Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Reroofing Value: $3,300 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 4, 1993 | Expiration date: March 4, 1994 | Current use: 1 family dwelling | Permit id: 9319530 | |||||
Construct 2 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms at g f. Remodel (e) kitchen, convert 1 (e) bathroom to 2 bathrooms & upgrade partial ceiling framing at 2 f. Date: November 20, 2017 Value: $76,000 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Expiration date: November 16, 2017 | Current use: 1 family dwelling | Permit id: 201711164129 | |||||
Construct (2) new bedrooms and (2) new bathrooms at ground fl. Remodel kitchen and convert (1) bathroom to (2) bathrooms on 2nd fl. Date: November 20, 2017 Permit status: Issued | Permit id: E201711209215 | |||||
Construct 2 new bathrooms at ground fl, remodel kitchen and convert (1) bathrooms into (2) bathrooms on 2nd fl. Date: November 20, 2017 Permit status: Issued | Expiration date: November 20, 2017 | Permit id: Pp20171120502 | |||||
SCORE 100 Revision to pa 2017-1116-4129 - re-arrange bathroom location @ ground floor. Infill existing light well on roof Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: August 5, 2018 | Current use: 1 family dwelling | Permit id: #201802010112 | |||||
SCORE 100 Revision to pa #201711164129 - comply w complaint #201829871 - remove replace sheetrock w new. All work at 2nd floor. Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: July 23, 2018 | Current use: 1 family dwelling | Permit id: #201801239260 | |||||
SCORE 99 Construct (2) new bedrooms and (2) new bathrooms at ground fl. Remodel kitchen and convert (1) bathroom to (2) bathrooms on 2nd fl. Date: November 20, 2017 Contractor: Macro Builder Inc Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: E201711209215 | |||||
SCORE 100 Construct 2 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms at g f. Remodel (e) kitchen convert 1 (e) bathroom to 2 bathrooms & upgrade partial ceiling framing at 2 f. Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: November 20, 2018 | Current use: 1 family dwelling | Permit id: #201711164129 | |||||
SCORE 99 Construct 2 new bathrooms at ground fl remodel kitchen and convert (1) bathrooms into (2) bathrooms on 2nd fl. Date: November 20, 2017 Contractor: Macro Builder Inc Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pp20171120502 |