Building Permits at 38 Hillsborough St Ste Raleigh, NC 27607

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Date:  August 12, 2005
Value:   $1,370,100

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alterations/repairs | Permit id: 48267
2005/08/12137010010038 Hillsborough St Ste Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Date:  August 6, 2003
Value:   $1,077,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alterations/repairs | Permit id: 29473
2003/08/06107700010038 Hillsborough St Ste Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
55 feet of retaining wall
Date:  August 23, 2010
Value:   $45,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Other | Permit id: 87440
2010/08/23450009538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
Pedestrian bridge
Date:  August 23, 2010
Value:   $180,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Other | Permit id: 87442
2010/08/231800009538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
Replace tower/add co-location/cabinets
Date:  March 17, 2004
Value:   $30,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Other | Permit id: 33181
2004/03/17300009538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
Alteration w/site work
Date:  January 7, 2004
Value:   $34,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alterations/repairs | Permit id: 32782
2004/01/07340009538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
Alteration w/site work
Date:  January 7, 2004
Value:   $2,649,820

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alterations/repairs | Permit id: 31987
2004/01/0726498209538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
Renovate with rehab code
Date:  June 4, 2004
Value:   $579,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alterations/repairs | Permit id: 35210
2004/06/045790009538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
Repair fire damage to laundry room
Date:  February 12, 2001
Value:   $2,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alterations/repairs | Permit id: 7891
2001/02/1220009538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
Alt/meredith college learning center
Date:  July 9, 2015
Value:   $87,464

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alterations/repairs | Permit id: 122626
2015/07/09874649538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
Remove and replace roof
Date:  June 15, 2015
Value:   $398,400
Contractor: Team Roofing Inc

Client: Meredith College | Permit type: Alterations/repairs | Permit id: 122924
2015/06/153984008438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Team Roofing Inc
Meredeth college-vann residence hall-alteration
Date:  August 12, 2005
Value:   $1,370,100

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2005/08/12137010010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Meredith college-stringfield residence hall
Date:  December 27, 2005
Value:   $1,200,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alter- springfield resid. Hall | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2005/12/27120000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Computer server room
Date:  April 26, 2006
Value:   $250,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2006/04/2625000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Storage building
Date:  August 16, 2006
Value:   $250,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Library storage bldg | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2006/08/1625000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Addition for elevator
Date:  April 2, 2008
Value:   $210,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2008/04/0221000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Date:  April 2, 2008
Value:   $42,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2008/04/024200010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Two new dugouts
Date:  September 9, 2009
Value:   $50,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Construct 2 softball dugouts | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2009/09/095000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
38 hillsborought st - bridge at existing tunnel
Date:  August 23, 2010
Value:   $45,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: 55 feet of retaining wall | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2010/08/23450009538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
38 hillsborought st - pedestrian bridge
Date:  August 23, 2010
Value:   $180,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Pedestrian bridge | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2010/08/231800009538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
Carlyle campbell library
Date:  August 8, 2013
Value:   $30

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Install two units | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2013/08/083010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Piedmont Service Group Inc
Elevator fire alarm upgrades
Date:  March 15, 2016
Value:   $20,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Fire alarm system for johnson hall elevator | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2016/03/15200009538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
Johnson bldg at meredith college 3rd fl
Date:  May 28, 2008
Value:   $350,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration - 3rd floor | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2008/05/2835000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Meriedith college- jones and wainwright halls
Date:  June 15, 2015
Value:   $398,400
Contractor: Team Roofing Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Remove and replace roof | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2015/06/153984008438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Team Roofing Inc
Johnson hall meredith college admin
Date:  January 27, 2016
Value:   $431,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alt / johnson hall | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2016/01/2743100010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Ammons Building Corporation
Johnson hall meredith main campus
Date:  January 27, 2016
Value:   $145,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alt phs 2 bathrooms/ johnson hall | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2016/01/271450009538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
Repair rooms per inspection report
Date:  April 26, 2000
Value:   $50,000
Contractor: Atlas Homes

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Repair rooms per inspection report | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2000/04/26500009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Atlas Homes
Date:  November 3, 2000
Value:   $180,000
Contractor: Kirk Dee Anderson

