Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
We are upgrading the exisitng pedestrian cross walk on ne 31st. Customer paid for:(1) new circuit/ (2) ground ufer - per inspector visit ![]() ![]() Applicant: Prime Electric | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-04018 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Demo gwb walls per demo plan. Demo (3) doors; (2) doors to be salvaged for relocation in new layout. New gwb walls/ (2) relocated doors/ and (4) new doors to create: (2) conference rms/ (1) war rm/ and (1) enclosed open office environment. (1) new turnstile to be installed at entrance to wing. Existing restrooms comply w/accessible & usable buildings and facilities. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Aileen Baker | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2013-04553 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
(522982) install 2 receptacles on rack. Customer paid for:(2) new circuit ![]() ![]() Applicant: Sue Southworth | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-08079 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Remodel (2) existing lab spaces. Build-out (6) new offices and (2) new battery rooms. Provide 1-hr separation between battery rooms and 8in wide duct stacks through roof. Total area of construction 4/597 sf. ![]() ![]() Applicant: John Kay | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2013-07483 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Demo power/ install (5) e-packs/ demo & relocate (2) vavs/ and revise lighting. Customer paid for:(5) new circuit ![]() ![]() Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-10279 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Installation of low voltage security cabling and devices in labs 3039 & 2619 for job#62525. Customer paid for:(1) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: John Kay | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-10392 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Relocate 5 vavs/ add vavs/ pinch boxes/ add 2 fan powered vavs/ add hot aisle containment/ add 2 exhaust fans on roof for ups exhaust. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Kaylene Larson | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2013-09865 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Add and relocate 33 sprinkler heads. ![]() Applicant: Clint Carr | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2013-09876 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Install new emcs controls for 12 new vavs/ relocate 6 space temps and control 2 exhaust fans. Customer paid for:(12) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Dan Herriman | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11069 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Building 42 floors 2 & 3. Revise (26) circuits/ relocate (8) panels/ install (2) 1 kva ups/ grounding/ and revise fa devices. Customer paid for:(26) new circuit/ (1) feeder/ (24) fire alarm ![]() ![]() Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11357 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft-bldg 42 rm 3039 - install data cabling customer paid for:(1) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Neal Stobaugh | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11825 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft-bldg 42 rm 2619 - install data cabling customer paid for:(1) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Neal Stobaugh | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11824 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Approval to remove (6) hazardous red sunset maple trees and (2) diseased cherry prunus trees from the property. Tree replacement is not required for dead/ dying/ diseased/ or hazardous trees. ![]() Applicant: Brandon Berthold | Permit type: Tree removal | Permit id: Tree-2013-12005 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Approval to remove (7) hazardous and (1) healthy red sunset maples/ and (1) diseased cherry prunus from the property. Tree replacement is required at a ratio of 1:1 for each tree removed and the tree replacements may be planted anywhere on the site. The replacements shall be native evergreens 6-8 tall in height and/or native deciduous trees 2. 5 caliper in size. Tree replacements are not required for dead/ diseased/ dying or hazardous trees. ![]() Applicant: Brandon Berthold | Permit type: Tree removal | Permit id: Tree-2013-11996 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 42/ garage 113- install (2) l6-20r and (1) l6-30r. Customer paid for:(3) new circuit ![]() ![]() Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-12087 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Approval to remove (3) hazardous trees/ (6) healthy trees from the property. (6) tree replacements are required at a ratio of 1:1 for each healthy tree removed and the tree replacements may be planted anywhere on the site. The replacements shall be native evergreens 6-8 tall in height and/or native deciduous trees 2. 5 caliper in size. Tree replacements are not required for dead/ diseased/ dying or hazardous trees. ![]() Applicant: Brandon Berthold | Permit type: Tree removal | Permit id: Tree-2014-00452 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 42 rm 1005- audio visual system upgrade in room 1005 for job#62489 customer paid for:(1) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-00641 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 42 1st fl rm 1813 lab- relocate 24 heads plans available on site. ![]() Applicant: Shaina Morgan | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2014-03343 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 42 1st fl rm 1813- modify existing fire alarm system in tenant improvement lab 1813. Joint venture between simplexgrinnell and valley electric ![]() Applicant: Janet Stebbins | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2014-03869 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 42 1st fl rm 1813- 1823 sf tenant improvement. Divide existing server lab into separate rooms. (1) storage room (2) offices (1) existing server room with hot and cold aisle containment. Build new walls from floor to suspended ceiling. Rack storage being moved into aisles for hot and cold containment. Rack dimensions are 84in tall/ 49in deep and 24in wide. No exterior alteration is being done. ![]() ![]() Applicant: John Kay | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2014-02994 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa - (17834) install (4) lights in the garage for storage area. Customer paid for:(1) new circuit ![]() ![]() Applicant: Sue Southworth | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-04179 | Parcel: 2325059105 | |||||
Sopa - (17834) install new light fixures/ receptacles/ light switches/ fire alarm/ relocate ups power feeder. Customer paid for:(50) new circuit/ (1) feeder/ (6) fire alarm ![]() ![]() Applicant: Sue Southworth | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-04177 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 43 parking garage 1st fl. -7 sf tenant improvement project. Provide full height 96in black vinyl coated chainlink fence with a 40in swing gate door with a keyed lock ![]() ![]() Applicant: John Kay | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2014-03092 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 42 1st fl rm 1813- install 3 new cooling only vav boxes and associated duct work. Modify existing low pressure duct work to accommodate new tenant layout. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Greg Nelson | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2014-04614 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 42 1st fl rm 1813- install emcs controls for three new vavs/ replace controls on two existing fan coil units/ install 19 new cold isle temp sensors. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Dan Herriman | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-04943 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa microsoft bldg 43 labs 2829 to 4275-installation of fiber to labs 2829 to 4275 for job#640183 customer paid for:(1) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-05277 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Approval to remove (5) hazardous trees (2 dead/ 3 dying) from the center and north end of the property. Tree replacements are not required for dead/ dying/ or diseased trees. ![]() Applicant: Brandon Berthold | Permit type: Tree removal | Permit id: Tree-2014-05527 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa microsoft bldg 42 rm 4631 206-0963-3291 install (6) vfds on existing fan coils. Customer paid for:(6) new circuit ![]() ![]() Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-07204 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa microsoft bldg 43 room 2607 1st floor-provide and install communications customer paid for:(1) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Phyllis Reich | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-08917 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa microsoft bldg 43 garage rm 154 206-450-0176 - install (1) card reader and all associated cabling. Customer paid for:(1) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Teresa Schoenfeld | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-02578 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa/microsoft-bldg 43/pbx & mechanical room/disconnect & reconnect circuits for replaced condenser & air handler. Includes new disconnect & fuses. Disconnect & reconnect circuits for motorized dampers. Customer paid for:(7) service - altered ![]() ![]() Applicant: Nikki Gruel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-02933 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft-bldg 43 - replace three relief dampers/ replace existing condensing unit (located at indoor mech room)/ replace coil and refrigerant piping from new condensing unit to air handler ![]() ![]() Applicant: Kaylene Nelson | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2015-02985 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Ext alt microsoft bldg 43- construction of a long by 11 tall masonry wall to serve as a divider wall between two mechanical louvers (an intake and an out-take louver.) the wall is used to prevent air from re-circulating between the two louvers. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Vu Nguyen | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2015-02165 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa/microsoft-bldg 43 g-138/206-963-3291/install dc power and (2) 100-amp feed breakers. Customer paid for:(2) new circuit ![]() ![]() Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-03707 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Wireless facility addition- microsoft bldg 42- verizon applicant is proposing to modify an existing unmanned communications facility with the replacement of (2) panel antennas with (2) new panel antennas. Applicant is also proposing to add (1) tma/ (1) remote radio unit/ (2) surge protector boxes and (1) hybrid line to the existing location. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Melissa Helland | Permit type: Wireless communications facility | Permit id: Bldg-2014-10237 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Ti microsoft bldg 43- selective demolition of existing interior partitions/ ceilings/ lighting/ and finishes. This will be a phased demolition to account for the building of a new lab on the 1st floor of the building/ a decommissioning of the existing software labs on floors 1-4 and a re-utilization of the existing chilled water system currently used in the existing labs that will be used to cool the new lab. Area of work 187/674 sq ft. