Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Pool spa, gas for htr and other features, water features, demo of existing pool included Date: April 30, 2015 Applicant: Colvin Family Trust | Permit type: Pool/spa | |||||
Reducing pipe size from Applicant: Colvin Family Trust | Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 287726 | |||||
Sfd entry cover need si2 and si3 05/20/15 separated for icg ls received si-2/si-3/ Permit type: Patio cover - balcony | Permit id: 288162 | |||||
Sfd remodel w/addition kitchen remodel and addition with pool house addtion need elec/plumb/mech - all plans w/architect 06/16 gg all plans in 6/18 be Applicant: Colvin Family Trust | Permit type: Residential building | Permit id: 290920 | |||||
SCORE 67 Reducing pipe size from Contractor: Colvin Family Trust Permit type: Application for revisions | Permit id: 287726 | |||||
SCORE 59 | |||||
SCORE 86 B-wtrh | |||||
SCORE 88 3e_097_engineered design Permit type: Patio | |||||
SCORE 67 3e_137_gunite pool and/or spa Permit type: Pool spa | |||||
Sfd entry cover need si2 and si3 05/20/15 separated for icg ls received si-2/si-3/ Permit type: Patio cover - balcony | Permit id: 288162 | |||||
SCORE 67 Pool spa, gas for htr and other features, water features, demo of existing pool included Date: April 30, 2015 Contractor: Colvin Family Trust Permit type: Pool/spa | Permit id: 286276 | |||||
Sfd entry cover need si2 and si3 05 20 15 separated for icg ls received si-2 si-3 Permit type: Patio cover - balcony | Permit id: 288162 | |||||
SCORE 67 Sfd remodel w/addition kitchen remodel and addition with pool house addtion need elec/plumb/mech - all plans w/architect 06/16 gg all plans in 6/18 be Contractor: Colvin Family Trust Permit type: Residential building | Permit id: 290920 | |||||
SCORE 67 3e_137_gunite pool and or spa Permit type: Pool spa | |||||
SCORE 86 B-wtrh | |||||
SCORE 59 | |||||
SCORE 88 3e_097_engineered design Permit type: Patio |