Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 97 Sprinkler work on the 3rd floor. No change in occupancy, use or egress. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit id: 420975868 | |||||
SCORE 100 Interior renovation on the 3rd floor. No change in occupancy, use or egress Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 420975877 | |||||
SCORE 97 Mechanical work on the 3rd floor. No change in occupancy, use or egress. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit id: 420975877 | |||||
SCORE 100 Filing for fuel burning in conjunction w ith boiler approved under appli ation #401180413. Please note: this appl ication and drawing are being filed to dd fuel burning worktype for the purpose of signing off boiler work type. All wo k approved under application #401180413. Date: October 11, 2007 Contractor: Anthony Arbore Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 100173888 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit id: 401588153 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification to hvac ductwork as per pla ns filed herewith. No change t use, egress, or occupancy. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit id: 401725843 | |||||
SCORE 76 Modification to existing hvac - ductwork as per plans filed herewith. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Mr. David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit id: 401838286 | |||||
SCORE 76 Modification to existing ductwork as per plans filed herewith. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Mr. David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit id: 401862285 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installation of new pre-action fire alarm system as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress, or occupancy under this application. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 27-01 27-01 Queens Plaza Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza Llc | Permit id: 410199253 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modification to existing sprinkler system as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress, or occupancy under this application. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 27-01 27-01 Queens Plaza Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza Llc | Permit id: 410199226 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modifications to existing hvac system and plumbing fixtures, installation of new fuel storage system and emergency generators as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress, or occupancy under this application. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 27-01 27-01 Queens Plaza Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza Llc | Permit id: 410198806 | |||||
SCORE 100 Structural modifications as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress, or occupancy under this application. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 27-01 27-01 Queens Plaza Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 420026714 | |||||
SCORE 100 Removal and installation of interior non load bearing partitions and related f inishes as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress, or occupancy un der this application. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 27-01 27-01 Queens Plaza L.I.C Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza Llc | Permit type: General const | Permit id: 410208252 | |||||
SCORE 76 Modifications to existing hvac ductwork as per plans filed herewith. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Mr. David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit id: 402072127 | |||||
SCORE 100 Removal and installation of interior non load bearing partitions, related finishes, and ceiling work as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress, or occupancy under this application. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 27-01 27-01 Queens Plaza Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza Llc | Permit type: Gen. Constr | Permit id: 410198806 | |||||
SCORE 97 Mechanical and plumbing work on the 3rd floor. No change in occupancy, use or egress. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit id: 420807791 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sprinkler and standpipe work on the 3rd floor. No change in occupancy, use or egress. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit id: 420807595 | |||||
SCORE 100 Minor demolition, removal of one wall, installation of additional work stations and patching as per plans (metlife). No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 27-01 27-01 Queens Plaza Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza Llc | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 420609256 | |||||
SCORE 98 Application filed for interior renovation of non-load bearing partitions, ceilings and finishes on the 10th floor as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 421491647 | |||||
SCORE 100 Subsequent application filed for mechanical work on the 10th floor as per plans filed herewith. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit id: 421491647 | |||||
SCORE 100 Partition and ceiling work on the 3rd floor. No change in occupancy, use or egress. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit type: Partitions | Permit id: 420807791 | |||||
SCORE 100 Application filed for modification to existing fire alarm system on the 10th floor as per plans filed herewith. No change in use, egress or occupancy. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit id: 421523122 | |||||
SCORE 100 Removal of access stair as per plans fil ed herewith. No change to use, egres or occupancy Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza, Llc. | Permit type: G. C. | Permit id: 401399303 | |||||
SCORE 99 Modifications to existing class e system as per plans filed herewith. No change to use,egress or occupancy Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza,Llc | Permit id: 401506152 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installation of emergency generator and related piping as per plans file d herewith. No change to use, egress or occupancy. This application is being fil ed in conjunction with appl#401316848. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza, Llc | Permit id: 401467079 | |||||
SCORE 56 Modification to hvac system including th e installation ac unit(s) as pe plans filed herewith. No change to use e gress, or occupancy under this applicat on. Client: Michael Viggiano | Client Address: 501 501 Route 22 Bridgewater Nj 08807 | Client Phone: (908) 253-1715 | Client Company: Metlife | Permit id: 401545440 | |||||
SCORE 60 Installation of non load bearing, partitions, doors and related finishes as per plans filed herewith. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Mr. David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 401862285 | |||||