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Libby Hinsley | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2014-10123 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa - microsoft building 43 lcr - 425-806-84 - electrical upgrades: includes new 400a automatic transfer switch/ new distribution panels/ transformer and branch circuits to separate emergency and optional standby loads. Customer paid for:(56) new circuit/ (13) feeder ![]() ![]() Applicant: Nikki Gruel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-04329 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 43 - 197/0 sq ft tenant improvement of microsoft-bldg 43 includes 13 new branch circuits/ lighting controls/ labs/ 12 fire alarms/ 15 feeders ![]() ![]() Applicant: Bree Mitchel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-04456 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa - microsoft bldg 43 whole building ddc controls/ 417 vavs/ 6 fcus/ 2 efs/ 6 ahus/ 2 lab ahus/ pbx ahu/ single zone ahu/ 3 garage fcus/1 pump room/ garage efs/ garage pumps/ 35 lab only vavs/ 33 fcus/ customer paid for:(1) low voltage/ (1) new circuit ![]() ![]() Applicant: Cindy Kostelecky | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-04580 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa - microsoft bldg 43 wpa - throughout = 206-450-0176 - provide temp security during construction customer paid for:(10) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Phyllis Reich | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-05351 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 43 lab consolidation - due to extension mep coordination/ demo existing sprinklers and piping. Install all new material and sprinklers. New lines less than 6in from deck and do no require eol restraint. Mains are existing/ unaffected by scope and to remain as-is. Design per ordinary haz. Occ. (75) ssu heads and (98) ssp heads. Total 173 heads. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2015-05092 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 43 lab consolidation- install fire alarm and vesda detector system for 1st floor lab tenant improvement. Joint venture between simplexgrinnell and sasco. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Janet Stebbins | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2015-05343 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Ti microsoft bldg 43 lab consolidation- build out of a new lab on the 1st floor to consolidate 5 other software labs into 1 large lab-this ti will include a complete fit out including new walls /ceiling/ structural upgrades to accommodate rack weights/ and new server racks (under separate permit). Demo work done under bldg2014-10123 ![]() ![]() Applicant: Randolph Maddox | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2015-03468 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa/microsoft-bldg 42 roof/206-963-3291/install conduit pathway. Customer paid for:(1) new circuit ![]() ![]() Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-05666 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa/microsoft bldg 43 interior remodel of the entire building/chris moeller 206-436-6039/ddc retrofit ec job #83043 customer paid for:(1) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Tianna Peterson | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-05727 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
- microsoft bldg 43 addition of fire pump to meet sprinkler demand. City water pressure dropped 16psi from original design in 1996. Tenant improvement associated with microsoft wpa project . Add/relocate heads as necessary. Coverage required above and below ceiling clouds. 2798 heads. 1515 ssp & 1283 ssu ![]() Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2015-05372 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa microsoft bldg 42 rm 39 demo power/ install (4) epacks/ relocate (6) poke thrus/ and revise lighting. Customer paid for:(4) new circuit ![]() ![]() Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-06131 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Provide and install (9) drinking fountains/ (18) floor drains/ (2) roof drains/ (54) lavs/ (4) kitchen sinks/ (43) toilets/ (18) urinals and (38) chilled water in-row coolers & associated piping. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Kaylene Nelson | Permit type: Plumbing plan review | Permit id: Plum-2015-05720 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
(439) fan powered vavs with associated ductwork and diffusers. (7) chilled water fan coil units (7) single duct vavs with associated ductwork and diffusers. (2) rooftop exhaust fans to replace existing like for like. (1) unit heaters for reception desk area. (38) chilled water in-row coolers & associated piping. (2) fire/smoke/combination dampers. (24) motorized supply dampers. (14) supply backdraft dampers. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Kaylene Nelson | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2015-05719 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa microsoft bldg 43 entire bldg 206-450-0176 provide card reader packages/ exit door packages/ turnstile card reader duress buttons/ temp sensors epo buttons video surveillance customer paid for:(155) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Phyllis Reich | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-06535 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft - bldg 43 - levels 1 through 4 - 206-291-14 - modify existing fire alarm system for wpa levels 1-4. Joint venture between simplexgrinnell and sasco electric. Project includes (908) devices and (15) power supply (sub). ![]() Applicant: Janet Stebbins | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2015-06967 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Approval to remove (8) healthy e. Cedar (dbh 9. 5in/ 9in/ 8in/ 9in/ 8in/ 8in/ 7in/ 8in)/ (1) healthy 14in big leaf maple/ and (1) healthy 12in doug fir from various locations. Tree replacement is required at 1:1 ratio. Tree replacement shall be either native evergreen 6 tall in height or native deciduous 2. 5 inch caliper anywhere on site. Approval to remove (2) dead b. L. Maple (dbh 10in & 7in)/ (1) dead 10in tulip tree/ and (7) dying j. Birch (dbh 11in/ 9. 5in/ 9in/ 12in 11in/ 11in/ 12in) from various locations. Tree replacement is not required for dead or dying trees. ![]() Applicant: Greg Deresinski | Permit type: Tree removal | Permit id: Tree-2015-07133 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa- microsoft bldg 43 install data cabling customer paid for:(1) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Neal Stobaugh | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-07203 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Comm ti- microsoft bldg 43 interior remodel of the entire building including new layout of wall partitions/ installation of new mep systems throughout the building/ refresh of the existing restrooms/ new paint/ carpet and tile. New millwork installation/ interior glazing/ new 4 story communication stair in the lobby and architectural metal features. Area of work 187/674 sq ft. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Randolph Maddox | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2015-04353 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa microsoft wpa bldg 43 425-861-5564 installation of low voltage audio visual systems. Customer paid for:(1) low voltage customer paid for:(1) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Sara Slaughter | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-07802 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Approval to remove (11) dead birch trees (7in -12. 5in)/ 11 dying birch trees (7. 5in to 11in)/ and 3 hazardous birch trees (7in 14in) from the property. Tree replacements are not required for dead/ dying/ or diseased trees. ![]() Applicant: Greg Deresinski | Permit type: Tree removal | Permit id: Tree-2015-07969 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft - bldg 43 - locker room renovation - add 19 heads and relocate 14 heads for new wall and ceiling layout. Total of 33 devices ![]() Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2015-08134 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 43 - interior remodel of the entire building - install low voltage audio visual equipment throughout the building. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Ryan Thomas | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-08173 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa - microsoft bldg 43 mpr- relocate (21) sprinkler heads to accommodate new ceiling layout. Plans uploaded. ![]() Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2015-08150 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Commercial ti-microsoft bldg 43 mpr- interior finish and furniture upgrade for three existing multipurpose rooms/ existing rest rooms and existing pre-function area. Area of construction 11/866 sq ft. Removing and replacing ceiling in the pre-function area. Area of work 11/866 sq ft. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Randolph Maddox | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2015-06425 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa microsoft bldg 42 ev charging station reclaim circuits and install (3) 20-amp breakers for (2) shared power ct40 charging stations. Customer paid for:(3) new circuit ![]() ![]() Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-08281 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa - microsoft building 43 - 206-436-6027 - ahu/ make up air unit/ chw/ fan coil unit customer paid for:(4) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Tianna Peterson | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-08426 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa - microsoft building 43 - 206-436-6027 - 5 dampers and a dx unit job # 830532 customer paid for:(5) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Tianna Peterson | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-08427 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa - microsoft - bldg 43 - 206-436-6027 - boiler ddc controls for job 830531 customer paid for:(24) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Tianna Peterson | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-08392 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 43 locker room level x1 garage provide and install (14) bathtubs/shower/ (5) toilets/ (10) wash sinks/ (1) hot water tank/ (2) floor drains/ (1) urinal and (1) drinking fountain. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Warren Brown | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2015-08463 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 43 mpr 1st floor- provide and install (1) drinking fountain/ (2) floor drains/ (4) hand sinks/ (5) toilets and (2) urinals. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Terese Anderson | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2015-08462 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft - bldg 43 - locker room renovation - install (1) supply air fan and (1) exhaust air fan with vfd and (1) unit heater. Includes all associate duct/diffusers/dampers. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Terese Anderson | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2015-08468 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft - bldg 43 mpr - floor 1 - 206-200-7804 - project includes demo of all low pressure distribution and installation of (16) vav boxes and associated ductwork and low pressure distribution. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Terese Anderson | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2015-08465 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Rack - microsoft - bldg 43 - lab consolidation - 972-439-6808 - relocate existing server racks from the existing labs to the new consolidated lab on the 1st floor. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Kent Stockton | Permit type: Rack storage | Permit id: Bldg-2015-06830 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Comm ti - microsoft - bldg 43 - locker room renovation - expansion and remodel of existing locker rooms in the b43 garage level. A cmu expansion will increase the locker room by approximately 10 sf. The work will include demolition of all existing finishes and re-installation of new paint/ flooring/ lockers/ toilet partitions/ lockers and millwork. Will be taking up 4 parking spaces. