Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 92 Minor repair of single - painting, plumbing, electrical, hvac repair and carpentry. Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: January 12, 2014 | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 13-30431-Rnvn | |||||
Work descripton: install solar panels. Historical import type: permits residential single (one-family unit) renovation (structural)user: rmaxwelltracking: 18617876832status: certificate issued w/meterstatus date: 1/26/2012 12:00: amowner: woods deon mowner address: p. O. Box 3594, new orleans, la 70177owner phone: 5048102275owner edited by: 12/5/2011 by rmaxwell Date: January 4, 2012 Value: $2,500 Permit type: Renovation (structural) | Permit status: Inspection - completed no | Expiration date: June 10, 2012 | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 11bld-08273 | |||||
Work descripton: install solar panels. Historical import type: permits residential single (one-family unit) renovation (structural)user: rmaxwelltracking: 18617876832status: certificate issued w meterstatus date: 1 26 2012 12:00: amowner: woods deon mowner address: p. O. Box 3594, new orleans, la 70177owner phone: 5048102275owner edited by: 12 5 2011 by rmaxwell Date: January 4, 2012 Value: $2,500 Permit type: Renovation (structural) | Permit status: Inspection - completed no | Expiration date: June 10, 2012 | Current use: Single family | Permit id: 11bld-08273 | |||||
SCORE 79 Work descripton: solar panels- 11bld-08273historical import type: permits electrical residential service-circuits-feedersuser: dmfoleytracking: 8615282311status: permit issuance activestatus date: 1/21/2012 12:00: amowner: woods deon mowner address: p. O. Box 3594, new orleans, la 70177owner edited by: 1/21/2012 by dmfoley Date: January 21, 2012 Contractor: Star Electrical Contractors Permit type: Electrical service / circuit / feeder | Permit status: Permit issuance - active | Expiration date: July 21, 2012 | Current use: Unknown | Permit id: 12elc-00845 |