Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Addition of ct scanner to our diagnostic radiology office mep separate permits fire sprinkler and ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: 200401204329 | |||||
SCORE 98 Emergency replacement repair of existing fire alarm system- installation of new fire alarm control p Current use: Office | Permit id: 200411300329 | |||||
SCORE 97 Suite 323. Mechanical & plumbing work for approv #200401204329. No nov, prev paid under 200306247836 Current use: Office | Permit id: 200402106094 | |||||
SCORE 97 Electrical work for 200401204329 Current use: Office | Permit id: 200402186661 | |||||
SCORE 98 On 17 f life safety modification change existing pull to emergency door release Current use: Office | Permit id: 200404090958 | |||||
SCORE 100 Remove 4 (e) exp. Sprinklers, install 13 new pendent sprinklers, 3rd floor Current use: Office | Permit id: 200403259603 | |||||
Removing 1-hr rated grease duct work enclosure replacing the existing black steel welded ductwork ![]() ![]() Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: 200406095945 | |||||
SCORE 98 Life safty system upgrade at 4 post base bldg ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: 200406297598 | |||||
SCORE 98 For mechanical work as noted by fire on sheet r-1 of plans under 200306247836 Current use: Office | Permit id: 200408060870 | |||||
SCORE 99 Remodel include only area of cafe interior remodel only. Handicapped comply. Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: 200502014523 | |||||
SCORE 100 Tenant improvement for seattles best coffee located on the 2nd floor Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #200503026563 | |||||
Remodel within existing borders bookstore book case relocation & upgrade including associates ![]() ![]() Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #200503157542 | |||||
SCORE 98 Life safty system upgrade at 4 post base bldg Current use: Office | Permit id: #200406297598 | |||||
SCORE 98 Partition wall in an existing office to make 2 offices no increase in office space Current use: Office | Permit id: #200507056808 | |||||
SCORE 100 Life safety system modifications fire alarm upgrade on floors 2 3 & 4. 2 f-9 devices 3 f-17 devices 4 f 33 devices. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200612190089 | |||||
SCORE 93 Oti-1 4 post llc 2nd floor sp. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200701262662 | |||||
SCORE 93 Oti-2 4 post llc 2nd floor el. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200701262668 | |||||
SCORE 99 6 f- interior modification to create new dental office. Electrical re-circuiting plumbling line modification. Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #200708311497 | |||||
SCORE 99 Revision to p a 2007 0905 1853: change configuration of 16th floor office from 2 office spaces to a single office space. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200711077548 | |||||
SCORE 99 4 post st. #206: interior remodel of 2 offices ( previously dental offices) into one dental officeon 2nd floor. No change to exterior or entrance doors. Install one uni-sex ada complying restroom. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200711218726 | |||||
SCORE 99 New paint carpet & tile @ corridors elevator lobbies. New min rated doors into offices from corridors. 1hr infill of (e) transoms @ corridors. New door hardware fire smoke detection to tie to (e) system. Work on floors: 3 4 6 8 9 12 14 15 and 16 (9 total) Current use: Office | Permit id: #200712190857 | |||||
SCORE 100 To erect a double faced projecting non-electric sign Permit id: #200702093854 | |||||
SCORE 99 Fixed extinguishing for hood and duct system Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #200705252278 | |||||
SCORE 99 Install lighting. Replace doors. Floor tile & carpet. 5th floor corridor & elevator lobby. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200705252321 | |||||
SCORE 99 Install lighting. Replace doors. Floor tile & carpet. 7th floor corridor & elevator lobby. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200705252337 | |||||
SCORE 99 10th floor - install lighting in hallway corridor on 10th floor. Replace doors in corridor on 10th floor. Floor tile & carpet on 10th floor. Floor tile & elevator lobby. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200705252338 | |||||
SCORE 99 Install lighting. Replace doors. Floor tile & carpet. 11th floor corridor & elevator lobby. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200705252339 | |||||
SCORE 56 12th floor; suite #1252-interior alterations to (e) dental suite including interior partition changes new suspened ceiling and modifications to (e) plumbing and electrical. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200705302479 | |||||
SCORE 99 T. I. Of existing office suite #1554. Work to include new partitions suspended ceiling disabled accessible unisex toilet room with shower electrical mechanical and plumbing. No structural work. Fire alarm under seperate permit. Work on 15th floor interior only. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200707136682 | |||||
SCORE 99 16th floor - office interior remodel - all existing finishes to be removed. New electrical plumbing interior partitions & corridor doors included in work. No exterior work. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200709051853 | |||||
SCORE 100 Remove several sections of 2nd floor balcony for engineer investigation & review (2 ft sections). Structurally unstable. Exploratory demo. (units removed will be numbered boxed & preserved in their current conditions). Current use: Tourist hotel/m | Permit id: #200709193033 | |||||
SCORE 82 Tenant improvement to suite # 1701 & 1702 Current use: Office | Permit id: #200712311657 | |||||
SCORE 93 Renew pa# 2007 01 26 2668 for final inspection only. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200801082055 | |||||
SCORE 88 15th floor #1525: to extend 2 (e) sprinklers 2-0 from prior location due to work by others without permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200801172734 | |||||
SCORE 99 Selective demolition of existing interior walls. Construction of new demising wall and exit stair along with associated hvac lighting and plumbing work. Life safety under seperate permit. Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #200810023202 | |||||
Demolition (selective) expansion of (e) restaurant and lounge onto 1st floor space. Associated construction millwork finishes mechanical plumbing electrical fire protection structural work under appl. 200810023202. Fire protection under separate permit. ![]() Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #200810144060 | |||||
SCORE 88 Non structural tenant improvements interior partitions millwork electrical lighting outlet plmg sinks handicaptoilet. New finishes Current use: Office | Permit id: #200810144090 | |||||
SCORE 97 Suite 1124:non-structural tenant improvements. Interior partitions millwork electric plumbing switches & outlets. Lighting new inter finishes. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200808139068 | |||||
SCORE 89 Demolition only to comply with nov #200879161 Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #200811035744 | |||||
SCORE 99 Construction of demising wall and rated corridor to prep space for 2 new tenants ( retail). Construction of temp handicap ramp. Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #200811196894 | |||||
SCORE 99 Replacement of existing store front window and mullions to match adjacent existing mullion pattern. Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #200811257340 | |||||
SCORE 88 Tenant improvement for suite 1133. Non bearing partitions casework floor wall & ceiling finishes related elec. & plumbing for new dental equipment. Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #200712271399 | |||||
SCORE 100 Suite #1650- furnish and install 3 ceiling mounted speaker strobes Current use: Office | Permit id: #200802205140 | |||||
SCORE 88 Office tenant improvement on 10th floor. Demo exisitng interior partitions. Construct new walls cabs. Related elec. And plumbing. Interior finishes. No exterior work. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200802054080 | |||||
SCORE 100 Suite 225 2 & 208: non structural tenant improvements of interior partitions millwork electrical plumbing switches outlets lighting & pumbing fixtures and new interior finishes at 2nd floor. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200804038732 | |||||
SCORE 88 9th floor #910: office tenant improvement to vacant unit of (e) office bldg: remove all existing interior partitions fixtures finishes; suspend ceiling & lights to remain. New interior partitions sink carpet paint. Relocate existing light fixtures. Sprinklers under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200804078950 | |||||
SCORE 82 T. I. On 5th 6th & 7th floors. Adding 3- power supply 3 relay modules 57 speakers strobes ceil. Mnt. 6- speakers strobes wall mnt 78 strobes ceil. Mnt. 2 speakers. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200803268012 | |||||
SCORE 82 17th floor; suite #1700-complete remodel of suite from the ground up per plan. Including demolition framing flooring & sheetrock. Decking sheetrock & cabinettes. Fire alarm & fire sprinkler on seperate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200805011112 | |||||
SCORE 82 Revision to pa# 2007-1231-1657-relabel room and add hvac Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #200805051354 | |||||
SCORE 99 Improve existing vacant space of 568 sq ft. Dental office for dental services with 5 working stations investing space office and unisex toilet. T. I. Improvement in (e) building. Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #200805303298 | |||||
SCORE 82 #17 -tenant improvement add 6 speaker strobes 3 strobes 2 wp speaker strobes Current use: Office | Permit id: #200808129007 | |||||
SCORE 82 #1701 -tenant improvement add 5 speaker strobes 4 strobes Current use: Office | Permit id: #200808129010 | |||||
Non-structural tenant improvements. Interior partitions millwork electric plumbing switches & outlets. Lighting new inter finishes. ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #200808139068 | |||||
SCORE 82 Suite 17 - revision to appl #200805011112 - wall not fire-rated required suite 17004 0 btu. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200809192192 | |||||
SCORE 100 1st floor-tenant improvements to the (e) fire sprinkler system-105 removed sprinklers 71 new sprinklers Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #200901099916 | |||||
To obtain final inspection for work approved under app#200708311497. All work has been complete. In unit #608 ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #200911131149 | |||||
SCORE 69 Demolition (selective) expansion of (e) restaurant and lounge onto 1st floor space. Associated construction millwork finishes mechanical plumbing electrical fire protection structural work under appl. 200810023202. Fire protection under separate permit. Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #200810144060 | |||||
SCORE 61 Renew pa# 2007 07 13 6682 to obtain final inspection. All work has been completed. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200902021256 | |||||
SCORE 100 1st floor install new fire alarm devices in new t. I. Space all devices are added to an existing f. A. System. Devices include 3 horn strobes and one duct detector. Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #200902051478 | |||||
SCORE 100 1st floor & basement - install new fire alarm devices in new ti space per #200901099916 includes 3 pull stations 43 horns & strobes 1 smoke detector due to obsolescence the existing panel all existing devices ar 100% compatible & will not be modified. Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #200902192357 | |||||
Non-structural tenant improvement 3 sq. Ft. Office space. Interior partition millwork related electrical & plumbing switches outlets & lighting. New interior finishes. ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #200902262983 | |||||
SCORE 69 Remodel of e restaurant including interior demolition of exising restaurant at basement level and construction of all tenant improvement elements including partitions casework. Lighting elec plumbing finishes kitchen restrooms. No structural work. ![]() ![]() Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #200903053457 | |||||
SCORE 69 Revision to pa# 2008 10 14 40 r-1. Replace handicap accesssible ramp with wheel chair lift. ![]() ![]() Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #200903184348 | |||||
SCORE 99 Install fire suppression system in kitchen hood on 1st floor. Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #200903184355 | |||||
SCORE 94 5th floor suite 5 - non-structural tenant improvements: interior partitions casework electrical switches outlet & lights. New interior finishes plumbing new sink & faucets. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200901059511 | |||||
SCORE 98 Revision to pa# 2008 10 14 40 r-1. Replace handicap accesssible ramp with wheel chair lift. Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #200903184348 | |||||
SCORE 100 #1124- add 15 new fire sprinkelrs to new dental office. Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #200904075711 | |||||
