Building Permits at 2107 N 17th St Philadelphia PA 191211603

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Mechanical permit
Date:  March 8, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 457950
2013/03/080952107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19121 1603
Suppression permit
Date:  February 26, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 450260
2013/02/260952107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19121 1603
Plumbing permit
Date:  February 1, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 451380
2013/02/010952107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19121 1603
Zoning/use permit
Date:  December 5, 2012

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 435656
2012/12/050952107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19121 1603
Electrical permit
Date:  March 18, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 459511
2013/03/180952107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19121 1603
Administrative permit
Date:  March 6, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 456229
2013/03/060952107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19121 1603
New construction permit
Date:  January 10, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 443516
2013/01/100952107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 19121 1603
Erection of a three story attached building with a court in rear, a deck in the court at second floor, balconies in rear at the second and third floor, a pilot house to access a roof deck above the finished third floor roof and a 6 high fence in rear to be used as a (2) family dwelling as shown in the application.
Date:  December 5, 2012

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit type: Zoning/use permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: December 5, 2012 | Permit id: 435656
2012/12/050952107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 191211603
New construction of a three story (2) family dwelling with balcony and a pilot house to access roof deck.
Date:  January 10, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit type: New construction permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 20, 2013 | Permit id: 443516
2013/01/100952107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 191211603
For installation of a new nfpa 13d fire suppression system as per plans.
Date:  February 26, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit type: Suppression permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 20, 2013 | Permit id: 450260
2013/02/2601002107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 191211603B. M. Consulting Services Inc
7 toilets,7 lavs,6 sh,2 kits,1 washer bx,pex & pvc throughout(2fd)
Date:  February 1, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 20, 2013 | Permit id: 451380
2013/02/010962107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 191211603Frankie D And Benny G Plumbing And
To amend permit 4502 to correct description of work as follows: for installation of new nfpa 13d fire suppression system with two (2) seperate 1" lines for duplex as per plans.
Date:  March 6, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit type: Administrative permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 20, 2013 | Permit id: 456229
2013/03/060952107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 191211603
Complete wiring of house final install of devices, (sw,lgts,outlets) 200a service 2-125a panels & 1-60a common & tv & phone wiring as per nec 2008 (2fd)
Date:  March 18, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit type: Electrical permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: July 20, 2013 | Permit id: 459511
2013/03/180962107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 191211603Allwire Electric Llc
2-1" copper dual water sprinkler svcs:4" main drain & 5" lateral(2fd)pa1#20130800639
Date:  March 21, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 20, 2013 | Permit id: 460433
2013/03/210962107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 191211603Frankie D And Benny G Plumbing And
2 sepreate zones. Top zone-roor top unit, bottom zone, full duct install
Date:  March 8, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit type: Mechanical permit | Permit status: Completed | Completion date: June 20, 2013 | Permit id: 457950
2013/03/080962107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 191211603Balance Point Heating And Air
New construction permit
Date:  January 10, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 443516
2013/01/100952107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 191211603
Suppression permit
Date:  February 26, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 450260
2013/02/260952107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 191211603
Mechanical permit
Date:  March 8, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 457950
2013/03/080952107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 191211603
Zoning use permit
Date:  December 5, 2012

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 435656
2012/12/050952107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 191211603
Plumbing permit
Date:  March 21, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 460433
2013/03/210952107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 191211603
Electrical permit
Date:  March 18, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 459511
2013/03/180952107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 191211603
Administrative permit
Date:  March 6, 2013

Client: Temple Properties Llc | Permit status: Completed | Permit id: 456229
2013/03/060952107 N 17th St Philadelphia Pa 191211603

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