Building Permits at 315 Westover Dr, Asheville, NC 28801

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Demos builders s f
Date:  October 31, 2008

Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 07-04994
2008/10/31095315 Westover Dr, Asheville, Nc 28801
Demos builders s/f
Value:   $326,890

Client: Demos Builders Sf | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 07-04994 | Parcel: 21517
32689095315 Westover Dr, Asheville, Nc 28801
Temporarily remove existing deck and posts and footings. Dig deeper and pour footing & sonotube pier. Install new posts and supports. Build a 4 retaining wall
Date:  November 13, 2015
Contractor: Lewis Kyle A

Client: Prebble, Susie | Permit type: Res: accessory structure | Permit status: Issued | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 15-14740 | Parcel: 215171
2015/11/13099315 Westover Dr, Asheville, Nc 28801Lewis Kyle A
Sealed stamped plans are on the way bld october 2, 2007 2:31:08 pm bdavis demos builders new single family home; zoning was disapproved. Site plan does not allow adequate land area for required off street parking spaces. Need to call applicant contact and advise revisions will be necessary. Swr october 4, 2007 8:48:53 am stuartr ; will have to re-address entire street in order to assign an address to lot. In process. Aom; november 20, 2007 12:18:56 pm kneel received geotech analysis; have assigned a temporary address while the re-addressing of the street occurs. Will assign a permanent address before a co will be given. Aom; august 18, 2008 4:33:14 pm cbeavers. Amendment rec. To increase the size of rear main floor deck to 10x18; august 19, 2008 2:32:07 pm kneel. Received deck detailing for plan review; semi-permanent street address number 315 assigned. Sometime late 2009 or 20 all homes on westover dr may have to be reassigned street numbers for e911 purposes. Swr october 8

Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 07-04994 | Parcel: 21517
095315 Westover Dr, Asheville, Nc 28801
Demos builders s/f
Date:  October 31, 2008
Value:   $326,890

Client: Demos Builders Sf | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 07-04994 | Parcel: 21517
2008/10/3132689095315 Westover Dr, Asheville, Nc 28801
Demos builders s/f
Date:  October 31, 2008
Value:   $326,890
Contractor: Affordable Comfort

Client: Demos Builders S F | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 07-04994 | Parcel: 21517
2008/10/31326890100315 Westover Dr, Asheville, Nc 28801Affordable Comfort
Demos builders s/f
Date:  October 31, 2008
Value:   $326,890
Contractor: Demos James Arthur

Client: Demos Builders S F | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 07-04994 | Parcel: 21517
2008/10/3132689076315 Westover Dr, Asheville, Nc 28801Demos James Arthur
Demos builders s/f
Date:  October 31, 2008
Value:   $326,890

Client: Demos Builders S F | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 07-04994 | Parcel: 21517
2008/10/31326890100315 Westover Dr, Asheville, Nc 28801M.D. Tatham Electrical Contrac
Demos builders s f
Date:  October 31, 2008
Value:   $326,890

Client: Demos Builders S F | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 07-04994 | Parcel: 21517
2008/10/31326890100315 Westover Dr, Asheville, Nc 28801A2z Plumbing Contractor
Demos builders s f
Date:  October 31, 2008
Value:   $326,890

Permit type: Historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 07-04994
2008/10/3132689095315 Westover Dr, Asheville, Nc 28801
Sealed stamped plans are on the way bld october 2, 2007 2:31:08 pm bdavis demos builders new single family home; zoning was disapproved. Site plan does not allow adequate land area for required off street parking spaces. Need to call applicant contact and advise revisions will be necessary. Swr october 4, 2007 8:48:53 am stuartr ; will have to re-address entire street in order to assign an address to lot. In process. Aom; november 20, 2007 12:18:56 pm kneel received geotech analysis; have assigned a temporary address while the re-addressing of the street occurs. Will assign a permanent address before a co will be given. Aom; august 18, 2008 4:33:14 pm cbeavers. Amendment rec. To increase the size of rear main floor deck to 10x18; august 19, 2008 2:32:07 pm kneel. Received deck detailing for plan review; semi-permanent street address number 315 assigned. Sometime late 2009 or 20 all homes on westover dr may have to be reassigned street numbers for e911 purposes. Swr october 8
Date:  October 31, 2008

Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 07-04994 | Parcel: 21517
2008/10/31095315 Westover Dr, Asheville, Nc 28801

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