Revision to application 200808129007. To show as built. ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #200904166382 | |||||
SCORE 100 Total 7 sprinklers to hallway to accomodate new door placement. 1 @ 9th fl 2 @ 14th fl 1 @ 8th fl 3 @ 4th fl. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200904277126 | |||||
SCORE 95 Tenant improvment on the 8 9 10th floors at 4 post. Add 3 power supplies 3 relay modules 1 smoke detector 57 speaker strobes 52 strobes 6 dual sync modules Current use: Office | Permit id: #200905077957 | |||||
SCORE 94 5th floor ste 512 & 5 :remodel cap 3 sprinkler heads over covered doors & relcoate 2 in t-bar. Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #200906059851 | |||||
SCORE 100 Revision to application 200901192357. This is to remove basement level from the project under the fire alarm scope. Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #200906090055 | |||||
SCORE 95 Tenant improvement on the 5th. Flr. Suite 520. Adding 1-speaker strobe 2-strobes relocating 1-speaker strobe 1-strobe. All work on 5th floor ste 520. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200906291537 | |||||
SCORE 98 Work @ suite# 1516 only. Non-structural tenant improvement 3 sq. Ft. Office space. Interior partition millwork related electrical & plumbing switches outlets & lighting. New interior finishes. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200902262983 | |||||
SCORE 95 Submitting as built plans for floors 8 9 & of the 4 post st. T. I. Adding (2) smoke detectors removing (3) relay modules. Current use: Office | Permit id: #200907011760 | |||||
SCORE 100 As built for 15 spirinklers on 11th fl. Ref pa# 2009. 04. 07. 5711. Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #200907273494 | |||||
SCORE 100 Add 1-fire sprinkler to gas cabinet. Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #200908265575 | |||||
SCORE 100 14 15th. Floor: add 6-sprinklers to new office from existing fire sprinkler system. Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #200908265586 | |||||
Work @ unit#206. To obtain final inspection for work approved under pa#200711218726. All work is complete. ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #200909096465 | |||||
SCORE 98 New drywall partition multifold doors lighting elec mech and sprinkler work to (e) restaurant on lower level (below street level) sprinklers under separate permit. Establishing occupant load. Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #201008279733 | |||||
SCORE 100 Tenant improvement. Existing fire sprinkkler system 5 relocated in basement Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #201010294007 | |||||
SCORE 100 Demo 4 dental offices ( units 1527 15 1536 1540) and combine into one dental office. Work includes new walls ceilings w elec and plbg work and 1 new unisex restroom Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #201009171100 | |||||
SCORE 100 Remodel existing medical office non structural interior walls doors casework new finishes related lecterical lighting. New accessible shower Current use: Office | Permit id: #201011295705 | |||||
New drywall partition multifold doors lighting elec mech and sprinkler work to (e) restaurant on lower level (below street level) sprinklers under separate permit. Establishing occupant load. ![]() Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #201008279733 | |||||
Demo 4 dental offices ( units 1527 15 1536 1540) and combine into one dental office. Work includes new walls ceilings w elec and plbg work and 1 new unisex restroom ![]() ![]() Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #201009171100 | |||||
SCORE 99 Interior demo of non load bearing partitions ceiling and ceiling components and lightings per ab17 Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #201110126635 | |||||
Repair existing sidewalk topping slab. Repair waterproof material with cim1000 ![]() Permit id: #201110187074 | |||||
SCORE 99 Building alteration - minor: replacement of storefront system entrances & bulkhead addition of canopy at corner of building. Replace a portion of existing sidewalk in r. O. W. To meet accessibility codes. ![]() ![]() Current use: Lending institu | Permit id: #201110217364 | |||||
Interior retail tenant improvement work includes minor demolition; new partitions dumbwaiter shaft enclosure doors & frames finishes lighting electrical & mechanical men restroom fixtures & finishes. Sprinklers & fire alarm under separate permit. ![]() Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #201110257611 | |||||
SCORE 99 3 8 sf ground fl tenant improvemt for (n) banking ctr incl (n) atms cust areas teller line offices employee break areas restrm & back of house support spaces. Work includes struct elect mech plumbing & finishes. Related work under separate permit app for ext storefront: ref #201110217364 ![]() ![]() Current use: Lending institu | Permit id: #201111018054 | |||||
SCORE 99 Install electric wall single-faced sign for chase . Current use: Lending institu | Permit id: #201111158926 | |||||
SCORE 99 Install (5) non electric single-faced signs onto exiting canopy for chase Current use: Lending institu | Permit id: #201111158941 | |||||
SCORE 99 Install (1) non illuminated sign onto exiting canopy for chase ![]() ![]() Current use: Lending institu | Permit id: #201111158942 | |||||
4th floor - #426: t. I.: frame walls add elect. Plumbing t-bar flooring. ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #201104113864 | |||||
SCORE 100 Suite 1150: repair of private room. Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #201105266922 | |||||
SCORE 98 4th floor-install 4 ceiling mount strobes install 3 ceiling mount speaker strobes Current use: Office | Permit id: #201106238813 | |||||
SCORE 98 Install (5) ceiling-mounted strobes. (6) wall-mounted strobes (5) ceiling-mounted speaker strobes on 15th floor. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201108162529 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installation of (n) a t & t (12) outdoor panel antennas to be mounted on (e) sign structure on rool. Paint to match (e) sign. (8) a t &t equipment cabinets to be mounted on (n) equipment platform on (e) roof. Antenna coaxial transmisiion lines from bts to qntennas. Power to telco service provided Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #201109144582 | |||||
SCORE 99 Interior retail tenant improvement work includes minor demolition; new partitions dumbwaiter shaft enclosure doors & frames finishes lighting electrical & mechanical new restroom fixtures & finishes. Sprinklers & fire alarm under separate permit. Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #201110257611 | |||||
SCORE 100 1st thru 4th floors-relocate (e) upright fire sprinkler heads. Relocate 33 sprinkleheads in bsmt. Convert pendent heads to uprights 1st through 4th floor. 23 on first floor 121 on second floor 84 on third floor 82 on fourth floor replace a total of 3 f s heads to upright pendents Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #201201091906 | |||||
SCORE 98 1st 2nd 3rd 4th & basement floors-remove (e) f. A. Indicating devices & install new devices & power supply in scope of project per plan Current use: Food/beverage h | Permit id: #201201273015 | |||||
New private lave file room door replacement and widening to ada standards ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #201210031214 | |||||
SCORE 100 Revision to pa# 201109144582. Installation of unmanned wireless telecomunication facility of outdoor equipment on roof. Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #201210182366 | |||||
SCORE 76 Remodel existing dental office non structural walls doors ceiling cabinets. Related electrical and lighting. Accessible lav new finishes Current use: Office | Permit id: #201207265868 | |||||
Ti. Retail store minor demolition & new construction. New work includes partitions finishes relocating light fixtures painting & casework on ground & second floor. ![]() Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #201212186428 | |||||
SCORE 77 Building alteration - minor: replacement of storefront system entrances & bulkhead addition of canopy at corner of building. Replace a portion of existing sidewalk in r. O. W. To meet accessibility codes. Current use: Lending institu | Permit id: #201110217364 | |||||
SCORE 86 3 8 sf ground fl tenant improvemt for (n) banking ctr incl (n) atms cust areas teller line offices employee break areas restrm & back of house support spaces. Work includes struct elect mech plumbing & finishes. Related work under separate permit app for ext storefront: ref #201110217364 Current use: Lending institu | Permit id: #201111018054 | |||||
To erect electric wall single faced sign. ![]() Permit id: #201203216550 | |||||
To erect non electric projecting double faced sign. ![]() Permit id: #201203216554 | |||||
Paint non structural sign ![]() Permit id: #201203216557 | |||||
SCORE 77 Rev to pa# 2011 11 01 8054. 3539 sqft interior t. I for a retail banking center this project was previously approved permited but client asked gensler to redesign. Project includes 24 hr atm vestiblue sliding glass nanwall system lobby hospitality area for customers teller line offices Current use: Lending institu | Permit id: #201204178495 | |||||
Change of use from b- (office) to b-13 (massage palor)-tenant improvement for massage establishment remove 1 closet add 1 door and remove 3 doors. ![]() ![]() Current use: Massage parlor | Permit id: #201205150506 | |||||
SCORE 98 1st floor-relocate add remove fire sprinkler heads per tenant improvement=54 relcated 1 added & 14 removed Current use: Lending institu | Permit id: #201205180744 | |||||
SCORE 100 Add new fire alarm devices to an (e) f. A. System in a new t. Is pace. Work includes 1 smoke detector 2 pull stations 14 horn strobes & 4 strobes Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #201206263457 | |||||
SCORE 99 To erect electric wall single faced sign. Revision to pa# 2011 11 15 8926 to show new style of sign & new location on building interior. ![]() ![]() Current use: Lending institu | Permit id: #201206283639 | |||||
SCORE 99 To erect 2 illuminated electric double faced window sign on building interior for chase Current use: Lending institu | Permit id: #201206283640 | |||||
SCORE 59 9th floor suite 914: barrier removal: add accessible unisex bathroom replace door & counter at reception to comply with accessible standards. Enlarge door to 1 exam room. Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #201207185135 | |||||
Remodel existing dental office non structural walls doors ceiling cabinets. Related electrical and lighting. Accessible lav new finishes ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #201207265868 | |||||
SCORE 97 Bullet resistant barrier to be installed on front counter teller line. Deferred submittal to item #6 pa# 2012-0417-8495 Current use: Lending institu | Permit id: #201208026399 | |||||
SCORE 99 Ti. Retail store minor demolition & new construction. New work includes partitions finishes relocating light fixtures painting & casework on ground & second floor. Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #201212186428 | |||||
SCORE 59 #914 - convert 3 existing exam rooms into laboratory remove partitions ceiling & flooring install new ceiling lighting & flooring add sinks & electrical outlets & subpanel;f a on separate permit Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #201301188352 | |||||
SCORE 95 Unit # 1052:t. I. No added 1st alarm devices only relocation of 4 devices. Ref app#201207265868. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201301288912 | |||||
SCORE 95 Fire alarm modifications: adding 2 speakers 15th floor suite 1543 Current use: Office | Permit id: #201310189634 | |||||
SCORE 95 Unit #336: tenantimprovements of medical office (from office to office)on 3rd fl. Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #201312174373 | |||||
SCORE 89 To comply with nov #201049259 non-structural repairs to sidewalk. Topping slab only. 3 1 2 max. Depth. Sub sidewalk basement. Minor repair only. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201302210714 | |||||
SCORE 100 Demolition of existing non structural tenant improvements office partitions door tbar ceilings. Floor finishes. Storage cabinets Current use: Office | Permit id: #201302260965 | |||||
Convert existing exam room into doctors lav by adding toilet ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #201302260967 | |||||
SCORE 100 Suite 356: remove 3 interior wall non structural for 967 sf of vacant office space ab-017 Current use: Office | Permit id: #201304295701 | |||||
SCORE 100 Suite 1100: convert existing exam room into doctors lav by adding toilet. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201302260967 | |||||
SCORE 100 #644- interior tenant improvement for business office interior walls doors casework trim and finishes. T-bar ceiling & lights new sinks. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201305247873 | |||||
SCORE 100 16th floor-interior tenant improvements for a business office interior wall doors two handcap accessible lavs casework trim finishes and rework existing ventilation duct works. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201305247876 | |||||
SCORE 99 Add layer sheetrock (quiet rock) to one existing wall 8x for sound control; add 4 electrical outlerts wiring surface mounted and tied to existing Current use: Office | Permit id: #201305318373 | |||||