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Randolph Maddox | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2015-07816 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa/microsoft-bldg 42 parking lot trench/contact brian worthington for access 425-971-0586/power to parking lot light customer paid for:(1) new circuit ![]() ![]() Applicant: Allen Philips | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-09224 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Approval to remove (8) healthy trees from the south east side of the property by 156th ave ne. Tree replacements are required at a ratio of 1:1 for each tree removed and the tree replacements may be planted anywhere within the property the replacements shall be primarily native evergreens 6-8 tall in height and/or native deciduous trees 2. 5 caliper in size. ![]() Applicant: Greg Deresinski | Permit type: Tree removal | Permit id: Tree-2016-06074 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Approval to remove (22) hazardous and diseased trees from the property (1-9in cedar/ 2- 10. 5in and 8in saucer magnolia/ and 19-8in-14in katsura trees). Tree replacements are not required for dead/ dying/ or diseased trees. 3 trees were categorized as healthy and will require tree replacements. Tree replacements may be planted anywhere within the property the replacements shall be primarily native evergreens 6-8 tall in height and/or native deciduous trees 2. 5 caliper in size. ![]() Applicant: Greg Deresinski | Permit type: Tree removal | Permit id: Tree-2016-03108 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa- microsoft bldg 42- 206. 718. 1234. Low voltage control wiring for the ddc control system customer paid for:(1) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Todd Kahl | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-08224 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa - microsoft building 43 - multi-purpose room - mike snow - 206-979-8213 - install poke thrus & data pathway customer paid for:(14) new circuit ![]() ![]() Applicant: Nikki Gruel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-03535 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Online - microsoft - bldg 43 noc - 206-450-0176 - provide and install security equipment customer paid for:(4) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Phyllis Reich | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-03851 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 43 adds 425-219-5237 (3) retreat rooms fixture installationsreception desk electrical installationmain stair lit handrail installmain entrance canopy lights installationmpr hallway electrical ri customer paid for:(6) new circuit ![]() ![]() Applicant: Nikki Gruel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-02120 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa - microsoft building 43 - 1st floor 206-450-0176 - provide and install security camera customer paid for:(1) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Phyllis Reich | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-04381 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft building 42 - addition - install shell and core feeder and base electrical for future -acc ti. Customer paid for (1) feeder/ (1) fire alarm/ (1) ufer ground (3) new circuits (1) altered service/ (3) subpanels. 425-706-1053 ![]() ![]() Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-09179 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa - microsoft building 43 - ken mckenzie 425-219-5237 - extend circuits to smoke dampers. Wiring to (5) smoke dampers/ no new circuits/ just extending one existing circuit to new locations customer paid for:(1) new circuit ![]() ![]() Applicant: Nikki Gruel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-04838 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa - ms bldg 43 mpr transfer fan - 206-436-6003 - job# 830898 - installation of the ddc controls. (1) transfer fan vlc and fan rib and ct customer paid for:(2) low voltage ![]() ![]() Applicant: Stephanie Penrose | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-06209 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa - microsoft building 43 - installation of a new bus plug unit in existing busway in room iu15. Customer paid for (1) new circuit. 4253227431 ![]() ![]() Applicant: Valley Electric-General Valley Electric-General | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-09077 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Ms building 42 - addition ti - install ti electrical scope: panels/ distribution/ lighting/ and 1 ups. Customer paid for (4) feeders/ (1) fire alarm/ (72) new circuits/ (8) sub-panels. (425) 706-1053 ![]() ![]() Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-09462 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 42 ![]() Permit type: Fire alarm operational | Permit id: Fire-2013-10569 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft building 43 - interior tenant improvement for office space including 2 assembly areas with occupancies in excess of persons/ 1 room. Associated with bldg-2015-07816/ bldg-2015-06830/ bldg-2015-06425 and bldg-2015-04353 ![]() Applicant: Daniel Murray | Permit type: Fire installation | Permit id: Fire-2016-01247 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Ms 16-bldg 42 floor 4 only - add new fire pump to existing sprinkler system add and relocate sprinklers for t. I. Ceilings and walls. Total 489 heads. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Matt Greene | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2016-08107 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Ms-bldg 42 floors 1 -4. Install emergency responder radio system floor 1-4. ![]() Applicant: Haris Suko | Permit type: Fire installation | Permit id: Fire-2016-08071 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa - microsoft - bldg 43 - first floor - 1u15 - 206-963-01 - ground racks. Customer paid for:(1) new circuit ![]() ![]() Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-07048 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 43 ![]() Permit type: Fire alarm operational | Permit id: Fire-2013-10570 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Sopa - microsoft building 43 - installation of ddc controls system job#830728. Customer paid for (1) low voltage. 206-436-6003 ![]() ![]() Applicant: Susan Walsh | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-03786 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Otc- microsoft bldg 42 acc command center- add (3) roof drains and associated rain leader piping. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Amanda Moore | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-08525 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Microsoft bldg 42 ti addition - install (3) floor drains and (2) toilets. Addition to permit plum-2016-08525. Customer paid for (3) floor drains and (2) toilets. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Amanda Moore | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-09485 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
6/0 sf building addition along with associated landscape ![]() Permit type: Clear & grade | Permit id: Cgp-2016-08500 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Demo power install (5) e-packs demo & relocate (2) vavs and revise lighting. Customer paid for:(5) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-10279 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 93 Demo gwb walls per demo plan. Demo (3) doors; (2) doors to be salvaged for relocation in new layout. New gwb walls (2) relocated doors and (4) new doors to create: (2) conference rms (1) war rm and (1) enclosed open office environment. (1) new turnstile to be installed at entrance to wing. Existing restrooms comply w accessible & usable buildings and facilities. Applicant: Aileen Baker | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2013-04553 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 100 We are upgrading the exisitng pedestrian cross walk on ne 31st. Customer paid for:(1) new circuit (2) ground ufer - per inspector visit Applicant: Prime Electric | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-04018 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 93 Remodel (2) existing lab spaces. Build-out (6) new offices and (2) new battery rooms. Provide 1-hr separation between battery rooms and 8in wide duct stacks through roof. Total area of construction 4 597 sf. Applicant: John Kay | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2013-07483 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 93 (522982) install 2 receptacles on rack. Customer paid for:(2) new circuit Applicant: Sue Southworth | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-08079 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installation of low voltage security cabling and devices in labs 3039 & 2619 for job#62525. Customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: John Kay | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-10392 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install new emcs controls for 12 new vavs relocate 6 space temps and control 2 exhaust fans. Customer paid for:(12) low voltage Applicant: Dan Herriman | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11069 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Microsoft bldg 42 garage 113- install (2) l6-20r and (1) l6-30r. Customer paid for:(3) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-12087 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft-bldg 42 rm 3039 - install data cabling customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Neal Stobaugh | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11825 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft-bldg 42 rm 2619 - install data cabling customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Neal Stobaugh | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11824 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Building 42 floors 2 & 3. Revise (26) circuits relocate (8) panels install (2) 1 kva ups grounding and revise fa devices. Customer paid for:(26) new circuit (1) feeder (24) fire alarm Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11357 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 100 Microsoft bldg 42 rm 1005- audio visual system upgrade in room 1005 for job#62489 customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-00641 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 99 Microsoft bldg 42 1st fl rm 1813- 1823 sf tenant improvement. Divide existing server lab into separate rooms. (1) storage room (2) offices (1) existing server room with hot and cold aisle containment. Build new walls from floor to suspended ceiling. Rack storage being moved into aisles for hot and cold containment. Rack dimensions are 84in tall 49in deep and 24in wide. No exterior alteration is being done. Applicant: John Kay | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2014-02994 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 93 Sopa - (17834) install (4) lights in the garage for storage area. Customer paid for:(1) new circuit Applicant: Sue Southworth | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-04179 | Parcel: 2325059105 | |||||
