Building Permits at 17 Good Hope Rd Se, Washington, DC 20020

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A total of 5 borings will be completed utilizing a geoprobe direct push drill rig using a duel tube sampling device. The boring will create a 2. 25 inch anulus. The geoprobe will advance 1 borings to and anticipated depth of 35 feet below ground surface, and 4 borings to an anticipated depth of feet below ground surface. Soils will be screened using a pid and select samples will be selected for laboratory analysis. Following completion of the soil borings holes will be tremme grouted from the bottom to the top using a mixture of powdered bentonite and potable water.
Date:  December 11, 2015

Client: Christopher Murphy | Permit type: Miscellaneous | Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: Sb1600059
2015/12/1109317 Good Hope Rd Se, Washington, Dc 20020Ecs Midatlantic Llc
A total of four 6-inch diameter soil test borings will be drilled using 2. 25-inch continuous hollow stem flight augers. The borings will extend to a maximum depth of feet below current site grades. The samples will be containerized in glass jars for geotechnical classification and laboratory testing. The borings will be left open for a period of 24 hours to collect groundwater information. Pvc pipe will be installed into the holes at the completion of drilling. The pvc pipe will be capped to prevent runoff from entering the bore holes. After groundwater reading the boreholes will be grouted with bentonite slurry, 2 lbs of bentonite to 1 gallon of water, and the auger cuttings and all other investigation derived waste will be containerized in sealed drums per ddoe permit.
Date:  April 18, 2016
Contractor: Sekou Murphy

Client: Sekou Murphy | Permit type: Miscellaneous | Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: Sb1600193
2016/04/1806117 Good Hope Rd Se, Washington, Dc 20020Sekou Murphy
Drill 8 soil borings using geoprobe to feet for soil sampling. Holes will be 2 inches in diameter. Work to be performed for due dilligence to see if site has been impacted by usts at the property. Bore holes will be abandoned upon sample collection.
Date:  March 30, 2016

Client: Christopher Murphy | Permit type: Miscellaneous | Permit status: Permit issued | Permit id: Sb1600172
2016/03/3005617 Good Hope Rd Se, Washington, Dc 20020Chris Murphy; Ike Singh

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