Building Permits at 2718 Amelia St, New Orleans LA

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Date:  August 17, 2012
Contractor: Kenneth Peffer

Client: Dortha T Etal Johnson | Permit type: General mechanical | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Single family
2012/08/170882718 Amelia St, New Orleans LaKenneth Peffer
Gas servingexisting central heater
Date:  January 15, 2016
Contractor: Anthony Moret Jr

Permit type: Mechanical fuel gas | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Single family
2016/01/150932718 Amelia St, New Orleans LaAnthony Moret Jr
Rewire- 12-16692
Date:  August 22, 2012
Contractor: Damon Tyris Reed

Client: Dortha T Etal Johnson | Permit type: Electrical service / circuit / feeder | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Two-family
2012/08/220962718 Amelia St, New Orleans LaDamon Tyris Reed
Date:  August 17, 2012
Contractor: Kenny Peffer

Client: Dortha T Etal Johnson | Permit type: General mechanical | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Single family
2012/08/170922718 Amelia St, New Orleans LaKenny Peffer
Work descripton: rewire- 12bld-00682 historical import type: permits electrical residential service-circuits-feeders user: dmfoley tracking: 86189703003 status: permit issuance active status date: 4/24/2012 12:00: am owner: johnson dortha t etal owner address: c/o frank l tobias 2718 amelia st, new orleans, la 70115 owner edited by: 4/24/2012 by dmfoley
Date:  April 24, 2012

Permit type: Electrical service / circuit / feeder | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Unknown
2012/04/2408327 Amelia St, New Orleans LaDamons Air Cont. And Heating Llc
Work descripton: renew old permit- 08bld-06137 historical import type: permits electrical residential service-circuits-feeders user: dmfoley tracking: 86182561196 status: permit issuance active status date: 5/16/2012 12:00: am owner: cgh partners 2007 owner address: 1832 felicity st, gretna, la 701 owner edited by: 5/16/2012 by dmfoley
Date:  May 16, 2012

Permit type: Electrical service / circuit / feeder | Permit status: Permit issuance - active | Current use: Unknown
2012/05/1608627 Amelia St, New Orleans LaD. Evans Electric Llc
Gas pipe serving gas central heat only
Date:  January 15, 2016
Contractor: Anthony Moret Jr

Permit type: Mechanical fuel gas | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Single family
2016/01/1509327 Amelia St, New Orleans LaAnthony Moret Jr
Work descripton: repairs to a double, 2718-2720. Repairs include electrical,floors,sheetrocking and painting. Historical import type: permits residential double (two-family unit) renovation (non-structural) user: ejohnson tracking: 86166661162 status: permit issuance active status date: 2/1/2012 12:00: am owner: shannon tobias ross owner address: 3329 belfort avenue, new orleans, la 70119 owner phone: 504-358-9533 owner edited by: 2/1/2012 by ejohnson
Date:  February 1, 2012
Value:   $4,000

Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Certificate of occupancy | Current use: Two-family
2012/02/0140005927 Amelia St, New Orleans LaShannon Tobias Ross
Work descripton: rll-r-phullips-915-9369-1-ac-1-waf-ck-5855 historical import type: permits mechanical residential general mechanical user: rlarrieu tracking: 186124106454 status: certificate issued no meter status date: 6/8/2012 12:00: am owner: cgh partners 2007 owner address: 1832 felicity st, gretna, la 701 owner edited by: 6/7/2012 by rlarrieu
Date:  June 12, 2012

Permit type: General mechanical | Permit status: Inspection - completed | Current use: Unknown
2012/06/1208627 Amelia St, New Orleans LaHauck Heating And A C
Supplement to 12bld-00682 to increase the value of work.
Date:  June 25, 2012
Value:   $4,000

Client: Dortha T Etal Johnson | Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Single family
2012/06/2540009527 Amelia St, New Orleans La
Work descripton: renew old permit- 08bld-06137 historical import type: permits electrical residential service-circuits-feeders user: dmfoley tracking: 86182561196 status: permit issuance active status date: 5 16 2012 12:00: am owner: cgh partners 2007 owner address: 1832 felicity st, gretna, la 701 owner edited by: 5 16 2012 by dmfoley
Date:  May 16, 2012

Permit type: Electrical service / circuit / feeder | Permit status: Permit issuance - active | Current use: Unknown
2012/05/1608627 Amelia St, New Orleans LaD. Evans Electric, Llc
Supplement to 12bld-00682 to increase the value of work.
Date:  June 25, 2012
Value:   $4,000
Contractor: Shannon Tobiasross

Client: Dortha T Etal Johnson | Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Single family
2012/06/2540005927 Amelia St, New Orleans LaShannon Tobiasross
Work descripton: rll-r-phullips-915-9369-1-ac-1-waf-ck-5855 historical import type: permits mechanical residential general mechanical user: rlarrieu tracking: 186124106454 status: certificate issued no meter status date: 6 8 2012 12:00: am owner: cgh partners 2007 owner address: 1832 felicity st, gretna, la 701 owner edited by: 6 7 2012 by rlarrieu
Date:  June 12, 2012

Permit type: General mechanical | Permit status: Inspection - completed | Current use: Unknown
2012/06/1208627 Amelia St, New Orleans LaHauck Heating And A C
Work descripton: repairs to a double, 2718-2720. Repairs include electrical,floors,sheetrocking and painting. Historical import type: permits residential double (two-family unit) renovation (non-structural) user: ejohnson tracking: 86166661162 status: permit issuance active status date: 2 1 2012 12:00: am owner: shannon tobias ross owner address: 3329 belfort avenue, new orleans, la 70119 owner phone: 504-358-9533 owner edited by: 2 1 2012 by ejohnson
Date:  February 1, 2012
Value:   $4,000

Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Certificate of occupancy | Current use: Two-family
2012/02/0140005927 Amelia St, New Orleans LaShannon Tobias Ross
Work descripton: rewire- 12bld-00682 historical import type: permits electrical residential service-circuits-feeders user: dmfoley tracking: 86189703003 status: permit issuance active status date: 4 24 2012 12:00: am owner: johnson dortha t etal owner address: c o frank l tobias 2718 amelia st, new orleans, la 70115 owner edited by: 4 24 2012 by dmfoley
Date:  April 24, 2012

Permit type: Electrical service / circuit / feeder | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Unknown
2012/04/2408327 Amelia St, New Orleans LaDamons Air Cont. And Heating Llc

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