Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Jennings front porch roof ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 09-02543 | |||||
![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 01-03787 | |||||
Jennings, patricia ![]() Permit type: Plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 10-01805 | |||||
Comment date: wed sep 05 00:00: edt 2001 - deck addition; comment date: tue dec 04 00:00: est 2001 - recd amendment for remove sunporch, building new sunporch and add 6 x18 deck; comment date: mon mar ![]() Client: Jennings Deck Addition | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 01-03787 | Parcel: 29608 | |||||
Jennings front porch roof ![]() Client: Jennings Front Porch Roof | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 09-02543 | Parcel: 29608 | |||||
SCORE 100 Jennings front porch roof Client: Jennings Front Porch Roof | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 09-02543 | Parcel: 29608 | |||||
Deck addition; recd amendment for remove sunporch, building new sunporch and add 6 x18 deck; all permits final/jsb; front setbacks to be measured from the existing right of way line. Side and rear setbacks are to be measured from property lines. Setbacks also apply to porches, decks, etc.; building comments: the approved plans and review comments need to be on the jobsite for the inspections. Footing holes need to be inspected and approved by the building inspector before the concrete is placed. Contact maro slaughter at redacted phone number for inspections. ; amendment approved see comments. ; call maro slaughter at redacted phone number to schedule inspection. All subcontractors shall contact building safety (redacted phone number) to activate electrical, plumbing & mechanical p Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 01-03787 | Parcel: 29608 | |||||
May 29, 2009 10:32:06 am alisam. Jennings porch roof - remove shed roof over front porch, replace with gable roof 4/12 pitch;aml location: merrimon rt on wembley, past country club rt on robinhood, house on rt; april 7, 20 12:52:58 pm ajohnson. Jennings porch roof -; to request residential inspections call redacted phone number: building comments: refer to your approved plans and plan review checklist for written comments regarding code-related issues or corrections. The approved plans and review comments shall be maintained at the jobsite for all inspections. Inspectors need to see your plans when making their inspections. The permit is required to be posted at the jobsite at all times in a conspicuous weathertight location or container that is accessible to the city inspectors. Any new footings are required to be inspected and approved by the building inspector before the concrete is placed. Setbacks along street right of w Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 09-02543 | Parcel: 29608 | |||||
Deck addition; comment date: tue dec 04 00:00: est 2001 - recd amendment for remove sunporch, building new sunporch and add 6 x18 deck; comment date: mon mar ![]() ![]() Client: Jennings Deck Addition | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 01-03787 | Parcel: 29608 | |||||
Jennings front porch roof ![]() ![]() Client: Jennings Front Porch Roof | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 09-02543 | Parcel: 29608 | |||||
Historical ![]() ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 01-03787 | |||||
SCORE 100 Jennings front porch roof Client: Jennings Front Porch Roof | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 09-02543 | Parcel: 29608 | |||||
SCORE 100 Deck addition; comment date: tue dec 04 00:00: est 2001 - recd amendment for remove sunporch, building new sunporch and add 6 x18 deck; comment date: mon mar Client: Jennings Deck Addition | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 01-03787 | Parcel: 29608 | |||||
Deck addition; recd amendment for remove sunporch, building new sunporch and add 6 x18 deck; all permits final jsb; front setbacks to be measured from the existing right of way line. Side and rear setbacks are to be measured from property lines. Setbacks also apply to porches, decks, etc.; building comments: the approved plans and review comments need to be on the jobsite for the inspections. Footing holes need to be inspected and approved by the building inspector before the concrete is placed. Contact maro slaughter at redacted phone number for inspections. ; amendment approved see comments. ; call maro slaughter at redacted phone number to schedule inspection. All subcontractors shall contact building safety (redacted phone number) to activate electrical, plumbing & mechanical p ![]() Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 01-03787 | Parcel: 29608 | |||||
SCORE 100 December 13, 20 2:03:36 pm mlipe. Install vent free heater, jennings residence rec via fax, for inspections please call 828-redacted phone number ![]() ![]() Client: Jennings, Patricia | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 10-07161 | Parcel: 855528 | |||||
SCORE 98 Comment date: wed sep 05 00:00: edt 2001 - deck addition; comment date: tue dec 04 00:00: est 2001 - recd amendment for remove sunporch, building new sunporch and add 6 x18 deck; comment date: mon mar Client: Jennings Deck Addition | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 01-03787 | Parcel: 29608 | |||||
May 29, 2009 10:32:06 am alisam. Jennings porch roof - remove shed roof over front porch, replace with gable roof 4 12 pitch;aml location: merrimon rt on wembley, past country club rt on robinhood, house on rt; april 7, 20 12:52:58 pm ajohnson. Jennings porch roof -; to request residential inspections call redacted phone number: building comments: refer to your approved plans and plan review checklist for written comments regarding code-related issues or corrections. The approved plans and review comments shall be maintained at the jobsite for all inspections. Inspectors need to see your plans when making their inspections. The permit is required to be posted at the jobsite at all times in a conspicuous weathertight location or container that is accessible to the city inspectors. Any new footings are required to be inspected and approved by the building inspector before the concrete is placed. Setbacks along street right of w ![]() Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 09-02543 | Parcel: 29608 | |||||
SCORE 100 April 7, 20 3:54:02 pm ajohnson. Replace existing water line. Rec. Via fax. Please call (828)redacted phone number for inspection. Aej.; engineering inspection requests must be made at least 24 hours in advance of inspections. Inspection request should be called into redacted phone number by 7: am, or can be scheduled via web at www. Ashevillenc. Gov/online services/permit tracking. The grading/erosion and stormwater inspector assigned to this project is woody ledford and can be reached at redacted phone number. ; grading waiver site must stay in compliance with all federal, state and local regulations. If site falls out of compliance for any of the agencies stated above, the project stands the chance of having a notice of violation issued against the project to shutting down the job and retracting the approval for the land disturbance. Please stay in compliance. If any of the minimum best management practices fail to adequately keep sedimentation on the site, it shall be the responsi ![]() ![]() Client: Jennings, Patricia | Permit type: Com: plumbing | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 10-01805 | Parcel: 29608 |