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Maintenance building | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2000/11/031800008038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Kirk Dee Anderson
Int alterations
Date:  November 21, 2000
Value:   $29,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alterations | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2000/11/21290009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
Meredith learning center
Date:  July 9, 2015
Value:   $87,464

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alt/meredith college learning center | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2015/07/09874649538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
Addition at meredith to main bldg
Date:  January 27, 2016
Value:   $431,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Add / johnson hall vestibule entry | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2016/01/2743100010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Ammons Building Corporation
Repair fire damage to laundry room
Date:  February 12, 2001
Value:   $2,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Repair fire damage to laundry room | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2001/02/1220009538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
New college lab
Date:  September 11, 2001
Value:   $17,000,000
Contractor: Rodgers Building

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: New classroom & lab building at meredith | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2001/09/11170000009838 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Rodgers Building
Modula offices
Date:  July 2, 2001
Value:   $33,500

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: 1 mobile office | Permit status: Permit cancelled | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2001/07/02335009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
Modula offices
Date:  July 2, 2001
Value:   $166,160

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: 2 mobile offices | Permit status: Permit cancelled | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2001/07/021661609438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
Date:  February 26, 2002
Value:   $1,100,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Central plant expansion | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2002/02/2611000009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
2 connectors 3 stories each
Date:  June 14, 2002
Value:   $200,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2002/06/142000009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
Meredith college-faircloth residence hall
Date:  August 6, 2003
Value:   $1,077,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2003/08/06107700010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Meredith college greenhouse
Date:  November 6, 2003
Value:   $229,772

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: New greenhouse | Permit status: Permit cancelled | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2003/11/0622977210038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Hunter hall at meredith college
Date:  January 7, 2004
Value:   $2,649,820

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration w/site work | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2004/01/0726498209538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
Yarborough hall
Date:  January 7, 2004
Value:   $34,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration w/site work | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2004/01/07340009538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
Meredith college -
Date:  March 17, 2004
Value:   $30,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Replace tower/add co-location/cabinets | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2004/03/17300009538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
Meridith college harris hall
Date:  June 4, 2004
Value:   $579,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Renovate with rehab code | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2004/06/045790009538 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607
Meredith college- brewer hall repairs
Date:  April 6, 2005
Value:   $1,370,100

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alterations | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2005/04/06137010010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
38 hillsborought st - bridge at existing tunnel
Date:  August 23, 2010
Value:   $45,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: 55 feet of retaining wall | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2010/08/23450008338 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Blythe Construction Inc
38 hillsborought st - pedestrian bridge
Date:  August 23, 2010
Value:   $180,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Pedestrian bridge | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2010/08/231800008338 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Blythe Construction Inc
Elevator fire alarm upgrades
Date:  March 15, 2016
Value:   $20,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Fire alarm system for johnson hall elevator | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2016/03/15200008338 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Fire And Life Safety America In
Meredith learning center
Date:  July 9, 2015
Value:   $87,464

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alt/meredith college learning center | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2015/07/09874649138 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Hutchins Construction Inc
Repair fire damage to laundry room
Date:  February 12, 2001
Value:   $2,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Repair fire damage to laundry room | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2001/02/12200010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Cary Reconstruction Company I
Hunter hall at meredith college
Date:  January 7, 2004
Value:   $2,649,820
Contractor: Shelco Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration w/site work | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2004/01/07264982010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Shelco Inc
Yarborough hall
Date:  January 7, 2004
Value:   $34,000
Contractor: Shelco Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration w/site work | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2004/01/073400010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Shelco Inc
Meredith college -
Date:  March 17, 2004
Value:   $30,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Replace tower/add co-location/cabinets | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2004/03/17300008838 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Atc Tower Services Inc
Meridith college harris hall
Date:  June 4, 2004
Value:   $579,000
Contractor: Shelco Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Renovate with rehab code | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2004/06/0457900010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Shelco Inc
Johnson hall meredith main campus
Date:  January 27, 2016
Value:   $145,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alt phs 2 bathrooms/ johnson hall | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2016/01/271450009138 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Hutchins Construction Inc
38 hillsborough st retaing wall & bridge tunnel
Value:   $45,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Canceled | Permit status: In review | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
450008338 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Blythe Construction Inc
Construct new ramp at joes auditorium
Value:   $30,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Ext. Alteration of ramp at jones auditorium | Permit status: In review | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
300009138 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Hutchins Construction Inc
Pedestrian bridge
Value:   $113,500
Contractor: Span Builders Llc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Timber pedestrian bridge | Permit status: In review | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
1135009638 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Span Builders Llc
Date:  August 12, 2005
Value:   $1,370,100