SCORE 100 To comply with complaint # 201386333 work in unit 311 demo of existing non structural tenant improvements office partitions doors t bar ceilings floor finishes storage cabinets. Future t. I. Under separate permit. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201307091422 | |||||
SCORE 95 Ste 1632: fire alarm device relocation and add 3 new units (t. I. Pa#201305247876) Current use: Office | Permit id: #201307182101 | |||||
SCORE 95 Ste #644: fire alarm device relocation. T. I. 201305247873 Current use: Office | Permit id: #201307182105 | |||||
SCORE 99 10th floor-remove several sections of interior office walls install 5 new doors with new glass enclosed conference toom. Related electrical. Remove 3 sinks Current use: Massage parlor | Permit id: #201307292989 | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior ti: partitons handicap lavatory exam room offices casework. Interior finishes. Related plumbing elec work Current use: Office | Permit id: #201308214874 | |||||
Unit #1543 -removel (e) walls for open office install work surface & low wall replace light fixtures install & upgrade (e) sink counter ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #201308225016 | |||||
SCORE 100 Reroofing Current use: Tourist hotel/m | Permit id: #201308235059 | |||||
SCORE 99 Ste 626. Relocate one partition wall sheetrock ceiling install finishes (paint trim flooring) Current use: Office | Permit id: #201309267864 | |||||
#311 - revision to pa 201308214874 new ti for dental office including non-bearing partitions doors flooring wall surfaces ![]() ![]() Permit id: #201401216688 | |||||
SCORE 98 Unit 239 - demo designated partition walls counter tops sinks (n) accessible bathrm w n wall (n) dropped ceiling (n) ceiling lights (n) wood flooring & (n) carpet & (n) tile at bathroom (n) built-ins (n) sinks at designated locations; maher n a Current use: Office | Permit id: #201409085689 | |||||
SCORE 95 Unit #9 t. I. 201409176536; add (1) new fire sprinkler relocate 6 existing psrinkler heads; maher n a Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #201410108605 | |||||
SCORE 100 Notice of violation 201489681 dtd aug 2014- work w o permit this plan set submitted for permit (n) w. P. Membrane on (e) struct support slab; (n) conc walk slab over (n) membrane; (n) curb; maher n a Current use: Tourist hotel/m | Permit id: #201410219517 | |||||
Interior t. I. New t bar ceiling lighting casework and partition related plumbing and electrical demo 2 walls. ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #201410239733 | |||||
SCORE 95 14th floor fire alarm t. I. Suite 1415: relocate 2 speaker strobes on an existing fire alarm system. Compliance with maher ordinance no 155-13 not required. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201410249791 | |||||
SCORE 95 Fire alarm t. I. 9th floor suite 900: relocate 5 strobes relocate 4 speaker strobes. Compliance with ordinance no 155-13 not required. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201410249793 | |||||
SCORE 100 Suite 824: interior t. I. Staff area storage room new office new lighting new interior finishes related elec & plumbing; maher n a Current use: Office | Permit id: #201411171665 | |||||
SCORE 98 Space #239; revision to lighting plan treatment room lighting ceiling finish electrical to remain. New lighting and electrical at (n) reception area and wc only. Rev. 1 to application 201409085689; maher n a Current use: Office | Permit id: #201411191908 | |||||
SCORE 59 Caulking repointing painting (if needed) injection for interior water proofing waterproofing exterior. See attached sheet. Current use: Tourist hotel/m | Permit id: #201411252431 | |||||
SCORE 100 #311 - revision to pa 201308214874 new ti for dental office including non-bearing partitions doors flooring wall surfaces Current use: Office | Permit id: #201401216688 | |||||
SCORE 100 T. I. To 723 sq ft. Office demo extg interior partitions. Construct new reception business operatories dental support areas related electrical and plmg work new interior finishes. N a for the maher ordinance #155-13 Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #201403059920 | |||||
SCORE 99 7th floor suite 7 - construct tenant improvement for a new dental office including electrical plumbing mechnaical work. Not include any sturctural work. Compliance with ordinance #155-13 not required Current use: Office | Permit id: #201403060030 | |||||
SCORE 99 Construct one hour fire rated wall between commercial condo units approx in length.; compliance with ord 155-13 not required Current use: Office | Permit id: #201403100289 | |||||
SCORE 100 #830- demo staff room of wall & doors install new entry door into suite. Na ordinance #155-13 Current use: Office | Permit id: #201403271811 | |||||
SCORE 95 Fire alarm ti. Relocate 4 notification devices in suite 1022. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201404042419 | |||||
SCORE 95 Fire alarm ti. Relocate 5 notification devices in suite 311. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201404042420 | |||||
8th floor suite 8 - interior t. I. Construct 3 offices storage room & staff area new ceiling & lighting new inteiror finishes. Compliance with ordinance #155-13 not required ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #201404213730 | |||||
Tenant improvement suite 710. Modification to existing nfpa 13 fire sprinkler system. Relocating (3) adding (1). Ref app# 2014 0306 00 maher 155-13 not required ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #201405054942 | |||||
SCORE 100 8th floor suite 8 - interior t. I. Construct 3 offices storage room & staff area new ceiling & lighting new inteiror finishes. Compliance with ordinance #155-13 not required Current use: Office | Permit id: #201404213730 | |||||
Modification to an (e) att unmanned telecommunication facility consisting of removing and replacing (e) 6601-dul unit w a (n) dus41 unit inside (e) parcel cabinet; removing and replacing (3) (e) rruw units w (3) (n) rrus-12 units w (3) (n) a-2 modules ![]() Current use: Antenna | Permit id: #201405155852 | |||||
SCORE 95 On 8th floor - in suite 8 relocate 3 fire alarm strobe devices and 2 speaker strobes Current use: Office | Permit id: #201405236559 | |||||
SCORE 99 Replace ceiling recessed lights at t b ceiling painting & hardwood floor. N a ordinance #155-13 Current use: Office | Permit id: #201405307118 | |||||
Interior t. I. Demo existing improvements construct 5 new offices reception area new lighting electrical & low voltage system remove 4 sinks. N a ordinance #155-13. ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #201406168471 | |||||
SCORE 59 7th floor ste 7 - plumb oxygen & nitrous oxide piping. Ref #2014. 0306. 0030. N a maher ordinance ![]() ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #201406209032 | |||||
SCORE 95 Removal of antenna coax mounts & radio equipment. Compliance with ordinance no 155-13 not required. (nextel) Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: #201407010193 | |||||
SCORE 84 Tenant improvement suite 710. Modification to existing nfpa 13 fire sprinkler system. Relocating (3) adding (1). Ref app# 2014 0306 00 maher 155-13 not required Current use: Office | Permit id: #201405054942 | |||||
SCORE 100 Ste. 323: interior ti for a dental office: partitions casework ceiling related electrical plumbing and new mechanical system. Finishes. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201407111069 | |||||
SCORE 99 Interior t. I. Demo existing improvements construct 5 new offices reception area new lighting electrical & low voltage system remove 4 sinks. N a ordinance #155-13. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201406168471 | |||||
SCORE 100 Flr: 3 t. I. #201312174373 fire alarm work for the ste 336. Addition of 3 strobes & 1 speaker strobe. Maher n a Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #201407312749 | |||||
14th flr ste 1415: interior tenant improvements new partitions and door floor sink related electrical and plumbing demo existing walls. ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #201408194157 | |||||
SCORE 95 Fire alam ti-relocate 4 alarm devices Current use: Office | Permit id: #201408295009 | |||||
SCORE 95 Fire alarm tennat improvemnt 9th floor unit 939- construction 201406168471- relocate 8 fa devices Current use: Office | Permit id: #201408295010 | |||||
Unit 239 - demo designated partition walls counter tops sinks (n) accessible bathrm w n wall (n) dropped ceiling (n) ceiling lights (n) wood flooring & (n) carpet & (n) tile at bathroom (n) built-ins (n) sinks at designated locations; maher n a ![]() Current use: Office | Permit id: #201409085689 | |||||
SCORE 100 Suite 9 - light demolition of extg walls and counters. Construction of 2 new assistants offices relocation of interior doors. Accessible upgrades to extg h. C. Restroom. Breakroom and hallways and to one exam room. Current use: Clinics-medic/d | Permit id: #201409176536 | |||||
SCORE 93 Remove t bar ceiling and open walls to expose existing conditions. Demo per ab-17. T. I. On seperate permit to follow. N a ordinance #155-13. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201409176581 | |||||
SCORE 91 Suite #1415:14th flr ste 1415: interior tenant improvements new partitions and door floor sink related electrical and plumbing demo existing walls. Current use: Office | Permit id: #201408194157 | |||||
Install 2hr shaft for hvac pipe conduit no structural work ![]() ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Expiration date: March 17, 2000 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 200003174619 | |||||
Permit to operate boiler ![]() Permit status: Issued | Expiration date: August 17, 2007 | Permit id: 37879 | |||||
Add new fire sprinklers in tenant improv space - 9th fl ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: January 17, 1996 | Expiration date: April 5, 1997 | Current use: Clinics-medic/dental | Permit id: 9600829 | |||||
Oti 1-4th floor el me ls & sp ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Cancelled | Completion date: August 25, 1998 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9816864 | |||||
Renew #9616706 & #9221309 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 25, 1997 | Expiration date: March 25, 1998 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9723827 | |||||
Suite #1650- furnish and install 3 ceiling mounted speaker strobes ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: February 20, 2008 | Expiration date: June 20, 2008 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200802205140 | |||||
Street space Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: June 23, 2008 | Permit id: M123446 | |||||
Restrm rmdl on 8 9th flrs for accssblty ![]() ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Withdrawn | Expiration date: November 3, 1995 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9518628 | |||||
Cti-1 9/f el me sp ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: March 23, 1994 | Expiration date: March 30, 1995 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9404685 | |||||
Interior demo of non load bearing partitions ceiling and ceiling components and lightings per ab17 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: October 12, 2011 | Expiration date: October 12, 2012 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 201110126635 | |||||
Life safety improvemts to public corridor & restrm upgrades ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: September 24, 1992 | Expiration date: January 26, 1994 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9216506 | |||||
To comply with das complaint # 9402127/revision to 4 restroom per pa #200112175372/200206259878 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: October 17, 2003 | Expiration date: February 17, 2004 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200310177767 | |||||
SCORE 100 Upper east side of exterior of building paint masory Permit type: Building permit | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: #201509288196 | |||||
Permit to operate boiler ![]() Permit status: Issued | Expiration date: August 6, 2010 | Permit id: 51892 | |||||
Additions alterations or repairs ![]() Permit status: Approved | Completion date: February 22, 1982 | Permit id: 8201285 | |||||
SCORE 100 To comply with nov #201561281: to re-install plaster and fire protective system removed in the course of troubleshooting and repairing the water proofing under sidewalk done under pa#201411252431. Permit type: Building permit | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: #201508063479 | |||||
Permit to operate boiler ![]() Permit status: Issued | Expiration date: January 4, 2001 | Permit id: 14003 | |||||
Street space and mta parking Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: April 4, 2011 | Permit id: M251286 | |||||
Alter fire escape to bring up to code ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: September 18, 1984 | Expiration date: May 15, 1985 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 8410065 | |||||
Street space permit Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: July 11, 2013 | Permit id: M407049 | |||||