SCORE 99 Microsoft bldg 43 parking garage 1st fl. -7 sf tenant improvement project. Provide full height 96in black vinyl coated chainlink fence with a 40in swing gate door with a keyed lock Applicant: John Kay | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2014-03092 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 93 Sopa - (17834) install new light fixures receptacles light switches fire alarm relocate ups power feeder. Customer paid for:(50) new circuit (1) feeder (6) fire alarm Applicant: Sue Southworth | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-04177 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 99 Sopa microsoft bldg 43 labs 2829 to 4275-installation of fiber to labs 2829 to 4275 for job#640183 customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-05277 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 100 Microsoft bldg 42 1st fl rm 1813- install emcs controls for three new vavs replace controls on two existing fan coil units install 19 new cold isle temp sensors. Applicant: Dan Herriman | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-04943 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa microsoft bldg 42 rm 4631 206-0963-3291 install (6) vfds on existing fan coils. Customer paid for:(6) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-07204 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa microsoft bldg 43 room 2607 1st floor-provide and install communications customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Phyllis Reich | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-08917 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa microsoft bldg 43 garage rm 154 206-450-0176 - install (1) card reader and all associated cabling. Customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Teresa Schoenfeld | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-02578 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 93 Sopa microsoft-bldg 43 pbx & mechanical room disconnect & reconnect circuits for replaced condenser & air handler. Includes new disconnect & fuses. Disconnect & reconnect circuits for motorized dampers. Customer paid for:(7) service - altered Applicant: Nikki Gruel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-02933 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa microsoft-bldg 43 g-138 206-963-3291 install dc power and (2) 100-amp feed breakers. Customer paid for:(2) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-03707 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 56 Wireless facility addition- microsoft bldg 42- verizon applicant is proposing to modify an existing unmanned communications facility with the replacement of (2) panel antennas with (2) new panel antennas. Applicant is also proposing to add (1) tma (1) remote radio unit (2) surge protector boxes and (1) hybrid line to the existing location. Applicant: Melissa Helland | Permit type: Wireless communications facility | Permit id: Bldg-2014-10237 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 99 Ext alt microsoft bldg 43- construction of a long by 11 tall masonry wall to serve as a divider wall between two mechanical louvers (an intake and an out-take louver.) the wall is used to prevent air from re-circulating between the two louvers. Applicant: Vu Nguyen | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2015-02165 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 93 Microsoft bldg 43 - 197 0 sq ft tenant improvement of microsoft-bldg 43 includes 13 new branch circuits lighting controls labs 12 fire alarms 15 feeders Applicant: Bree Mitchel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-04456 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 99 Ti microsoft bldg 43- selective demolition of existing interior partitions ceilings lighting and finishes. This will be a phased demolition to account for the building of a new lab on the 1st floor of the building a decommissioning of the existing software labs on floors 1-4 and a re-utilization of the existing chilled water system currently used in the existing labs that will be used to cool the new lab. Area of work 187 674 sq ft. Applicant: Libby Hinsley | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2014-10123 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sopa - microsoft bldg 43 whole building ddc controls 417 vavs 6 fcus 2 efs 6 ahus 2 lab ahus pbx ahu single zone ahu 3 garage fcus 1 pump room garage efs garage pumps 35 lab only vavs 33 fcus customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) new circuit Applicant: Cindy Kostelecky | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-04580 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 93 Sopa - microsoft building 43 lcr - 425-806-84 - electrical upgrades: includes new 400a automatic transfer switch new distribution panels transformer and branch circuits to separate emergency and optional standby loads. Customer paid for:(56) new circuit (13) feeder Applicant: Nikki Gruel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-04329 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa microsoft-bldg 42 roof 206-963-3291 install conduit pathway. Customer paid for:(1) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-05666 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sopa microsoft bldg 43 interior remodel of the entire building chris moeller 206-436-6039 ddc retrofit ec job #83043 customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Tianna Peterson | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-05727 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa - microsoft bldg 43 wpa - throughout = 206-450-0176 - provide temp security during construction customer paid for:(10) low voltage Applicant: Phyllis Reich | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-05351 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 99 Ti microsoft bldg 43 lab consolidation- build out of a new lab on the 1st floor to consolidate 5 other software labs into 1 large lab-this ti will include a complete fit out including new walls ceiling structural upgrades to accommodate rack weights and new server racks (under separate permit). Demo work done under bldg2014-10123 Applicant: Randolph Maddox | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2015-03468 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa microsoft bldg 42 rm 39 demo power install (4) epacks relocate (6) poke thrus and revise lighting. Customer paid for:(4) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-06131 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa microsoft bldg 43 entire bldg 206-450-0176 provide card reader packages exit door packages turnstile card reader duress buttons temp sensors epo buttons video surveillance customer paid for:(155) low voltage Applicant: Phyllis Reich | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-06535 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 99 Commercial ti-microsoft bldg 43 mpr- interior finish and furniture upgrade for three existing multipurpose rooms existing rest rooms and existing pre-function area. Area of construction 11 866 sq ft. Removing and replacing ceiling in the pre-function area. Area of work 11 866 sq ft. Applicant: Randolph Maddox | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2015-06425 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 99 Sopa microsoft wpa bldg 43 425-861-5564 installation of low voltage audio visual systems. Customer paid for:(1) low voltage customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Sara Slaughter | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-07802 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 99 Microsoft bldg 43 - interior remodel of the entire building - install low voltage audio visual equipment throughout the building. Applicant: Ryan Thomas | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-08173 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa microsoft bldg 42 ev charging station reclaim circuits and install (3) 20-amp breakers for (2) shared power ct40 charging stations. Customer paid for:(3) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-08281 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sopa - microsoft building 43 - 206-436-6027 - ahu make up air unit chw fan coil unit customer paid for:(4) low voltage Applicant: Tianna Peterson | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-08426 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sopa - microsoft building 43 - 206-436-6027 - 5 dampers and a dx unit job # 830532 customer paid for:(5) low voltage Applicant: Tianna Peterson | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-08427 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sopa - microsoft - bldg 43 - 206-436-6027 - boiler ddc controls for job 830531 customer paid for:(24) low voltage Applicant: Tianna Peterson | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-08392 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 99 Comm ti- microsoft bldg 43 interior remodel of the entire building including new layout of wall partitions installation of new mep systems throughout the building refresh of the existing restrooms new paint carpet and tile. New millwork installation interior glazing new 4 story communication stair in the lobby and architectural metal features. Area of work 187 674 sq ft. Applicant: Randolph Maddox | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2015-04353 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Sopa- microsoft bldg 43 install data cabling customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Neal Stobaugh | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-07203 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 99 Comm ti - microsoft - bldg 43 - locker room renovation - expansion and remodel of existing locker rooms in the b43 garage level. A cmu expansion will increase the locker room by approximately 10 sf. The work will include demolition of all existing finishes and re-installation of new paint flooring lockers toilet partitions lockers and millwork. Will be taking up 4 parking spaces. Applicant: Randolph Maddox | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2015-07816 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 99 Rack - microsoft - bldg 43 - lab consolidation - 972-439-6808 - relocate existing server racks from the existing labs to the new consolidated lab on the 1st floor. Applicant: Kent Stockton | Permit type: Rack storage | Permit id: Bldg-2015-06830 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Sopa microsoft-bldg 42 parking lot trench contact brian worthington for access 425-971-0586 power to parking lot light customer paid for:(1) new circuit Applicant: Allen Philips | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-09224 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 93 Microsoft bldg 43 adds 425-219-5237 (3) retreat rooms fixture installationsreception desk electrical installationmain stair lit handrail installmain entrance canopy lights installationmpr hallway electrical ri customer paid for:(6) new circuit Applicant: Nikki Gruel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-02120 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 93 Sopa - microsoft building 43 - multi-purpose room - mike snow - 206-979-8213 - install poke thrus & data pathway customer paid for:(14) new circuit Applicant: Nikki Gruel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-03535 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Online - microsoft - bldg 43 noc - 206-450-0176 - provide and install security equipment customer paid for:(4) low voltage Applicant: Phyllis Reich | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-03851 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sopa - microsoft building 43 - installation of ddc controls system job#830728. Customer paid for (1) low voltage. 206-436-6003 Applicant: Susan Walsh | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-03786 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa - microsoft building 43 - 1st floor 206-450-0176 - provide and install security camera customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Phyllis Reich | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-04381 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 93 Sopa - microsoft building 43 - ken mckenzie 425-219-5237 - extend circuits to smoke dampers. Wiring to (5) smoke dampers no new circuits just extending one existing circuit to new locations customer paid for:(1) new circuit Applicant: Nikki Gruel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-04838 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sopa - ms bldg 43 mpr transfer fan - 206-436-6003 - job# 830898 - installation of the ddc controls. (1) transfer fan vlc and fan rib and ct customer paid for:(2) low voltage Applicant: Stephanie Penrose | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-06209 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa - microsoft - bldg 43 - first floor - 1u15 - 206-963-01 - ground racks. Customer paid for:(1) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-07048 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 93 Sopa- microsoft bldg 42- 206. 718. 1234. Low voltage control wiring for the ddc control system customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Todd Kahl | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-08224 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 89 Sopa - microsoft building 43 - installation of a new bus plug unit in existing busway in room iu15. Customer paid for (1) new circuit. 