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Active (issued) | Expiration date: December 22, 2006 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 48267
2005/08/12137010010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Date:  April 26, 2006
Value:   $250,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Active (issued) | Expiration date: January 11, 2008 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 53207
2006/04/2625000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Library storage bldg
Date:  August 16, 2006
Value:   $250,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: School and other educational building | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 53387
2006/08/1625000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Date:  April 2, 2008
Value:   $210,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 72974
2008/04/0221000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
55 feet of retaining wall
Date:  April 29, 2015
Value:   $45,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Miscellaneous such as fences | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: February 23, 2011 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 87440
2015/04/29450008338 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Blythe Construction Inc
Pedestrian bridge
Date:  April 29, 2015
Value:   $180,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Miscellaneous such as fences | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: February 23, 2011 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 87442
2015/04/291800008338 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Blythe Construction Inc
Install two units
Date:  August 8, 2013
Value:   $30

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 108488
2013/08/083010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Piedmont Service Group Inc
Fire alarm system for johnson hall elevator
Date:  March 15, 2016
Value:   $20,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Active (issued) | Expiration date: September 15, 2016 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 128219
2016/03/15200008338 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Fire And Life Safety America In
Alteration - 3rd floor
Date:  May 28, 2008
Value:   $350,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 74621
2008/05/2835000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Remove and replace roof
Date:  June 15, 2015
Value:   $398,400
Contractor: Team Roofing Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: December 15, 2015 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 122924
2015/06/153984008438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Team Roofing Inc
Maintenance building
Date:  November 3, 2000
Value:   $180,000
Contractor: Kirk Dee Anderson

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Industrial building | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 3370
2000/11/031800008038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Kirk Dee Anderson
Alt/meredith college learning center
Date:  August 26, 2015
Value:   $87,464

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: September 10, 2016 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 122626
2015/08/26874649138 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Hutchins Construction Inc
Central plant expansion
Date:  February 26, 2002
Value:   $1,100,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Industrial building | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 15415
2002/02/2611000009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
Date:  August 6, 2003
Value:   $1,077,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 29473
2003/08/06107700010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Alteration w/site work
Date:  April 29, 2015
Value:   $2,649,820
Contractor: Shelco Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: August 10, 2006 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 31987
2015/04/29264982010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Shelco Inc
Alteration w/site work
Date:  April 29, 2015
Value:   $34,000
Contractor: Shelco Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: August 10, 2006 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 32782
2015/04/293400010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Shelco Inc
Replace tower/add co-location/cabinets
Date:  January 25, 2005
Value:   $30,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Miscellaneous such as fences | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 33181
2005/01/25300008838 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Atc Tower Services Inc
Renovate with rehab code
Date:  July 27, 2004
Value:   $579,000
Contractor: Shelco Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 35210
2004/07/2757900010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Shelco Inc
Date:  April 6, 2005
Value:   $1,370,100

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration residential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 43818
2005/04/06137010010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Alt phs 2 bathrooms/ johnson hall
Date:  June 14, 2016
Value:   $145,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Active (issued) | Expiration date: June 14, 2017 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 128239
2016/06/141450009138 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Hutchins Construction Inc
Date:  July 8, 2010
Value:   $45,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Miscellaneous such as fences | Permit status: Review in progress | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 87420
2010/07/08450008338 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Blythe Construction Inc
Ext. Alteration of ramp at jones auditorium
Date:  June 30, 2015
Value:   $30,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Detail review completed | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 122771
2015/06/30300009138 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Hutchins Construction Inc
Timber pedestrian bridge
Date:  September 28, 2011
Value:   $113,500
Contractor: Span Builders Llc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit status: Review in progress | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 95357
2011/09/281135009638 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Span Builders Llc
Carlyle campbell library
Date:  August 8, 2013
Value:   $30

