Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Us cellular ![]() Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 12-01958 | |||||
U. S. Celluar white fawn mtso expansion ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 09-02134 | |||||
T mobile cell tower ![]() Permit type: Accessory structure | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 08-03590 | |||||
Install 2 outlets split a c with one sets ![]() Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Plan check | Permit id: 05-03868 | |||||
Install 2 outlets split air condition ![]() Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Plan check | Permit id: 05-03872 | |||||
Install 2 outlets split a c with ![]() Permit type: Mechanical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 05-03877 | |||||
Mechanical ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 05-02531 | |||||
Electrical ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-02998 | |||||
City of asheville white fawn reservoir upper ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 10-04801 | |||||
T mobile co-location ![]() Permit type: Accessory structure | Permit status: Plan check | Permit id: 13-04016 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install meter for stand alone cummunication cabinet ![]() ![]() Client: Partners Communications | Permit type: Com: electrical | Permit status: Finaled | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 14-13539 | Parcel: 220951 | |||||
SCORE 80 T mobile cell tower Client: T Mobile Cell Tower | Permit type: Com: accessory structure | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 08-03590 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 100 U. S. Celluar white fawn mtso expansion Client: Us Celluar Expansion | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 09-02134 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 56 U. S. Celluar white fawn mtso expansion Client: Us Celluar Expansion | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 09-02134 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 66 U. S. Celluar white fawn mtso expansion Client: Us Celluar Expansion | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 09-02134 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 83 City of asheville white fawn reservoir upper Client: Coa White Fawn Reservoir | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 10-04801 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 100 July 27, 20 2:21:18 pm jfortner. Install 2 ductlass mini-split systems on ground. Rec via fax. To schedule inspection call (828)redacted phone number; jlf Client: City Of Asheville | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 10-04194 | Parcel: 63018 | |||||
SCORE 99 City of asheville white fawn reservoir upper Client: Coa White Fawn Reservoir | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 10-04801 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 95 Location Client: T Mobile Co-Location | Permit type: Com: accessory structure | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 13-04016 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
Install 2 outlets split air condition Client: City Of Ashv. Us Cellular | Permit type: Com: mechanical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 05-03872 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 64 T mobile cell tower Client: T Mobile Cell Tower | Permit type: Com: accessory structure | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 08-03590 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 56 U. S. Celluar white fawn mtso expansion Client: Us Celluar Expansion | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 09-02134 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 56 U. S. Celluar white fawn mtso expansion Client: Us Celluar Expansion | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 09-02134 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 84 Us cellular Client: Us Cellular | Permit type: Com: remodel | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 12-01958 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
36 reservoir rd / us cellular white fawn expansion Client: Bp# 09-2134, Clh | Permit type: Scv level i | Permit status: Under review | Current use: Site compliance verification | Permit id: 09-10000025pz | |||||
Us cellular Client: Bp# 12-1958, Mdw | Permit type: Scv level i | Permit status: Under review | Current use: Site compliance verification | Permit id: 12-10000071pz | |||||
(needs to appl for zoning, and grading) addition to u. S. Cellular building.; no driveway or road grading or connections are included in this permit.; zoning permit applied for on 3/1 grading waiver request submitted 3/1; p&z#02-1017; recd revised site plans. Pmd; no stormwater per natalie;cah; no increase in plbg fixtures na per applicant;cah; 2/9/04 10:40:07 am activated electric to adman elec. Via fax;scc; 6/23/04 10:02:39 am; addition to u. S. Cellular building. Issued by ssb.; no appendix b, plans can not be reviewed without this. No parking on site plan?; planning comments: level one project for building addition to us cellular whitefawn mtso, approved with the following conditions: 1) the north area buffer is to consist of 9 evergreen trees and 15 evergreen shrubs. Plantings are required to be completed prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. Applicant will need to call the planning department to schedule a meeting to determine plant species required for other buffe Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 02-00688 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
