Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
This permit is to continue contsruction on replacement of existing retaining walls (not to exceed 42" max in height). Construct new leadwalk and new steps as per plans. All work to be inspected by o. I. O (d.). Contractor shall use all signs shown on approved traffic control plan - failure to do so will result in revocation of this permit. Renewal permit 01/22/2007 Date: October 20, 2006 Permit type: Paving; leadwalk w/steps, fixture; wall, free standing (exception over 30"), fixture; repace existing wall 42" max in height steps | Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: February 28, 2007 | Permit id: Pa23289 | |||||
SCORE 94 This permit is to continue contsruction on replacement of existing retaining walls (not to exceed 42" max in height). Construct new leadwalk and new steps as per plans. All work to be inspected by o. I. O (d.). Contractor shall use all signs shown on approved traffic control plan - failure to do so will result in revocation of this permit. Renewal permit 01 22 2007 Date: October 20, 2006 Contractor: Richard Cunningham Permit type: Paving; leadwalk w/steps, fixture; wall, free standing (exception over 30"), fixture; repace existing wall 42" max in height steps | Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: February 28, 2007 | Permit id: Pa23289 | |||||
SCORE 94 This permit is construct new driveway apron to dc standards. Traffic control must be in place at all times. Contractor shall use all signs shown on approved traffic control plan - failure to do so will result in revocation of this permit Date: September 27, 2006 Contractor: Richard Cunningham Permit type: Paving; driveway(s) new -residential, paving; leadwalk w/steps, paving; construct new apron | Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: February 20, 2007 | Permit id: Pa22680 | |||||
SCORE 100 Extension of permit#p0013508.. Install new gas lateral in front of 22 taylor st,ne at 22nd st,ne ward #5 permit#59196 wr#513106 cut in roadway in taylor st,ne cut 4x5. Attached plans and condition are part of this permit Date: August 13, 2007 Contractor: Washington Gas Permit type: Excavation; underutility_washgas, excavation; extension of permit | Permit status: Permit expired | Expiration date: October 2, 2007 | Permit id: Pa29230 |