Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Main permit for new garage to replace (e)basement includes structural construction drawings Date: October 17, 2003 Value: $80,000 Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 200310177846 | |||||
SCORE 86 Sprinkler system for garage only. Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #200503238181 | |||||
SCORE 100 Renew app #200310177846 Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #200509072219 | |||||
Interior renovation to three unit floors: add a full bathroom install furnace & drop ceiling for duct work. Date: January 18, 2012 Value: $75,000 Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201201182473 | |||||
SCORE 96 Interior renovation to three unit floors: add a full bathroom install furnace & drop ceiling for duct work. Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201201182473 | |||||
SCORE 96 5 lights 5 switches receptacles. Date: February 24, 2012 Contractor: Wins Construction Inc Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: E201202241102 | |||||
SCORE 96 Work also at 2115 powell st. 2nd floor: add full bath and remodel kitchen 3rd floor: add full bath and remodel kitchen. 4th floor: add full bath and remodel kitchen. Date: February 24, 2012 Contractor: Wins Construction Inc Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pp20120224732 | |||||
SCORE 96 Work also at 2115 powell st.: add new furnace in each floor (2nd 3rd and 4thh flr) Date: February 24, 2012 Contractor: Wins Construction Inc Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: Pm20120224733 | |||||
Remove alum insert windows from top 2 floors-front 12 windows rear 2 windows. Install new milgard Value: $5,000 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: August 15, 2003 | Expiration date: December 15, 2003 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 200308152210 | |||||
Remove/replace dryrot damaged wood @rear exterior stairs includes some posts/stringers/treads/railin Value: $3,500 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: July 3, 2003 | Expiration date: November 3, 2003 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 200307038740 | |||||
Interior renovation to three unit floors: add a full bathroom install furnace & drop ceiling for duct work. Value: $75,000 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: January 18, 2012 | Expiration date: February 18, 2013 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 201201182473 | |||||
Street space Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: June 29, 2005 | Permit id: M33182 | |||||
Install vinyl siding 3 sides cupola Value: $4,800 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: August 1, 1986 | Expiration date: December 1, 1986 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 8609366 | |||||
Sprinkler system for garage only. Value: $4,000 Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: March 23, 2005 | Expiration date: September 5, 2005 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 200503238181 | |||||
Renew app #200310177846 Value: $1 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: September 7, 2005 | Expiration date: January 7, 2006 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 200509072219 | |||||
Add 70 to value of work on 200307038740. Remove dryrot damaged siding&frames. Replace w/600sqft sidi Value: $7,000 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: August 15, 2003 | Expiration date: February 15, 2004 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 200308152212 | |||||
Bring building into code Value: $1,400 Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: November 14, 1985 | Expiration date: May 9, 1987 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 8513048 | |||||
Main permit for new garage to replace (e)basement includes structural construction drawings Value: $45,000 Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: October 17, 2003 | Expiration date: July 6, 2005 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 200310177846 | |||||
Street space Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Issued | Completion date: August 14, 2006 | Permit id: M39006 | |||||
Remove replace dryrot damaged wood @rear exterior stairs includes some posts stringers treads railin Date: July 3, 2003 Value: $3,500 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Expiration date: July 3, 2003 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 200307038740 | |||||
Add 70 to value of work on 200307038740. Remove dryrot damaged siding&frames. Replace w 600sqft sidi Date: August 15, 2003 Value: $7,000 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Expiration date: August 15, 2003 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 200308152212 | |||||
5 lights 5 switches receptacles. Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E201202241102 | |||||
Ufer ground Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E200502042913 | |||||