Restrm rmdl on 8/9th flrs for accssblty ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Withdrawn | Completion date: November 3, 1995 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9518628 | |||||
SCORE 95 Medical office - suite 225. Install 6 circuits lights switches 37 receptacles & connect hot electrical water heater. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: E201103303903 | |||||
Survey permit only ![]() Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: E201505048291 | |||||
Work @ unit#206. To obtain final inspection for work approved under pa#200711218726. All work is complete. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: September 9, 2009 | Expiration date: September 4, 2010 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200909096465 | |||||
Suite 1100: convert existing exam room into doctors lav by adding toilet. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: February 26, 2013 | Expiration date: April 28, 2014 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 201302260967 | |||||
Install fire suppression system into the hood & duct ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: April 9, 1997 | Expiration date: August 9, 1997 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 9706381 | |||||
Install new steel support system for slab above boiler ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 12, 1987 | Expiration date: April 19, 1988 | Current use: Club | Permit id: 8706291 | |||||
Renew #9731333 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 25, 1997 | Expiration date: March 25, 1998 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9723832 | |||||
Street space & sidewalk Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Reinstated | Completion date: October 13, 2011 | Permit id: M283987 | |||||
Selective demolition of existing interior walls. Construction of new demising wall and exit stair along with associated hvac lighting and plumbing work. Life safety under seperate permit. ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: October 2, 2008 | Expiration date: December 24, 2009 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 200810023202 | |||||
Permit to operate boiler ![]() Permit status: Issued | Expiration date: April 13, 2004 | Permit id: 24357 | |||||
Permit to operate boiler ![]() Permit status: Issued | Expiration date: November 16, 2015 | Permit id: 83367 | |||||
SCORE 100 Work in unit 1527:dental office: work includes 1 toilet 1 lav 9 sinks 1 washer dryer 1 indirect waste 1 rpbf. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pp20110405249 | |||||
Renew #9307900 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 25, 1997 | Expiration date: March 25, 1998 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9723834 | |||||
SCORE 72 New 75amp 3 phase circuit and disconnect for elevator. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: E201602184995 | |||||
Permit to operate boiler ![]() Permit status: Issued | Expiration date: March 22, 2002 | Permit id: 17391 | |||||
SCORE 100 Patch ceiling plaster 8x12 per complaint 201584621 Permit type: Building permit | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: #201601076580 | |||||
SCORE 83 Replace shower valves drain sink toilets in same location of rooms. Replace sheet rock. Permit type: Building permit | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: #201603182507 | |||||
Construct freight elevator hoistway doors& add public phones ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: October 9, 1998 | Expiration date: February 9, 1999 | Current use: Theater | Permit id: 9820654 | |||||
Renew expired appl#9519183 9521082 9600829 9616212 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: May 6, 2003 | Expiration date: September 6, 2003 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200305063874 | |||||
SCORE 95 Fire alarm system upgrade with elevator modernization plus life safety witness test ![]() ![]() Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Ew201604267756 | |||||
Permit to operate boiler ![]() Permit status: Issued | Expiration date: April 23, 2003 | Permit id: 21034 | |||||
Box in gas meters ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: February 1, 1984 | Expiration date: July 1, 1984 | Current use: Massage parlor | Permit id: 8401232 | |||||
SCORE 95 Install timer switch for exhaust fan motor 3 phase 5 horse power 2 volt ventilation system motor. 1 switch. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: E201605116796 | |||||
Remove 2 pair of casement sashes at front facade to change hinges only and replace same sashes in same opening. Per pc1110(g)(1). ![]() ![]() Permit type: Building permit | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: #201604225491 | |||||
SCORE 99 Like for like voluntary fire system replacement with new control panel smoke detectorrs and pull stations at the same locations. Install relay modules for elev Permit type: Building permit | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: #201605318752 | |||||
Renew expired appl #9221309 #9302055 #9321333 #9400571 #94054 #9408450 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: January 11, 2000 | Expiration date: May 11, 2000 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 20000111801 | |||||
Ref permit 2000021015 for additional work to change out existing shower pan at basement level ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: July 20, 2000 | Expiration date: November 20, 2000 | Current use: Club | Permit id: 200007205629 | |||||
Permit to operate boiler ![]() Permit status: Issued | Expiration date: July 20, 1999 | Permit id: 12825 | |||||
Streetspace Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: October 21, 2014 | Permit id: M529327 | |||||
Tenant improvement for new office space ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: December 7, 1988 | Expiration date: January 20, 1990 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 8819219 | |||||
SCORE 100 Reroofing Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: August 23, 2014 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: #201308235059 | |||||
Non electric projecting sign double faced ![]() Permit type: Sign-errect | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: December 29, 1994 | Expiration date: April 29, 1995 | Permit id: 9421351 | |||||
Remove existing plaster on interior walls dispose debris ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: October 7, 1987 | Expiration date: February 7, 1988 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 8714410 | |||||
Ti/ fire protection ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: August 25, 1994 | Expiration date: March 27, 1995 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 9413284 | |||||
SCORE 100 Work in unit 225: remodel doctors office: work includes 4 sinks 1 toilet 1 ada shower 1 floor drain 1 water heater. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pp20110405247 | |||||
Additions alterations or repairs ![]() Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 11, 2000 | Expiration date: June 19, 2001 | Current use: Club | Permit id: 200005119667 | |||||
Replace 2 existing retail shops ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: October 30, 1985 | Expiration date: October 17, 1986 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 8512271 | |||||
SCORE 100 Cut out and replace section of 4" cast iron deck drain line in ceiling of mens locker room. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pp20110427785 | |||||
Renew expired permit appn. 9715126 for final inspection ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: August 24, 1998 | Expiration date: December 24, 1998 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9816750 | |||||
4 post st. #206: interior remodel of 2 offices ( previously dental offices) into one dental officeon 2nd floor. No change to exterior or entrance doors. Install one uni-sex ada complying restroom. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 21, 2007 | Expiration date: November 21, 2008 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200711218726 | |||||
SCORE 59 9th floor suite 914: barrier removal: add accessible unisex bathroom replace door & counter at reception to comply with accessible standards. Enlarge door to 1 exam room. Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: February 2, 2013 | Current use: Clinics-medic/dental | Permit id: #201207185135 | |||||
Street space permit. Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: November 4, 2011 | Permit id: M287627 | |||||
#1124- add 15 new fire sprinkelrs to new dental office. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: April 7, 2009 | Expiration date: April 2, 2010 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200904075711 | |||||
Submitting as built plans for floors 8 9 & of the 4 post st. T. I. Adding (2) smoke detectors removing (3) relay modules. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: July 1, 2009 | Expiration date: June 27, 2010 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200907011760 | |||||
Street space Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: July 7, 2004 | Permit id: M28195 | |||||
Street space & mta permit Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: March 22, 2011 | Permit id: M249326 | |||||
Street space permit Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: April 28, 2011 | Permit id: M257606 | |||||
Street space permit Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: January 10, 2005 | Permit id: M30747 | |||||
Tenant improvement-dentists office-sprinklers ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 10, 1995 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9506842 | |||||
SCORE 85 Replace air ventilation fan per nov 201570881. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pm20160809930 | |||||
SCORE 100 Remodel existing medical office non structural interior walls doors casework new finishes related lecterical lighting. New accessible shower Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: December 29, 2011 | Current use: Office | Permit id: #201011295705 | |||||
F/a modification 4 strobes & 3 speakers ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 23, 2004 | Expiration date: July 23, 2004 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200403239359 | |||||
Renew expired permit appn. 9321338 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 30, 1995 | Expiration date: July 30, 1995 | Current use: Theater | Permit id: 9504542 | |||||
Renew #9408450 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 25, 1997 | Expiration date: March 25, 1998 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9723829 | |||||
Street space permit Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: May 29, 2003 | Permit id: M23809 | |||||
Tenant improvement to suite # 1701 & 1702 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: December 31, 2007 | Expiration date: January 25, 2009 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200712311657 | |||||
Rev to pa# 2011/11/01/8054. 3539 sqft interior t. I for a retail banking center this project was previously approved/permited but client asked gensler to redesign. Project includes 24 hr atm vestiblue sliding glass nanwall system lobby hospitality area for customers teller line offices ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: April 17, 2012 | Expiration date: April 27, 2013 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 201204178495 | |||||
Life safety system modifications @ 4 post street suites 1214 &1228. Interior work only. No increa ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: June 27, 2003 | Expiration date: December 27, 2003 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200306278188 | |||||
Additions alterations or repairs ![]() Permit status: Complete | Completion date: November 10, 1981 | Expiration date: August 4, 1982 | Permit id: 8109688 | |||||
7th floor corridor & elevator lobby - install lighting. Replace doors floor tile & carpet. ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 25, 2007 | Expiration date: June 28, 2008 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200705252337 | |||||
Demolition (selective) expansion of (e) restaurant and lounge onto 1st floor space. Associated construction millwork finishes mechanical plumbing electrical fire protection structural work under appl. 200810023202. Fire protection under separate permit. ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: October 14, 2008 | Expiration date: February 8, 2012 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 200810144060 | |||||
Demolition of 2 walls & 1 door ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: October 28, 1992 | Expiration date: February 28, 1993 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9218839 | |||||
SCORE 100 Demolition of existing non structural tenant improvements office partitions door tbar ceilings. Floor finishes. Storage cabinets Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: September 12, 2013 | Current use: Office | Permit id: #201302260965 | |||||
Convert existing exam room into doctors lav by adding toilet ![]() Permit type: Building permit | Current use: Office | Permit id: #201302260967 | |||||
Remove mezzanine in preparation for new egress ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Cancelled | Completion date: September 8, 1983 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 8308902 | |||||
