Building Permits at 35 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, NC 28805

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
New addition
Date:  September 18, 2007

Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 07-04087
2007/09/1809535 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805
Date:  November 1, 2002

Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 02-02296
2002/11/0109535 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805
New addition
Value:   $35,000

Client: New Addition | Permit type: Res: addition | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 07-04087 | Parcel: 97752
350009535 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805
Hines, melvin
Date:  May 2, 2012
Contractor: Gentry Heating Inc

Client: Hines, Melvin | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 12-01450 | Parcel: 1269918
2012/05/02010035 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805Gentry Heating Inc
Stone bridge drive (hines)

Client: Recombination | Permit type: Minor subdivision | Permit status: Approved | Current use: Subdivision | Permit id: 05-61000183pz
09535 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805
Lot #27 hines residence; --- boa granted setback variances on dec. 5, 1994 under old r-3 zoning, stipulating that setback on one side would be minimum and 2 minimum on the ither side --- front and rear setbacks are 15 minimum as per current ordinance ---; mech & gas piping activated by dewayne;cah; electric activated by eddy;redacted phone number;cah; revoke gas piping per alec;cah; void gas piping permit per call from alec to sb. Work was done by mech contractor.; new single family dwelling. Pmd; see comments. ; call gary stamey for building inspection at redacted phone number all subcontractors shall contact building safety (redacted phone number) to activate electrical, plumbing & mechanical permits.; setbacks along streets must be measured from the street right of way line. All other setbacks are to be measured from the property boundary lines. Setbacks also apply to porches, decks, etc.

Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 02-02296 | Parcel: 97752
09535 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805
March 20, 2012 9:23:44 am mlipe. Install 4 ton heat pump and reconnect electrical hines residence rec via fax, for inspections please call 828-redacted phone number by 4:30pm the day before

Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 12-01450 | Parcel: 1269918
09535 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805
August 15, 2007 1:35:56 pm kneel new addition for office and exercise room. Location:tunnel rd left on beverly, left on new haw creek rd, right on middlebrook, left on old haw creek rd, right on stonebridge.; zoning site plan permit application approved for personal office room addition to left side portion of existing single family home. Swr august 21, 2007 2:40:05 pm stuartr ; received application and site plans. Gave to ray tracy for review. August 15, 2007 2:28:47 pm sdecker; to request residential inspections call redacted phone number: building comments: refer to your approved plans and plan review checklist for written comments regarding code-related issues or corrections. The approved plans and review comments shall be maintained at the jobsite for all inspections. Inspectors need to see your plans when making their inspections. The permit is required to be posted at the jobsite at all times in a conspicuous we

Permit type: Res: addition | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 07-04087 | Parcel: 97752
09535 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805
New addition
Date:  September 18, 2007
Value:   $35,000

Client: New Addition | Permit type: Res: addition | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 07-04087 | Parcel: 97752
2007/09/18350009535 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805
Stone bridge drive (hines)
Date:  September 16, 2005

Client: Recombination | Permit type: Minor subdivision | Permit status: Approved | Current use: Subdivision | Permit id: 05-61000183pz
2005/09/1609535 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805
Date:  November 1, 2002
Value:   $151,225

Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 02-02296
2002/11/011512259535 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805
Comment date: fri may 31 00:00: edt 2002 - lot #27 hines residence; comment date: fri jun 07 00:00: edt 2002 - --- boa granted setback variances on dec. 5, 1994 under old r-3 zoning, stipulating that
Date:  November 1, 2002
Value:   $151,225

Client: Hines Residence | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 02-02296 | Parcel: 97752
2002/11/0115122510035 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805S.E. Stewart And Son Plumbing
Comment date: fri may 31 00:00: edt 2002 - lot #27 hines residence; comment date: fri jun 07 00:00: edt 2002 - --- boa granted setback variances on dec. 5, 1994 under old r-3 zoning, stipulating that
Date:  November 1, 2002
Value:   $151,225

Client: Hines Residence | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 02-02296 | Parcel: 97752
2002/11/011512259735 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805Burnett Associates Inc
Comment date: fri may 31 00:00: edt 2002 - lot #27 hines residence; comment date: fri jun 07 00:00: edt 2002 - --- boa granted setback variances on dec. 5, 1994 under old r-3 zoning, stipulating that
Date:  November 1, 2002
Value:   $151,225
Contractor: Gentry Heating Inc

Client: Hines Residence | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 02-02296 | Parcel: 97752
2002/11/0115122510035 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805Gentry Heating Inc
Comment date: fri may 31 00:00: edt 2002 - lot #27 hines residence; comment date: fri jun 07 00:00: edt 2002 - --- boa granted setback variances on dec. 5, 1994 under old r-3 zoning, stipulating that
Date:  November 1, 2002
Value:   $151,225

Client: Hines Residence | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 02-02296 | Parcel: 97752
2002/11/0115122510035 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805Eddy J. Gaddy Electric
New addition
Date:  September 18, 2007
Value:   $35,000
Contractor: Superelectro

Client: New Addition | Permit type: Res: addition | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 07-04087 | Parcel: 97752
2007/09/183500010035 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805Superelectro
Lot #27 hines residence; --- boa granted setback variances on dec. 5, 1994 under old r-3 zoning, stipulating that setback on one side would be minimum and 2 minimum on the ither side --- front and rear setbacks are 15 minimum as per current ordinance ---; mech & gas piping activated by dewayne;cah; electric activated by eddy;redacted phone number;cah; revoke gas piping per alec;cah; void gas piping permit per call from alec to sb. Work was done by mech contractor.; new single family dwelling. Pmd; see comments. ; call gary stamey for building inspection at redacted phone number all subcontractors shall contact building safety (redacted phone number) to activate electrical, plumbing & mechanical permits.; setbacks along streets must be measured from the street right of way line. All other setbacks are to be measured from the property boundary lines. Setbacks also apply to porches, decks, etc.
Date:  November 1, 2002

Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 02-02296 | Parcel: 97752
2002/11/0109535 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805
March 20, 2012 9:23:44 am mlipe. Install 4 ton heat pump and reconnect electrical hines residence rec via fax, for inspections please call 828-redacted phone number by 4:30pm the day before
Date:  May 2, 2012

Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 12-01450 | Parcel: 1269918
2012/05/0209535 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805
August 15, 2007 1:35:56 pm kneel new addition for office and exercise room. Location:tunnel rd left on beverly, left on new haw creek rd, right on middlebrook, left on old haw creek rd, right on stonebridge.; zoning site plan permit application approved for personal office room addition to left side portion of existing single family home. Swr august 21, 2007 2:40:05 pm stuartr ; received application and site plans. Gave to ray tracy for review. August 15, 2007 2:28:47 pm sdecker; to request residential inspections call redacted phone number: building comments: refer to your approved plans and plan review checklist for written comments regarding code-related issues or corrections. The approved plans and review comments shall be maintained at the jobsite for all inspections. Inspectors need to see your plans when making their inspections. The permit is required to be posted at the jobsite at all times in a conspicuous we
Date:  September 18, 2007

Permit type: Res: addition | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 07-04087 | Parcel: 97752
2007/09/1809535 Stonebridge Dr, Asheville, Nc 28805

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