August 24, 20 12:04:57 pm ssalyer. Replacement of existing generator at repeater tower for city of asheville upper white fawn reservior;no tank replacment;gas piping to be back to existing tank and new generator;for insepctions call redacted phone number;david souther will be inspector;sls; september 15, 20 3:26:47 pm ssalyer. 100. Penalty stop work order for gas piping work done with permit issued;sls; september 22, 20 2:39:03 pm ssalyer. Rec amendment and phone call from maybin electric stating anthony johnson with supreme heating will be doing the gas piping for this generator site;removed previous contractor valdan he is doing the other site 4804;sls; october 20, 20 11:14:58 am scarver. Replacement of existing generator at repeater tower for city of asheville upper white fawn reservior;no tank replacment;gas piping to be back to existing tank and new generator;scc; august 24, 20 12:07:42 pm ssalyer. Approved no review per mark case and david souther;sls Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 10-04801 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 100 Com: electrical ![]() Permit status: Finaled | Permit id: 14-13539 | Parcel: 220951 | |||||
June 24, 2008 12:26: pm ssalyer. Commercial-collation on existing tower for t mobile and level 1 submittal;sls; received application and site plans. June 24, 2008 3:13:39 pm sdecker.; gave application and site plans to ric ledford for review. June 24, 2008 3:25:01 pm sdecker.; received plans for review. Assigned to charleen hall.; engineering inspections requests must be made at least 24 hours in advance of inspections. Inspector assigned to this project is linda kaye who can be reached at redacted phone number. Approval of the grading permit is pending until the following have been accomplished: 1. Contractor picks up the approved plan from the development services center. 2. Approved plan is posted at the construction site. 3. Preliminary grading and erosion control inspection has been held, and the erosion control devices have been accepted as installed properly.; fire marshal? S office plan review comments read attached fire prevention comment sheet the approved plans with the Permit type: Com: accessory structure | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 08-03590 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
May 7, 2009 11:45:42 am ssalyer. Commercial exterior demo and addition for u. S. Celluar white fawn mtso expansion;sls; e911 street address is 166 reservoir rd asheville nc 28803. ; may 26, 2009 11:37:58 am ssalyer. Rec grading application and 1 copy of rolled plans; sent to grading;cehck for grading in sls drawer;sls; june 5, 2009 12:51:58 pm ssalyer. Rec revised site plans for level 1 response comments routed out;sls; january 28, 20 12:52:58 pm ssalyer. Rec amendment drawings for installing fuel storage tank and gas piping;sent to zoning to verify they need for review or if it was covered under original submittal;sls; february 24, 20 2:08:48 pm jfortner. Premise # redacted phone number9; march 4, 20 3:41:26 pm scarver. Amendment rec. Fire suppression plans;scc; april 30, 20 1:15:03 pm ssalyer. Rec amendment removing gas piping from permit;work perfromed fire alarm is integral to suppresion system (hood system) and finals by vsc already;sls revoked permit pending approval;sls; m Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 09-02134 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
Install 2 outlets split air condition ![]() Client: City Of Ashv. Us Cellular | Permit type: Com: mechanical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 05-03872 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
36 reservoir rd / us cellular white fawn expansion ![]() Client: Bp# 09-2134, Clh | Permit type: Scv level i | Permit status: Under review | Current use: Site compliance verification | Permit id: 09-10000025pz | |||||
Us cellular ![]() ![]() Permit type: Commercial | Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 12-01958 | |||||
U. S. Celluar white fawn mtso expansion ![]() ![]() Permit type: Historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 09-02134 | |||||
T mobile cell tower ![]() ![]() Permit type: Commercial | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 08-03590 | |||||
Install 2 outlets split a/c with one sets ![]() Permit type: Commercial | Permit status: Plan check | Permit id: 05-03868 | |||||
Install 2 outlets split a/c with ![]() Permit type: Commercial | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 05-03877 | |||||
Commercial ![]() ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 04-02998 | |||||
Historical ![]() ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 02-00688 | |||||
City of asheville white fawn reservoir upper ![]() ![]() Permit type: Historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 10-04801 | |||||
T mobile co-location ![]() ![]() Permit type: Commercial | Permit status: Plan check | Permit id: 13-04016 | |||||