4253227431 Applicant: Valley Electric-General Valley Electric-General | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-09077 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Ms building 42 - addition ti - install ti electrical scope: panels distribution lighting and 1 ups. Customer paid for (4) feeders (1) fire alarm (72) new circuits (8) sub-panels. (425) 706-1053 Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-09462 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Microsoft building 42 - addition - install shell and core feeder and base electrical for future -acc ti. Customer paid for (1) feeder (1) fire alarm (1) ufer ground (3) new circuits (1) altered service (3) subpanels. 425-706-1053 Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-09179 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 93 Add and relocate 33 sprinkler heads. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Clint Carr | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2013-09876 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft bldg 42 1st fl rm 1813 lab- relocate 24 heads plans available on site. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Shaina Morgan | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2014-03343 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft bldg 42 1st fl rm 1813- modify existing fire alarm system in tenant improvement lab 1813. Joint venture between simplexgrinnell and valley electric ![]() ![]() Applicant: Janet Stebbins | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2014-03869 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft bldg 43 lab consolidation- install fire alarm and vesda detector system for 1st floor lab tenant improvement. Joint venture between simplexgrinnell and sasco. Applicant: Janet Stebbins | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2015-05343 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 99 Microsoft bldg 43 lab consolidation - due to extension mep coordination demo existing sprinklers and piping. Install all new material and sprinklers. New lines less than 6in from deck and do no require eol restraint. Mains are existing unaffected by scope and to remain as-is. Design per ordinary haz. Occ. (75) ssu heads and (98) ssp heads. Total 173 heads. Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2015-05092 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 99 - microsoft bldg 43 addition of fire pump to meet sprinkler demand. City water pressure dropped 16psi from original design in 1996. Tenant improvement associated with microsoft wpa project . Add relocate heads as necessary. Coverage required above and below ceiling clouds. 2798 heads. 1515 ssp & 1283 ssu ![]() ![]() Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2015-05372 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 99 Microsoft - bldg 43 - locker room renovation - add 19 heads and relocate 14 heads for new wall and ceiling layout. Total of 33 devices ![]() ![]() Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2015-08134 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 99 Sopa - microsoft bldg 43 mpr- relocate (21) sprinkler heads to accommodate new ceiling layout. Plans uploaded. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2015-08150 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft - bldg 43 - levels 1 through 4 - 206-291-14 - modify existing fire alarm system for wpa levels 1-4. Joint venture between simplexgrinnell and sasco electric. Project includes (908) devices and (15) power supply (sub). ![]() ![]() Applicant: Janet Stebbins | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2015-06967 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 99 Microsoft building 43 - interior tenant improvement for office space including 2 assembly areas with occupancies in excess of persons 1 room. Associated with bldg-2015-07816 bldg-2015-06830 bldg-2015-06425 and bldg-2015-04353 ![]() ![]() Applicant: Daniel Murray | Permit type: Fire installation | Permit id: Fire-2016-01247 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Ms 16-bldg 42 floor 4 only - add new fire pump to existing sprinkler system add and relocate sprinklers for t. I. Ceilings and walls. Total 489 heads. Applicant: Matt Greene | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2016-08107 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Ms-bldg 42 floors 1 -4. Install emergency responder radio system floor 1-4. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Haris Suko | Permit type: Fire installation | Permit id: Fire-2016-08071 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft building 42 - addition ti - add and relocate sprinklers for t. I. Walls and ceilings. Total 81 heads. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Shaina Morgan | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2016-09473 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Ms bldg 42 addition - acc shell & core - extend existing system into new addition ![]() ![]() Applicant: Matt Greene | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2016-09300 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Relocate 5 vavs add vavs pinch boxes add 2 fan powered vavs add hot aisle containment add 2 exhaust fans on roof for ups exhaust. Applicant: Kaylene Larson | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2013-09865 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Approval to remove (6) hazardous red sunset maple trees and (2) diseased cherry prunus trees from the property. Tree replacement is not required for dead dying diseased or hazardous trees. ![]() Applicant: Brandon Berthold | Permit type: Tree removal | Permit id: Tree-2013-12005 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Approval to remove (7) hazardous and (1) healthy red sunset maples and (1) diseased cherry prunus from the property. Tree replacement is required at a ratio of 1:1 for each tree removed and the tree replacements may be planted anywhere on the site. The replacements shall be native evergreens 6-8 tall in height and or native deciduous trees 2. 5 caliper in size. Tree replacements are not required for dead diseased dying or hazardous trees. ![]() Applicant: Brandon Berthold | Permit type: Tree removal | Permit id: Tree-2013-11996 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Approval to remove (3) hazardous trees (6) healthy trees from the property. (6) tree replacements are required at a ratio of 1:1 for each healthy tree removed and the tree replacements may be planted anywhere on the site. The replacements shall be native evergreens 6-8 tall in height and or native deciduous trees 2. 5 caliper in size. Tree replacements are not required for dead diseased dying or hazardous trees. ![]() Applicant: Brandon Berthold | Permit type: Tree removal | Permit id: Tree-2014-00452 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 99 Microsoft bldg 42 1st fl rm 1813- install 3 new cooling only vav boxes and associated duct work. Modify existing low pressure duct work to accommodate new tenant layout. Applicant: Greg Nelson | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2014-04614 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Approval to remove (5) hazardous trees (2 dead 3 dying) from the center and north end of the property. Tree replacements are not required for dead dying or diseased trees. ![]() Applicant: Brandon Berthold | Permit type: Tree removal | Permit id: Tree-2014-05527 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft-bldg 43 - replace three relief dampers replace existing condensing unit (located at indoor mech room) replace coil and refrigerant piping from new condensing unit to air handler Applicant: Kaylene Nelson | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2015-02985 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Provide and install (9) drinking fountains (18) floor drains (2) roof drains (54) lavs (4) kitchen sinks (43) toilets (18) urinals and (38) chilled water in-row coolers & associated piping. Applicant: Kaylene Nelson | Permit type: Plumbing plan review | Permit id: Plum-2015-05720 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 (439) fan powered vavs with associated ductwork and diffusers. (7) chilled water fan coil units (7) single duct vavs with associated ductwork and diffusers. (2) rooftop exhaust fans to replace existing like for like. (1) unit heaters for reception desk area. (38) chilled water in-row coolers & associated piping. (2) fire smoke combination dampers. (24) motorized supply dampers. (14) supply backdraft dampers. Applicant: Kaylene Nelson | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2015-05719 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Approval to remove (11) dead birch trees (7in -12. 5in) 11 dying birch trees (7. 5in to 11in) and 3 hazardous birch trees (7in 14in) from the property. Tree replacements are not required for dead dying or diseased trees. ![]() Applicant: Greg Deresinski | Permit type: Tree removal | Permit id: Tree-2015-07969 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft bldg 43 locker room level x1 garage provide and install (14) bathtubs shower (5) toilets (10) wash sinks (1) hot water tank (2) floor drains (1) urinal and (1) drinking fountain. Applicant: Warren Brown | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2015-08463 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft - bldg 43 - locker room renovation - install (1) supply air fan and (1) exhaust air fan with vfd and (1) unit heater. Includes all associate duct diffusers dampers. Applicant: Terese Anderson | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2015-08468 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft - bldg 43 mpr - floor 1 - 206-200-7804 - project includes demo of all low pressure distribution and installation of (16) vav boxes and associated ductwork and low pressure distribution. Applicant: Terese Anderson | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2015-08465 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft bldg 43 mpr 1st floor- provide and install (1) drinking fountain (2) floor drains (4) hand sinks (5) toilets and (2) urinals. Applicant: Terese Anderson | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2015-08462 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Approval to remove (8) healthy e. Cedar (dbh 9. 5in 9in 8in 9in 8in 8in 7in 8in) (1) healthy 14in big leaf maple and (1) healthy 12in doug fir from various locations. Tree replacement is required at 1:1 ratio. Tree replacement shall be either native evergreen 6 tall in height or native deciduous 2. 5 inch caliper anywhere on site. Approval to remove (2) dead b. L. Maple (dbh 10in & 7in) (1) dead 10in tulip tree and (7) dying j. Birch (dbh 11in 9. 5in 9in 12in 11in 11in 12in) from various locations. Tree replacement is not required for dead or dying trees. ![]() Applicant: Greg Deresinski | Permit type: Tree removal | Permit id: Tree-2015-07133 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Approval to remove (22) hazardous and diseased trees from the property (1-9in cedar 2- 10. 5in and 8in saucer magnolia and 19-8in-14in katsura trees). Tree replacements are not required for dead dying or diseased trees. 3 trees were categorized as healthy and will require tree replacements. Tree replacements may be planted anywhere within the property the replacements shall be primarily native evergreens 6-8 tall in height and or native deciduous trees 2. 5 caliper in size. ![]() Applicant: Greg Deresinski | Permit type: Tree removal | Permit id: Tree-2016-03108 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