Remodel include only area of cafe interior remodel only. Handicapped comply. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: February 1, 2005 | Expiration date: February 1, 2006 | Current use: Food/beverage hndlng | Permit id: 200502014523 | |||||
Renewal permit 3 of 9 for renewal of expired building permit 9616571 construction is complete for ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: December 17, 2001 | Expiration date: April 17, 2002 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200112175372 | |||||
9th floor suite 914: barrier removal: add accessible unisex bathroom replace door & counter at reception to comply with accessible standards. Enlarge door to 1 exam room. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: July 18, 2012 | Expiration date: July 28, 2013 | Current use: Clinics-medic/dental | Permit id: 201207185135 | |||||
17th floor; suite #1700-complete remodel of suite from the ground up per plan. Including demolition framing flooring & sheetrock. Decking sheetrock & cabinettes. Fire alarm & fire sprinkler on seperate permit. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 1, 2008 | Expiration date: May 19, 2009 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200805011112 | |||||
SCORE 95 Unit # 1052:t. I. No added 1st alarm devices only relocation of 4 devices. Ref app#201207265868. Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: May 28, 2013 | Current use: Office | Permit id: #201301288912 | |||||
Interior tenant uild-out ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 15, 1994 | Expiration date: July 7, 1996 | Current use: Food/beverage hndlng | Permit id: 9404086 | |||||
Removing 1-hr rated grease duct work enclosure replacing the existing black steel welded ductwork ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: June 9, 2004 | Expiration date: September 2, 2005 | Current use: Food/beverage hndlng | Permit id: 200406095945 | |||||
Renew app #9307900/9308680/9715126/9715507/9718307/9722955 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: June 25, 2002 | Expiration date: October 25, 2002 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200206259873 | |||||
Life safety system modifications at 4 post 5th flr one power supply 6 strobes & one dual sync ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: June 12, 2003 | Expiration date: October 12, 2003 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200306126876 | |||||
Street space Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Filed | Completion date: September 18, 2014 | Permit id: M518427 | |||||
SCORE 100 Repair drain line from kitchen. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Complete | Permit id: Pp20160104719 | |||||
5th floor suite 5 - non-structural tenant improvements: interior partitions casework electrical switches outlet & lights. New interior finishes plumbing new sink & faucets. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: January 5, 2009 | Expiration date: March 27, 2010 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200901059511 | |||||
Street space. Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: August 20, 2008 | Permit id: M131644 | |||||
Modify existing counter transaction add new transaction cntr voluntary title 24 upgrade ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: July 31, 2000 | Expiration date: November 30, 2000 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 200007316554 | |||||
Demolition of existing walls & doors in office suite ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: November 16, 1992 | Expiration date: May 16, 1993 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9220046 | |||||
H. V. A. C. -tenant improvement ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: April 11, 1995 | Expiration date: October 11, 1995 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9505205 | |||||
Permit to operate boiler ![]() Permit status: Issued | Expiration date: May 13, 2014 | Permit id: 73704 | |||||
Install electric wall single-faced sign for "chase". ![]() Permit type: Sign-errect | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: November 15, 2011 | Expiration date: February 28, 2013 | Current use: Lending institution | Permit id: 201111158926 | |||||
Partition wall in an existing office to make 2 offices no increase in office space ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: July 5, 2005 | Expiration date: January 5, 2006 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200507056808 | |||||
Convert existing janitors closet into accessible toilet ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: January 17, 1992 | Expiration date: September 19, 1992 | Current use: Theater | Permit id: 9200932 | |||||
Install 2hr shaft for hvac pipe/conduit no structural work ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 17, 2000 | Expiration date: July 17, 2000 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 200003174619 | |||||
Permit to operate boiler ![]() Permit status: Issued | Expiration date: December 20, 2000 | Permit id: 13953 | |||||
Replace existing entrance canopy to bring to code as part ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Cancelled | Completion date: March 21, 1985 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 8502864 | |||||
Modification to fire alarm system at 4 post st. 2nd floor/smoke detector at corridor ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 20, 2002 | Expiration date: July 20, 2002 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200203201904 | |||||
Street space Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: May 1, 2002 | Expiration date: May 1, 2003 | Permit id: M20016 | |||||
Additions alterations or repairs ![]() Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 24, 1982 | Expiration date: October 14, 1982 | Permit id: 8202183 | |||||
1st floor install new fire alarm devices in new t. I. Space all devices are added to an existing f. A. System. Devices include 3 horn strobes and one duct detector. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: February 5, 2009 | Expiration date: January 31, 2010 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 200902051478 | |||||
Add 15 sprinklers ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 25, 1993 | Expiration date: December 25, 1993 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9308680 | |||||
Demo partition walls vinyl tile paint ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: July 28, 1987 | Expiration date: February 7, 1988 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 8710593 | |||||
Additions alterations or repairs ![]() Permit status: Complete | Completion date: September 1, 1983 | Expiration date: March 23, 1984 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 8308659 | |||||
Provide new sauna at basemt level one. ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: June 1, 1995 | Expiration date: February 29, 1996 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 9508222 | |||||
Street space Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: May 26, 2016 | Permit id: M694769 | |||||
1st floor-tenant improvements to the (e) fire sprinkler system-105 removed sprinklers 71 new sprinklers ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: January 9, 2009 | Expiration date: January 4, 2010 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 200901099916 | |||||
Revision to p/a 2007/0905/1853: change configuration of 16th floor office from 2 office spaces to a single office space. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: November 7, 2007 | Expiration date: March 7, 2008 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200711077548 | |||||
SCORE 100 Repair drain leaking on mop sink ![]() ![]() Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pp20130306832 | |||||
SCORE 100 Remove and replace 1 of 2 domestic hot water boiler in the basement level. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Complete | Permit id: Pp20130307866 | |||||
Revis 9517964 toilet stall 15th floor ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: January 6, 1995 | Expiration date: May 6, 1995 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9500215 | |||||
T/i (e) 1/f & 4/f into restaurant & banquet w/kitchen ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: August 27, 1996 | Expiration date: October 1, 1998 | Current use: Food/beverage hndlng | Permit id: 9615952 | |||||
Cti-2 5/f sp ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: September 18, 1997 | Expiration date: March 26, 1998 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9718307 | |||||
Cti-3 (e) 7th fl ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: February 18, 1997 | Expiration date: August 24, 1997 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9702819 | |||||
Street space permit/sidewalk permit Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: October 14, 2004 | Permit id: M29745 | |||||
To remodel existing bar mens & womens restroom. A non-bearing wall will be removed mens & womens restroom will have an ada stall added with ada sink area. (n) plumbing & electrical. Building has fire sprinkler system. Maher na ![]() ![]() Permit type: Building permit | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: #201603172289 | |||||
SCORE 99 Work category: 3pb; remove and replace toilets and basins in existing locations. Turn existing tub location into showers. Replace shower valve. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pw20160304646 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install (3)-200gal storage tanks only. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Complete | Permit id: Pp20160307487 | |||||
SCORE 99 Work category: 11p; plumbing survey to addres replacement of fixtures ![]() ![]() Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Complete | Permit id: Pw20160311844 | |||||
Cti-1 5/f el sp ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: August 14, 1997 | Expiration date: August 27, 1998 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9715507 | |||||
Renovate existing dental offices 15th flr ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 8, 1994 | Expiration date: February 27, 1996 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9418448 | |||||
3 strobes please reterence app#20030612687. Interior work only . No increase of office space ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: June 27, 2003 | Expiration date: October 27, 2003 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200306278197 | |||||
SCORE 100 Suite 1100: convert existing exam room into doctors lav by adding toilet. Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: September 3, 2013 | Current use: Office | Permit id: #201302260967 | |||||
Make 2 toilets rooms handicpped accessible life safety impro ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: September 17, 1992 | Expiration date: October 30, 1993 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9215976 | |||||
Renew app #8714485/9418448/9503924/9505046/9505205/9402127 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: May 6, 2003 | Expiration date: September 6, 2003 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200305063870 | |||||
Replace existing fire exist with new rated exterior ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: February 22, 1996 | Expiration date: August 22, 1996 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 9602906 | |||||
Revision 9616571 upgrade toilet room to fully accessible ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 29, 1997 | Expiration date: November 29, 1997 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9709713 | |||||
To acquire certificate of final completion for disabled access complaints#9412127 98001 9800715 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: November 4, 2003 | Expiration date: March 4, 2004 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200311049311 | |||||
Renew #9221309 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 25, 1997 | Expiration date: March 25, 1998 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9723835 | |||||
Renew expired permit appn. 9220880 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: September 5, 1996 | Expiration date: January 5, 1997 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9616711 | |||||
SCORE 59 Caulking repointing painting (if needed) injection for interior water proofing waterproofing exterior. See attached sheet. Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: November 25, 2015 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: #201411252431 | |||||
T. I. Fire protection. Comply chpt. 38 s. F. B. C. For sprinkler ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: August 24, 1994 | Expiration date: March 23, 1995 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 9413282 | |||||
Install 2 new pendent sprinklers to accpommodate code requmt ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 18, 1999 | Expiration date: September 18, 1999 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 9909859 | |||||
Repair existing sidewalk topping slab. Repair waterproof material with cim1000 ![]() Permit type: Building permit | Permit id: #201110187074 | |||||
