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SCORE 93 Erect a frame garage 20 x 22 x 14 with 2 sq. Ft. Roof vents. Alley drive. Electrical permit # 100530396. Permit type: Permit - easy permit | Permit id: 100530539 |
SCORE 93 Erect a frame garage x 22 x 14 with 2 sq. Ft. Roof vents. Alley drive. Electrical permit # 100530396. Permit type: Permit - easy permit process | Permit id: 100530539 |
SCORE 95 Installation of one 20 amp circuit for garage. Pipe & wire. Permit type: Permit - electric wiring | Permit id: 100530396 |
SCORE 100 Replace outlets, switches and light fixtures in the house. New circuit for garage. Permit type: Permit - electric wi | Permit id: 100493473 |
SCORE 59 Windows (replacement only): qty 22, doors (replacement only): qty 6, roof recover only - no structural work Permit type: Permit - easy permit | Permit id: 100491980 |