Building Permits at 2835 Union St San Francisco CA

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Based on the information received from San Francisco CA building department, there are 40 building permits associated with 2835 Union St San Francisco CA over the past 34 years . These building permits valued at $2,145,077.

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40 projects completed between 1982 and 2016.
An average 1 project per year.


Project cost varies between $10,000 and $500,000.
An average project cost is $53,626.

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To comply with complaint #201694321. In-kind window replacement for 2 property line windows. Same size same location. No change to opening. Not visible from street.
Date:  March 2, 2016
Value:   $750
Contractor: Victor Mezhvinsky

Permit type: Building permit | Current use: 2 family dwelling | Permit id: #201603020987
To comply with complaint #201694321. In-kind window replacement for 2 property line windows. Same size, same location. No change to opening. Not visible from street.
Date:  March 2, 2016
Value:   $750

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Completion date: April 4, 2016 | Expiration date: March 2, 2016 | Current use: 2 family dwelling | Permit id: 201603020987
Build new landing & stairs at second flr at rear yard. Install new roof access ladder from fourth floor roof deck to roof . Referance p/a#201307101520.
Date:  September 25, 2015
Value:   $10,000
Contractor: Victor Mezhvinsky

Permit type: Building permit | Current use: 2 family dwelling | Permit id: #201502027220
Remove cracked terracotta flue tiles from starter plate to chimney surface. Install metalrestos flue system pursuant to manufacturer instructions ul listed material. Approved for gas & wood burning install per cmc 802. 5
Date:  July 2, 2015
Value:   $12,884
Contractor: Mark Rizzo

Permit type: Building permit | Current use: 2 family dwelling | Permit id: #201507020554
Remove cracked terracotta flue tiles from starter plate to chimney surface. Install metalrestos flue system pursuant to manufacturer instructions ul listed material. Approved for gas & wood burning, install per cmc 802. 5
Date:  July 2, 2015
Value:   $12,884

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Completion date: December 28, 2015 | Expiration date: July 2, 2015 | Current use: 2 family dwelling | Permit id: 201507020554
Work category: 1m; removed cracked terracotta flue tiles from starter plate to chimney surface. Install metalbestos flue system pursuant to the manufacturer instructions. Ul listed material. Approved for gas and wood burning.
Date:  June 26, 2015

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Canceled | Permit id: Pmw20150626403
Workcategory:1m;removedcrackedterracottafluetilesfromstarterplatetochimneysurface. Installmetalbestosfluesystempursuanttothemanufacturerinstructions. Ullistedmaterial. Approvedforgasandwoodburning.
Date:  June 26, 2015

Permit status: Canceled | Expiration date: June 26, 2015 | Permit id: Pmw20150626403
Work category: 1m; removed cracked terracotta flue tiles from starter plate to chimney surface. Install metalbestos flue system pursuant to the manufacturer instructions. Ul listed material. Approved for gas and wood burning.
Date:  June 26, 2015

Permit status: Canceled | Expiration date: June 26, 2015 | Permit id: Pmw20150626403
Penalty fine for boiler complaint regarding #201532056 & removal of boiler.
Date:  March 16, 2015

Permit status: Canceled | Expiration date: March 16, 2015 | Permit id: Pp20150316855
Fire sprinkler system with 76 heads.
Date:  March 16, 2015

Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: March 16, 2015 | Permit id: Pp20150316856
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