Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
SCORE 100 Interior renovation to existing apartment as per plans. No change in use, egress, and occupancy under this application Client: Allen Yu | Client Address: 206 W 109 Street New York Ny 10025 | Client Phone: (917) 435-8552 | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 140112802 | |||||
SCORE 96 New job description: interior minor renovation of existg apt #5d (6th fl) painting & flooring, partition works. No change in use, occupancy or egress Client: Allen Yu | Client Address: 206 206 West 109 Street Manhattan Ny 10025 | Client Phone: (917) 435-8552 | Permit type: Gen. Constr. | Permit id: 122485765 |