Approval to remove (8) healthy trees from the south east side of the property by 156th ave ne. Tree replacements are required at a ratio of 1:1 for each tree removed and the tree replacements may be planted anywhere within the property the replacements shall be primarily native evergreens 6-8 tall in height and or native deciduous trees 2. 5 caliper in size. ![]() Applicant: Greg Deresinski | Permit type: Tree removal | Permit id: Tree-2016-06074 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 90 Otc- microsoft bldg 42 acc command center- add (3) roof drains and associated rain leader piping. Applicant: Amanda Moore | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-08525 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 90 Microsoft bldg 42 ti addition - install (3) floor drains and (2) toilets. Addition to permit plum-2016-08525. Customer paid for (3) floor drains and (2) toilets. Applicant: Amanda Moore | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-09485 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
6 0 sf building addition along with associated landscape ![]() Permit type: Clear & grade | Permit id: Cgp-2016-08500 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 90 Microsoft bldg 42 - addition ti - per plans. Hvac work in acc command center ti on levels p1 1 and 2. Customer paid for: (20) air handlers (2) compressors (1) fan coil unit (2) heat pumps and (3) vent fans = 28 total fixtures Applicant: Amanda Moore | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2016-09480 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Demo power install (5) e-packs demo & relocate (2) vavs and revise lighting. Customer paid for:(5) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-10279 | |||||
SCORE 93 Demo gwb walls per demo plan. Demo (3) doors; (2) doors to be salvaged for relocation in new layout. New gwb walls (2) relocated doors and (4) new doors to create: (2) conference rms (1) war rm and (1) enclosed open office environment. (1) new turnstile to be installed at entrance to wing. Existing restrooms comply w accessible & usable buildings and facilities. Applicant: Aileen Baker | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2013-04553 | |||||
SCORE 100 We are upgrading the exisitng pedestrian cross walk on ne 31st. Customer paid for:(1) new circuit (2) ground ufer - per inspector visit Applicant: Prime Electric | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-04018 | |||||
SCORE 93 Remodel (2) existing lab spaces. Build-out (6) new offices and (2) new battery rooms. Provide 1-hr separation between battery rooms and 8in wide duct stacks through roof. Total area of construction 4 597 sf. Applicant: John Kay | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2013-07483 | |||||
SCORE 93 (522982) install 2 receptacles on rack. Customer paid for:(2) new circuit Applicant: Sue Southworth | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-08079 | |||||
SCORE 95 Relocate 5 vavs add vavs pinch boxes add 2 fan powered vavs add hot aisle containment add 2 exhaust fans on roof for ups exhaust. Applicant: Kaylene Larson | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2013-09865 | |||||
SCORE 100 Installation of low voltage security cabling and devices in labs 3039 & 2619 for job#62525. Customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: John Kay | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-10392 | |||||
SCORE 93 Add and relocate 33 sprinkler heads. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Clint Carr | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2013-09876 | |||||
SCORE 100 Install new emcs controls for 12 new vavs relocate 6 space temps and control 2 exhaust fans. Customer paid for:(12) low voltage Applicant: Dan Herriman | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11069 | |||||
SCORE 97 Microsoft bldg 42 garage 113- install (2) l6-20r and (1) l6-30r. Customer paid for:(3) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-12087 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft-bldg 42 rm 3039 - install data cabling customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Neal Stobaugh | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11825 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft-bldg 42 rm 2619 - install data cabling customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Neal Stobaugh | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11824 | |||||
SCORE 97 Building 42 floors 2 & 3. Revise (26) circuits relocate (8) panels install (2) 1 kva ups grounding and revise fa devices. Customer paid for:(26) new circuit (1) feeder (24) fire alarm Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2013-11357 | |||||
SCORE 100 Microsoft bldg 42 rm 1005- audio visual system upgrade in room 1005 for job#62489 customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-00641 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft bldg 42 1st fl rm 1813 lab- relocate 24 heads plans available on site. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Shaina Morgan | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2014-03343 | |||||
SCORE 99 Microsoft bldg 42 1st fl rm 1813- 1823 sf tenant improvement. Divide existing server lab into separate rooms. (1) storage room (2) offices (1) existing server room with hot and cold aisle containment. Build new walls from floor to suspended ceiling. Rack storage being moved into aisles for hot and cold containment. Rack dimensions are 84in tall 49in deep and 24in wide. No exterior alteration is being done. Applicant: John Kay | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2014-02994 | |||||
SCORE 93 Sopa - (17834) install (4) lights in the garage for storage area. Customer paid for:(1) new circuit Applicant: Sue Southworth | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-04179 | |||||
SCORE 99 Microsoft bldg 43 parking garage 1st fl. -7 sf tenant improvement project. Provide full height 96in black vinyl coated chainlink fence with a 40in swing gate door with a keyed lock Applicant: John Kay | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2014-03092 | |||||
SCORE 93 Sopa - (17834) install new light fixures receptacles light switches fire alarm relocate ups power feeder. Customer paid for:(50) new circuit (1) feeder (6) fire alarm Applicant: Sue Southworth | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-04177 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft bldg 42 1st fl rm 1813- modify existing fire alarm system in tenant improvement lab 1813. Joint venture between simplexgrinnell and valley electric ![]() ![]() Applicant: Janet Stebbins | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2014-03869 | |||||
SCORE 99 Microsoft bldg 42 1st fl rm 1813- install 3 new cooling only vav boxes and associated duct work. Modify existing low pressure duct work to accommodate new tenant layout. Applicant: Greg Nelson | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2014-04614 | |||||
SCORE 99 Sopa microsoft bldg 43 labs 2829 to 4275-installation of fiber to labs 2829 to 4275 for job#640183 customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-05277 | |||||
SCORE 100 Microsoft bldg 42 1st fl rm 1813- install emcs controls for three new vavs replace controls on two existing fan coil units install 19 new cold isle temp sensors. Applicant: Dan Herriman | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-04943 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa microsoft bldg 42 rm 4631 206-0963-3291 install (6) vfds on existing fan coils. Customer paid for:(6) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-07204 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa microsoft bldg 43 room 2607 1st floor-provide and install communications customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Phyllis Reich | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2014-08917 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft-bldg 43 - replace three relief dampers replace existing condensing unit (located at indoor mech room) replace coil and refrigerant piping from new condensing unit to air handler Applicant: Kaylene Nelson | Permit type: Mechanical - otc | Permit id: Mech-2015-02985 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa microsoft bldg 43 garage rm 154 206-450-0176 - install (1) card reader and all associated cabling. Customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Teresa Schoenfeld | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-02578 | |||||
SCORE 93 Sopa microsoft-bldg 43 pbx & mechanical room disconnect & reconnect circuits for replaced condenser & air handler. Includes new disconnect & fuses. Disconnect & reconnect circuits for motorized dampers. Customer paid for:(7) service - altered Applicant: Nikki Gruel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-02933 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa microsoft-bldg 43 g-138 206-963-3291 install dc power and (2) 100-amp feed breakers. Customer paid for:(2) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-03707 | |||||
SCORE 99 Ext alt microsoft bldg 43- construction of a long by 11 tall masonry wall to serve as a divider wall between two mechanical louvers (an intake and an out-take louver.) the wall is used to prevent air from re-circulating between the two louvers. Applicant: Vu Nguyen | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2015-02165 | |||||
SCORE 93 Microsoft bldg 43 - 197 0 sq ft tenant improvement of microsoft-bldg 43 includes 13 new branch circuits lighting controls labs 12 fire alarms 15 feeders Applicant: Bree Mitchel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-04456 | |||||
SCORE 99 Ti microsoft bldg 43- selective demolition of existing interior partitions ceilings lighting and finishes. This will be a phased demolition to account for the building of a new lab on the 1st floor of the building a decommissioning of the existing software labs on floors 1-4 and a re-utilization of the existing chilled water system currently used in the existing labs that will be used to cool the new lab. Area of work 187 674 sq ft. Applicant: Libby Hinsley | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2014-10123 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sopa - microsoft bldg 43 whole building ddc controls 417 vavs 6 fcus 2 efs 6 ahus 2 lab ahus pbx ahu single zone ahu 3 garage fcus 1 pump room garage efs garage pumps 35 lab only vavs 33 fcus customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) new circuit Applicant: Cindy Kostelecky | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-04580 | |||||
SCORE 93 Sopa - microsoft building 43 lcr - 425-806-84 - electrical upgrades: includes new 400a automatic transfer switch new distribution panels transformer and branch circuits to separate emergency and optional standby loads. Customer paid for:(56) new circuit (13) feeder Applicant: Nikki Gruel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-04329 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa microsoft-bldg 42 roof 206-963-3291 install conduit pathway. Customer paid for:(1) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-05666 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft bldg 43 lab consolidation- install fire alarm and vesda detector system for 1st floor lab tenant improvement. Joint venture between simplexgrinnell and sasco. Applicant: Janet Stebbins | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2015-05343 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sopa microsoft bldg 43 interior remodel of the entire building chris moeller 206-436-6039 ddc retrofit ec job #83043 customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Tianna Peterson | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-05727 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa - microsoft bldg 43 wpa - throughout = 206-450-0176 - provide temp security during construction customer paid for:(10) low voltage Applicant: Phyllis Reich | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-05351 | |||||
SCORE 99 Microsoft bldg 43 lab consolidation - due to extension mep coordination demo existing sprinklers and piping. Install all new material and sprinklers. New lines less than 6in from deck and do no require eol restraint. Mains are existing unaffected by scope and to remain as-is. Design per ordinary haz. Occ. (75) ssu heads and (98) ssp heads. Total 173 heads. Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2015-05092 | |||||
SCORE 99 Ti microsoft bldg 43 lab consolidation- build out of a new lab on the 1st floor to consolidate 5 other software labs into 1 large lab-this ti will include a complete fit out including new walls ceiling structural upgrades to accommodate rack weights and new server racks (under separate permit). Demo work done under bldg2014-10123 Applicant: Randolph Maddox | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2015-03468 | |||||
