec, plum bulletin#61-ti 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233559 | |||||
Deferred struc stair handrail attachment 223095 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 240507 | |||||
Ivr test for event application - test 3 Applicant: Walk In Customer | Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 237614 | |||||
Arch/struc revisions to main set of plans due to 223095 tenant improvement correction Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 226494 | |||||
Deferred struc soffit framing at curtain wall Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 237473 | |||||
Deferred mechanical/plumbing seismic bracing bobby jelone w/penta - clv/job/si set filed 07/01 8/19/13 off pending Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 239497 | |||||
Deferred struc soffit framing all calcs returned to will scott w/penta for corrections 07/08 returned 07/24 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 239499 | |||||
Avi/entry gate cont tbd Permit type: Automatic vehicle gate | Permit id: 242591 | |||||
Rev arch 223095 bulletin#49-ti, vertical grab bars @ basement showers Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233699 | |||||
Revision arch, elec, plumb bulletin #-015-bb-remove basement toilet, toilet changes 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233062 | |||||
Rev arch 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 237868 | |||||
Rev. Ncr struc. Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 243470 | |||||
Deferred struc calcs to bobby w/penta for corrections 06/20 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 238413 | |||||
Deferred struc exterior storefront framing/ fees due/emailed contact notice 01/08/15 mc Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 239496 | |||||
Annual smoke control si tracking for 2015 - 2019 test plan 11/5/15 revised plan in Permit type: Smoke control/management sys. | Permit id: 301429 | |||||
This is the beginning of an international event that pays homage to the incredible story of organized crime and law enforcement and its impact both on las vegas and the world. A 5k run starting at the zappos headquarters with all participants dressed in their favorite mob-themed running attire. Applicant: Delanojackson | Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 258162 | |||||
Revision arch, elec, mech add yoga studio Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 237935 | |||||
Revision arch, elec, mech, plumb ti-ib 084r1 ti 1st & 7th floor turnstiles,ib 097 ti ramp & landing framing,ib 101 ti mep for executive offices Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 240184 | |||||
Nissan will be bringing out some of their new sustainable cars for zappos employees to see and test drive. Applicant: Bradtomm | Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 282724 | |||||
Zappos annual tree lighting event on the plaza - tree, hot chocolate, pictures with santa and activities for employees and families ![]() Applicant: Tylerwilliams | Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 305346 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-020-ti-data center coordination/ door swing 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233066 | |||||
Rev. Elec information bulletin#-026-ti-electrical lighting 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233071 | |||||
Rev. Elec information bulletin#-029-ti-additional power/data 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233072 | |||||
Deferred submittal- mdf attachment to ceiling grid Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 243291 | |||||
Deferred sub - base building stair 6,7 and 9 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 242009 | |||||
Revision arch, struc ib #0089r1 wind wall alcove expedite per rc 7/24/13 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 241177 | |||||
Revision arch, struc ib #066r1 ethospace furniture wall coordination expedite per rc 7/24/13 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 241178 | |||||
Alternate means and methods structural- change in use to higher occ ref ap#223096 Permit type: Plan check application | Permit id: 47978 | |||||
Rev arch, bulletin# 38 bb(two hr wall)/fees paid/inspections finaled/permit closed/ mc 46762 sent expired inactive notice 07/23/15 et Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 234056 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-025-ti-conf rooms,coach,ceilings, elevations 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233070 | |||||
Revised a/e (multiple bulletins) Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 236760 | |||||
Deferred submittal - roof-top terrace rail Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 244174 | |||||
Deferred sub - ti dirt wall soffit framing Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 242010 | |||||
Sliding vehicle access gate waiting for structural - plans @ #11 Permit type: Automatic vehicle gate | Permit id: 245370 | |||||
Deferred struc steel fabricator certification Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 239498 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-013-bb-toilets, wall mods 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233117 | |||||
Deferred structural, sign review 243594 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 253746 | |||||