Modify seating riser to accomodate wheelchairs ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: December 7, 1993 | Expiration date: February 28, 1995 | Current use: Theater | Permit id: 9321338 | |||||
To comply with nov #201049259 non-structural repairs to sidewalk. Topping slab only. 3 1/2" max. Depth. Sub sidewalk basement. Minor repair only. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: February 21, 2013 | Expiration date: February 16, 2014 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 201302210714 | |||||
Renewal of pa 9824071 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: March 3, 2000 | Expiration date: July 3, 2000 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 200003033449 | |||||
Install fire alarm system ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 2, 1995 | Expiration date: September 2, 1995 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 9506365 | |||||
Suite 1150: repair of private room. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: May 26, 2011 | Expiration date: May 26, 2012 | Current use: Clinics-medic/dental | Permit id: 201105266922 | |||||
Renewal of pa 9821085 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: March 3, 2000 | Expiration date: July 3, 2000 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 200003033451 | |||||
New private lave file room door replacement and widening to ada standards ![]() ![]() Permit type: Building permit | Current use: Office | Permit id: #201210031214 | |||||
Renew expired permit appn. 9221853 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: September 5, 1996 | Expiration date: January 5, 1997 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9616709 | |||||
Permit to operate boiler ![]() Permit status: Issued | Expiration date: January 12, 2011 | Permit id: 54751 | |||||
Demo 4 dental offices ( units 1527 15 1536 1540) and combine into one dental office. Work includes new walls ceilings w/ elec and plbg work and 1 new unisex restroom ![]() ![]() Permit type: Building permit | Current use: Clinics-medic/dental | Permit id: #201009171100 | |||||
Additions alterations or repairs ![]() Permit status: Complete | Completion date: April 1, 1982 | Expiration date: August 14, 1982 | Permit id: 8202518 | |||||
To erect single faced sign ![]() Permit type: Sign-errect | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 15, 1997 | Expiration date: September 15, 1997 | Current use: Not applicable | Permit id: 9708831 | |||||
Additions alterations or repairs ![]() Permit status: Cancelled | Completion date: December 17, 1984 | Current use: Food/beverage hndlng | Permit id: 8413226 | |||||
Street space Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: October 18, 2011 | Permit id: M284757 | |||||
Interior office renov - rated corridor doors and interior partitions ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Filed | Completion date: August 27, 2007 | Permit id: 200708271010 | |||||
Add 12 pendent sprinklers modifications for proper coverage ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: June 18, 1996 | Expiration date: December 14, 1996 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9610875 | |||||
Oti-2 4 post llc 2nd floor el. ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: January 26, 2007 | Expiration date: August 27, 2007 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200701262668 | |||||
Additions alterations or repairs ![]() Permit status: Complete | Completion date: May 13, 1982 | Expiration date: June 15, 1983 | Permit id: 8203777 | |||||
SCORE 100 To comply with complaint 201570881: to correct hvac violation. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pm20150929328 | |||||
Permit to operate boiler ![]() Permit status: Issued | Expiration date: August 14, 1998 | Permit id: 12176 | |||||
SCORE 100 Basement level 2: replace (e) booster pump and (e) 12in-flue pipe. ![]() ![]() Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pp20160928390 | |||||
Cti-2 7/f el me cti-3 sp ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: September 30, 1996 | Expiration date: July 21, 1997 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9618644 | |||||
Refinish exist. 2/f space s 3 hotel guest suites ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: August 8, 1984 | Expiration date: September 6, 1985 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 8408578 | |||||
Street space & mta. Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: April 24, 2009 | Permit id: M162124 | |||||
Life safty system upgrade at 4 post base bldg ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: June 29, 2004 | Expiration date: April 6, 2006 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200406297598 | |||||
Alt needed to bsmt health club to comply w/disabled access ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: June 7, 1993 | Expiration date: February 13, 1994 | Current use: Health studios & gym | Permit id: 9309481 | |||||
Paint non structural sign maher: compliance with ordinance no# 155-13 not required ![]() Permit type: Wall or painted sign | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: March 21, 2012 | Expiration date: January 16, 2016 | Permit id: 201203216557 | |||||
Window replacement in like kind door & accessibility improvements. N/a maher ordinance. ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Filed | Completion date: May 6, 2015 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 201505065487 | |||||
Repair tile wal @ hallwy to steam rm/no archl or struct cng ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 16, 1994 | Expiration date: September 10, 1994 | Current use: Health studios & gym | Permit id: 9407394 | |||||
Street space Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: August 8, 2003 | Permit id: M24539 | |||||
Replacement of exterior store front window and mullions to match adjacent existing mullion pattern. ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Cancelled | Completion date: November 25, 2008 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 200811257340 | |||||
Additions alterations or repairs ![]() Permit status: Complete | Completion date: April 8, 1982 | Expiration date: October 27, 1982 | Permit id: 8202725 | |||||
Office tenant improvement on 10th floor. Demo exisitng interior partitions. Construct new walls cabs. Related elec. And plumbing. Interior finishes. No exterior work. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: February 5, 2008 | Expiration date: March 25, 2009 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200802054080 | |||||
Sttreet space Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: December 3, 2012 | Permit id: M360487 | |||||
As built for 15 spirinklers on 11th fl. Ref pa# 2009. 04. 07. 5711. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: July 27, 2009 | Expiration date: July 22, 2010 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200907273494 | |||||
Work @ suite# 1516 only. Non-structural tenant improvement 3 sq. Ft. Office space. Interior partition millwork related electrical & plumbing switches outlets & lighting. New interior finishes. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: February 26, 2009 | Expiration date: July 24, 2010 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200902262983 | |||||
Install fire protection hood/duct system ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: October 5, 1994 | Expiration date: February 5, 1995 | Current use: Food/beverage hndlng | Permit id: 9416243 | |||||
Exploratory demolition non structural ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: April 3, 1984 | Expiration date: October 19, 1984 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 8403484 | |||||
3 8 sf ground fl tenant improvemt for (n) banking ctr incl (n) atms cust areas teller line offices employee break areas restrm & back of house support spaces. Work includes struct elect mech plumbing & finishes. Related work under separate permit app for ext/storefront: ref #201110217364 ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: November 1, 2011 | Expiration date: February 28, 2015 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 201111018054 | |||||
Street space Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: January 3, 2007 | Permit id: M52563 | |||||
To erect electric wall single faced sign. ![]() Permit type: Sign-errect | Permit status: Cancelled | Completion date: March 21, 2012 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 201203216550 | |||||
Erect sign Permit type: Wall or painted sign | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: January 26, 1998 | Permit id: 9801350 | |||||
Renew #9407494 cti ii ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 25, 1997 | Expiration date: March 25, 1998 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9723828 | |||||
9th floor #910: office tenant improvement to vacant unit of (e) office bldg: remove all existing interior partitions fixtures finishes; suspend ceiling & lights to remain. New interior partitions sink carpet paint. Relocate existing light fixtures. Sprinklers under separate permit. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: April 7, 2008 | Expiration date: April 7, 2009 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200804078950 | |||||
Add fire sprklrs to closets ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 12, 1987 | Expiration date: June 29, 1988 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 8716271 | |||||
Street space permit Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: August 29, 2002 | Expiration date: August 29, 2003 | Permit id: M21599 | |||||
Commercial tenant improvements ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: June 13, 1989 | Expiration date: June 15, 1990 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 8910251 | |||||
Fabricate & install awning ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: June 28, 1988 | Expiration date: February 25, 1989 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 8808538 | |||||
1st thru 4th floors-relocate (e) upright fire sprinkler heads. Relocate 33 sprinkleheads in bsmt. Convert pendent heads to uprights 1st through 4th floor. 23 on first floor 121 on second floor 84 on third floor 82 on fourth floor replace a total of 3 f/s heads to upright pendents ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: January 9, 2012 | Expiration date: January 4, 2013 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 201201091906 | |||||
New paint carpet & tile @ corridors elevator lobbies. New min rated doors into offices from corridors. 1hr infill of (e) transoms @ corridors. New door hardware fire/smoke detection to tie to (e) system. Work on floors: 3 4 6 8 9 12 14 15 and 16 (9 total) ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: December 19, 2007 | Expiration date: February 8, 2010 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200712190857 | |||||
Like for like voluntary fire system replacement with new control panel smoke detectorrs and pull stations at the same locations. Install relay modules for elev ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: May 31, 2016 | Expiration date: November 30, 2016 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 201605318752 | |||||
Suite 1124:non-structural tenant improvements. Interior partitions millwork electric plumbing switches & outlets. Lighting new inter finishes. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: August 13, 2008 | Expiration date: November 5, 2009 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200808139068 | |||||
To comply with nov #201561281: to re-install plaster and fire protective system removed in the course of troubleshooting and repairing the water proofing under sidewalk done under pa#201411252431. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: August 6, 2015 | Expiration date: August 6, 2016 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 201508063479 | |||||
Comply with cited code viol of dec 7 1992 disabled access ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Disapproved | Completion date: November 29, 1993 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 9320819 | |||||
16th floor - office interior remodel - all existing finishes to be removed. New electrical plumbing interior partitions & corridor doors included in work. No exterior work. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: September 5, 2007 | Expiration date: September 7, 2008 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200709051853 | |||||
Renew #9616710 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 25, 1997 | Expiration date: March 25, 1998 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9723826 | |||||
Renew expired appl#9617530 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: May 6, 2003 | Expiration date: September 6, 2003 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200305063871 | |||||
On 17/f life safety modification change existing pull to emergency door release ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: April 9, 2004 | Expiration date: August 9, 2004 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200404090958 | |||||
Renew app #9313386/remodel of office in parking garage/alterations of single occupant unisex toilet ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: December 17, 2001 | Expiration date: April 17, 2002 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200112175371 | |||||
