Building Permits at 1521 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LA

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Work descripton: 1 sign- 12sig-00106- 5 x fees historical import type: permits electrical commercial signs user: dmfoley tracking: 86176424746 status: permit issuance active status date: 6/19/2012 12:00: am owner: pesses david l owner address: 246 evangeline dr., mandeville, la 70471 owner edited by: 6/19/2012 by dmfoley
Date:  June 19, 2012
Contractor: Farthing Electric

Permit type: Electrical sign | Permit status: Permit issuance - active | Current use: Business use
2012/06/190791521 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaFarthing Electric
Work descripton: replace 2 sided flat sign with new sign(melbas coffee ice cream daiquiri) on existing cabinetper sketch historical import type: permits sign na na user: ebrown tracking: 86125046675 status: status date: 5/31/2012 12:12:31 pm owner: pesses david l c/o scott wolf owner address: 4817 prytania st, new orleans, la 70115 owner phone: 50434391 owner edited by: 5/31/2012 by ebrown
Date:  July 10, 2012
Value:   $1,500

Permit type: Attached sign | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Unknown
2012/07/101500961521 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaAmerican Express Signs
Work descripton: install channel letter 24"x202"(wash world) and 6x6lighted box per sketch historical import type: permits sign na na user: ebrown tracking: 86124313659 status: status date: 5/31/2012 12:22:28 pm owner: pesses david l c/o scott wolf owner address: 4817 prytania st, new orleans, la 70115 owner phone: 50434391 owner edited by: 5/31/2012 by ebrown
Date:  July 10, 2012
Value:   $1,500

Permit type: Attached sign | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Unknown
2012/07/101500961521 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaAmerican Express Signs
Work descripton: 1 sign- 12sig-00106- 5 x fees historical import type: permits electrical commercial signs user: dmfoley tracking: 8618514875 status: permit issuance active status date: 6/19/2012 12:00: am owner: pesses david l owner address: 246 evangeline dr., mandeville, la 70471 owner edited by: 6/19/2012 by dmfoley
Date:  June 19, 2012
Contractor: Farthing Electric

Permit type: Electrical sign | Permit status: Permit issuance - active | Current use: Business use
2012/06/190791521 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaFarthing Electric
Gas line/2water heaters/test
Date:  July 10, 2012
Contractor: Tommy Ashby Jr

Client: David L Pesses | Permit type: General mechanical | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Business use
2012/07/100861521 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaTommy Ashby Jr
Work descripton: convert retail grocery into a laundromat/coffee shop as per plans. Historical import type: permits commercial change of use na user: rmaxwell tracking: 8615997627 status: permit issuance active status date: 5/9/2012 12:00: am owner: pesses david l owner address: 246 evangeline dr., mandeville, la 70471 owner phone: 985 789 7827 owner edited by: 4/17/2012 by rmaxwell
Date:  May 9, 2012
Value:   $50,000

Permit type: Change of use | Permit status: Certificate of occupancy | Current use: Business use
2012/05/0950000701521 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaAcadian Developers Inc
Work descripton: 1 sign- 12sig-00106- 5 x fees historical import type: permits electrical commercial signs user: dmfoley tracking: 8618514875 status: permit issuance active status date: 6 19 2012 12:00: am owner: pesses david l owner address: 246 evangeline dr., mandeville, la 70471 owner edited by: 6 19 2012 by dmfoley
Date:  June 19, 2012
Contractor: Farthing Electric

Permit type: Electrical sign | Permit status: Permit issuance - active | Current use: Business use
2012/06/190791521 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaFarthing Electric
Work descripton: 1 sign- 12sig-00106- 5 x fees historical import type: permits electrical commercial signs user: dmfoley tracking: 86176424746 status: permit issuance active status date: 6 19 2012 12:00: am owner: pesses david l owner address: 246 evangeline dr., mandeville, la 70471 owner edited by: 6 19 2012 by dmfoley
Date:  June 19, 2012
Contractor: Farthing Electric