SCORE 76 Filing herewith to issue equipment use permit cards only. All fees were paid and work was approved and permitted under application #401621367. No change to use, egress or occupancy. (no work to be performed under this application) Client: Mr. David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit id: 401862926 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modifications to existing sprinkler syst em, including installation and emoval of sprinkler hears as per plans f iled herewith. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Mr. David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit id: 401607784 | |||||
SCORE 59 Modifications to existing class e alarm system as per plans filed filed herewith, on change to use egress or occ upancy Client: Mr David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Ave New York Ny 100173888 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit id: 401725111 | |||||
SCORE 100 Modifications to existing class e system as per palns filed herewith. N change to use, egress or occupancy Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 100173888 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit id: 401607775 | |||||
SCORE 83 Modifications to existing sprinkler syst em as per plans filed herewith. No chanve to use, egress or occupancy Client: Mr David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit id: 401725861 | |||||
SCORE 99 Filing herewith structural and foundatio n drawing for vertical and ho ontal building enlargement Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza, Llc | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 401316848 | |||||
SCORE 59 Modifications to existing class e fire a larm system as per plans filed erewith. No change to use, egress or occ upancy. Client: Mr. David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit id: 401610636 | |||||
SCORE 83 Modifications to existing sprinkler syst em as per plans filed herewith. Installtion of hose racks as per plans f iled herewith. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Mr. David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit id: 401610645 | |||||
SCORE 61 Installation of non load bearing partiti ons, doors, reflected ceiling a d related finishes as per plans filed he rewith. No change to use, egress or oc upancy. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit type: Gc | Permit id: 401725843 | |||||
SCORE 100 Removal and installation of non load bea ring partitions, repfected ceil ng, doors and related finishes as per pl ans filed herewith. No change to use, e ress or occupancy. Client: Mr. David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 100173888 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit type: Gen constr | Permit id: 401607766 | |||||
SCORE 71 Replacement of the head end fire command station of the existing class system as per plans filed herewith. No change to use, egress or occupancy Client: Mr David Bhrause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit id: 401631338 | |||||
SCORE 61 Removal and installation of non bearing partitions reflected ceiling doo rs and related finishes as per plans fil ed herewith. No change to use egress or occupancy. Client: Mr.David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit type: Gen constr | Permit id: 401616408 | |||||
SCORE 99 Erect of temporary heavy duty sidewalk shed 3 psf in conj. With appl.#401316848. At each end of property. Shed shall comply with ll 33 91 no change in use, egress or occupancy under this appl. Date: November 3, 2004 Contractor: Greg Blinn Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Ave. New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza Co. | Permit id: 401550825 | |||||
SCORE 100 Date: May 7, 2007 Contractor: Miguel Valcarcel Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue Ny Ny 100173888 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza Llc | Permit id: 401643762 | |||||
SCORE 100 Filing herewith plumbing drawings to sho w underground plumbing for vert cal and horizontal enlargement of buildi ng. Date: April 16, 2010 Contractor: Robert Benazzi Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza, Llc | Permit id: 401316848 | |||||
SCORE 100 Vertical and horizontal enlargement of b uilding as per plans filed her ith. Construction fence. Filing archite ctural and zoning drawings. Date: April 16, 2010 Contractor: Jan Gross Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza, Llc | Permit type: Construction | Permit id: 401316848 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installation of plumbing fixtures and re lated piping and installation o piping to be capped for future use as p er palns filed herewith. No change to se, egress or occupancy. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 100173888 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit id: 401607757 | |||||
SCORE 76 Modifications to existing hvac ductwork as per plans filed herewith. No change to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Mr David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt New York Ny 100173888 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit id: 401725816 | |||||
SCORE 60 Modifications to hvac ductwork. Installa tion of new ac units as per pla s filed herewith. No change in use, egr ess or occupancy. Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 100173888 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit id: 401607757 | |||||
SCORE 78 Installation of plumbing fixtures as per plans filed herewith no chang to use egress or occupancy. Client: Mr.David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit id: 401616408 | |||||
SCORE 56 Installation of structural framing as pe r plans filed herewith. No chan e to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Mr. David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 100173888 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit type: Structural | Permit id: 401607766 | |||||
SCORE 82 Structural modifications and framing as per plans filed herewith. No cha nge to use, egress or occupancy. Client: Mr David Brause | Client Address: 52 52 Vanderbilt New York Ny 100173888 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit id: 401725816 | |||||
SCORE 86 Date: March 19, 2003 Contractor: Ms Lucy Bedford Client: Mr. David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vandebilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 401621367 | |||||
SCORE 98 Date: September 11, 2009 Contractor: Joe Romano Client: David Brause | Client Address: 27-01 Queens Plaza Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 420026714 | |||||
SCORE 100 Date: August 13, 2012 Contractor: Andrew Lewis Client: David Brause | Client Address: 27-01 Queens Plaza Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza Llc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 420609256 | |||||
SCORE 98 Date: February 14, 2002 Contractor: Bob Accardi Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza, Llc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401316848 | |||||