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Install two units | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2013/08/083010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Piedmont Service Group Inc
Addition at meredith to main bldg
Date:  January 27, 2016
Value:   $431,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Add / johnson hall vestibule entry | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2016/01/2743100010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Ammons Building Corporation
Elevator fire alarm upgrades
Date:  March 15, 2016
Value:   $20,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Fire alarm system for johnson hall elevator | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2016/03/15200005938 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Fire And Life Safety America, In
Johnson hall meredith college admin
Date:  January 27, 2016
Value:   $431,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alt / johnson hall | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2016/01/2743100010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Ammons Building Corporation
Johnson hall meredith main campus
Date:  January 27, 2016
Value:   $145,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alt phs 2 bathrooms/ johnson hall | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2016/01/271450009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Hutchins Construction, Inc
Meredith college- brewer hall repairs
Date:  April 6, 2005
Value:   $1,370,100

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alterations | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2005/04/06137010010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Meriedith college- jones and wainwright halls
Date:  June 15, 2015
Value:   $398,400
Contractor: Team Roofing Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Remove and replace roof | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2015/06/153984008438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Team Roofing Inc
Meredeth college-vann residence hall-alteration
Date:  August 12, 2005
Value:   $1,370,100

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2005/08/12137010010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Meredith college-stringfield residence hall
Date:  December 27, 2005
Value:   $1,200,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alter- springfield resid. Hall | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2005/12/27120000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Computer server room
Date:  April 26, 2006
Value:   $250,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2006/04/2625000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Storage building
Date:  August 16, 2006
Value:   $250,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Library storage bldg | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2006/08/1625000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Meredith learning center
Date:  July 9, 2015
Value:   $87,464

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alt/meredith college learning center | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2015/07/09874649438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Hutchins Construction, Inc
Repair rooms per inspection report
Date:  April 26, 2000
Value:   $50,000
Contractor: Atlas Homes

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Repair rooms per inspection report | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2000/04/26500009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Atlas Homes
Addition for elevator
Date:  April 2, 2008
Value:   $210,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2008/04/0221000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Date:  April 2, 2008
Value:   $42,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2008/04/024200010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Int alterations
Date:  November 21, 2000
Value:   $29,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alterations | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2000/11/21290009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
Johnson bldg at meredith college 3rd fl
Date:  May 28, 2008
Value:   $350,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration - 3rd floor | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2008/05/2835000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
New college lab
Date:  September 11, 2001
Value:   $17,000,000
Contractor: Rodgers Building

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: New classroom & lab building at meredith | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2001/09/11170000009838 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Rodgers Building
Modula offices
Date:  July 2, 2001
Value:   $33,500

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: 1 mobile office | Permit status: Permit cancelled | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2001/07/02335009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
Modula offices
Date:  July 2, 2001
Value:   $166,160

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: 2 mobile offices | Permit status: Permit cancelled | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2001/07/021661609438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
Date:  February 26, 2002
Value:   $1,100,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Central plant expansion | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2002/02/2611000009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
Two new dugouts
Date:  September 9, 2009
Value:   $50,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Construct 2 softball dugouts | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2009/09/095000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Construct new ramp at joes auditorium
Value:   $30,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Ext. Alteration of ramp at jones auditorium | Permit status: In review | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
300009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Hutchins Construction, Inc
38 hillsborough st retaing wall & bridge tunnel
Value:   $45,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Canceled | Permit status: In review | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
450008338 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Blythe Construction, Inc
Pedestrian bridge
Value:   $113,500
Contractor: Span Builders Llc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Timber pedestrian bridge | Permit status: In review | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
1135009638 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Span Builders Llc
2 connectors 3 stories each
Date:  June 14, 2002
Value:   $200,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2002/06/142000009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
38 hillsborought st - bridge at existing tunnel
Date:  August 23, 2010
Value:   $45,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: 55 feet of retaining wall | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2010/08/23450008338 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Blythe Construction, Inc
38 hillsborought st - pedestrian bridge
Date:  August 23, 2010
Value:   $180,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Pedestrian bridge | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2010/08/231800008338 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Blythe Construction, Inc
Repair fire damage to laundry room
Date:  February 12, 2001
Value:   $2,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Repair fire damage to laundry room | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2001/02/12200010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Cary Reconstruction Company, I
Meredith college-faircloth residence hall
Date:  August 6, 2003
Value:   $1,077,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2003/08/06107700010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Meredith college greenhouse
Date:  November 6, 2003
Value:   $229,772