Ampe revision Applicant: Carpenter Sellers Associates | Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 234934 | |||||
Revised arch Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 242904 | |||||
Revised arch Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 242903 | |||||
Deferred submittal - rfi #bbc-0219 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 245592 | |||||
Revised elect Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 242183 | |||||
Deferred struc calcs to bobby w/penta for corrections 06/20 base build returned 07/01 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 238416 | |||||
Revised a/m/e (multiple bulletins) Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 236769 | |||||
Ncr/fix s-dtl - roof framing at yoga rm Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 244385 | |||||
Revision /2 arch, elec Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 262553 | |||||
Revision arch, elec, mech, plumb shell-ib 102 bb circuiting for central plant valves,ib 103 bb mep rev related to nexus equipment,ib 107 bb level 2 corridor 02016 ramp framing rev,ib 1 bb ceiling in vestibule 01012. Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 240168 | |||||
Rev arch,mech, elec 46762 (003,18-r1,r2,r3,47-r1,71,80-r1,81,81-r2,82,85, 091,095) Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 239047 | |||||
Deferred struc raised floor @ z cafe Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 241682 | |||||
Deferred struc metal stud wall system and structural repairs of the metal stud framing Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 237470 | |||||
Rev struc, base building 46762 ib 082 r-2,ib 121 bb Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 243182 | |||||
Rev mech, elec, data 227425 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 238004 | |||||
Rev arch, bulletin#31-ti-monitors,water filters,addl rooms 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233464 | |||||
Deferred submittal Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 251982 | |||||
Rev arch, struc bulletins 30,39,45,46,48 46762 ext exit stair,room layouts, roof gaurdrail,stair 6-7 footing det,vertical grab bars mail-in Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233698 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-017-ti-coordinate w bb for fire risers,cafe,garage doors, etc 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233064 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-023-bb-engineering judgment 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233068 | |||||
Power for rotating door at bridge and 2 car charging stations-not for counter review rfi e plans to cont 6-18 Permit type: Electrical only | Permit id: 291199 | |||||
Rev. Struc steel beam Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 182233 | |||||
Rev. Elec information bulletin#-024-bb-ti coordination panel sched,load calcs,ewc 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233069 | |||||
Revision arch,bulletin #-016-bb-add chain link fence, roof screens, garage breakout 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233063 | |||||
Deferred struc wheelchair lift cmu wall Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 237465 | |||||
Rev a,m,e-ib-125 & 82-r4 expedited review 9/17/13 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 245033 | |||||
Wall signs - 2 Permit type: Signs | Permit id: 218848 | |||||
Revision struc -beam & column welds expedite per rc 7/3/13 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 239785 | |||||
Rev arch 223095 (63-r3,69,83-r1,84,87-r2,93) Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 239048 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-018-bb-roof terrace redesign 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233065 | |||||
Deferred struc conference room framing Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 237472 | |||||
Revision elec, mech, plumb bulletin #-021-bb-mep mod due to ti changes 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233067 | |||||
Revision arch, struc ib #066r1 ethospace furniture wall coordination expedite per rc 7 24 13 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 241178 | |||||
Deferred struc calcs to bobby w penta for corrections 06 20 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 238413 | |||||
Rev arch 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 237868 | |||||
Arch struc revisions to main set of plans due to 223095 tenant improvement correction Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 226494 | |||||
Deferred struc soffit framing at curtain wall Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 237473 | |||||
Rev arch 223095 bulletin#49-ti, vertical grab bars @ basement showers Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233699 | |||||
Sign - wall 2 approved per dbm encroachment application to be signed monday ![]() Permit type: Signs | Permit id: 243594 | |||||
Deferred struc soffit framing all calcs returned to will scott w penta for corrections 07 08 returned 07 24 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 239499 | |||||