5th floor ste 512 & 5 :remodel cap 3 sprinkler heads over covered doors & relcoate 2 in t-bar. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: June 5, 2009 | Expiration date: May 31, 2010 | Current use: Clinics-medic/dental | Permit id: 200906059851 | |||||
Remove door on 1st flr install at 2nd flr bathrm(storage rm) ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: February 18, 1998 | Expiration date: August 18, 1998 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 9802715 | |||||
11th floor corridor & elevator lobby - install lighting. Replace doors floor tile & carpet. ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 25, 2007 | Expiration date: June 28, 2008 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200705252339 | |||||
Remove portions of exist. Non-bearing walls. ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: September 12, 1991 | Expiration date: April 15, 1992 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9116944 | |||||
Life safety improvement ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: June 4, 1993 | Expiration date: December 4, 1993 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9309193 | |||||
Tenant improvment on the 8 9 10th floors at 4 post. Add 3 power supplies 3 relay modules 1 smoke detector 57 speaker/strobes 52 strobes 6 dual sync modules ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: May 7, 2009 | Expiration date: May 7, 2010 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200905077957 | |||||
Renew #9616704 & #9309193 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 25, 1997 | Expiration date: March 25, 1998 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9723833 | |||||
Street space w/mta Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: December 30, 2014 | Permit id: M546087 | |||||
Life safety system modifications at 4 post 8th flr one power supply 6 strobes & one dual sync ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: June 12, 2003 | Expiration date: October 12, 2003 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200306126875 | |||||
Street space Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 31, 2000 | Expiration date: September 30, 2000 | Permit id: M12879 | |||||
Street space w/mta Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: January 31, 2013 | Permit id: M369132 | |||||
Raising of shallow deep end of swimming pool ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: September 25, 1998 | Expiration date: December 17, 1999 | Current use: Club | Permit id: 9819432 | |||||
Street space & mta parking meter Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: February 24, 2015 | Permit id: M562627 | |||||
15th floor #1525: to extend 2 (e) sprinklers 2-0" from prior location due to work by others without permit. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: January 17, 2008 | Expiration date: May 17, 2008 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200801172734 | |||||
Repair 8 windows at the 3rd floor elks lodge meeting room and dinning room per app #200305215182 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: August 6, 2003 | Expiration date: February 6, 2004 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200308061355 | |||||
4th floor-install 4 ceiling mount strobes install 3 ceiling mount speaker/strobes ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: June 23, 2011 | Expiration date: June 17, 2012 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 201106238813 | |||||
Add partitions and lighting for clothing store ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: December 4, 1989 | Expiration date: August 2, 1990 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 8923467 | |||||
Upgrade 2 toilet rooms to fully accessible ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: September 4, 1996 | Expiration date: September 4, 1997 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9616571 | |||||
Sign ![]() Permit type: Sign-errect | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: May 10, 1995 | Expiration date: September 10, 1995 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 9506889 | |||||
Renew #8701515 92208 1853 93079 9193 86 9319386 404685 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: December 16, 1999 | Expiration date: April 16, 2000 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9926307 | |||||
Life safety system modifications at 4 post 11th flr one power supply 6 strobes & one dual sync ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: June 12, 2003 | Expiration date: October 12, 2003 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200306126878 | |||||
Bldg use: hotel ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: May 28, 1982 | Expiration date: December 23, 1982 | Permit id: 8204285 | |||||
Fire alarm eqmt. Smoke dets door holders horn/strobes etc ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: December 7, 1993 | Expiration date: April 22, 1994 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9321333 | |||||
Installation of fire sprinkler system ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: December 6, 1996 | Expiration date: July 6, 1997 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 9623563 | |||||
Add fire sprinkler in tenant improvemnt space ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: April 12, 1994 | Expiration date: December 6, 1994 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9405410 | |||||
Remodel (e) doctors office ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: December 21, 1992 | Expiration date: January 26, 1994 | Current use: Clinics-medic/dental | Permit id: 9221853 | |||||
Twenty-four (24) awnings with steel welded frames. ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: October 30, 1984 | Expiration date: July 10, 1985 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 8411596 | |||||
Revision pa#9616571/add elect door opener closer to toiletrm ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: June 27, 1997 | Expiration date: October 27, 1997 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9711896 | |||||
Street space permit Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: June 2, 2008 | Permit id: M121368 | |||||
To erect electric wall single faced sign. Revision to pa# 2011/11/15/8926 to show new style of sign & new location on building interior. ![]() Permit type: Sign-errect | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: June 28, 2012 | Expiration date: July 28, 2013 | Current use: Lending institution | Permit id: 201206283639 | |||||
T. I. On 5th 6th & 7th floors. Adding 3- power supply 3 relay modules 57 speakers/strobes ceil. Mnt. 6- speakers/strobes wall mnt 78 strobes ceil. Mnt. 2 speakers. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: March 26, 2008 | Expiration date: May 1, 2009 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200803268012 | |||||
Modification to fire alarm system at 3rd floor/smoke detectors at corridor ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 20, 2002 | Expiration date: July 20, 2002 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200203201910 | |||||
Renew expired permit appn. 9715507 9718307 9720285 9722955 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: August 24, 1998 | Expiration date: December 24, 1998 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9816749 | |||||
Underpinning ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 12, 1992 | Expiration date: July 16, 1993 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 9207638 | |||||
Life safety system modifications fire alarm upgrade on floors 2 3 & 4. 2/f-9 devices 3/f-17 devices 4/f 33 devices. ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: December 19, 2006 | Expiration date: February 13, 2008 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200612190089 | |||||
Revision to pa# 2007-1231-1657-relabel room and add hvac ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: May 5, 2008 | Expiration date: September 12, 2008 | Current use: Clinics-medic/dental | Permit id: 200805051354 | |||||
Add 54 new pendant heads to system ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 7, 1997 | Expiration date: October 14, 1997 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9704283 | |||||
Reroofing ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: November 10, 1995 | Expiration date: May 10, 1996 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 9519120 | |||||
Remodel dental office suite ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: December 3, 1992 | Expiration date: January 19, 1994 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9220880 | |||||
Street space Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 29, 2001 | Expiration date: September 29, 2001 | Permit id: M16296 | |||||
Remove 4 (e) exp. Sprinklers install 13 new pendent sprinklers 3rd floor ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 25, 2004 | Expiration date: August 16, 2004 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200403259603 | |||||
10th floor - install lighting in hallway corridor on 10th floor. Replace doors in corridor on 10th floor. Floor tile & carpet on 10th floor. Floor tile & elevator lobby. ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 25, 2007 | Expiration date: June 28, 2008 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200705252338 | |||||
Replace shower valves drain sink toilets in same location of rooms. Replace sheet rock. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 18, 2016 | Expiration date: March 18, 2017 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 201603182507 | |||||
Sprklr bsmnt ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: February 19, 1988 | Expiration date: October 1, 1988 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 8802037 | |||||
Total 7 sprinklers to hallway to accomodate new door placement. 1 @ 9th fl 2 @ 14th fl 1 @ 8th fl 3 @ 4th fl. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: April 27, 2009 | Expiration date: April 22, 2010 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200904277126 | |||||
Inter connection of two (e) fire alarm control panels ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 24, 1998 | Expiration date: March 24, 1999 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 9824328 | |||||
Revision to application 200808129007. To show as built. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Filed | Completion date: April 16, 2009 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200904166382 | |||||
New electric service for fire pump and construct 2 hour wall ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 20, 1998 | Expiration date: May 20, 1999 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 9824071 | |||||
Comply w/violation 9800519 install auto door opener&metal pa ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: January 28, 1999 | Expiration date: May 28, 1999 | Current use: Food/beverage hndlng | Permit id: 9901811 | |||||
Install handicapped toilet & sinks as per plans. ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: April 4, 1986 | Expiration date: November 6, 1986 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 8603869 | |||||
Cti-2 9th flr el me sp ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 23, 1994 | Expiration date: November 27, 1994 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9407494 | |||||
Tenant improvement on the 5th. Flr. Suite 520. Adding 1-speaker/strobe 2-strobes relocating 1-speaker/strobe 1-strobe. All work on 5th floor ste 520. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: June 29, 2009 | Expiration date: June 27, 2010 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200906291537 | |||||
Renewal of application 9405410 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: September 4, 1996 | Expiration date: January 4, 1997 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9616528 | |||||
Renew #92208 & #9616711 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 25, 1997 | Expiration date: March 25, 1998 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9723830 | |||||
Remodel existing medical office non structural interior walls doors casework new finishes related lecterical lighting. New accessible shower ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: November 29, 2010 | Expiration date: December 13, 2013 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 201011295705 | |||||
To erect non electric projecting double faced sign. Maher: compliance with ordinance no# 155-13 not required ![]() Permit type: Sign-errect | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: March 21, 2012 | Expiration date: January 16, 2016 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 201203216554 | |||||
3 strobes please reterence app#200306126871 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: June 27, 2003 | Expiration date: October 27, 2003 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200306278195 | |||||
Relocate door to penthouse suite ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: October 31, 1985 | Expiration date: October 17, 1986 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 8512269 | |||||