SCORE 100 Date: April 18, 2003 Contractor: Timothy Bowe Client: Mr. David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401610921 | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: November 7, 2002 Contractor: Greg Blinn Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Ave. New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza Co. | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 401550825 | |||||
SCORE 61 Date: October 2, 2002 Contractor: Mr. Bob Accardi Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza, Llc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401467079 | |||||
SCORE 61 Date: June 16, 2004 Contractor: Ms Lacy Bedford Client: Mr. David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401862285 | |||||
SCORE 74 Date: October 28, 2003 Contractor: Ms. Lucy Bedford Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401725816 | |||||
SCORE 98 Date: January 26, 2009 Contractor: John Bower Client: David Brause | Client Address: 27-01 Queens Plaza Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza Llc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 410199226 | |||||
SCORE 98 Date: December 16, 2008 Contractor: Joe Romano Client: David Brause | Client Address: 27-01 Queens Plaza Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza Llc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 410198799 | |||||
SCORE 100 Date: January 9, 2009 Contractor: John Gallagher Client: David Brause | Client Address: 27-01 Queens Plaza Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza Llc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 410198799 | |||||
SCORE 74 Date: March 31, 2003 Contractor: Ms. Lucy Bedford Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401607766 | |||||
SCORE 100 Date: December 3, 2003 Contractor: John Edwards Client: Mr David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401725861 | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: March 13, 2003 Contractor: Lucy Bedford Client: Mr.David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401616408 | |||||
SCORE 100 Date: November 3, 2003 Contractor: John Kelly Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401725816 | |||||
SCORE 97 Date: January 28, 2005 Contractor: Noel Woods Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 402072127 | |||||
SCORE 100 Date: May 22, 2002 Contractor: George Levine Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401316848 | |||||
SCORE 100 Date: October 11, 2002 Contractor: John Edwards Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt_avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza Llc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401506143 | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: December 3, 2002 Contractor: Greg Blinn Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Ave New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza Co | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 401554545 | |||||
SCORE 96 Date: February 5, 2013 Contractor: Maurice Regan Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 420807791 | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: October 24, 2002 Contractor: Greg Blinn Client: David Raleigh | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Ave New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Palza 27 Llc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401539420 | |||||
SCORE 100 Date: May 10, 2004 Contractor: John Kelly Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401838286 | |||||
SCORE 100 Date: November 7, 2003 Contractor: John Edwards Client: Mr David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue Ny Ny 100173888 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401725852 | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: December 5, 2008 Contractor: Salvatore Trento Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Ave Ny Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 410192241 | |||||
SCORE 61 Date: December 19, 2002 Contractor: Mr. Daniel Dubin Client: Michael Viggiano | Client Address: 501 Route 22 Bridgewater Nj 08807 | Client Phone: (908) 253-1715 | Client Company: Metlife | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401545440 | |||||
SCORE 83 Date: May 4, 2004 Contractor: Ms.Lucy Bedford Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401838286 | |||||
SCORE 61 Date: August 4, 2008 Contractor: Thomas Girard Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbuilt Ave New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 949-7549 | Client Company: Plaza Llc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 410104872 | |||||
SCORE 98 Date: February 24, 2011 Contractor: Joe Romano Client: David Brause | Client Address: 27-01 Queens Plaza Long Island City Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza Llc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 420276347 | |||||
SCORE 86 Date: June 9, 2004 Contractor: Ms Lucy Bedford Client: Mr. David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401862926 | |||||
SCORE 99 Date: January 16, 2009 Contractor: Salvatore Trento Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 410208252 | |||||
SCORE 100 Date: February 7, 2013 Contractor: John Kelly Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 420807791 | |||||
SCORE 100 Date: April 23, 2009 Contractor: Peter Agliardo Jr Client: David Brause | Client Address: 27-01 Queens Plaza Long Island Cit Ny 11101 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza Llc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 410198806 | |||||
SCORE 100 Date: June 20, 2003 Contractor: Dominick Cassano Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 100173888 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 401588153 | |||||
SCORE 96 Date: March 18, 2013 Contractor: Sean Mackin Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 420807595 | |||||
SCORE 98 Date: February 13, 2002 Contractor: Bob Accardi Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza, Llc. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401399303 | |||||
SCORE 61 Date: February 26, 2004 Contractor: Mr David Brause Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Ave Ny Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401643753 | |||||
SCORE 86 Date: March 25, 2003 Contractor: Ms Lucy Bedford Client: Mr. David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Ave. New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brasue Plaza Inc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401540659 | |||||
SCORE 96 Date: December 28, 2012 Contractor: Maurice Regan Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 420797864 | |||||
SCORE 97 Date: October 20, 2004 Contractor: Noel Woods Client: Mr. David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Realty Inc. | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 402014547 | |||||
SCORE 98 Date: July 11, 2002 Contractor: Bob Accardi Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza, Llc. | Permit status: Renewal | Permit id: 401467060 | |||||
SCORE 100 Date: March 6, 2003 Contractor: Dominick Cassano Client: David Brause | Client Address: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York Ny 10017 | Client Phone: (212) 697-5454 | Client Company: Brause Plaza, Llc | Permit status: Initial | Permit id: 401467079 |