Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 100 Refinish hardwood floors repaint interiorexterior of home install new kitchen cabinets and appliances remodel bathroom patchrepair damaged shingles. Clean out all debris left by tenant. Permit type: Interior/exterior wo | Permit status: Open | Current use: 1-2fam | Permit id: Sf504429 | Parcel: 1201591000 | |||||
SCORE 100 Confirm occupancy as single family Date: August 14, 2015 Contractor: Carlos Castillo Permit type: No record of occupan | Permit status: Open | Current use: Other | Permit id: Alt504438 | Parcel: 1201591000 | |||||
SCORE 100 Build dormer for new staircase to code to third level in conjunction with sf504429. (in single family dwelling.) Permit type: Interior/exterior wo | Permit status: Open | Current use: 1-2fam | Permit id: Alt515883 | Parcel: 1201591000 | |||||
New gas service; 21 x 2 rdwy 7 x 2 sdwk; guar 2013; 7am-4pm; weekdays only; boston police detail area b; 343-4287; (1); Date: November 17, 2015 Permit type: Service | Permit status: Expired | Permit id: Exca-536814 | |||||
Date: November 12, 2014 Permit status: Expired | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk423031 | Parcel: 1201591000 | |||||
Date: November 4, 2014 Permit status: Expired | Current use: 1unit | Permit id: Smk419689 | Parcel: 1201591000 |