(needs to appl for zoning, and grading) addition to u. S. Cellular building.; no driveway or road grading or connections are included in this permit.; zoning permit applied for on 3 1 grading waiver request submitted 3 1; p&z#02-1017; recd revised site plans. Pmd; no stormwater per natalie;cah; no increase in plbg fixtures na per applicant;cah; 2 9 04 10:40:07 am activated electric to adman elec. Via fax;scc; 6 23 04 10:02:39 am; addition to u. S. Cellular building. Issued by ssb.; no appendix b, plans can not be reviewed without this. No parking on site plan?; planning comments: level one project for building addition to us cellular whitefawn mtso, approved with the following conditions: 1) the north area buffer is to consist of 9 evergreen trees and 15 evergreen shrubs. Plantings are required to be completed prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. Applicant will need to call the planning department to schedule a meeting to determine plant species required for other buffe ![]() Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 02-00688 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 77 Comment date: tue feb 19 00:00: est 2002 - (needs to appl for zoning, and grading) addition to u. S. Cellular building.; comment date: thu feb 21 00:00: est 2002 - no driveway or road grading or connec Client: Us Cellular Addition | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 02-00688 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install 2 outlets split a/c with ![]() ![]() Client: City Of Ashv. Us Celluar | Permit type: Com: mechanical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 05-03877 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 100 Comment date: fri may 27 00:00: edt 2005 - may 27, 2005 8:43:51 am scarver replace 2 package units rec. Via fax please call joe chennault for inspection redacted phone number;scc ![]() ![]() Client: Us Cell | Permit type: Com: mechanical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 05-02531 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 100 U. S. Celluar white fawn mtso expansion Client: Us Celluar Expansion | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 09-02134 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 56 Comment date: tue feb 19 00:00: est 2002 - (needs to appl for zoning, and grading) addition to u. S. Cellular building.; comment date: thu feb 21 00:00: est 2002 - no driveway or road grading or connec Client: Us Cellular Addition | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 02-00688 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install 2 outlets split a/c with one sets ![]() ![]() Client: City Of Ashv. Us Cellular | Permit type: Com: mechanical | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 05-03868 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 97 Comment date: tue feb 19 00:00: est 2002 - (needs to appl for zoning, and grading) addition to u. S. Cellular building.; comment date: thu feb 21 00:00: est 2002 - no driveway or road grading or connec Client: Us Cellular Addition | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 02-00688 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
36 reservoir rd us cellular white fawn expansion ![]() Client: Bp# 09-2134, Clh | Permit type: Scv level i | Permit status: Under review | Current use: Site compliance verification | Permit id: 09-10000025pz | |||||
SCORE 100 July 27, 20 2:21:18 pm jfortner. Install 2 ductlass mini-split systems on ground. Rec via fax. To schedule inspection call (828)redacted phone number; jlf Client: City Of Asheville | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 10-04194 | Parcel: 63018 | |||||
August 24, 20 12:04:57 pm ssalyer. Replacement of existing generator at repeater tower for city of asheville upper white fawn reservior;no tank replacment;gas piping to be back to existing tank and new generator;for insepctions call redacted phone number;david souther will be inspector;sls; september 15, 20 3:26:47 pm ssalyer. 100. Penalty stop work order for gas piping work done with permit issued;sls; september 22, 20 2:39:03 pm ssalyer. Rec amendment and phone call from maybin electric stating anthony johnson with supreme heating will be doing the gas piping for this generator site;removed previous contractor valdan he is doing the other site 4804;sls; october 20, 20 11:14:58 am scarver. Replacement of existing generator at repeater tower for city of asheville upper white fawn reservior;no tank replacment;gas piping to be back to existing tank and new generator;scc; august 24, 20 12:07:42 pm ssalyer. Approved no review per mark case and david souther;sls ![]() Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 10-04801 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 62 July 19, 2012 9:18:49 am heatherr. Dueknet communication to lay fiber optic cable with directional bore, install 648sf of 1. 25 duct & fiber optic cable and set 1 hand hole; har; received application and site plans. July 19, 2012 10:22: am soconner.; gave application and site plans to chuck watson for review. July 19, 2012 10:22:59 am soconner.; building code inspection requests must be received before 7: a. M.: phone: redacted phone number. Internet: go to www. Ashevillenc. Gov; select online services; select permit tracking help; select development & building permit tracking tool and enter permit # the building code inspectors assigned to this project can be reached on their cell: building - gary stamey redacted phone number electrical - larry davis redacted phone number plumbing / mechanical / gas piping - alec arthur redacted phone number building safety review comments the approved plans with the attached review comments are required to be at the job site for use by the Client: Dukenet Comm. Fiber Optic | Permit type: Planning level i | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Development | Permit id: 12-04260 | Parcel: 220951 | |||||
