Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Other ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 01-03664 | |||||
Orthopaedic surgery center--fire alarm ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 10-05150 | |||||
SCORE 100 -fire alarm Client: Orthopaedic Surgery Cente | Permit type: Com: remodel | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 10-05150 | Parcel: 13891 | |||||
SCORE 95 -fire alarm Client: Orthopaedic Surgery Cente | Permit type: Com: remodel | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 10-05150 | Parcel: 13891 | |||||
Asheville surgery center temp offie Client: Pmd Bp#01-3664 | Permit type: Planning level i | Permit status: Approved | Current use: Development | Permit id: 01-11000107pz | |||||
34 granby street Permit type: Research zoning letters | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Research | Permit id: 15-12771pz | Parcel: 13891 | |||||
34 granby street Permit type: Research zoning letters | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Research | Permit id: 15-13129pz | Parcel: 13891 | |||||
Temporary construction trailer p&z#01-110107; building safety comments applicant indicates that the job trailer is of non- combustible construction. The trailer palcement must be in accordance with table 6 of volume i of the n. C. Building code. In order to comply the trailer must be located more than feet from an assumed property line between itself and the main building. The site plan submitted indicates the total distance 25 feet from the trailer to the main building. This would place the trailer and building at 12. 5 feet from the assumed property line. This will be acceptable as long as the percent wall openings of each structure do not exceed 20% of the total wall areas. The separation must be maintained from all portions of the buildings. Call harry taylor for building inspection at redacted phone number all subcontractors shall contact building safety (redacted phone number) to activate electrical, plumbing & mechanical permits.; Permit type: Com: other new | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 01-03664 | Parcel: 13891 | |||||
September 13, 20 7:55:57 am rhurley. Received application for orthopaedic surgery center due to order by department of health and human service corrections install 3 generator powered emergency lights at exits, relocate 1 strip light in mechanical room, connect main sprinkler valve to fire alarm; rlh september 13, 20 1:03:19 pm scarver. Amendment rec. Fire alarm plans;scc; building safety comments see the review comments sheet for additional information and requirements. Building code inspection requests must be received before 7: a. M.: phone: redacted phone number. Internet: go to www. Ashevillenc. Gov; select online services; select permit tracking help; select development & building permit tracking tool and enter permit # the building code inspectors assigned to this project can be reached on their cell: building - gary stamey redacted phone number electrical - larry davis redacted phone number plumbing / mechanical / gas piping - alec arthur red Permit type: Com: remodel | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 10-05150 | Parcel: 13891 | |||||
Asheville surgery center temp offie ![]() Client: Pmd Bp#01-3664 | Permit type: Planning level i | Permit status: Approved | Current use: Development | Permit id: 01-11000107pz | |||||
34 granby street ![]() Permit type: Research zoning letters | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Research | Permit id: 15-12771pz | Parcel: 13891 | |||||
Commercial ![]() ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 01-03664 | |||||
Orthopaedic surgery center--fire alarm ![]() ![]() Permit type: Commercial | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 10-05150 | |||||
SCORE 93 Comment date: tue aug 28 00:00: edt 2001 - temporary construction trailer p&z#01-110107; comment date: tue aug 28 00:00: edt 2001 - building safety comments applica Client: Temp Const. Trailer | Permit type: Com: other new | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 01-03664 | Parcel: 13891 | |||||
SCORE 100 Comment date: tue aug 28 00:00: edt 2001 - temporary construction trailer p&z#01-110107; comment date: tue aug 28 00:00: edt 2001 - building safety comments applica Client: Temp Const. Trailer | Permit type: Com: other new | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 01-03664 | Parcel: 13891 | |||||
SCORE 99 Comment date: tue aug 28 00:00: edt 2001 - temporary construction trailer p&z#01-110107; comment date: tue aug 28 00:00: edt 2001 - building safety comments applica Client: Temp Const. Trailer | Permit type: Com: other new | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 01-03664 | Parcel: 13891 | |||||
Temporary construction trailer p&z#01-110107; building safety comments applicant indicates that the job trailer is of non- combustible construction. The trailer palcement must be in accordance with table 6 of volume i of the n. C. Building code. In order to comply the trailer must be located more than feet from an assumed property line between itself and the main building. The site plan submitted indicates the total distance 25 feet from the trailer to the main building. This would place the trailer and building at 12. 5 feet from the assumed property line. This will be acceptable as long as the percent wall openings of each structure do not exceed 20% of the total wall areas. The separation must be maintained from all portions of the buildings. Call harry taylor for building inspection at redacted phone number all subcontractors shall contact building safety (redacted phone number) to activate electrical, plumbing & mechanical permits.; ![]() Permit type: Com: other new | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 01-03664 | Parcel: 13891 | |||||
September 13, 20 7:55:57 am rhurley. Received application for orthopaedic surgery center due to order by department of health and human service corrections install 3 generator powered emergency lights at exits, relocate 1 strip light in mechanical room, connect main sprinkler valve to fire alarm; rlh september 13, 20 1:03:19 pm scarver. Amendment rec. Fire alarm plans;scc; building safety comments see the review comments sheet for additional information and requirements. Building code inspection requests must be received before 7: a. M.: phone: redacted phone number. Internet: go to www. Ashevillenc. Gov; select online services; select permit tracking help; select development & building permit tracking tool and enter permit # the building code inspectors assigned to this project can be reached on their cell: building - gary stamey redacted phone number electrical - larry davis redacted phone number plumbing mechanical gas piping - alec arthur red ![]() Permit type: Com: remodel | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 10-05150 | Parcel: 13891 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install # 8 neutral conductor in existing 3/4 emt conduit to replacement washer existing circuit is 208 volt 3 phase replacement unit is 120/208 volt 3 phase ![]() ![]() Client: Orthopaedic Surgery Center | Permit type: Com: electrical | Permit status: Finaled | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 16-08435 | Parcel: 13891 |