SCORE 56 This is the beginning of an international event that pays homage to the incredible story of organized crime and law enforcement and its impact both on las vegas and the world. A 5k run starting at the zappos headquarters with all participants dressed in their favorite mob-themed running attire. ![]() Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 258162 | |||||
SCORE 64 Ivr test for event application - test 3 ![]() Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 237614 | |||||
Rev mech, elec, plum bulletin#61-ti 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233559 | |||||
Deferred submittal- ti ceiling restraint detail Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 242091 | |||||
Revision arch, elec, plumb bulletin #-015-bb-remove basement toilet, toilet changes 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233062 | |||||
Deferred struc calcs to bobby w penta for corrections 06 20 piping and duct work Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 238414 | |||||
Avi entry gate cont tbd Permit type: Automatic vehicle gate | Permit id: 242591 | |||||
SCORE 56 Zappos. Com 1st annual road to wellness community expo. Zappos to host a wellness expo that is open to public. Event includes vendors providing free health screenings analysis. Vendors will charge for food truck items, play zone activities for kids,etc. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 276397 | |||||
Revised a m e (multiple bulletins) Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 236769 | |||||
SCORE 100 Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 Sign | |||||
SCORE 98 Ti | |||||
SCORE 100 Electrical | |||||
SCORE 95 Ti | |||||
SCORE 63 Ti | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_025_demolition | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_025_demolition | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_37_chain link Permit type: Wall fence | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_085a_investigation inspection | |||||
SCORE 100 Utility structure (with mpes) Permit type: Commercial | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_153_trash enclosures/generators/w cvr Permit type: Commercial | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_091_on-site hardscapes & improve(qty) Permit type: Commercial | |||||
SCORE 100 Offices etc. - expanded shell Permit type: Commercial | |||||
SCORE 100 Assembly group: nightclub / restaurant - ti Permit type: Ti | |||||
SCORE 100 Offices - highrise - ti Permit type: Ti | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_025_demolition | |||||
SCORE 100 Storage (combustable - not s-2) - ti Permit type: Ti | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_37_chain link Permit type: Wall fence | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_025_demolition | |||||
SCORE 100 3d_072a_low voltage outlets Permit type: Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 Offices - highrise - ti Permit type: Ti | |||||
SCORE 99 3e_092_on-sites water/sewer (qty) Permit type: Wds | |||||
SCORE 99 3e_075_storm drain (lf) Permit type: Wds | |||||
SCORE 99 Wds | |||||
SCORE 99 Wds | |||||
SCORE 100 Offices - highrise - ti Permit type: Ti | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_126_wall/roof Permit type: Sign | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_126_wall/roof Permit type: Sign | |||||
SCORE 95 3e_126_wall/roof Permit type: Sign | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_007_canopy other (sq ft) Permit type: Commercial | |||||
SCORE 95 3e_126_wall/roof Permit type: Sign | |||||
SCORE 100 Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 | |||||
SCORE 100 Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 B-wtrs | |||||
SCORE 100 Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 3d_082_roof mounted photovoltaic system per kw Permit type: Commercial | |||||
SCORE 100 3d_039_building water/sewer installs / repairs / replacements | |||||
SCORE 72 3d_064_receptacles, switches and lighting outlets Permit type: Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 Assembly group: halls - ti Permit type: Ti | |||||
SCORE 100 3d_064_receptacles, switches and lighting outlets Permit type: Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 3d_082_roof mounted photovoltaic system per kw Permit type: Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 3d_064_receptacles, switches and lighting outlets Permit type: Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 3d_105_minor electrical Permit type: Electrical | |||||
SCORE 72 3d_094_services of 6 volts or less and not over 2 amperes in rating Permit type: Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_120_shade structures (sq ft) Permit type: Commercial | |||||
SCORE 100 3d_072a_low voltage outlets Permit type: Electrical | |||||
SCORE 72 3d_098_miscellaneous apparatus, conduits, and conductors Permit type: Electrical | |||||
Deferred struc calcs to bobby w/penta for corrections 06/20 piping and duct work Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 238414 | |||||
Deferred submittal- ti ceiling restraint detail Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 242091 | |||||
SCORE 76 Keed visits zappos for a day of rock climbing and hanging out. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 294228 | |||||
Rev mech, elec, plum bulletin#61-ti 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233559 | |||||
Deferred struc soffit framing at curtain wall Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 237473 | |||||