Permit type: Electrical sign | Permit status: Permit issuance - active | Current use: Business use
2012/06/190791521 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaFarthing Electric
Gas line 2water heaters test
Date:  July 10, 2012
Contractor: Tommy Ashby Jr

Client: David L Pesses | Permit type: General mechanical | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Business use
2012/07/100861521 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaTommy Ashby Jr
Work descripton: convert retail grocery into a laundromat coffee shop as per plans. Historical import type: permits commercial change of use na user: rmaxwell tracking: 8615997627 status: permit issuance active status date: 5 9 2012 12:00: am owner: pesses david l owner address: 246 evangeline dr., mandeville, la 70471 owner phone: 985 789 7827 owner edited by: 4 17 2012 by rmaxwell
Date:  May 9, 2012
Value:   $50,000

Permit type: Change of use | Permit status: Certificate of occupancy | Current use: Business use
2012/05/0950000701521 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaAcadian Developers Inc
Work descripton: replace 2 sided flat sign with new sign(melbas coffee ice cream daiquiri) on existing cabinetper sketch historical import type: permits sign na na user: ebrown tracking: 86125046675 status: status date: 5 31 2012 12:12:31 pm owner: pesses david l c o scott wolf owner address: 4817 prytania st, new orleans, la 70115 owner phone: 50434391 owner edited by: 5 31 2012 by ebrown
Date:  July 10, 2012
Value:   $1,500

Permit type: Attached sign | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Unknown
2012/07/101500961521 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaAmerican Express Signs
Work descripton: install channel letter 24"x202"(wash world) and 6x6lighted box per sketch historical import type: permits sign na na user: ebrown tracking: 86124313659 status: status date: 5 31 2012 12:22:28 pm owner: pesses david l c o scott wolf owner address: 4817 prytania st, new orleans, la 70115 owner phone: 50434391 owner edited by: 5 31 2012 by ebrown
Date:  July 10, 2012
Value:   $1,500

Permit type: Attached sign | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Unknown
2012/07/101500961521 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaAmerican Express Signs
Electrical permit
Date:  October 29, 2015

Permit type: Electrical repair / replacement / addition | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Business use
2015/10/290961525 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaRoy Elsworth Farthing
Work descripton: rewire- 12com-00091 historical import type: permits electrical commercial service-circuits-feeders user: dmfoley tracking: 86121147629 status: permit issuance active status date: 4/10/2012 12:00: am owner: pesses david l owner address: 246 evangeline dr., mandeville, la 70471 owner edited by: 4/10/2012 by dmfoley
Date:  April 10, 2012
Contractor: Farthing Electric

Permit type: Electrical service / circuit / feeder | Permit status: Permit issuance - active | Current use: Business use
2012/04/100791525 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaFarthing Electric
Install patio cover over existing seating area.
Date:  January 23, 2013
Value:   $15,200

Client: David L Pesses | Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Business use
2013/01/2315200701525 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaAcadian Developers Inc
Installation of (1) commercial kitchen hood first permit was denied due to a stop work order against the building owner, scott wolfe. I have received the following email from scott: dustin everything is cleared up and in the stop work order is removed. Please surge on the project and get it completed asap. Tell brian to contact jared if he has any problems. I just left city hall. 985-474-6771
Date:  March 10, 2015
Contractor: Dustin Kirkland

Permit type: Hoods | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Business use
2015/03/100861525 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaDustin Kirkland
Install new food service bar to existing resturant (melbas). Per electrical estimate, mechanical estimate, state fire marshall approval and sketch.
Date:  December 13, 2013
Value:   $15,000
Contractor: Leo Schaeffer

Client: David L Pesses | Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit issued | Current use: Business use
2013/12/1315000561525 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaLeo Schaeffer
Interior renovations only. Adding 2 doors to existing rest rooms. Adding 2 new rest rooms and thereby creating a new rental suite. Creating three rental suites: suite a - laundromat (existing) suite b - restaurant (existing) suite c - restaurant (new conversation) no exterior work.
Date:  August 24, 2015
Value:   $5,500

Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit approval letter | Current use: Business use
2015/08/245500641525 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaWolfman Construction Warren L Dietz Jr
Work descripton: add glass storefront, move hvac ducts, electrical, build non-structural walls, roof repairs, stain floors, paint walls, and move bathroom as per state fire marshal approval. Health inspection prior to final inspection and c of o. (grocery store) historical import type: permits commercial renovation (non-structural) na user: rmaxwell tracking: 1861297943 status: permit issuance active status date: 1/19/2012 12:00: am owner: pesses david l owner address: 246 evangeline dr., mandeville, la 70471 owner phone: 985 789 7827 owner edited by: 1/19/2012 by rmaxwell
Date:  January 24, 2012
Value:   $35,000

Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Application acceptance - | Current use: Business use
2012/01/2435000701525 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaAcadian Developers Inc
Work descripton: demolish vacant commercial structure to grade as per owners request and ncdc approval. A licensed plumber must secure a separate permit from the sewerage and water board to cap off sewer lines and remove water meters prior to demolition. Any further use shall require a separate permit. Historical import type: permits commercial demolition na user: ccross tracking: 86160326235 status: status date: 1/17/2012 9:52:46 am owner: pesses david l owner address: 246 evangeline dr., mandeville, la 70471 owner edited by: 1/17/2012 by ccross
Date:  March 23, 2012
Value:   $3,500

Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Permit issuance - active | Current use: Business use
2012/03/233500951525 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans La
Install 3-package units carlos cazanas (#1630) 504-906-95 12com-00506
Date:  July 27, 2012
Contractor: Carlos Cazanas Jr

Client: David L Pesses | Permit type: General mechanical | Permit status: Certificate of completion | Current use: Business use
2012/07/270881525 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaCarlos Cazanas Jr
Work descripton: demolish vacant commercial structure to grade as per owners request and ncdc approval. A licensed plumber must secure a separate permit from the sewerage and water board to cap off sewer lines and remove water meters prior to demolition. Any further use shall require a separate permit. Historical import type: permits commercial demolition na user: ccross tracking: 86160326235 status: status date: 1 17 2012 9:52:46 am owner: pesses david l owner address: 246 evangeline dr., mandeville, la 70471 owner edited by: 1 17 2012 by ccross
Date:  March 23, 2012
Value:   $3,500

Permit type: Demolition | Permit status: Permit issuance - active | Current use: Business use
2012/03/233500951525 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans La
Work descripton: add glass storefront, move hvac ducts, electrical, build non-structural walls, roof repairs, stain floors, paint walls, and move bathroom as per state fire marshal approval. Health inspection prior to final inspection and c of o. (grocery store) historical import type: permits commercial renovation (non-structural) na user: rmaxwell tracking: 1861297943 status: permit issuance active status date: 1 19 2012 12:00: am owner: pesses david l owner address: 246 evangeline dr., mandeville, la 70471 owner phone: 985 789 7827 owner edited by: 1 19 2012 by rmaxwell
Date:  January 24, 2012
Value:   $35,000

Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Application acceptance - | Current use: Business use
2012/01/2435000561525 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaAcadian Developers, Inc
Interior renovations only. Adding 2 doors to existing rest rooms. Adding 2 new rest rooms and thereby creating a new rental suite. Creating three rental suites: suite a - laundromat (existing) suite b - restaurant (existing) suite c - restaurant (new conversation) no exterior work.
Date:  August 24, 2015
Value:   $5,500

Permit type: Renovation (non-structural) | Permit status: Permit approval letter | Current use: Business use
2015/08/245500641525 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaWolfman Construction, Warren L Dietz, Jr
Work descripton: rewire- 12com-00091 historical import type: permits electrical commercial service-circuits-feeders user: dmfoley tracking: 86121147629 status: permit issuance active status date: 4 10 2012 12:00: am owner: pesses david l owner address: 246 evangeline dr., mandeville, la 70471 owner edited by: 4 10 2012 by dmfoley
Date:  April 10, 2012
Contractor: Farthing Electric

Permit type: Electrical service / circuit / feeder | Permit status: Permit issuance - active | Current use: Business use
2012/04/100791525 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans LaFarthing Electric

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