Building Permits at 210216 Lincoln St Boston MA

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Elec work in 2 bathrooms kitchen
Date:  December 8, 2010
Value:   $4,500
Contractor: Sergey Smirnov

Client: Levin Gregg M | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: June 8, 2011 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: E54918 | Parcel: 0305336028
2010/12/084500100210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaSergey Smirnov
Bfd smoke/co inspection and
Date:  April 5, 2012
Contractor: Jonathan Ginnis

Client: Ginnis Jonathan | Expiration date: June 4, 2012 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk129729 | Parcel: 0305336052
2012/04/05061210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaJonathan Ginnis
Erect 28x6 pedestrian staging on sidewalk / see permit occu-148680
Date:  June 6, 2012

Permit type: Street occupancy permit | Expiration date: June 22, 2012 | Permit id: Occu-148682 | Parcel: 0305336000
2012/06/06095210 216 Lincoln St Boston Ma
Bfd smoke/co inspection and
Date:  April 6, 2012
Contractor: Michael Bridges

Client: Geary Robert | Expiration date: June 5, 2012 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk128462 | Parcel: 0305336036
2012/04/06065210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaMichael Bridges
Bfd smoke/co inspection and
Date:  July 6, 2012

Client: Barnard Ian | Expiration date: September 4, 2012 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk150763 | Parcel: 0305336042
2012/07/06095210 216 Lincoln St Boston Ma
Attach three (3) small remote radio units to existing equipment with one (1) battery unit
Date:  June 3, 2011
Value:   $6,000
Contractor: Justine Twofoot

Client: Two 16 Lincoln Street Llc | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: December 3, 2011 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf76848 | Parcel: 0305336004
2011/06/03600082210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaJustine Twofoot
Removal of existing plumbing in bathroom install new plumbing for a master bathroom and 1/2 bathroom
Date:  January 13, 2010
Value:   $3,500
Contractor: Mario Matos

Client: Tobin Edward M | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: July 13, 2010 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Pl10941 | Parcel: 0305336050
2010/01/13350081210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaMario Matos
Bfd smoke/co inspection and
Date:  March 2, 2015

Client: Chen Dai | Expiration date: May 1, 2015 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk449344 | Parcel: 0305336056
2015/03/02095210 216 Lincoln St Boston Ma
Install fiber optic raceway(wiremold) up the rear of the building for new fiber optic cable
Date:  November 24, 2010
Value:   $2,200
Contractor: John Borkowski

Client: Two 16 Lincoln | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: May 24, 2011 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E53188 | Parcel: 0305336002
2010/11/242200100210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaJohn Borkowski
Replace two electric hot water heaters
Date:  April 11, 2012
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Mark Caples

Client: Ackerman Albert | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: October 11, 2012 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Pl126545 | Parcel: 0305336064
2012/04/113000100210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaMark Caples
Replace electric water heater.
Date:  April 7, 2014
Value:   $2,000
Contractor: Mark Caples

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: October 7, 2014 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl326297 | Parcel: 0305336000
2014/04/072000100210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaMark Caples
Replace plumbing fixtures
Date:  July 20, 2015
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Michael Byrne

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: January 20, 2016 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl417664 | Parcel: 0305336000
2015/07/20300098210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaMichael Byrne
Replace plumbing fixtures.
Date:  December 7, 2010
Contractor: Terence Kelly

Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: June 7, 2011 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl54620 | Parcel: 0305336000
2010/12/07083210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaTerence Kelly
Bfd smoke/co inspection and
Date:  October 6, 2014
Contractor: Sukhjeet Randhawa

Client: Nanda Tobias | Expiration date: December 5, 2014 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk410119 | Parcel: 0305336020
2014/10/06061210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaSukhjeet Randhawa
Bfd smoke/co inspection and
Date:  August 5, 2014

Client: Lagreca Bennett | Expiration date: October 4, 2014 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk390273 | Parcel: 0305336016
2014/08/05095210 216 Lincoln St Boston Ma
Replace hwh
Date:  May 3, 2012
Value:   $500
Contractor: Thomas Lamoureux

Client: Two 16 Lincoln | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: November 3, 2012 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: E129763 | Parcel: 0305336002
2012/05/03500100210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaThomas Lamoureux
Replace hwh
Date:  May 8, 2012
Value:   $500
Contractor: Frederick Moxham

Client: Two 16 Lincoln | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: November 8, 2012 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl129757 | Parcel: 0305336002
2012/05/0850096210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaFrederick Moxham
Modification of an existing wireless communications facility all as depicted on the plans.
Date:  August 10, 2012
Value:   $15,000
Contractor: Ricardo Sousa

Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: February 10, 2013 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt158839 | Parcel: 0305336000
2012/08/101500096210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaRicardo Sousa
Kitchen renervations
Date:  October 29, 2014
Value:   $1,500

Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: April 29, 2015 | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: E422101 | Parcel: 0305336000
2014/10/29150095210 216 Lincoln St Boston Ma
Stand crane at curb/ erect pedestrian staging on sidewalk/ all work 9am-12pm
Date:  July 16, 2015

Client: Miguel Jose L S | Permit type: Street occupancy permit | Expiration date: July 17, 2015 | Permit id: Occu-495233 | Parcel: 0305336008
2015/07/16095210 216 Lincoln St Boston Ma
Install security system
Date:  June 26, 2012
Value:   $600
Contractor: Mark Brophy

Client: Hughes Jonathan | Permit type: Electrical low voltage | Expiration date: December 26, 2012 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Elv147388 | Parcel: 0305336054
2012/06/26600100210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaMark Brophy
Unit #303; kitchen and bathrooms (2) renovations. Re-finish floors and paint
Date:  October 14, 2014
Value:   $31,000

Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: April 14, 2015 | Current use: 1-4fam | Permit id: Sf416563 | Parcel: 0305336000
2014/10/143100070210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaThomas Caccavaro Jr
Adding 30amp 2pole breaker to existing power panel w/associated conduit/fittings
Date:  January 5, 2010
Value:   $600
Contractor: Jeffrey Henley

Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: July 5, 2010 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E3504 | Parcel: 0305336000
2010/01/0560079210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaJeffrey Henley
Re sanding staining and polyurethaning hardwood floors removal of 3/4 wall and erecting two cosmetic walls. Plaster and painting unit.
Date:  August 16, 2011
Value:   $9,500
Contractor: Alexander Siopy

Client: Nanda Tobias | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: February 16, 2012 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Sf89733 | Parcel: 0305336020
2011/08/16950095210 216 Lincoln St Boston MaAlexander Siopy
Kitchen renervations
Date:  October 29, 2014
Value:   $1,500

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: E422101 | Parcel: 0305336000
2014/10/29150095210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111
Electrical permit
Date:  October 29, 2014
Value:   $1,500

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Electrical | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: E422101
2014/10/29150095210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111
Plumbing permit
Date:  May 8, 2012
Value:   $500
Contractor: Frederick Moxham

Client: Two 16 Lincoln Street Llc | Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl129757 | Parcel: 0305336002
2012/05/0850096210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111Frederick Moxham
Electrical permit
Date:  May 3, 2012
Value:   $500
Contractor: Thomas Lamoureux

Client: Two 16 Lincoln Street Llc | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Multi | Permit id: E129763 | Parcel: 0305336002
2012/05/03500100210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111Thomas Lamoureux
Install fiber optic raceway(wiremold) up the rear of the building for new fiber optic cable
Date:  November 24, 2010
Value:   $2,200
Contractor: John Borkowski

Client: Two 16 Lincoln Street Llc | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E53188 | Parcel: 0305336002
2010/11/242200100210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111John Borkowski
Install security system
Date:  June 26, 2012
Value:   $600
Contractor: Mark Brophy

Client: Bonlie Duane R Ts | Permit type: Low voltage | Permit status: Expired | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Elv147388 | Parcel: 0305336054
2012/06/26600100210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111Mark Brophy
Attach three (3) small remote radio units to existing equipment with one (1) battery unit
Date:  June 3, 2011
Value:   $6,000
Contractor: Justine Twofoot

Client: Two 16 Lincoln Street Llc | Permit type: Cellular tower | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf76848 | Parcel: 0305336004
2011/06/03600082210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111Justine Twofoot
Elec work in 2 bathrooms kitchen
Date:  December 8, 2010
Value:   $4,500
Contractor: Sergey Smirnov

Client: Johnson Karen Diane | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Multi | Permit id: E54918 | Parcel: 0305336028
2010/12/084500100210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111Sergey Smirnov
Modification of an existing wireless communications facility all as depicted on the plans.
Date:  August 10, 2012
Value:   $15,000
Contractor: Ricardo Sousa

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Cellular tower | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt158839 | Parcel: 0305336000
2012/08/101500096210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111Ricardo Sousa
Removal of existing plumbing in bathroom install new plumbing for a master bathroom and 1 2 bathroom
Date:  January 13, 2010
Value:   $3,500
Contractor: Mario Matos

Client: Howeler Eric | Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Expired | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Pl10941 | Parcel: 0305336050
2010/01/13350081210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111Mario Matos
Re sanding staining and polyurethaning hardwood floors removal of 3 4 wall and erecting two cosmetic walls. Plaster and painting unit.
Date:  August 16, 2011
Value:   $9,500
Contractor: Alexander Siopy

Client: Caccavaro Ronald | Permit type: Renovations -interior nsc | Permit status: Expired | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Sf89733 | Parcel: 0305336020
2011/08/16950095210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111Alexander Siopy
Replace plumbing fixtures
Date:  July 20, 2015
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Michael Byrne

