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SCORE 89 Work descripton: non-structural repairs to existing multi-family dwelling, units 1901 a,b,&c) repairs include siding, roof, painting, and steps. (unit 1903 will be used for storage only). Historical import type: permits commercial renovation (non-structural) na user: ccross tracking: 86122612584 status: permit issuance active status date: 5/8/2012 12:00: am owner: candice mcmillian owner address: 1839 4th street, new orleans, la 70113 owner edited by: 5/8/2012 by ccross Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Business use |
SCORE 92 Work descripton: non-structural repairs to existing multi-family dwelling, units 1901 a,b,&c) repairs include siding, roof, painting, and steps. (unit 1903 will be used for storage only). Historical import type: permits commercial renovation (non-structural) na user: ccross tracking: 86122612584 status: permit issuance active status date: 5 8 2012 12:00: am owner: candice mcmillian owner address: 1839 4th street, new orleans, la 70113 owner edited by: 5 8 2012 by ccross Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Business use |