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: New greenhouse | Permit status: Permit cancelled | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2003/11/0622977210038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Hunter hall at meredith college
Date:  January 7, 2004
Value:   $2,649,820
Contractor: Shelco, Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration w/site work | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2004/01/07264982010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Shelco, Inc
Yarborough hall
Date:  January 7, 2004
Value:   $34,000
Contractor: Shelco, Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration w/site work | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2004/01/073400010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Shelco, Inc
Meredith college -
Date:  March 17, 2004
Value:   $30,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Replace tower/add co-location/cabinets | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2004/03/17300008638 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Atc Tower Services, Inc
Meridith college harris hall
Date:  June 4, 2004
Value:   $579,000
Contractor: Shelco, Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Renovate with rehab code | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2004/06/0457900010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Shelco, Inc
Date:  November 3, 2000
Value:   $180,000
Contractor: Kirk Dee Anderson

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Maintenance building | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2000/11/031800008038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Kirk Dee Anderson
Fire alarm system for johnson hall elevator
Date:  March 15, 2016
Value:   $20,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: May 6, 2017 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 128219
2016/03/15200005938 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Fire And Life Safety America, In
Alt phs 2 bathrooms johnson hall
Date:  June 14, 2016
Value:   $145,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Active (issued) | Expiration date: June 14, 2017 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 128239
2016/06/141450009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Hutchins Construction, Inc
Alt meredith college learning center
Date:  August 26, 2015
Value:   $87,464

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: September 10, 2016 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 122626
2015/08/26874649438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Hutchins Construction, Inc
Date:  July 8, 2010
Value:   $45,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Miscellaneous such as fences | Permit status: Review in progress | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 87420
2010/07/08450008338 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Blythe Construction, Inc
Timber pedestrian bridge
Date:  September 28, 2011
Value:   $113,500
Contractor: Span Builders Llc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit status: Review in progress | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 95357
2011/09/281135009638 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Span Builders Llc
55 feet of retaining wall
Date:  April 29, 2015
Value:   $45,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Miscellaneous such as fences | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: February 23, 2011 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 87440
2015/04/29450008338 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Blythe Construction, Inc
Pedestrian bridge
Date:  April 29, 2015
Value:   $180,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Miscellaneous such as fences | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: February 23, 2011 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 87442
2015/04/291800008338 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Blythe Construction, Inc
Repair fire damage to laundry room
Date:  February 22, 2001
Value:   $2,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 7891
2001/02/22200010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Cary Reconstruction Company, I
Alteration w site work
Date:  April 29, 2015
Value:   $2,649,820
Contractor: Shelco, Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: August 10, 2006 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 31987
2015/04/29264982010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Shelco, Inc
Alteration w site work
Date:  April 29, 2015
Value:   $34,000
Contractor: Shelco, Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: August 10, 2006 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 32782
2015/04/293400010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Shelco, Inc
Replace tower add co-location cabinets
Date:  January 25, 2005
Value:   $30,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Miscellaneous such as fences | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 33181
2005/01/25300008638 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Atc Tower Services, Inc
Renovate with rehab code
Date:  July 27, 2004
Value:   $579,000
Contractor: Shelco, Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 35210
2004/07/2757900010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Shelco, Inc
Maintenance building
Date:  May 9, 2002
Value:   $180,000
Contractor: Kirk Dee Anderson

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Industrial building | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 3370
2002/05/091800008038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Kirk Dee Anderson
Carlyle campbell library
Date:  August 8, 2013
Value:   $30

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Install two units | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2013/08/083010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Piedmont Service Group Inc
Re-roof with like-for-like system
Date:  November 7, 2017
Value:   $150,524

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: Attn:office Of Business And Finance 38 Hillsborough St | Permit type: Roof replacement | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2017/11/071505248838 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Teamcraft Roofing, Inc
Addition at meredith to main bldg
Date:  January 27, 2016
Value:   $431,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Add / johnson hall vestibule entry | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2016/01/2743100010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Ammons Building Corporation
Johnson hall meredith college admin
Date:  January 27, 2016
Value:   $431,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alt / johnson hall | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2016/01/2743100010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Ammons Building Corporation
Johnson hall meredith main campus
Date:  January 27, 2016
Value:   $145,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alt phs 2 bathrooms/ johnson hall | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2016/01/271450009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Hutchins Construction, Inc
Meredith college- brewer hall repairs
Date:  April 6, 2005
Value:   $1,370,100