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl417664 | Parcel: 0305336000
2015/07/20300098210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111Michael Byrne
Replace plumbing fixtures.
Date:  December 7, 2010
Contractor: Terence Kelly

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl54620 | Parcel: 0305336000
2010/12/07083210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111Terence Kelly
Unit #303; kitchen and bathrooms (2) renovations. Re-finish floors and paint
Date:  October 14, 2014
Value:   $31,000

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Renovations -interior nsc | Permit status: Expired | Current use: 1-4fam | Permit id: Sf416563 | Parcel: 0305336000
2014/10/143100070210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111Thomas Caccavaro Jr
Replace two electric hot water heaters
Date:  April 11, 2012
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Mark Caples

Client: Ackerman Albert L | Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Expired | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Pl126545 | Parcel: 0305336064
2012/04/113000100210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111Mark Caples
Addition of three new l7 antennas t-mobile antennas at existing sectors and within existing stealth concealment restrictions. This requires bra approval..
Date:  May 25, 2016
Value:   $15,000
Contractor: John J Nestor

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Cellular tower | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Other | Permit id: Alt565822 | Parcel: 0305336000
2016/05/251500082210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111John J Nestor
Adding 30amp 2pole breaker to existing power panel w associated conduit fittings
Date:  January 5, 2010
Value:   $600
Contractor: Jeffrey Henley

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E3504 | Parcel: 0305336000
2010/01/0560079210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111Jeffrey Henley
Replace electric water heater.
Date:  April 7, 2014
Value:   $2,000
Contractor: Mark Caples

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl326297 | Parcel: 0305336000
2014/04/072000100210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma 02111Mark Caples
Attach three (3) small remote radio units to existing equipment with one (1) battery unit
Date:  June 3, 2011
Value:   $6,000
Contractor: Justine Twofoot

Client: Two 16 Lincoln Street Llc | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: December 3, 2011 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf76848 | Parcel: 0305336004
2011/06/03600082210216 Lincoln St Boston MaJustine Twofoot
Stand crane at curb erect pedestrian staging on sidewalk all work 9am-12pm
Date:  July 16, 2015

Client: Roy Scott R | Permit type: Street occupancy permit | Expiration date: July 17, 2015 | Permit id: Occu-495233 | Parcel: 0305336008
2015/07/16095210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma
Replace plumbing fixtures
Date:  July 20, 2015
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Michael Byrne

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: January 20, 2016 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl417664 | Parcel: 0305336000
2015/07/20300098210216 Lincoln St Boston MaMichael Byrne
Bfd smoke/co inspection and
Date:  April 4, 2012

Client: Bonlie Duane R Ts | Expiration date: June 3, 2012 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk125595 | Parcel: 0305336054
2012/04/04095210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma
Replace hwh
Date:  May 8, 2012
Value:   $500
Contractor: Frederick Moxham

Client: Two 16 Lincoln Street Llc | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: November 8, 2012 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl129757 | Parcel: 0305336002
2012/05/0850096210216 Lincoln St Boston MaFrederick Moxham
Bfd smoke/co inspection and
Date:  March 24, 2016

Client: Howeler Eric | Expiration date: May 23, 2016 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk571255 | Parcel: 0305336050
2016/03/24095210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma
Bfd smoke/co inspection and
Date:  April 6, 2012
Contractor: Michael Bridges

Client: Nathan Gavin R | Expiration date: June 5, 2012 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk128462 | Parcel: 0305336036
2012/04/06065210216 Lincoln St Boston MaMichael Bridges
Bfd smoke/co inspection and
Date:  March 4, 2015

Client: Chittenden Steven | Expiration date: May 3, 2015 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk449305 | Parcel: 0305336056
2015/03/04095210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma
Removal of existing plumbing in bathroom install new plumbing for a master bathroom and 1 2 bathroom
Date:  January 13, 2010
Value:   $3,500
Contractor: Mario Matos

Client: Howeler Eric | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: July 13, 2010 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Pl10941 | Parcel: 0305336050
2010/01/13350081210216 Lincoln St Boston MaMario Matos
Re sanding staining and polyurethaning hardwood floors removal of 3 4 wall and erecting two cosmetic walls. Plaster and painting unit.
Date:  August 16, 2011
Value:   $9,500
Contractor: Alexander Siopy

Client: Caccavaro Ronald | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: February 16, 2012 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Sf89733 | Parcel: 0305336020
2011/08/16950095210216 Lincoln St Boston MaAlexander Siopy
Addition of three new l7 antennas t-mobile antennas at existing sectors and within existing stealth concealment restrictions. This requires bra approval..
Date:  May 25, 2016
Value:   $15,000
Contractor: John J Nestor