SCORE 95 Provide and install (9) drinking fountains (18) floor drains (2) roof drains (54) lavs (4) kitchen sinks (43) toilets (18) urinals and (38) chilled water in-row coolers & associated piping. Applicant: Kaylene Nelson | Permit type: Plumbing plan review | Permit id: Plum-2015-05720 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa microsoft bldg 42 rm 39 demo power install (4) epacks relocate (6) poke thrus and revise lighting. Customer paid for:(4) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-06131 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa microsoft bldg 43 entire bldg 206-450-0176 provide card reader packages exit door packages turnstile card reader duress buttons temp sensors epo buttons video surveillance customer paid for:(155) low voltage Applicant: Phyllis Reich | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-06535 | |||||
SCORE 95 (439) fan powered vavs with associated ductwork and diffusers. (7) chilled water fan coil units (7) single duct vavs with associated ductwork and diffusers. (2) rooftop exhaust fans to replace existing like for like. (1) unit heaters for reception desk area. (38) chilled water in-row coolers & associated piping. (2) fire smoke combination dampers. (24) motorized supply dampers. (14) supply backdraft dampers. Applicant: Kaylene Nelson | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2015-05719 | |||||
SCORE 99 - microsoft bldg 43 addition of fire pump to meet sprinkler demand. City water pressure dropped 16psi from original design in 1996. Tenant improvement associated with microsoft wpa project . Add relocate heads as necessary. Coverage required above and below ceiling clouds. 2798 heads. 1515 ssp & 1283 ssu ![]() ![]() Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2015-05372 | |||||
SCORE 99 Microsoft - bldg 43 - locker room renovation - add 19 heads and relocate 14 heads for new wall and ceiling layout. Total of 33 devices ![]() ![]() Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2015-08134 | |||||
SCORE 99 Commercial ti-microsoft bldg 43 mpr- interior finish and furniture upgrade for three existing multipurpose rooms existing rest rooms and existing pre-function area. Area of construction 11 866 sq ft. Removing and replacing ceiling in the pre-function area. Area of work 11 866 sq ft. Applicant: Randolph Maddox | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2015-06425 | |||||
SCORE 99 Sopa microsoft wpa bldg 43 425-861-5564 installation of low voltage audio visual systems. Customer paid for:(1) low voltage customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Sara Slaughter | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-07802 | |||||
SCORE 99 Microsoft bldg 43 - interior remodel of the entire building - install low voltage audio visual equipment throughout the building. Applicant: Ryan Thomas | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-08173 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa microsoft bldg 42 ev charging station reclaim circuits and install (3) 20-amp breakers for (2) shared power ct40 charging stations. Customer paid for:(3) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-08281 | |||||
SCORE 99 Sopa - microsoft bldg 43 mpr- relocate (21) sprinkler heads to accommodate new ceiling layout. Plans uploaded. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Jim Thomas | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2015-08150 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft bldg 43 locker room level x1 garage provide and install (14) bathtubs shower (5) toilets (10) wash sinks (1) hot water tank (2) floor drains (1) urinal and (1) drinking fountain. Applicant: Warren Brown | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2015-08463 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sopa - microsoft building 43 - 206-436-6027 - ahu make up air unit chw fan coil unit customer paid for:(4) low voltage Applicant: Tianna Peterson | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-08426 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft - bldg 43 - locker room renovation - install (1) supply air fan and (1) exhaust air fan with vfd and (1) unit heater. Includes all associate duct diffusers dampers. Applicant: Terese Anderson | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2015-08468 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft - bldg 43 mpr - floor 1 - 206-200-7804 - project includes demo of all low pressure distribution and installation of (16) vav boxes and associated ductwork and low pressure distribution. Applicant: Terese Anderson | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2015-08465 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sopa - microsoft building 43 - 206-436-6027 - 5 dampers and a dx unit job # 830532 customer paid for:(5) low voltage Applicant: Tianna Peterson | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-08427 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft bldg 43 mpr 1st floor- provide and install (1) drinking fountain (2) floor drains (4) hand sinks (5) toilets and (2) urinals. Applicant: Terese Anderson | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2015-08462 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sopa - microsoft - bldg 43 - 206-436-6027 - boiler ddc controls for job 830531 customer paid for:(24) low voltage Applicant: Tianna Peterson | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-08392 | |||||
SCORE 99 Comm ti- microsoft bldg 43 interior remodel of the entire building including new layout of wall partitions installation of new mep systems throughout the building refresh of the existing restrooms new paint carpet and tile. New millwork installation interior glazing new 4 story communication stair in the lobby and architectural metal features. Area of work 187 674 sq ft. Applicant: Randolph Maddox | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2015-04353 | |||||
SCORE 95 Sopa- microsoft bldg 43 install data cabling customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Neal Stobaugh | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-07203 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft - bldg 43 - levels 1 through 4 - 206-291-14 - modify existing fire alarm system for wpa levels 1-4. Joint venture between simplexgrinnell and sasco electric. Project includes (908) devices and (15) power supply (sub). ![]() ![]() Applicant: Janet Stebbins | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2015-06967 | |||||
SCORE 99 Comm ti - microsoft - bldg 43 - locker room renovation - expansion and remodel of existing locker rooms in the b43 garage level. A cmu expansion will increase the locker room by approximately 10 sf. The work will include demolition of all existing finishes and re-installation of new paint flooring lockers toilet partitions lockers and millwork. Will be taking up 4 parking spaces. Applicant: Randolph Maddox | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2015-07816 | |||||
SCORE 99 Rack - microsoft - bldg 43 - lab consolidation - 972-439-6808 - relocate existing server racks from the existing labs to the new consolidated lab on the 1st floor. Applicant: Kent Stockton | Permit type: Rack storage | Permit id: Bldg-2015-06830 | |||||
SCORE 95 Sopa microsoft-bldg 42 parking lot trench contact brian worthington for access 425-971-0586 power to parking lot light customer paid for:(1) new circuit Applicant: Allen Philips | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2015-09224 | |||||
SCORE 93 Microsoft bldg 43 adds 425-219-5237 (3) retreat rooms fixture installationsreception desk electrical installationmain stair lit handrail installmain entrance canopy lights installationmpr hallway electrical ri customer paid for:(6) new circuit Applicant: Nikki Gruel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-02120 | |||||
SCORE 99 Microsoft building 43 - interior tenant improvement for office space including 2 assembly areas with occupancies in excess of persons 1 room. Associated with bldg-2015-07816 bldg-2015-06830 bldg-2015-06425 and bldg-2015-04353 ![]() ![]() Applicant: Daniel Murray | Permit type: Fire installation | Permit id: Fire-2016-01247 | |||||
SCORE 93 Sopa - microsoft building 43 - multi-purpose room - mike snow - 206-979-8213 - install poke thrus & data pathway customer paid for:(14) new circuit Applicant: Nikki Gruel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-03535 | |||||
SCORE 97 Online - microsoft - bldg 43 noc - 206-450-0176 - provide and install security equipment customer paid for:(4) low voltage Applicant: Phyllis Reich | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-03851 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sopa - microsoft building 43 - installation of ddc controls system job#830728. Customer paid for (1) low voltage. 206-436-6003 Applicant: Susan Walsh | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-03786 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa - microsoft building 43 - 1st floor 206-450-0176 - provide and install security camera customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Phyllis Reich | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-04381 | |||||
SCORE 93 Sopa - microsoft building 43 - ken mckenzie 425-219-5237 - extend circuits to smoke dampers. Wiring to (5) smoke dampers no new circuits just extending one existing circuit to new locations customer paid for:(1) new circuit Applicant: Nikki Gruel | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-04838 | |||||
SCORE 100 Sopa - ms bldg 43 mpr transfer fan - 206-436-6003 - job# 830898 - installation of the ddc controls. (1) transfer fan vlc and fan rib and ct customer paid for:(2) low voltage Applicant: Stephanie Penrose | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-06209 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa - microsoft - bldg 43 - first floor - 1u15 - 206-963-01 - ground racks. Customer paid for:(1) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-07048 | |||||
SCORE 90 Otc- microsoft bldg 42 acc command center- add (3) roof drains and associated rain leader piping. Applicant: Amanda Moore | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-08525 | |||||
SCORE 95 Ms 16-bldg 42 floor 4 only - add new fire pump to existing sprinkler system add and relocate sprinklers for t. I. Ceilings and walls. Total 489 heads. Applicant: Matt Greene | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2016-08107 | |||||
SCORE 95 Ms-bldg 42 floors 1 -4. Install emergency responder radio system floor 1-4. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Haris Suko | Permit type: Fire installation | Permit id: Fire-2016-08071 | |||||
SCORE 93 Sopa- microsoft bldg 42- 206. 718. 1234. Low voltage control wiring for the ddc control system customer paid for:(1) low voltage Applicant: Todd Kahl | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-08224 | |||||
SCORE 90 Microsoft bldg 42 ti addition - install (3) floor drains and (2) toilets. Addition to permit plum-2016-08525. Customer paid for (3) floor drains and (2) toilets. Applicant: Amanda Moore | Permit type: Plumbing - otc | Permit id: Plum-2016-09485 | |||||
SCORE 97 Ms building 42 - addition ti - install ti electrical scope: panels distribution lighting and 1 ups. Customer paid for (4) feeders (1) fire alarm (72) new circuits (8) sub-panels. (425) 706-1053 Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-09462 | |||||
SCORE 97 Microsoft building 42 - addition - install shell and core feeder and base electrical for future -acc ti. Customer paid for (1) feeder (1) fire alarm (1) ufer ground (3) new circuits (1) altered service (3) subpanels. 425-706-1053 Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2016-09179 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft building 42 - addition ti - add and relocate sprinklers for t. I. Walls and ceilings. Total 81 heads. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Shaina Morgan | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2016-09473 | |||||