SCORE 80 Comment date: wed jun 23 00:00: edt 2004 - service upgrade form 200a to 400a. Lcs Client: United States Cellular | Permit type: Com: electrical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 04-02998 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 100 Com: electrical ![]() ![]() Permit status: Finaled | Permit id: 14-13539 | Parcel: 220951 | |||||
SCORE 100 City of asheville motorola tower. Add panel to power up new motor equipment. New panel will be fed from ups (supplied by others). Panel is 120/240v i-phase. New motorola equipment requires i-pole 120v circuits. Ok to issue per scc and jay also ok to sign off on city managers signature without approval ![]() ![]() Client: City Of Asheville Motorola Tower | Permit type: Com: electrical | Permit status: Finaled | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 16-03521 | Parcel: 220951 | |||||
June 24, 2008 12:26: pm ssalyer. Commercial-collation on existing tower for t mobile and level 1 submittal;sls; received application and site plans. June 24, 2008 3:13:39 pm sdecker.; gave application and site plans to ric ledford for review. June 24, 2008 3:25:01 pm sdecker.; received plans for review. Assigned to charleen hall.; engineering inspections requests must be made at least 24 hours in advance of inspections. Inspector assigned to this project is linda kaye who can be reached at redacted phone number. Approval of the grading permit is pending until the following have been accomplished: 1. Contractor picks up the approved plan from the development services center. 2. Approved plan is posted at the construction site. 3. Preliminary grading and erosion control inspection has been held, and the erosion control devices have been accepted as installed properly.; fire marshal? S office plan review comments read attached fire prevention comment sheet the approved plans with the ![]() Permit type: Com: accessory structure | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 08-03590 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 100 January 21, 2009 10:26:16 am heatherr. Baptist state convention; wired 2 owner provided air conditioning units via fax. Call larry davis @ redacted phone number for inspection. Client: City Of Asheville | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 09-00362 | Parcel: 63018 | |||||
May 7, 2009 11:45:42 am ssalyer. Commercial exterior demo and addition for u. S. Celluar white fawn mtso expansion;sls; e911 street address is 166 reservoir rd asheville nc 28803. ; may 26, 2009 11:37:58 am ssalyer. Rec grading application and 1 copy of rolled plans; sent to grading;cehck for grading in sls drawer;sls; june 5, 2009 12:51:58 pm ssalyer. Rec revised site plans for level 1 response comments routed out;sls; january 28, 20 12:52:58 pm ssalyer. Rec amendment drawings for installing fuel storage tank and gas piping;sent to zoning to verify they need for review or if it was covered under original submittal;sls; february 24, 20 2:08:48 pm jfortner. Premise # redacted phone number9; march 4, 20 3:41:26 pm scarver. Amendment rec. Fire suppression plans;scc; april 30, 20 1:15:03 pm ssalyer. Rec amendment removing gas piping from permit;work perfromed fire alarm is integral to suppresion system (hood system) and finals by vsc already;sls revoked permit pending approval;sls; m ![]() Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 09-02134 | Parcel: 93768 | |||||
SCORE 100 January 21, 2009 10:21:57 am heatherr. Baptist state convention; repalce 2 owner provided air conditioning units via fax. Call larry davis @ redacted phone number for inspection. Client: City Of Asheville | Permit type: Permits - historical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Historical | Permit id: 09-00361 | Parcel: 63018 | |||||
Electrical ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 05-00259 | |||||
New replacment for cell tower with level 1 ![]() Permit status: Plan check | Permit id: 14-03214 | |||||
SCORE 64 Replace 2 antennas on existing tower, add 7 ancillary devides 3 remote radio heads, 3 combiners and 1 raycap surge protector for uscoc of greater north carolina , llc; sls called roanne motley about status of permit, received an application with contractor info and cost but need to verify license number submitted, need cost of electrical and contractor but states no electrical will need to have plan review verify if no electrical permit required, sls has resent city manager signature again checking status;roanne will have contractor contact me about issues; the surge protector on the application does not require any electrical work. It is already approved so if they change their mind again frank rapp building code plan reviewer development services department 828-redacted phone number frapp@ashevillenc. Gov from: sheila salyer sent: tuesday, may 03, 2016 3:45 pm to: lura wright; kelly klimecki; frank rapp cc: roanne motley subject: re: white fawn #16-03289 we issue blanket permits cover ![]() ![]() Client: U S Cellular | Permit type: Com: accessory structure | Permit status: Issued | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 16-03289 | Parcel: 242442 | |||||