Arch/struc revisions to main set of plans due to 223095 tenant improvement correction Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 226494 | |||||
Deferred struc soffit framing all calcs returned to will scott w/penta for corrections 07/08 returned 07/24 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 239499 | |||||
Avi/entry gate cont tbd Permit type: Automatic vehicle gate | Permit id: 242591 | |||||
Rev arch 223095 bulletin#49-ti, vertical grab bars @ basement showers Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233699 | |||||
Revision arch, elec, plumb bulletin #-015-bb-remove basement toilet, toilet changes 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233062 | |||||
Rev arch 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 237868 | |||||
Deferred struc calcs to bobby w/penta for corrections 06/20 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 238413 | |||||
Revision arch, elec, mech add yoga studio Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 237935 | |||||
SCORE 76 Zappos annual tree lighting event on the plaza - tree, hot chocolate, pictures with santa and activities for employees and families ![]() ![]() Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 305346 | |||||
Rev. Elec information bulletin#-026-ti-electrical lighting 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233071 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-020-ti-data center coordination/ door swing 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233066 | |||||
Deferred submittal- mdf attachment to ceiling grid Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 243291 | |||||
Revision arch, struc ib #0089r1 wind wall alcove expedite per rc 7/24/13 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 241177 | |||||
Class i wet - manual standpipe (ti / expansion) for ap# 46762 / 219114 >>> entire projects as-builts / calcs scanned under a/p#233281 <<< ![]() Permit type: Standpipe system | Permit id: 226477 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-025-ti-conf rooms,coach,ceilings, elevations 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233070 | |||||
Deferred submittal - roof-top terrace rail Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 244174 | |||||
Deferred sub - ti dirt wall soffit framing Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 242010 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-013-bb-toilets, wall mods 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233117 | |||||
Revised arch Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 242903 | |||||
Revised elect Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 242183 | |||||
Revision /2 arch, elec Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 262553 | |||||
Revision arch, elec, mech, plumb shell-ib 102 bb circuiting for central plant valves,ib 103 bb mep rev related to nexus equipment,ib 107 bb level 2 corridor 02016 ramp framing rev,ib 1 bb ceiling in vestibule 01012. Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 240168 | |||||
Fire sprinkler build-out (south addition) for 223095 >>> entire projects as-builts / calcs scanned under a/p#233281 <<< ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | Permit id: 232279 | |||||
Deferred struc raised floor @ z cafe Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 241682 | |||||
Deferred struc metal stud wall system and structural repairs of the metal stud framing Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 237470 | |||||
SCORE 56 First friday 12 year anniversary celebration - live music and art to celebrate first friday (ff) 12-year anniversary. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 269900 | |||||
Rev mech, elec, data 227425 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 238004 | |||||
SCORE 68 Fundraiser selling zappos merchandise ![]() ![]() Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 261481 | |||||
SCORE 56 Anniversary - private party at zappos headquarters. Music, dinner and coctails for three year anniversary of non-profit. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 274823 | |||||
Rev arch, struc bulletins 30,39,45,46,48 46762 ext exit stair,room layouts, roof gaurdrail,stair 6-7 footing det,vertical grab bars mail-in Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233698 | |||||
Rev. Elec information bulletin#-024-bb-ti coordination panel sched,load calcs,ewc 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233069 | |||||
Rev a,m,e-ib-125 & 82-r4 expedited review 9/17/13 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 245033 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-018-bb-roof terrace redesign 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233065 | |||||
Deferred struc conference room framing Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 237472 | |||||
SCORE 76 Zappos. Com to host second annual tree lighting event with ceo lighting the tree and lva choir performing. There will be hot chocolate, pictures with santa, story-telling, music, fake snow and good times. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 273852 | |||||
Deferred structural, sign review 243594 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 253746 | |||||
Rev. Ncr struc. Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 243470 | |||||
