Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Buckner mobile home lot 42e ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 05-06115 | |||||
![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 03-02607 | |||||
![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-06035 | |||||
![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-03177 | |||||
![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 02-02443 | |||||
![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 01-03640 | |||||
SCORE 98 Comment date: fri nov 19 00:00: est 2004 - mobile home set up for rice lot 40j sfb; comment date: fri nov 19 00:00: est 2004 - for building inspections call jim reato at redacted phone number. All Client: Rice Mobile Home Lot 40j | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 04-06035 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 100 Comment date: fri jun 07 00:00: edt 2002 - broadview mhp lot 38b; comment date: fri jun 07 00:00: edt 2002 - call jim reato at redacted phone number to schedule inspection. To activate subcontractors Client: Broadview Mhp | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 02-02443 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Comment date: tue jul 06 00:00: edt 2004 - mobile home lot 38g;scc; comment date: fri jul 09 00:00: edt 2004 - permit is for the replacement of an existing mobile home in broadview mobile home park. ( ![]() Client: Lot 38g | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 04-03177 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 100 Buckner mobile home lot 42e Client: Buckner | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 05-06115 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 100 Buckner mobile home lot 42e Client: Buckner | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 05-06115 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 82 Replacing the water service from the house to the meter. ![]() ![]() Client: Wagner Water Service | Permit type: Res: plumbing | Permit status: Finaled | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 16-07746 | Parcel: 205801 | |||||
SCORE 100 Buckner mobile home lot 42e Client: Buckner | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 05-06115 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Zoning enforcement Client: Janice Mccurry | Permit status: In compliance | Current use: Complaint-enforcement | Permit id: 08-03528s | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Broadview dr(heinmiller) Client: Minor Subdivision | Permit type: Minor subdivision | Permit status: Approved | Current use: Subdivision | Permit id: 07-61000151pz | |||||
Mobile home lot 40c; manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water/waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until final inspection has been made. Assure electrical permit is activated. Can use same electrical permit for set-up & air conditioner or heat pump, however a mechanical permit is required to assure s Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 01-03640 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Broadview mhp lot 38b; call jim reato at redacted phone number to schedule inspection. To activate subcontractors permits call redacted phone number. Manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water/waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until final inspection has been made. Assure electrical permit is activat Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 02-02443 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Petts mobile home lot 40h; call jim reato at redacted phone number to schedule inspection. All subcontractors need to complete trade application for project. Subcontractors need to either visit the permit office or fax copy of application to (828)redacted phone number for activation of electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits. Manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water/ Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 03-02607 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Ferguson mobile home lot 1; for building inspections call jim reato at redacted phone number. All subcontractors need to complete trade application for project. Subcontractors need to either visit the permit office or fax copy of application to (828)redacted phone number for activation of electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits. For electrical inspections call david souther at redacted phone number. For mechanical inspectrions call joe chennault at redacted phone number. For plumbing inspections call tim jones at redacted phone number. Manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling s Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-02364 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Mobile home lot 38g;scc; permit is for the replacement of an existing mobile home in broadview mobile home park. (lot 38); 8/16/04 4:38:56 pm; mobile home lot 38-g. Issued by ssb.; manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water/waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until final inspection has been made. Assu Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-03177 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Mobile home set up for rice lot 40j sfb; for building inspections call jim reato at redacted phone number. All subcontractors need to complete trade application for project. Subcontractors need to either visit the permit office or fax copy of application to (828)redacted phone number for activation of electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits. For electrical inspections call david souther at redacted phone number. For mechanical inspectrions call joe chennault at redacted phone number. For plumbing inspections call tim jones at redacted phone number. Manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-06035 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 82 Res: plumbing ![]() Permit status: Finaled | Permit id: 16-07746 | Parcel: 205801 | |||||