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alterations | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2005/04/06137010010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Meredith college weatherspoon
Date:  April 26, 2017
Value:   $710,610

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: Attn:office Of Business And Finance 38 Hillsborough St | Permit type: Alt/weatherspoon | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2017/04/2671061010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Meriedith college- jones and wainwright halls
Date:  June 15, 2015
Value:   $398,400
Contractor: Team Roofing Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Remove and replace roof | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2015/06/153984008438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Team Roofing Inc
Meredeth college-vann residence hall-alteration
Date:  August 12, 2005
Value:   $1,370,100

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2005/08/12137010010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Meredith college-stringfield residence hall
Date:  December 27, 2005
Value:   $1,200,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alter- springfield resid. Hall | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2005/12/27120000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Replacing 3 hvac systems ck penetration @ rate wal
Value:   $500
Contractor: Meredith College

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: Attn:office Of Business And Finance 38 Hillsborough St | Permit type: Replace 3 trane rofftop hvac | Permit status: In review | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
5005938 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Meredith College
Construct new ramp at joes auditorium
Value:   $30,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: Attn:office Of Business And Finance 38 Hillsborough St | Permit type: Ext. Alteration of ramp at jones auditorium | Permit status: In review | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
300009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Hutchins Construction, Inc
Computer server room
Date:  April 26, 2006
Value:   $250,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2006/04/2625000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Storage building
Date:  August 16, 2006
Value:   $250,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Library storage bldg | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2006/08/1625000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Meredith learning center
Date:  July 9, 2015
Value:   $87,464

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alt/meredith college learning center | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2015/07/09874649438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Hutchins Construction, Inc
Repair rooms per inspection report
Date:  April 26, 2000
Value:   $50,000
Contractor: Atlas Homes

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Repair rooms per inspection report | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2000/04/26500009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Atlas Homes
Addition for elevator
Date:  April 2, 2008
Value:   $210,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2008/04/0221000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Date:  April 2, 2008
Value:   $42,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2008/04/024200010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Int alterations
Date:  November 21, 2000
Value:   $29,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alterations | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2000/11/21290009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
Johnson bldg at meredith college 3rd fl
Date:  May 28, 2008
Value:   $350,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration - 3rd floor | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2008/05/2835000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
New college lab
Date:  September 11, 2001
Value:   $17,000,000
Contractor: Rodgers Building

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: New classroom & lab building at meredith | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2001/09/11170000009838 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Rodgers Building
Modula offices
Date:  July 2, 2001
Value:   $33,500

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: 1 mobile office | Permit status: Permit cancelled | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2001/07/02335009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
Modula offices
Date:  July 2, 2001
Value:   $166,160

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: 2 mobile offices | Permit status: Permit cancelled | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2001/07/021661609438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
Date:  February 26, 2002
Value:   $1,100,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Central plant expansion | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2002/02/2611000009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
Two new dugouts
Date:  September 9, 2009
Value:   $50,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Construct 2 softball dugouts | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2009/09/095000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
38 hillsborough st retaing wall & bridge tunnel
Value:   $45,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Canceled | Permit status: In review | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
450008338 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Blythe Construction, Inc
Pedestrian bridge
Value:   $113,500
Contractor: Span Builders Llc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Timber pedestrian bridge | Permit status: In review | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
1135009638 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Span Builders Llc
2 connectors 3 stories each
Date:  June 14, 2002
Value:   $200,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2002/06/142000009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
38 hillsborought st - bridge at existing tunnel
Date:  August 23, 2010
Value:   $45,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: 55 feet of retaining wall | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2010/08/23450008338 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Blythe Construction, Inc
38 hillsborought st - pedestrian bridge
Date:  August 23, 2010
Value:   $180,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Pedestrian bridge | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2010/08/231800008338 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Blythe Construction, Inc
Repair fire damage to laundry room
Date:  February 12, 2001
Value:   $2,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Repair fire damage to laundry room | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2001/02/12200010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Cary Reconstruction Company, I
Meredith college-faircloth residence hall
Date:  August 6, 2003
Value:   $1,077,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2003/08/06107700010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Meredith college greenhouse
Date:  November 6, 2003
Value:   $229,772