Alternate means and methods structural- change in use to higher occ ref ap#223096 Permit type: Plan check application | Permit id: 47978 | |||||
Deferred struc stair handrail attachment 223095 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 240507 | |||||
Annual smoke control si tracking for 2015 - 2019 test plan 11/5/15 revised plan in Permit type: Smoke control/management sys. | Permit id: 301429 | |||||
Ncr/fix s-dtl - roof framing at yoga rm Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 244385 | |||||
Rev struc, base building 46762 ib 082 r-2,ib 121 bb Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 243182 | |||||
Power for rotating door at bridge and 2 car charging stations-not for counter review rfi e plans to cont 6-18 Permit type: Electrical only | Permit id: 291199 | |||||
SCORE 68 2nd annual roos and more zoo on zappos campus ![]() ![]() Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 285402 | |||||
Deferred sub - ti low wall at bubble connection - level 2 & 3 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 242008 | |||||
SCORE 62 Yoga with yoga products sold and merchanside give aways. Dj ![]() ![]() Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 266606 | |||||
Revision arch, elec, mech, plumb ti-ib 084r1 ti 1st & 7th floor turnstiles,ib 097 ti ramp & landing framing,ib 101 ti mep for executive offices Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 240184 | |||||
Rev. Elec information bulletin#-029-ti-additional power/data 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233072 | |||||
Revision arch, struc ib #066r1 ethospace furniture wall coordination expedite per rc 7/24/13 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 241178 | |||||
Revision struc -beam & column welds expedite per rc 7/3/13 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 239785 | |||||
Revision mech, struc bulletin #-014-bb-ahu 22 & 23 bulletin#-014a add silencer to ra duct 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233061 | |||||
SCORE 56 Alternate means and methods drinking fountains ![]() ![]() Permit type: Plan check application | Permit id: 49681 | |||||
Revision elec, mech, plumb bulletin #-021-bb-mep mod due to ti changes 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233067 | |||||
Deferred sub - base building stair 6,7 and 9 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 242009 | |||||
Deferred mechanical/plumbing seismic bracing bobby jelone w/penta - clv/job/si set filed 07/01 8/19/13 off pending Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 239497 | |||||
Rework mains in basement, create pre-action system. Scope changed from shell c of c to full build-out w/ as-builts. >>> entire projects as-builts / calcs scanned under a/p#233281 <<< 11/7/13 as builts in for otc ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | Permit id: 224157 | |||||
SCORE 56 Local industry workers participating in amateur boxing match. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 288753 | |||||
SCORE 62 Road to wellness fair by zappos - sponsoring 5k & fun run ![]() ![]() Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 274265 | |||||
Rev arch, bulletin#31-ti-monitors,water filters,addl rooms 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233464 | |||||
Deferred struc calcs to bobby w/penta for corrections 06/20 base build returned 07/01 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 238416 | |||||
SCORE 56 Zappos downtown community dinner - zappos is hosting a community dinner on zappos campus. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 273612 | |||||
Deferred struc wheelchair lift cmu wall Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 237465 | |||||
Rev. Ncrs struc. Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 243473 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-023-bb-engineering judgment 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233068 | |||||
Rev arch mech 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 237869 | |||||
Deferred submittal Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 251982 | |||||
Wall signs - 2 Permit type: Signs | Permit id: 218848 | |||||
Revised arch Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 242904 | |||||
Rev arch 223095 (63-r3,69,83-r1,84,87-r2,93) Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 239048 | |||||
Revised a/e (multiple bulletins) Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 236760 | |||||
Rev arch, bulletin# 38 bb(two hr wall)/fees paid/inspections finaled/permit closed/ mc 46762 sent expired inactive notice 07/23/15 et Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 234056 | |||||
Rev. Struc steel beam Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 182233 | |||||
SCORE 62 Ragnar relay series runners will pick up their information packet at our campus on stewart;we will provide free food and entertainment. St baldricks will be onsite shaving heads for donations. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 245275 | |||||
Deferred struc exterior storefront framing/ fees due/emailed contact notice 01/08/15 mc Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 239496 | |||||
Deferred struc steel fabricator certification Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 239498 | |||||
