Building Permits at 32 34 Neponset Av Roslindale MA

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Install new gas service; / 17x2; rdwy; and 7 x 2;sdwk; ;/ boston police area e; 343-4556; / 9: am to 3: pm; -; weekdays only; /
Date:  December 4, 2015

Client: Kelly James A | Permit type: Excavation permit | Expiration date: March 1, 2016 | Permit id: Exca-544330 | Parcel: 1904282000
2015/12/0409532 34 Neponset Av Roslindale Ma
Wiring of new 2 family home.
Date:  February 2, 2016
Value:   $12,000
Contractor: Claudio Arruda

Client: Kelly James A | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: August 2, 2016 | Current use: 1-2fam | Permit id: E559996 | Parcel: 1904282000
2016/02/021200010032 34 Neponset Av Roslindale MaClaudio Arruda
Wiring of cable and data devices.
Date:  February 2, 2016
Value:   $2,000
Contractor: Claudio Arruda

Client: Kelly James A | Permit type: Electrical low voltage | Expiration date: August 2, 2016 | Current use: 1-2fam | Permit id: Elv560004 | Parcel: 1904282000
2016/02/02200010032 34 Neponset Av Roslindale MaClaudio Arruda
Installation of hard wire smoke detectors and co detectors.
Date:  February 2, 2016
Value:   $2,500
Contractor: Claudio Arruda

Client: Kelly James A | Permit type: Electrical fire alarms | Expiration date: August 2, 2016 | Current use: 1-2fam | Permit id: Efa559998 | Parcel: 1904282000
2016/02/02250010032 34 Neponset Av Roslindale MaClaudio Arruda
Sidewalk deposit during construction .; / this is not a permit to excavate occupy or install; driveways - separate permits are required; / deposit will be returned if the sidewalk meets city and ada standards.; final inspection by a pwd engineer mandatory within 6 months of job completion in order to retrieve the deposit.; permit; 60. 00; inspection:; 100. 00; deposit :; ;3. 760. 00
Date:  September 8, 2015

Client: Kelly James A | Permit type: Sidewalk deposit | Permit id: Sdep-517271 | Parcel: 1904282000
2015/09/0809532 34 Neponset Av Roslindale Ma
Stand truck at curb / 7:00am to 5:00pm
Date:  September 22, 2015

Client: Kelly James A | Permit type: Street occupancy permit | Expiration date: October 2, 2015 | Permit id: Occu-519211 | Parcel: 1904282000
2015/09/2209532 34 Neponset Av Roslindale Ma
Grounding of footing for new construction.
Date:  September 23, 2015
Value:   $500
Contractor: Claudio Arruda

Client: Kelly James A | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: March 23, 2016 | Current use: 1-2fam | Permit id: E522375 | Parcel: 1904282000
2015/09/2350010032 34 Neponset Av Roslindale MaClaudio Arruda
Erect a 2. 5 story 2 family detached dwelling on assessors parcel 19042820 consisting of 57 sq ft as per plans
Date:  September 4, 2015
Value:   $500,000
Contractor: Howard Robinson

Client: Kelly James A | Permit type: Erect/new construction | Expiration date: March 4, 2016 | Current use: 1-2fam | Permit id: Ert490589 | Parcel: 1904282000
2015/09/0450000010032 34 Neponset Av Roslindale MaHoward Robinson

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