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: November 25, 2016 | Current use: Other | Permit id: Alt565822 | Parcel: 0305336000
2016/05/251500082210216 Lincoln St Boston MaJohn J Nestor
Install fiber optic raceway(wiremold) up the rear of the building for new fiber optic cable
Date:  November 24, 2010
Value:   $2,200
Contractor: John Borkowski

Client: Two 16 Lincoln Street Llc | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: May 24, 2011 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E53188 | Parcel: 0305336002
2010/11/242200100210216 Lincoln St Boston MaJohn Borkowski
Kitchen renervations
Date:  October 29, 2014
Value:   $1,500

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: April 29, 2015 | Current use: Mixed | Permit id: E422101 | Parcel: 0305336000
2014/10/29150095210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma
Replace electric water heater.
Date:  April 7, 2014
Value:   $2,000
Contractor: Mark Caples

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: October 7, 2014 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl326297 | Parcel: 0305336000
2014/04/072000100210216 Lincoln St Boston MaMark Caples
Install security system
Date:  June 26, 2012
Value:   $600
Contractor: Mark Brophy

Client: Bonlie Duane R Ts | Permit type: Electrical low voltage | Expiration date: December 26, 2012 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Elv147388 | Parcel: 0305336054
2012/06/26600100210216 Lincoln St Boston MaMark Brophy
Erect 28x6 pedestrian staging on sidewalk see permit occu-148680
Date:  June 6, 2012

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Street occupancy permit | Expiration date: June 22, 2012 | Permit id: Occu-148682 | Parcel: 0305336000
2012/06/06095210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma
Bfd smoke/co inspection and
Date:  August 5, 2014

Client: Kadisha Nathan | Expiration date: October 4, 2014 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk390273 | Parcel: 0305336016
2014/08/05095210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma
Adding 30amp 2pole breaker to existing power panel w associated conduit fittings
Date:  January 5, 2010
Value:   $600
Contractor: Jeffrey Henley

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: July 5, 2010 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: E3504 | Parcel: 0305336000
2010/01/0560079210216 Lincoln St Boston MaJeffrey Henley
Replace two electric hot water heaters
Date:  April 11, 2012
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Mark Caples

Client: Ackerman Albert L | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: October 11, 2012 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Pl126545 | Parcel: 0305336064
2012/04/113000100210216 Lincoln St Boston MaMark Caples
Bfd smoke/co inspection and
Date:  April 5, 2012
Contractor: Jonathan Ginnis

Client: Ferdinand Philippe | Expiration date: June 4, 2012 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk129729 | Parcel: 0305336052
2012/04/05061210216 Lincoln St Boston MaJonathan Ginnis
Elec work in 2 bathrooms kitchen
Date:  December 8, 2010
Value:   $4,500
Contractor: Sergey Smirnov

Client: Johnson Karen Diane | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: June 8, 2011 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: E54918 | Parcel: 0305336028
2010/12/084500100210216 Lincoln St Boston MaSergey Smirnov
Replace plumbing fixtures.
Date:  December 7, 2010
Contractor: Terence Kelly

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Plumbing permit | Expiration date: June 7, 2011 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: Pl54620 | Parcel: 0305336000
2010/12/07083210216 Lincoln St Boston MaTerence Kelly
Bfd smoke/co inspection and
Date:  October 6, 2014
Contractor: Sukhjeet Randhawa

Client: Caccavaro Ronald | Expiration date: December 5, 2014 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk410119 | Parcel: 0305336020
2014/10/06061210216 Lincoln St Boston MaSukhjeet Randhawa
Replace hwh
Date:  May 3, 2012
Value:   $500
Contractor: Thomas Lamoureux

Client: Two 16 Lincoln Street Llc | Permit type: Electrical permit | Expiration date: November 3, 2012 | Current use: Multi | Permit id: E129763 | Parcel: 0305336002
2012/05/03500100210216 Lincoln St Boston MaThomas Lamoureux
Modification of an existing wireless communications facility all as depicted on the plans.
Date:  August 10, 2012
Value:   $15,000
Contractor: Ricardo Sousa

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: February 10, 2013 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt158839 | Parcel: 0305336000
2012/08/101500096210216 Lincoln St Boston MaRicardo Sousa
Unit #303; kitchen and bathrooms (2) renovations. Re-finish floors and paint
Date:  October 14, 2014
Value:   $31,000

Client: Two Lincoln Street | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: April 14, 2015 | Current use: 1-4fam | Permit id: Sf416563 | Parcel: 0305336000
2014/10/143100070210216 Lincoln St Boston MaThomas Caccavaro Jr
Bfd smoke/co inspection and
Date:  May 1, 2017

Client: Polymeros Steven J | Expiration date: June 30, 2017 | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk699411 | Parcel: 0305336012
2017/05/01095210216 Lincoln St Boston Ma

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