Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Poli, mary ann & peyton, sheryl Date: September 6, 2011 Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 11-05074 | |||||
Date: October 1, 2003 Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 03-02670 | |||||
Comment date: fri jun 27 00:00: edt 2003 - carport addition:; comment date: wed oct 01 00:00: edt 2003 - 10/1/03 8:22:36 am; carport addition. Issued by ssb.; comment date: wed jul 02 00:00: edt 2003 Value: $10,000 Client: Peyton Carport | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 03-02670 | Parcel: 22256 | |||||
Carport addition:; 10/1/03 8:22:36 am; carport addition. Issued by ssb.; setbacks along street right of ways must be measured from the street right of way line or the street, whichever is closest to the property. All other setbacks are to be measured from the property boundary lines. Setbacks also apply such items as porches, decks, patios, etc.; building comments: refer to your approved plans and plan review comments regarding code-related issues or corrections. The approved plans and review comments shall be maintained at the jobsite for all inspecti ons. Inspectors need to see your plans when making their inspections. The permit is required to be posted at the jobsite at all times in a conspicuous weathertight location or container that is accessible to the city inspectors. Any new footings are required to be inspected and approved by the building inspector before the concrete is placed. Footing inspection required: footin Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 03-02670 | Parcel: 22256 | |||||
Carport addition:; comment date: wed oct 01 00:00: edt 2003 - 10/1/03 8:22:36 am; carport addition. Issued by ssb.; comment date: wed jul 02 00:00: edt 2003 Date: October 1, 2003 Value: $10,000 Client: Peyton Carport | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 03-02670 | Parcel: 22256 | |||||
Poli, mary ann & peyton, sheryl Date: September 6, 2011 Value: $4,000 Permit type: Residential | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 11-05074 | |||||
Historical Date: October 1, 2003 Value: $10,000 Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 03-02670 | |||||
Carport addition:; 10 1 03 8:22:36 am; carport addition. Issued by ssb.; setbacks along street right of ways must be measured from the street right of way line or the street, whichever is closest to the property. All other setbacks are to be measured from the property boundary lines. Setbacks also apply such items as porches, decks, patios, etc.; building comments: refer to your approved plans and plan review comments regarding code-related issues or corrections. The approved plans and review comments shall be maintained at the jobsite for all inspecti ons. Inspectors need to see your plans when making their inspections. The permit is required to be posted at the jobsite at all times in a conspicuous weathertight location or container that is accessible to the city inspectors. Any new footings are required to be inspected and approved by the building inspector before the concrete is placed. Footing inspection required: footin Date: October 1, 2003 Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 03-02670 | Parcel: 22256 | |||||
Carport addition:; comment date: wed oct 01 00:00: edt 2003 - 10 1 03 8:22:36 am; carport addition. Issued by ssb.; comment date: wed jul 02 00:00: edt 2003 Date: October 1, 2003 Value: $10,000 Client: Peyton Carport | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 03-02670 | Parcel: 22256 | |||||
SCORE 60 August 30, 2011 4:39:44 pm heatherr. Residential deck for mary ann poli and sheryl peyton to build new attached deck with ramp under existing carport; har location: go 1 1/2 mile on new leicester hwy, right on compton dr. 1st left on merlin way; to request residential inspections call redacted phone number: building comments: refer to your approved plans and plan review checklist for written comments regarding code-related issues or corrections. The approved plans and review comments shall be maintained at the jobsite for all inspections. Inspectors need to see your plans when making their inspections. The permit is required to be posted at the jobsite at all times in a conspicuous weathertight location or container that is accessible to the city inspectors. Any new footings are required to be inspected and approved by the building inspector before the concrete is placed. Client: Poli Peyton Deck W Ramp | Permit type: Res: accessory structure | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 11-05074 | Parcel: 22256 | |||||
New addition for handicap bathroom and laundry for mary ann poli Date: March 17, 2015 Permit status: Plan check | Permit id: 15-03353 | |||||
SCORE 96 New addition for handicap bathroom and laundry for mary ann poli Date: August 18, 2015 Contractor: Bader Plumbing And Gas Client: Poli, Maryann | Permit type: Res: plumbing | Permit status: Co issued | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 15-03352 | Parcel: 22256 | |||||
SCORE 100 New addition for handicap bathroom and laundry for mary ann poli Date: August 18, 2015 Contractor: Hvac Inc Client: Poli, Maryann | Permit type: Res: mechanical | Permit status: Co issued | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 15-03351 | Parcel: 22256 | |||||
SCORE 100 Polly, mary ann. Applied for mechanical permit to change out heat pump. Date: November 13, 2015 Contractor: Hvac Inc Client: Polly, Mary Ann | Permit type: Res: mechanical | Permit status: Finaled | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 15-14915 | Parcel: 22256 | |||||
SCORE 100 New addition for handicap bathroom and laundry for mary ann poli Date: August 18, 2015 Contractor: Ashley Mobile Electric Client: Poli, Maryann | Permit type: Res: electrical | Permit status: Co issued | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 15-03350 | Parcel: 22256 | |||||
SCORE 96 Res: plumbing Contractor: Bader Plumbing And Gas Permit status: Co issued | Permit id: 15-03352 | Parcel: 22256 | |||||
SCORE 100 Res: electrical Contractor: Ashley Mobile Electric Permit status: Co issued | Permit id: 15-03350 | Parcel: 22256 | |||||
SCORE 100 Res: mechanical Contractor: Hvac Inc Permit status: Co issued | Permit id: 15-03351 | Parcel: 22256 | |||||
SCORE 100 New addition for handicap bathroom and laundry for mary ann poli Date: August 18, 2015 Contractor: Judd Builders Llc Client: Poli, Maryann | Permit type: Res: site work | Permit status: Co issued | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 15-03353 | Parcel: 22256 | |||||
SCORE 100 New addition for handicap bathroom and laundry for mary ann poli; approved air quaility & attached - sgr Contractor: Judd Builders Llc Client: Poli, Maryann | Permit type: Res: addition | Permit status: Co issued | Current use: Residential | Permit id: 15-03348 | Parcel: 22256 | |||||
SCORE 96 Res: plumbing Date: August 18, 2015 Contractor: Bader Plumbing And Gas Permit status: Co issued | Permit id: 15-03352 | Parcel: 22256 | |||||
SCORE 100 Res: electrical Date: August 18, 2015 Contractor: Ashley Mobile Electric Permit status: Co issued | Permit id: 15-03350 | Parcel: 22256 | |||||
SCORE 100 Res: mechanical Date: August 18, 2015 Contractor: Hvac Inc Permit status: Co issued | Permit id: 15-03351 | Parcel: 22256 |