Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 84 Wreck and remove a frame sfr Permit type: Permit - wrecking/de | Permit id: 100204005 | |||||
SCORE 100 Erect a detached frame garage 19 x 22 x 12 with 2 sq. Ft. Roof vents. Side drive. Permit type: Permit - easy permit | Permit id: 100308904 | |||||
SCORE 100 One additional electrical meter Permit type: Permit - electric wi | Permit id: 100314833 | |||||
SCORE 100 One additional electrical meter Permit type: Permit - electric wiring | Permit id: 100314833 | |||||
SCORE 80 Wreck and remove a frame sfr Permit type: Permit - wrecking/demolition | Permit id: 100204005 | |||||
SCORE 95 Erect a detached frame garage 19 x 22 x 12 with 2 sq. Ft. Roof vents. Side drive. Permit type: Permit - easy permit process | Permit id: 100308904 | |||||
SCORE 95 Erect a 2-story single family masonry house. With concrete pad (no garage) conditional permit pending wracking permit within 30 days of permit issuance, Permit type: Permit - new construction | Permit id: 100199673 |