Move buckner mobile home from spruce pine to 42e broadview drive: bld; broadview manufactured home park is located in rs-8 single-family high density district zoning district. The rs-8 district does not permit manufactured homes or manufactured home parks. Broadview manufactured home park appears to be a pre-existing park. Space #42e (fifth site on left) will remain available for use, as long as the park remains to be a mobile home park and the park does not exceed a total of thirty-two (32) units. For zoning permit purposes, setbacks are measured from manufactured home park perimeter boundary. Reference unified development ordinance section 7-17-7 titled other nonconforming situations. Subsection a. Standards for replacement of nonconforming manufactured housing. Any manufactured home used for single-family residential purposes and maintained as a nonconforming use may be enlarged or replaced with a similar manufactured home of the same or larger size, so long as the enlar Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 05-06115 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Zoning enforcement Permit status: In compliance | Permit id: 08-03528s | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Mobile home lot 38g;scc; comment date: fri jul 09 00:00: edt 2004 - permit is for the replacement of an existing mobile home in broadview mobile home park. ( ![]() ![]() Client: Lot 38g | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 04-03177 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Zoning enforcement ![]() Client: Janice Mccurry | Permit status: In compliance | Current use: Complaint-enforcement | Permit id: 08-03528s | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Broadview dr(heinmiller) ![]() Client: Minor Subdivision | Permit type: Minor subdivision | Permit status: Approved | Current use: Subdivision | Permit id: 07-61000151pz | |||||
Buckner mobile home lot 42e ![]() ![]() Permit type: Residential | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 05-06115 | |||||
Residential ![]() ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 03-02607 | |||||
Residential ![]() ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-06035 | |||||
Historical ![]() ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-03177 | |||||
Residential ![]() ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-02364 | |||||
Residential ![]() ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 02-02443 | |||||
Residential ![]() ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 01-03640 | |||||
SCORE 99 Comment date: fri jun 07 00:00: edt 2002 - broadview mhp lot 38b; comment date: fri jun 07 00:00: edt 2002 - call jim reato at redacted phone number to schedule inspection. To activate subcontractors Client: Broadview Mhp | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 02-02443 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 98 Comment date: tue jun 24 00:00: edt 2003 - petts mobile home lot 40h; comment date: tue jun 24 00:00: edt 2003 - call jim reato at redacted phone number to schedule inspection. All subcontractors need Client: Petts Mobile Home | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 03-02607 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 100 Comment date: tue jul 06 00:00: edt 2004 - mobile home lot 38g;scc; comment date: fri jul 09 00:00: edt 2004 - permit is for the replacement of an existing mobile home in broadview mobile home park. ( Client: Lot 38g | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 04-03177 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 100 Buckner mobile home lot 42e Client: Buckner | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 05-06115 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 100 Comment date: mon may 24 00:00: edt 2004 - ferguson mobile home lot 1; comment date: mon may 24 00:00: edt 2004 - for building inspections call jim reato at redacted phone number. All subcontracto Client: Phillips Mobile Home | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 04-02364 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 98 Comment date: fri nov 19 00:00: est 2004 - mobile home set up for rice lot 40j sfb; comment date: fri nov 19 00:00: est 2004 - for building inspections call jim reato at redacted phone number. All Client: Rice Mobile Home Lot 40j | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 04-06035 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 56 Comment date: tue jun 24 00:00: edt 2003 - petts mobile home lot 40h; comment date: tue jun 24 00:00: edt 2003 - call jim reato at redacted phone number to schedule inspection. All subcontractors need Client: Petts Mobile Home | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 03-02607 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 91 Comment date: tue jul 06 00:00: edt 2004 - mobile home lot 38g;scc; comment date: fri jul 09 00:00: edt 2004 - permit is for the replacement of an existing mobile home in broadview mobile home park. ( Client: Lot 38g | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 04-03177 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Mobile home lot 40c; manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until final inspection has been made. Assure electrical permit is activated. Can use same electrical permit for set-up & air conditioner or heat pump, however a mechanical permit is required to assure s ![]() Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 01-03640 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 62 Comment date: tue jun 24 00:00: edt 2003 - petts mobile home lot 40h; comment date: tue jun 24 00:00: edt 2003 - call jim reato at redacted phone number to schedule inspection. All subcontractors need Client: Petts Mobile Home | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 03-02607 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 98 Comment date: fri jun 07 00:00: edt 2002 - broadview mhp lot 38b; comment date: fri jun 07 00:00: edt 2002 - call jim reato at redacted phone number to schedule inspection. To activate subcontractors Client: Broadview Mhp | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 02-02443 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 99 Comment date: fri nov 