Fire sprk ti build-out for metro levels 1,2,3 (no basement) >>> entire projects as-builts / calcs scanned under a/p#233281 <<< ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | Permit id: 231731 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-017-ti-coordinate w bb for fire risers,cafe,garage doors, etc 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233064 | |||||
Sprk ti for towers floors 1 thru 223095/46762 >>> entire projects as-builts / calcs scanned under this a/p# <<< ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | Permit id: 233281 | |||||
Revision arch,bulletin #-016-bb-add chain link fence, roof screens, garage breakout 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233063 | |||||
Sliding vehicle access gate waiting for structural - plans @ #11 Permit type: Automatic vehicle gate | Permit id: 245370 | |||||
Revised a/m/e (multiple bulletins) Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 236769 | |||||
Rev arch,mech, elec 46762 (003,18-r1,r2,r3,47-r1,71,80-r1,81,81-r2,82,85, 091,095) Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 239047 | |||||
Deferred submittal - rfi #bbc-0219 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 245592 | |||||
Rev arch, bulletin# 38 bb(two hr wall) fees paid inspections finaled permit closed mc 46762 sent expired inactive notice 07 23 15 et Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 234056 | |||||
Revised arch Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 242904 | |||||
Revised a e (multiple bulletins) Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 236760 | |||||
Rev arch 223095 (63-r3,69,83-r1,84,87-r2,93) Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 239048 | |||||
Wds fire underground fire lines & the inbldg riser 219114 ![]() Permit type: Water distribution | Permit id: 232178 | |||||
Ncr fix s-dtl - roof framing at yoga rm Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 244385 | |||||
Rev. Ncr struc. Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 243470 | |||||
Annual smoke control si tracking for 2015 - 2019 test plan 11 5 15 revised plan in Permit type: Smoke control/management sys. | Permit id: 301429 | |||||
Deferred structural, sign review 243594 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 253746 | |||||
Alternate means and methods structural- change in use to higher occ ref ap#223096 Permit type: Plan check application | Permit id: 47978 | |||||
SCORE 56 Ampe revision ![]() Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 234934 | |||||
Smoke control for #223095 46762 11 20 13 mqaa final report in 12 2 13 fpr amendment #3 in ![]() Permit type: Smoke control/management sys. | Permit id: 228354 | |||||
Revision 2 arch, elec Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 262553 | |||||
Revision arch, elec, mech add yoga studio Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 237935 | |||||
Deferred sub - ti dirt wall soffit framing Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 242010 | |||||
Revised elect Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 242183 | |||||
Revised arch Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 242903 | |||||
Rev arch,mech, elec 46762 (003,18-r1,r2,r3,47-r1,71,80-r1,81,81-r2,82,85, 091,095) Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 239047 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-013-bb-toilets, wall mods 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233117 | |||||
Rev. Elec information bulletin#-026-ti-electrical lighting 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233071 | |||||
Deferred submittal - rfi #bbc-0219 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 245592 | |||||
Deferred submittal - roof-top terrace rail Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 244174 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-025-ti-conf rooms,coach,ceilings, elevations 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233070 | |||||
Revision arch, struc ib #0089r1 wind wall alcove expedite per rc 7 24 13 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 241177 | |||||
Class i wet - manual standpipe (ti expansion) for ap# 46762 219114 >>> entire projects as-builts calcs scanned under a p#233281 <<< ![]() Permit type: Standpipe system | Permit id: 226477 | |||||
Assembly office t. I. Levels 2 and 3 3 27 gave cstmr df-1 2 and si-3 forms-pb 3 31 split for caa-pb 4 merged stamped queued for fire & plannings re-stamps and nenads si docs rev placing i-hold-pb (6,234 sqft) ![]() Permit type: Tenant improvement | Permit id: 257207 | |||||
Fire wds for 107v5739 ![]() Permit type: Water distribution | Permit id: 240834 | |||||
Deferred submittal- mdf attachment to ceiling grid Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 243291 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-020-ti-data center coordination door swing 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233066 | |||||
Shade structures installed on rooftop split for bv 8 3 15-be ![]() Permit type: Commercial project | |||||
Core & shell remodel reroof included within this permit ok per d. M. Express expedited fees charged to this permit see tech comments ![]() Permit type: Commercial project | |||||
Interior nonstructural demo of walls only (mep not included) needs asbestos letter rated walls indicated-contractor has all plans & appl 04 03 ![]() Permit id: 208178 | |||||