Replace 2 antennas on existing tower, add 7 ancillary devides 3 remote radio heads, 3 combiners and 1 raycap surge protector for uscoc of greater north carolina , llc Client: U S Cellular | Permit type: Com: electrical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 16-03290 | Parcel: 242442 | |||||
SCORE 95 New anntenna replacement for t-mobile cell tower site - to remove/replace all (6) of t-mobiles existing antennas on tower, remove (3) tower-mounted amplifiers, add 1 fiber optic line, no site work and no chnage to electrical panel or no new meter ![]() ![]() Client: T-Mobile Co-Location | Permit type: Com: addition | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 14-03214 | Parcel: 242442 | |||||
New replacment for cell tower with level 1 Client: T-Mobile Co-Location | Permit type: Com: electrical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 14-09110 | Parcel: 242442 | |||||
SCORE 99 Comment date: fri jan 14 00:00: est 2005 - 1/14/05 3:35:05 pm add two recepticles rec. Via fax please call david souther for inspection redacted phone number;scc ![]() ![]() Client: City Of Asheville | Permit type: Com: electrical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 05-00259 | Parcel: 24244 | |||||
Us cellular addition Client: Kdh Bp#02-688 | Permit type: Scv level i | Permit status: Under review | Current use: Site compliance verification | Permit id: 02-10000017pz | |||||
Mobile colloation Client: Bp# 08-3590, Clh | Permit type: Scv level i | Permit status: Under review | Current use: Site compliance verification | Permit id: 08-10000069pz | |||||
SCORE 64 Planning level i ![]() Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 16-03291pz | Parcel: 242442 | |||||
Replace 2 antennas on existing tower, add 7 ancillary devides 3 remote radio heads, 3 combiners and 1 raycap surge protector for uscoc of greater north carolina , llc ![]() Client: U S Cellular | Permit type: Com: electrical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 16-03290 | Parcel: 242442 | |||||
Us cellular addition ![]() Client: Kdh Bp#02-688 | Permit type: Scv level i | Permit status: Under review | Current use: Site compliance verification | Permit id: 02-10000017pz | |||||
Mobile colloation ![]() Client: Bp# 08-3590, Clh | Permit type: Scv level i | Permit status: Under review | Current use: Site compliance verification | Permit id: 08-10000069pz | |||||
SCORE 99 1 14 05 3:35:05 pm add two recepticles rec. Via fax please call david souther for inspection redacted phone number;scc ![]() ![]() Client: City Of Asheville | Permit type: Com: electrical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 05-00259 | Parcel: 24244 | |||||
Mobile colloation ![]() Client: Bp# 08-3590, Clh | Permit type: Scv level i | Permit status: Under review | Current use: Site compliance verification | Permit id: 08-10000069pz | |||||
Us cellular addition ![]() Client: Kdh Bp#02-688 | Permit type: Scv level i | Permit status: Under review | Current use: Site compliance verification | Permit id: 02-10000017pz | |||||
Replace 2 antennas on existing tower, add 7 ancillary devides 3 remote radio heads, 3 combiners and 1 raycap surge protector for uscoc of greater north carolina , llc ![]() Client: U S Cellular | Permit type: Com: electrical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 16-03290 | Parcel: 242442 | |||||
New replacment for cell tower with level 1 ![]() Client: T-Mobile Co-Location | Permit type: Com: electrical | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 14-09110 | Parcel: 242442 | |||||
SCORE 95 New anntenna replacement for t-mobile cell tower site - to remove replace all (6) of t-mobiles existing antennas on tower, remove (3) tower-mounted amplifiers, add 1 fiber optic line, no site work and no chnage to electrical panel or no new meter ![]() ![]() Client: T-Mobile Co-Location | Permit type: Com: addition | Permit status: Closed | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 14-03214 | Parcel: 242442 | |||||
SCORE 64 Replace 2 antennas on existing tower, add 7 ancillary devides 3 remote radio heads, 3 combiners and 1 raycap surge protector for uscoc of greater north carolina , llc; sls called roanne motley about status of permit, received an application with contractor info and cost but need to verify license number submitted, need cost of electrical and contractor but states no electrical will need to have plan review verify if no electrical permit required, sls has resent city manager signature again checking status;roanne will have contractor contact me about issues; the surge protector on the application does not require any electrical work. It is already approved so if they change their mind again frank rapp building code plan reviewer development services department 828-redacted phone number frapp@ashevillenc. Gov from: sheila salyer sent: tuesday, may 03, 2016 3:45 pm to: lura wright; kelly klimecki; frank rapp cc: roanne motley subject: re: white fawn #16-03289 we issue blanket permits cover ![]() ![]() Client: U S Cellular | Permit type: Com: accessory structure | Permit status: Issued | Current use: Commercial | Permit id: 16-03289 | Parcel: 242442 | |||||
SCORE 64 Planning level i ![]() ![]() Permit status: Issued | Permit id: 16-03291pz | Parcel: 242442 | |||||
Commercial ![]() Permit status: Closed | Permit id: 05-00259 |