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SCORE 100 Alt 2 (dir 14 75) filed for proposed construction work required for restoration of interior & exterior fire-damaged building walls, ceilings, doors & windows at cellar, 1fl & 2fl of existing 1-family dwelling to remedy open "failure to maintain" ecb violation # 35173531m and to obtain a letter of completion at the subject premises Client: Lisa Degraffenredt | Client Address: 2338 Laconia Avenue Bronx Ny 10469 | Client Phone: (914) 953-2627 | Client Company: Lisa Degraffenredt | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 220597682 |
SCORE 100 Alt 2 (dir 14)"no work" appl filed to legalize constr & plumbing work done w o a permit ( where no viol. Issued ) at cel & 1fl including legalizing a 3-piece bathroom ,partns, laundry area @ cel w restrictive declaration & legalizing a 2-piece toilet rm @ 1fl. No change in use occupancy room count egress. No work to be done under this application Client: Edwin Suarez | Client Address: 2338 Laconia Avenue Bronx Ny 10469 | Client Phone: (646) 345-2279 | Client Company: Edwin Suarez | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 220563049 |