Wall signs - 2 Permit type: Signs | Permit id: 218848 | |||||
Rev arch mech 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 237869 | |||||
Deferred sub - base building stair 6,7 and 9 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 242009 | |||||
Deferred mechanical plumbing seismic bracing bobby jelone w penta - clv job si set filed 07 01 8 19 13 off pending Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 239497 | |||||
Rework mains in basement, create pre-action system. Scope changed from shell c of c to full build-out w as-builts. >>> entire projects as-builts calcs scanned under a p#233281 <<< 11 7 13 as builts in for otc ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | Permit id: 224157 | |||||
Fire alarm for ti 257207 7 29 14 as builts in 1 ![]() Permit type: Fire alarm system | Permit id: 261251 | |||||
Deferred struc wheelchair lift cmu wall Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 237465 | |||||
Deferred submittal Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 251982 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-023-bb-engineering judgment 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233068 | |||||
Rev struc, base building 46762 ib 082 r-2,ib 121 bb Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 243182 | |||||
Revision arch, elec, mech, plumb ti-ib 084r1 ti 1st & 7th floor turnstiles,ib 097 ti ramp & landing framing,ib 101 ti mep for executive offices Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 240184 | |||||
Deferred sub - ti low wall at bubble connection - level 2 & 3 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 242008 | |||||
Revision struc -beam & column welds expedite per rc 7 3 13 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 239785 | |||||
Rev. Elec information bulletin#-029-ti-additional power data 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233072 | |||||
Power for rotating door at bridge and 2 car charging stations-not for counter review rfi e plans to cont 6-18 Permit type: Electrical only | Permit id: 291199 | |||||
Revision mech, struc bulletin #-014-bb-ahu 22 & 23 bulletin#-014a add silencer to ra duct 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233061 | |||||
Rev mech, elec, data 227425 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 238004 | |||||
Core & shell remodel 9 6 strucs in 9 17-xpd for backchecks si-3 in 9 25 appd civils in 10 29 rac ![]() Permit type: Plan check application | Permit id: 46762 | |||||
Revision arch, elec, mech, plumb shell-ib 102 bb circuiting for central plant valves,ib 103 bb mep rev related to nexus equipment,ib 107 bb level 2 corridor 02016 ramp framing rev,ib 1 bb ceiling in vestibule 01012. Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 240168 | |||||
Fire sprinkler build-out (south addition) for 223095 >>> entire projects as-builts calcs scanned under a p#233281 <<< ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | Permit id: 232279 | |||||
Deferred struc raised floor @ z cafe Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 241682 | |||||
Sprk for tower level 11 penthouse for 223095 46762 ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | Permit id: 233430 | |||||
Highrise office t. I. Xprs 12 10 2012 @ 9: am ilo expedited approved by mb on 12 20-pb ![]() Permit type: Tenant improvement | Permit id: 223095 | |||||
Deferred struc metal stud wall system and structural repairs of the metal stud framing Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 237470 | |||||
Rev. Struc steel beam Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 182233 | |||||
Restaurant t. I. Xprs 12 03 2012 @ 9: am cnt sheet will be e-mailed to ls and si-2,3 will come in at the express put on exp. 12 12 si-2 in 12 18 docs on shelf structural alt means & methods see pp#47978 ![]() Permit type: Tenant improvement | Permit id: 223096 | |||||
Deferred struc exterior storefront framing fees due emailed contact notice 01 08 15 mc Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 239496 | |||||
Deferred struc steel fabricator certification Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 239498 | |||||
SCORE 68 For the love of animals- saving the zoo: applicant will work with roos and more to hold an onsite zoo at the location of zappos. Com campus/old city hall. Donations to help raise funds for the charity, will be accepted during the event. The public will be able to view animals, interact with animals, take pictures and be part of a live show. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Special event application | Permit id: 253702 | |||||
Revision arch,bulletin #-016-bb-add chain link fence, roof screens, garage breakout 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233063 | |||||
Fire hood ![]() Permit type: Kitchen hood extinguishing sys | Permit id: 238752 | |||||
Sprk ti for towers floors 1 thru 223095 46762 >>> entire projects as-builts calcs scanned under this a p# <<< ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | Permit id: 233281 | |||||
Fire alarm ltr modification to add module ![]() Permit type: Fire alarm system | Permit id: 275807 | |||||