19 00:00: est 2004 - mobile home set up for rice lot 40j sfb; comment date: fri nov 19 00:00: est 2004 - for building inspections call jim reato at redacted phone number. All Client: Rice Mobile Home Lot 40j | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 04-06035 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 99 Comment date: mon may 24 00:00: edt 2004 - ferguson mobile home lot 1; comment date: mon may 24 00:00: edt 2004 - for building inspections call jim reato at redacted phone number. All subcontracto Client: Phillips Mobile Home | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 04-02364 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Broadview mhp lot 38b; call jim reato at redacted phone number to schedule inspection. To activate subcontractors permits call redacted phone number. Manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until final inspection has been made. Assure electrical permit is activat ![]() Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 02-02443 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 100 Comment date: fri aug 24 00:00: edt 2001 - mobile home lot 40c; comment date: fri aug 24 00:00: edt 2001 - manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and Client: Searcy Mobile Home | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 01-03640 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Petts mobile home lot 40h; call jim reato at redacted phone number to schedule inspection. All subcontractors need to complete trade application for project. Subcontractors need to either visit the permit office or fax copy of application to (828)redacted phone number for activation of electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits. Manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water ![]() Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 03-02607 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 56 Comment date: fri aug 24 00:00: edt 2001 - mobile home lot 40c; comment date: fri aug 24 00:00: edt 2001 - manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and Client: Searcy Mobile Home | Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 01-03640 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Ferguson mobile home lot 1; for building inspections call jim reato at redacted phone number. All subcontractors need to complete trade application for project. Subcontractors need to either visit the permit office or fax copy of application to (828)redacted phone number for activation of electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits. For electrical inspections call david souther at redacted phone number. For mechanical inspectrions call joe chennault at redacted phone number. For plumbing inspections call tim jones at redacted phone number. Manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling s ![]() Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-02364 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Mobile home lot 38g;scc; permit is for the replacement of an existing mobile home in broadview mobile home park. (lot 38); 8 16 04 4:38:56 pm; mobile home lot 38-g. Issued by ssb.; manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required if leveling steps is needed. If more than 25% of unit is over 3 above grade then tie-downs & pier spacing to be designed by engineer. Stairs required at exists. Water and waste lines properly supported. Building "final" includes water waste lines hook-ups. It is recommended that water lines be insulated with heat tape. Do not attach skirting until final inspection has been made. Assu ![]() Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-03177 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Mobile home set up for rice lot 40j sfb; for building inspections call jim reato at redacted phone number. All subcontractors need to complete trade application for project. Subcontractors need to either visit the permit office or fax copy of application to (828)redacted phone number for activation of electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits. For electrical inspections call david souther at redacted phone number. For mechanical inspectrions call joe chennault at redacted phone number. For plumbing inspections call tim jones at redacted phone number. Manufacturers installation manual must be on site for inspection. Use their specs on pier and anchor strap spacing if manufacturer set up requires footings, then a footing inspection is necessary prior to placing concrete. First tie down max 2 ft from end of "i" beam, unless manufacturer specs are otherwise. If top stair is greater than 30" above grade then a handrail is required on both sides of steps. Solid blocks are required ![]() Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-06035 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
SCORE 82 Res: plumbing ![]() ![]() Permit status: Finaled | Permit id: 16-07746 | Parcel: 205801 | |||||
Move buckner mobile home from spruce pine to 42e broadview drive: bld; broadview manufactured home park is located in rs-8 single-family high density district zoning district. The rs-8 district does not permit manufactured homes or manufactured home parks. Broadview manufactured home park appears to be a pre-existing park. Space #42e (fifth site on left) will remain available for use, as long as the park remains to be a mobile home park and the park does not exceed a total of thirty-two (32) units. For zoning permit purposes, setbacks are measured from manufactured home park perimeter boundary. Reference unified development ordinance section 7-17-7 titled other nonconforming situations. Subsection a. Standards for replacement of nonconforming manufactured housing. Any manufactured home used for single-family residential purposes and maintained as a nonconforming use may be enlarged or replaced with a similar manufactured home of the same or larger size, so long as the enlar ![]() Permit type: Res: mfg. Home | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 05-06115 | Parcel: 20580 | |||||
Zoning enforcement ![]() Permit status: In compliance | Permit id: 08-03528s | Parcel: 20580 |