Install fire suppression system in kitchen hood on 1st floor. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 18, 2009 | Expiration date: March 13, 2010 | Current use: Food/beverage hndlng | Permit id: 200903184355 | |||||
Demolition only/to comply with nov #200879161 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: November 3, 2008 | Expiration date: October 29, 2009 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 200811035744 | |||||
Street space permit Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: September 12, 2006 | Permit id: M41544 | |||||
Install (1) illuminated wall signs for "chase". ![]() Permit type: Sign-errect | Permit status: Cancelled | Completion date: November 15, 2011 | Current use: Lending institution | Permit id: 201111158940 | |||||
Renew expired permit appn. 9407494 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: May 10, 1995 | Expiration date: September 10, 1995 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9506880 | |||||
For mechanical work as noted by fire on sheet r-1 of plans under 200306247836 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: August 6, 2004 | Expiration date: December 6, 2004 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200408060870 | |||||
Renew expired permit appn. 9309193 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: September 5, 1996 | Expiration date: January 5, 1997 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9616704 | |||||
4th floor - #426: t. I.: frame walls add elect. Plumbing t-bar flooring. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: April 11, 2011 | Expiration date: April 4, 2014 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 201104113864 | |||||
Cti-2 16/f el ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: April 25, 1996 | Expiration date: December 4, 1996 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9607113 | |||||
Street space permit only. Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: April 6, 2009 | Permit id: M159104 | |||||
Street space permit Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: September 9, 2004 | Permit id: M29166 | |||||
#644- interior tenant improvement for business office interior walls doors casework trim and finishes. T-bar ceiling & lights new sinks. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: May 24, 2013 | Expiration date: May 25, 2014 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 201305247873 | |||||
1st 2nd 3rd 4th & basement floors-remove (e) f. A. Indicating devices & install new devices & power supply in scope of project per plan ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: January 27, 2012 | Expiration date: February 1, 2013 | Current use: Food/beverage hndlng | Permit id: 201201273015 | |||||
Cti-1 floor 11th el sp ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: October 24, 1996 | Expiration date: November 27, 1997 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9620561 | |||||
Add fire dept conn to sys &replace single detector cehckvalu ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: September 16, 1996 | Expiration date: December 5, 1997 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9617530 | |||||
Architectural remodel of (e) doctors suite ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: September 17, 1992 | Expiration date: October 8, 1993 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9215977 | |||||
To bring up to code ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: July 17, 2000 | Expiration date: January 17, 2001 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 200007175342 | |||||
Cti-1 16th fl no cit-2 ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: October 31, 1994 | Expiration date: November 16, 1995 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9417963 | |||||
Work to abate n. O. V. ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: September 5, 1996 | Expiration date: November 27, 1997 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9616702 | |||||
Demolition of existing non structural tenant improvements office partitions door tbar ceilings. Floor finishes. Storage cabinets ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: February 26, 2013 | Expiration date: March 7, 2014 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 201302260965 | |||||
T/i per plans dated 11-27-89 ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Cancelled | Completion date: December 8, 1989 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 8924005 | |||||
3 strobes please reterence app#200306126878. Interior work only. No increase of office space ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: June 27, 2003 | Expiration date: October 27, 2003 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200306278201 | |||||
Unit # 1052:t. I. No added 1st alarm devices only relocation of 4 devices. Ref app#201207265868. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: January 28, 2013 | Expiration date: January 23, 2014 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 201301288912 | |||||
Cti 3 5th floor mech ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: October 10, 1997 | Expiration date: February 17, 1998 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9720285 | |||||
Remodel extg health club ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: February 10, 2000 | Expiration date: June 1, 2001 | Current use: Club | Permit id: 200002101520 | |||||
Cti-2 (mech sp) - 15th fl ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: March 21, 1995 | Expiration date: October 12, 1995 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9503924 | |||||
Smoke detector door closkeps ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: June 22, 1984 | Expiration date: January 7, 1985 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 8406787 | |||||
Correct violation ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: May 20, 1994 | Expiration date: June 13, 1996 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 9407384 | |||||
To bring into code ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 13, 1986 | Expiration date: July 21, 1986 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 8602903 | |||||
Renew #9404685 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 25, 1997 | Expiration date: March 25, 1998 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9723831 | |||||
#1701 -tenant improvement add 5 speaker/strobes 4 strobes ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: August 12, 2008 | Expiration date: December 27, 2008 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200808129010 | |||||
Renew expired permit appn. 9307900 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: September 5, 1996 | Expiration date: January 5, 1997 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9616708 | |||||
Install (5) non electric single-faced signs onto exiting canopy for "chase" ![]() Permit type: Sign-errect | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: November 15, 2011 | Expiration date: February 28, 2013 | Current use: Lending institution | Permit id: 201111158941 | |||||
Install new antennas ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: June 26, 1999 | Expiration date: August 4, 2000 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 9912846 | |||||
Install awning per plan ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: March 7, 1997 | Expiration date: October 9, 1997 | Current use: Food/beverage hndlng | Permit id: 9704173 | |||||
Suite 17 - revision to appl #200805011112 - wall not fire-rated required suite 17004 0 btu. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: September 19, 2008 | Expiration date: September 17, 2009 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200809192192 | |||||
Exact replacement of bad facp & devices on temporary basis to replace auto call systems. ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 13, 2002 | Expiration date: May 26, 2003 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 200211131325 | |||||
Renew pa# 2007/07/13/6682 to obtain final inspection. All work has been completed. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: February 2, 2009 | Expiration date: January 28, 2010 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200902021256 | |||||
Upper east side of exterior of building paint masory ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: September 28, 2015 | Expiration date: September 28, 2016 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 201509288196 | |||||
Removal of non-loadbearing partition demolition only ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: October 16, 1995 | Expiration date: February 16, 1996 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 9517278 | |||||
Renew app 9620562/9507023/9620117/9620561/9402127 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: May 6, 2003 | Expiration date: September 6, 2003 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200305063873 | |||||
Additions alterations or repairs ![]() Permit status: Complete | Completion date: November 5, 1981 | Expiration date: May 20, 1982 | Permit id: 8109598 | |||||
To erect 2 illuminated electric double faced window sign on building interior for "chase" ![]() Permit type: Sign-errect | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: June 28, 2012 | Expiration date: July 28, 2013 | Current use: Lending institution | Permit id: 201206283640 | |||||
Renew app 9220880/9221309/9404685/9405410/9407494 on 4th floor ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: June 25, 2002 | Expiration date: October 25, 2002 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200206259878 | |||||
Maintain existing gas meters in proposed 2-hr coridor ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Withdrawn | Completion date: April 2, 1984 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 8403393 | |||||
Retrofit for existing fire sprinkler plans ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: June 9, 1986 | Expiration date: October 2, 1987 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 8606700 | |||||
Renewal permit 4 of 9 for renewal of building permits 9215976 930913 9400571 9616702 9702735 no new ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: December 17, 2001 | Expiration date: April 17, 2002 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200112175377 | |||||
Electrical work for 200401204329 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: February 18, 2004 | Expiration date: February 18, 2005 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200402186661 | |||||
Renew expired permit appn. 9319386 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: September 5, 1996 | Expiration date: January 5, 1997 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9616710 | |||||
Tenant improvement for suite 1133. Non bearing partitions casework floor wall & ceiling finishes related elec. & plumbing for new dental equipment. ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: December 27, 2007 | Expiration date: February 25, 2009 | Current use: Clinics-medic/dental | Permit id: 200712271399 | |||||
Remodel existing dentists suite at 14th floor ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: May 11, 1993 | Expiration date: July 8, 1994 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9307900 | |||||
New entry door to office ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: July 22, 1986 | Expiration date: April 1, 1987 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 8608796 | |||||
New work consist of 1 new entry door and hardware for accessibility/renew app #9505035 ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: December 17, 2001 | Expiration date: April 17, 2002 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 200112175368 | |||||
Street space Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: June 29, 2012 | Permit id: M331467 | |||||
Replace storefront new entrance new partition ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: October 16, 1987 | Expiration date: July 22, 1988 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 8714924 | |||||
Revision to appl #9615339 revise (e) patten provide 1-h rate ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: January 13, 1997 | Expiration date: July 13, 1997 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9700657 | |||||
Remodel within existing borders bookstore book case relocation & upgrade including associates ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: March 15, 2005 | Expiration date: March 15, 2006 | Current use: Retail sales | Permit id: 200503157542 | |||||
Remodel office in parking garage level 1 ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 4, 1993 | Expiration date: May 24, 1994 | Current use: Office | Permit id: 9319386 | |||||
Revise to appln #9615952 ![]() Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: January 14, 1997 | Expiration date: January 28, 1998 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 9700705 | |||||
Notice of violation 201489681 dtd aug 2014- work w/o permit this plan set submitted for permit (n) w. P. Membrane on (e) struct support slab; (n) conc walk slab over (n) membrane; (n) curb; maher n/a ![]() Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: October 21, 2014 | Expiration date: October 17, 2015 | Current use: Tourist hotel/motel | Permit id: 201410219517 |