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SCORE 99 To convert from existing store (u. G. 6), into community facilities, tutoring center (u. G. 4)on first floor. Second floor remain as existing one family dwelling. New certificate of occupancy to be obtained. Client: George Aschkar | Client Address: 219-48 219-48 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica Ny 11429 | Client Phone: (718) 740-3493 | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 421299598 |
SCORE 100 No work to be done. Changes use designation from retail store(u. G. 6)into office (u. G. 6)on first floor. There is no change in use group,egress or bulk under this application. Client: George Aschkar | Client Address: 219-48 219-48 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica Ny 11429 | Client Phone: (718) 740-3493 | Permit type: Store into lear | Permit id: 421034927 |