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: New greenhouse | Permit status: Permit cancelled | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2003/11/0622977210038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Hunter hall at meredith college
Date:  January 7, 2004
Value:   $2,649,820
Contractor: Shelco, Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration w/site work | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2004/01/07264982010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Shelco, Inc
Yarborough hall
Date:  January 7, 2004
Value:   $34,000
Contractor: Shelco, Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Alteration w/site work | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2004/01/073400010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Shelco, Inc
Meredith college -
Date:  March 17, 2004
Value:   $30,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Replace tower/add co-location/cabinets | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2004/03/17300008638 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Atc Tower Services, Inc
Meridith college harris hall
Date:  June 4, 2004
Value:   $579,000
Contractor: Shelco, Inc

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Renovate with rehab code | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2004/06/0457900010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Shelco, Inc
Date:  November 3, 2000
Value:   $180,000
Contractor: Kirk Dee Anderson

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Maintenance building | Permit status: Occupancy | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co
2000/11/031800008038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Kirk Dee Anderson
Roof replacement
Date:  November 7, 2017
Value:   $150,524

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: Attn:office Of Business And Finance 38 Hillsborough St | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Active (issued) | Expiration date: May 7, 2018 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 144560
2017/11/071505248838 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Teamcraft Roofing, Inc
Add / johnson hall vestibule entry
Date:  January 27, 2016
Value:   $431,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Active (issued) | Expiration date: July 27, 2016 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 128073
2016/01/2743100010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Ammons Building Corporation
Alt / johnson hall
Date:  January 27, 2016
Value:   $431,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: July 27, 2016 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 128238
2016/01/2743100010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Ammons Building Corporation
Alt weatherspoon
Date:  July 14, 2017
Value:   $710,610

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: Attn:office Of Business And Finance 38 Hillsborough St | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Active (issued) | Expiration date: July 20, 2018 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 137369
2017/07/1471061010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Alter- springfield resid. Hall
Date:  December 27, 2005
Value:   $1,200,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: May 10, 2007 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 50198
2005/12/27120000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Replace 3 trane rofftop hvac
Date:  May 18, 2017
Value:   $500
Contractor: Meredith College

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: Attn:office Of Business And Finance 38 Hillsborough St | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Detail review completed | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 140026
2017/05/185005938 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Meredith College
Ext. Alteration of ramp at jones auditorium
Date:  June 30, 2015
Value:   $30,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: Attn:office Of Business And Finance 38 Hillsborough St | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Detail review completed | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 122771
2015/06/30300009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Hutchins Construction, Inc
Date:  November 21, 2000
Value:   $29,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: May 21, 2001 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 4626
2000/11/21290009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
New classroom & lab building at meredith
Date:  September 11, 2001
Value:   $17,000,000
Contractor: Rodgers Building

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: School and other educational building | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 10944
2001/09/11170000009838 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Rodgers Building
1 mobile office
Date:  July 2, 2001
Value:   $33,500

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Industrial building | Permit status: Void (manually after issu | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 11019
2001/07/02335009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
2 mobile offices
Date:  July 2, 2001
Value:   $166,160

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Industrial building | Permit status: Void (manually after issu | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 11599
2001/07/021661609438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
Construct 2 softball dugouts
Date:  September 9, 2009
Value:   $50,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Miscellaneous such as fences | Permit status: Active (issued) | Expiration date: January 14, 2011 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 81978
2009/09/095000010038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company
Date:  June 14, 2002
Value:   $200,000

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Addition/alteration nonresidential bldg | Permit status: Inactive (inspections com | Expiration date: January 14, 2004 | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 19782
2002/06/142000009438 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607William C. Vick Construction C
New greenhouse
Date:  November 6, 2003
Value:   $229,772

Client: Meredith College | Client Address: 38 Hillsborough St Raleigh Nc 27607-5237 | Permit type: Sheds, boathouses, accessory buildings | Permit status: Void (manually after issu | Current use: Coll/univ/jr coll/tech/comm co | Permit id: 30900
2003/11/0622977210038 Hillsborough St Raleigh, Nc 27607Inland Construction Company

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