Content | Date | Cost | Contractor Rank | Address | Contractor |
Construct bathroom and kitchen alterations to condo unit401, per floor plan, subject to field inspection. Date: October 30, 2009 Value: $25,000 Applicant: Woo, Leslie | Permit type: Construction | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: May 13, 2010 | Expiration date: April 30, 2011 | Current use: Multifamily | Permit id: 6225588 | |||||
SCORE 83 Kitchen and bathroom remodel Date: December 3, 2009 Contractor: Flash Electric Company Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Permit closed | Completion date: May 12, 2010 | Expiration date: December 3, 2010 | Current use: Single family / duplex | Permit id: 6234754 | |||||
SCORE 56 Cancel per customer log 5513 Date: November 24, 2009 Contractor: Woo Leslie Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: November 24, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily | Permit id: 6234100 | |||||
SCORE 56 Cancel per customer log 5513 wiring for remodel of kitchen & (2) bathrooms Date: November 24, 2009 Contractor: Woo, Leslie Permit type: Electrical | Permit status: Permit issued | Expiration date: November 24, 2010 | Current use: Multifamily | Permit id: 6234100 |