Lights 6 switches 4 receptacles 6 circuits feeders: 3 x 6 and 1 x new service: 2 amp 4 meters relocated service and panels Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E200505176523 | |||||
Automatic garage door opener Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E200508109551 | |||||
Add 2 kitchen circuits in each unit; circuits-6 Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E20030709055 | |||||
4 lights 4 switches 1 circuits. Install lites on back porches . Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E200506077263 | |||||
Workalsoat2115powellst. 2ndfloor:addfullbathandremodelkitchen 3rdfloor:addfullbathandremodelkitchen. 4thfloor:addfullbathandremodelkitchen. Date: February 24, 2012 Permit status: Complete | Expiration date: February 24, 2012 | Permit id: Pp20120224732 | |||||
Workalsoat2115powellst.:addnewfurnaceineachfloor(2nd 3rdand4thhflr) Date: February 24, 2012 Permit status: Complete | Expiration date: February 24, 2012 | Permit id: Pm20120224733 | |||||
Automatic garage door opener Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E200508109551 | |||||
Lights 6 switches 4 receptacles 6 circuits feeders: 3 x 6 and 1 x new service: 2 amp 4 meters relocated service and panels Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E200505176523 | |||||
Ufer ground Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E200502042913 | |||||
5 lights 5 switches receptacles. Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E201202241102 | |||||
4 lights 4 switches 1 circuits. Install lites on back porches . Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E200506077263 | |||||
Add 2 kitchen circuits in each unit; circuits-6 Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E20030709055 | |||||
Remove alum insert windows from top 2 floors-front 12 windows, rear 2 windows. Install new milgard Date: August 15, 2003 Value: $5,000 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Completion date: September 3, 2003 | Expiration date: August 15, 2003 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 200308152210 | |||||
Main permit for new garage to replace (e)basement includes structural construction drawings Date: July 6, 2004 Value: $45,000 Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Expiration date: October 17, 2003 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 200310177846 | |||||
Bring building into code Date: January 9, 1987 Value: $1,400 Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Completion date: November 21, 1986 | Expiration date: November 14, 1985 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 8513048 | |||||
Interior renovation to three unit floors: add a full bathroom, install furnace & drop ceiling for duct work. Date: February 24, 2012 Value: $75,000 Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Completion date: May 17, 2012 | Expiration date: January 18, 2012 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: 201201182473 | |||||
5 lights, 5 switches, receptacles. Date: February 24, 2012 Permit status: Complete | Completion date: April 30, 2012 | Permit id: E201202241102 | |||||
Add 2 kitchen circuits in each unit; circuits-6 Date: July 9, 2003 Permit status: Complete | Completion date: August 27, 2003 | Permit id: E20030709055 | |||||
Lights, 6 switches, 4 receptacles, 6 circuits, feeders: 3 x 6 and 1 x 40, new service: 2 amp 4 meters, relocated service and panels Date: May 17, 2005 Permit status: Complete | Completion date: August 12, 2005 | Permit id: E200505176523 | |||||
Ufer ground Date: February 4, 2005 Permit status: Complete | Completion date: August 12, 2005 | Permit id: E200502042913 | |||||
Automatic garage door opener Date: August 10, 2005 Permit status: Complete | Completion date: August 12, 2005 | Permit id: E200508109551 | |||||
4 lights, 4 switches, 1 circuits. Install lites on back porches . Date: June 7, 2005 Permit status: Complete | Completion date: November 18, 2005 | Permit id: E200506077263 | |||||
Work also at 2115 powell st.: add new furnace in each floor (2nd, 3rd and 4thh flr) Date: February 24, 2012 Permit status: Complete | Completion date: May 14, 2012 | Expiration date: February 24, 2012 | Permit id: Pm20120224733 | |||||
Work also at 2115 powell st. 2nd floor: add full bath and remodel kitchen, 3rd floor: add full bath and remodel kitchen. 4th floor: add full bath and remodel kitchen. Date: February 24, 2012 Permit status: Complete | Completion date: May 14, 2012 | Expiration date: February 24, 2012 | Permit id: Pp20120224732 | |||||
SCORE 96 Interior renovation to three unit floors: add a full bathroom install furnace & drop ceiling for duct work. Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: February 24, 2013 | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201201182473 | |||||
Interior renovation to three unit floors: add a full bathroom install furnace & drop ceiling for duct work. Date: January 18, 2012 Value: $75,000 Permit type: Building permit | Current use: Apartments | Permit id: #201201182473 |