Building Permits at 1658 Filbert St San Francisco CA

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Rear cottage - add 5 8 anchor bolts expoed into (e) concrete foundation every 32 . Add 4-phda holddowns one to each corner of cottage. Voluntary seismic work with 3x3 washer & 8 embedment anchor bolt.
Date:  January 25, 2010
Value:   $3,000

Current use: 1 family dwelli | Permit id: #201001255249
2010/01/2530001001658 Filbert St San Francisco CaHarry Russell Murphy
Rear bldg. - to comply with physical inspection report #cc-5983
Date:  August 9, 2011
Value:   $1,000
Contractor: Owner

Current use: 1 family dwelli | Permit id: #201108092083
2011/08/091000951658 Filbert St San Francisco CaOwner
Rear cottage - add 5/8" anchor bolts expoed into (e) concrete foundation every 32". Add 4-phda holddowns one to each corner of cottage. Voluntary seismic work with 3x3 washer & 8" embedment anchor bolt.
Value:   $3,000

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: January 25, 2010 | Expiration date: January 20, 2011 | Current use: 1 family dwelling | Permit id: 201001255249
3000951658 Filbert St San Francisco Ca
Rear bldg. - to comply with physical inspection report #cc-5983
Date:  August 9, 2011
Value:   $1,000

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: December 9, 2011 | Current use: 1 family dwelling | Permit id: #201108092083
2011/08/091000951658 Filbert St San Francisco Ca
Rear cottage - add 5 8" anchor bolts expoed into (e) concrete foundation every 32". Add 4-phda holddowns one to each corner of cottage. Voluntary seismic work with 3x3 washer & 8" embedment anchor bolt.
Date:  January 25, 2010
Value:   $3,000

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Expiration date: January 25, 2010 | Current use: 1 family dwelling | Permit id: 201001255249
2010/01/253000951658 Filbert St San Francisco Ca
New windows south elevation/rear bldg not visible from the street
Value:   $10,000

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: October 2, 2002 | Expiration date: April 2, 2003 | Current use: 1 family dwelling | Permit id: 200210028003
10000951658 Filbert St San Francisco Ca
Repair existing rear stairs
Value:   $1,500

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: February 11, 1985 | Expiration date: June 11, 1985 | Current use: 2 family dwelling | Permit id: 8501408
1500951658 Filbert St San Francisco Ca
Remodel existing bathroom @ 2nd flr.
Value:   $7,500

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: September 23, 2002 | Expiration date: March 23, 2003 | Current use: 1 family dwelling | Permit id: 200209237165
7500951658 Filbert St San Francisco Ca
Value:   $8,500

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: September 1, 1998 | Expiration date: March 1, 1999 | Current use: 2 family dwelling | Permit id: 9817434
8500951658 Filbert St San Francisco Ca
Dry rot repair rear exterior steps
Value:   $950

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 10, 1999 | Expiration date: March 10, 2000 | Current use: 2 family dwelling | Permit id: 9923904
950951658 Filbert St San Francisco Ca
To renew app#2002/09/23/7165 & 2002/10/02/8003 for final inspection.
Value:   $1

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Completion date: April 11, 2003 | Expiration date: August 11, 2003 | Current use: 1 family dwelling | Permit id: 200304112021
1951658 Filbert St San Francisco Ca
Seismic upgrade of lowest level replace with nu concrete fdn
Value:   $40,000

Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Permit status: Expired | Completion date: November 13, 1996 | Expiration date: March 13, 1998 | Current use: 2 family dwelling | Permit id: 9622103
40000951658 Filbert St San Francisco Ca
Rear bldg. - to comply with physical inspection report #cc-5983
Date:  August 9, 2011
Value:   $1,000
Contractor: Owner

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: December 9, 2011 | Current use: 1 family dwelling | Permit id: #201108092083
2011/08/091000951658 Filbert St San Francisco CaOwner
New windows south elevation rear bldg not visible from the street
Date:  October 2, 2002
Value:   $10,000

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Expired | Expiration date: October 2, 2002 | Current use: 1 family dwelling | Permit id: 200210028003
2002/10/0210000951658 Filbert St San Francisco Ca
To renew app#2002 09 23 7165 & 2002 10 02 8003 for final inspection.
Date:  April 11, 2003
Value:   $1

Permit type: Otc alterations permit | Permit status: Complete | Expiration date: April 11, 2003 | Current use: 1 family dwelling | Permit id: 200304112021
2003/04/111951658 Filbert St San Francisco Ca
Relocate panel install 2 plug 1 fixture 1 garage disposal 1 heat fan lite unit demo existing-wiring replace wiring

Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E200302204238
0951658 Filbert St San Francisco Ca
Relocate panel install 2 plug 1 fixture 1 garage disposal 1 heat fan lite unit demo existing-wiring replace wiring

Permit status: Complete | Permit id: E200302204238
0951658 Filbert St San Francisco Ca
Seismic upgrade of lowest level,replace with nu concrete fdn
Date:  March 13, 1997
Value:   $40,000

Permit type: Additions alterations or repairs | Expiration date: November 13, 1996 | Current use: 2 family dwelling | Permit id: 9622103
1997/03/1340000951658 Filbert St San Francisco Ca
Relocate panel, install 2 plug, 1 fixture, 1 garage disposal, 1 heat fan lite unit, demo existing-wiring, replace wiring
Date:  February 20, 2003

Permit status: Complete | Completion date: April 23, 2003 | Permit id: E200302204238
2003/02/200951658 Filbert St San Francisco Ca
Rear bldg. - to comply with physical inspection report #cc-5983
Date:  August 9, 2011
Value:   $1,000
Contractor: Owner

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: December 9, 2011 | Current use: 1 family dwelling | Permit id: #201108092083
2011/08/091000951658 Filbert St San Francisco CaOwner
Rear cottage - add 5/8" anchor bolts expoed into (e) concrete foundation every 32". Add 4-phda holddowns one to each corner of cottage. Voluntary seismic work with 3x3 washer & 8" embedment anchor bolt.
Date:  January 25, 2010
Value:   $3,000

Permit type: Building permit | Expiration date: May 25, 2010 | Current use: 1 family dwelling | Permit id: #201001255249
2010/01/2530001001658 Filbert St San Francisco CaHarry Russell Murphy

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