Fire sprk ti build-out for metro levels 1,2,3 (no basement) >>> entire projects as-builts calcs scanned under a p#233281 <<< ![]() Permit type: Fire sprinkler system | Permit id: 231731 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-017-ti-coordinate w bb for fire risers,cafe,garage doors, etc 223095 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233064 | |||||
Sliding vehicle access gate waiting for structural - plans @ #11 Permit type: Automatic vehicle gate | Permit id: 245370 | |||||
Removal of atm machine & electrical & patch concrete folded no doc ![]() Permit id: 196733 | |||||
Rev arch, struc bulletins 30,39,45,46,48 46762 ext exit stair,room layouts, roof gaurdrail,stair 6-7 footing det,vertical grab bars mail-in Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233698 | |||||
Storm drain 3 21 13: dispatch: please schedule all inspections for customer - staged too far. Jl ![]() Permit type: Water distribution | Permit id: 232034 | |||||
Rev. Elec information bulletin#-024-bb-ti coordination panel sched,load calcs,ewc 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233069 | |||||
Alternate method - curtain wall & floor intersection assembly insulation for 46762 ![]() Permit type: Plan check application | Permit id: 48161 | |||||
Revision arch bulletin #-018-bb-roof terrace redesign 46762 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 233065 | |||||
Rev a,m,e-ib-125 & 82-r4 expedited review 9 17 13 Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 245033 | |||||
Deferred struc conference room framing Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 237472 | |||||
Deferred struc stair handrail attachment 223095 Permit type: Deferred submittals | Permit id: 240507 | |||||
Replace 10a breaker w 60a ![]() Permit type: Electrical only | Permit id: 268980 | |||||
Fa - new sys for high rise only (exludes podium rest of structure) ![]() Permit type: Fire alarm system | Permit id: 229687 | |||||
SCORE 100 Assembly group: exhibition - ti Permit type: Ti | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_025_demolition | |||||
SCORE 72 3d_098_miscellaneous apparatus, conduits, and conductors Permit type: Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 3d_072a_low voltage outlets Permit type: Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_120_shade structures (sq ft) Permit type: Commercial | |||||
SCORE 72 3d_094_services of 6 volts or less and not over 2 amperes in rating Permit type: Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 3d_064_receptacles, switches and lighting outlets Permit type: Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 3d_082_roof mounted photovoltaic system per kw Permit type: Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 3d_064_receptacles, switches and lighting outlets Permit type: Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 Assembly group: halls - ti Permit type: Ti | |||||
SCORE 100 3d_105_minor electrical Permit type: Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 3d_039_building water sewer installs repairs replacements Permit type: Plumbing | |||||
SCORE 100 Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 | |||||
SCORE 98 Ti | |||||
SCORE 95 Ti | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_091_on-site hardscapes & improve(qty) Permit type: Commercial | |||||
SCORE 100 Offices - highrise - ti Permit type: Ti | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_085a_investigation inspection | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_025_demolition | |||||
SCORE 100 Offices etc. - expanded shell Permit type: Commercial | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_025_demolition | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_37_chain link Permit type: Wall fence | |||||
SCORE 95 3e_126_wall roof Permit type: Sign | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_126_wall roof Permit type: Sign | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_37_chain link Permit type: Wall fence | |||||
SCORE 100 Assembly group: nightclub restaurant - ti Permit type: Ti | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_025_demolition | |||||
SCORE 99 3e_075_storm drain (lf) Permit type: Wds | |||||
SCORE 99 Wds | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_007_canopy other (sq ft) Permit type: Commercial | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_025_demolition | |||||
SCORE 100 Storage (combustable - not s-2) - ti Permit type: Ti | |||||
SCORE 100 Offices - highrise - ti Permit type: Ti | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_126_wall roof Permit type: Sign | |||||
SCORE 100 Electrical | |||||
SCORE 63 Ti | |||||
SCORE 100 3d_072a_low voltage outlets Permit type: Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 3e_153_trash enclosures generators w cvr Permit type: Commercial | |||||
SCORE 95 3e_126_wall roof Permit type: Sign | |||||
SCORE 99 3e_092_on-sites water sewer (qty) Permit type: Wds | |||||
SCORE 100 Utility structure (with mpes) Permit type: Commercial | |||||
SCORE 99 Wds | |||||
SCORE 100 Offices - highrise - ti Permit type: Ti | |||||
SCORE 100 Sign | |||||
SCORE 100 Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 3d_082_roof mounted photovoltaic system per kw Permit type: Commercial | |||||
SCORE 100 Offices etc. - ti Permit type: Ti | |||||
SCORE 100 B-wtrs | |||||
SCORE 72 3d_064_receptacles, switches and lighting outlets Permit type: Electrical | |||||
SCORE 100 Electrical |