SCORE 90 Microsoft bldg 42 - addition ti - per plans. Hvac work in acc command center ti on levels p1 1 and 2. Customer paid for: (20) air handlers (2) compressors (1) fan coil unit (2) heat pumps and (3) vent fans = 28 total fixtures Applicant: Amanda Moore | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2016-09480 | |||||
SCORE 95 Ms bldg 42 addition - acc shell & core - extend existing system into new addition ![]() ![]() Applicant: Matt Greene | Permit type: Fire sprinkler - commercial | Permit id: Fire-2016-09300 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa - microsoft - bldg 43 - install power to (1) ada opener in 1st floor womens restroom. Customer paid for (1) new altered circuit. Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-02147 | |||||
SCORE 97 Ms bldg 42 - revise receptacles switches and lighting. Customer paid for (3) new circuit. Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-02791 | |||||
SCORE 93 Ms bldg 42 1st floor data center - low voltage ddc control. Customer paid for (1) low voltage. Applicant: Todd Kahl | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-02355 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa - microsoft - bldg 43 - 1u15 g23 - install (1) 30-amp buss plug. Customer paid for (1) new circuit. Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-02683 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft-bldg 42 addition - fire alarm - modify existing fire alarm system at bldg 42 ccc ti. Level l1-l2 south. Joint venture between simplexgrinnell & cochran inc. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Janet Stebbins | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2017-01118 | |||||
SCORE 70 Wireless microsoft bldg 43 - a) install (3) new panel antennas & (9) new remote radios on the exterior of the existing screening wall no higher than 15 above roof painted to match; b) install (2) new equipment cabinets within existing 15 high screening wall enclosure; &c) install cabling Applicant: Paul Infinigy | Permit type: Wireless communications facility | Permit id: Bldg-2017-07749 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa #48837 microsoft b42 lab 206-369-0615 - demo power install new transformer (2) panels (1) feeder and (16) circuits. Customer paid for:(16) new circuit (1) feeder (2) subpanel Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-05423 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa #48564 ms bldg 43 elevator 206-963-01 replace (3) gfci breakers with standard breakers. Customer paid for:(1) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-04811 | |||||
SCORE 95 Sopa #499 1953525 ms mike cox bldg 42 425-240-2149 - new outlet in ceiling and com-cable to wall j-box customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) new circuit Applicant: Robert Ray | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-07678 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Sopa 49664 43w 425 766-1102 - outlet to existing circuit customer paid for:(1) service - altered Applicant: Robert Keeley | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-07115 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa #50324 ms b43 ups2s throughout 206-450-0176 - provide and install security equipment customer paid for:(3) low voltage Applicant: Phyllis Reich | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-08239 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 70 Wireless microsoft bldg 43 - a) install (3) new panel antennas & (9) new remote radios on the exterior of the existing screening wall no higher than 15 above roof painted to match; b) install (2) new equipment cabinets within existing 15 high screening wall enclosure; &c) install cabling Applicant: Paul Infinigy | Permit type: Wireless communications facility | Permit id: Bldg-2017-07749 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa #48393 - microsoft - bldg 42 - glowy box - floors 1-3 - 206-369-0615 - stand alone permit. Install glowy box lights. Customer paid for:(3) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-04436 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa #48509 - microsoft building 43 - cable room 4u07 - 206-963-01 - install (4) l5-30r and ground racks. Customer paid for:(4) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-04615 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa #48837 microsoft b42 lab 206-369-0615 - demo power install new transformer (2) panels (1) feeder and (16) circuits. Customer paid for:(16) new circuit (1) feeder (2) subpanel Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-05423 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa #48564 ms bldg 43 elevator 206-963-01 replace (3) gfci breakers with standard breakers. Customer paid for:(1) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-04811 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Ms16 mou - ti ms bldg 42 2nd floor viewing platform- work consists of non structural partitions ceilings and minor structural work at operable panels. Partitions and doors. Applicant: Andy Paroline | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2017-05550 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa #49272 - ms bldg 43 - 206-450-0176 - provide and install security equipment. Customer paid for:(6) low voltage customer paid for:(6) low voltage Applicant: Kylee Kippen | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-06441 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Ms16 mou - ti ms bldg 42 2nd floor viewing platform- work consists of non structural partitions ceilings and minor structural work at operable panels. Partitions and doors. Applicant: Andy Paroline | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2017-05550 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa #48509 - microsoft building 43 - cable room 4u07 - 206-963-01 - install (4) l5-30r and ground racks. Customer paid for:(4) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-04615 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa #48393 - microsoft - bldg 42 - glowy box - floors 1-3 - 206-369-0615 - stand alone permit. Install glowy box lights. Customer paid for:(3) new circuit Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-04436 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa#47991 - microsoft-bldg 42 - lab - 206-450-0176 - provide and install security equipment customer paid for:(23) low voltage Applicant: Kyee Kippen | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-03754 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa - microsoft - bldg 4 - cafe background music system av - 206-498-4651 - provide and install (42) audio visual devices to the cafe of b4 job 509661 customer paid for:(42) low voltage Applicant: Zoey Zemanek | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-01355 | |||||
SCORE 90 Microsoft building 42 - replacement of rooftop air handling unit. Customer paid for (1) air handler. Applicant: Amanda Moore | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2016-09770 | |||||
SCORE 95 Ms 16-bldg 42 floors 1 -4. Demo of existing fire alarm system floors 1-4. Installation of new devices throughout. Parking garage remain active during construction. Fire watch to be in place during facp replacement. Joint venture between simplexgrinnell & cochran. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Janet Stebbins | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2016-09448 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa - microsoft building 43 - room 41 - conference room upgrade - provide and install 7 av devices. Contact matt stackhouse 206-430-2444 job #509621 Applicant: Zoey Zemanek | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-00588 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa - microsoft - bldg 4 - cafe background music system av - 206-498-4651 - provide and install (42) audio visual devices to the cafe of b4 job 509661 customer paid for:(42) low voltage Applicant: Zoey Zemanek | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-01355 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa - microsoft - bldg 43 - install power to (1) ada opener in 1st floor womens restroom. Customer paid for (1) new altered circuit. Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-02147 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Ms bldg 42 - revise receptacles switches and lighting. Customer paid for (3) new circuit. Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-02791 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 93 Ms bldg 42 1st floor data center - low voltage ddc control. Customer paid for (1) low voltage. Applicant: Todd Kahl | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-02355 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa - microsoft - bldg 43 - 1u15 g23 - install (1) 30-amp buss plug. Customer paid for (1) new circuit. Applicant: Traci Kohrs | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-02683 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa#47991 - microsoft-bldg 42 - lab - 206-450-0176 - provide and install security equipment customer paid for:(23) low voltage Applicant: Kyee Kippen | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-03754 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Ms 16-bldg 42 floors 1 -4. Demo of existing fire alarm system floors 1-4. Installation of new devices throughout. Parking garage remain active during construction. Fire watch to be in place during facp replacement. Joint venture between simplexgrinnell & cochran. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Janet Stebbins | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2016-09448 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 95 Microsoft-bldg 42 addition - fire alarm - modify existing fire alarm system at bldg 42 ccc ti. Level l1-l2 south. Joint venture between simplexgrinnell & cochran inc. ![]() ![]() Applicant: Janet Stebbins | Permit type: Fire alarm | Permit id: Fire-2017-01118 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa #50324 ms b43 ups2s throughout 206-450-0176 - provide and install security equipment customer paid for:(3) low voltage Applicant: Phyllis Reich | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-08239 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa #49272 - ms bldg 43 - 206-450-0176 - provide and install security equipment. Customer paid for:(6) low voltage customer paid for:(6) low voltage Applicant: Kylee Kippen | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-06441 | |||||
SCORE 95 Sopa #499 1953525 ms mike cox bldg 42 425-240-2149 - new outlet in ceiling and com-cable to wall j-box customer paid for:(1) low voltage (1) new circuit Applicant: Robert Ray | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-07678 | |||||
SCORE 95 Sopa 49664 43w 425 766-1102 - outlet to existing circuit customer paid for:(1) service - altered Applicant: Robert Keeley | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-07115 | |||||
SCORE 99 Cadd - microsoft building 42 - shell addition to existing microsoft building 42. Shell space will house future general office space and will be built out under future tenant improvement permits. Design of the shell envelope includes precast concrete panels and glazing assemblies to match existing conditions. Type 1a construction. Total area of work 5 814 sf. Applicant: Phillip Tomlinson | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2016-08519 | |||||
SCORE 97 Sopa - microsoft building 43 - room 41 - conference room upgrade - provide and install 7 av devices. Contact matt stackhouse 206-430-2444 job #509621 Applicant: Zoey Zemanek | Permit type: Electrical - otc | Permit id: Elec-2017-00588 | |||||
SCORE 99 Cadd - microsoft building 42 - shell addition to existing microsoft building 42. Shell space will house future general office space and will be built out under future tenant improvement permits. Design of the shell envelope includes precast concrete panels and glazing assemblies to match existing conditions. Type 1a construction. Total area of work 5 814 sf. Applicant: Phillip Tomlinson | Permit type: Commercial | Permit id: Bldg-2016-08519 | Parcel: 2325059049 | |||||
SCORE 90 Microsoft building 42 - replacement of rooftop air handling unit. Customer paid for (1) air handler. Applicant: Amanda Moore | Permit type: Mechanical plan review | Permit id: Mech-2016-09770 | Parcel: 2325059049 |