Building Permits at 1436 Hampel St Oakland CA

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Re-roofing permit
Date:  April 5, 2011

Permit id: R1100139
2011/04/050954668 Dolores Av Oakland Ca
Remove 100s/f unpermitted addition at rear of garage#0302089 build rear wall. 08/13/04 add stairway/deck to rear of garage
Date:  June 2, 2003
Value:   $1,000

Permit id: Rb0302640
2003/06/021000954668 Dolores Av Oakland Ca
Add canopy to existing deck
Date:  June 10, 2003
Value:   $1,500

Permit id: Rb0302806
2003/06/101500954668 Dolores Av Oakland Ca
Remove 100s f unpermitted addition at rear of garage#0302089 build rear wall. 08 13 04 add stairway deck to rear of garage
Date:  June 2, 2003
Value:   $1,000

Client: Johnson Terry L & Kurtz Daniel | Permit id: Rb0302640
2003/06/021000954668 Dolores Av Oakland Ca
Re-roof permit
Date:  May 20, 2011

Client: Madhuri Ream | Permit id: R1100203
2011/05/200953615 Ardley Av Oakland Ca
Replace gallon gas water heater
Date:  September 10, 2008

Permit id: Rp0802250
2008/09/100953615 Ardley Av Oakland Ca
Re-roof permit
Date:  August 25, 2011

Client: Riddle Maria E | Permit id: R1100387
2011/08/250954034 La Cresta Av Oakland Ca
Re-roof permit
Date:  September 1, 2011

Client: Phillips Citabria B | Permit id: R1100404
2011/09/010673918 Glen Park Rd Oakland CaMiyako Construction And Roofing
Remodel kitchen and one bath; add master bath, remodel 2nd floor and relocate stair to 2nd floor. Replace all windows.
Date:  April 11, 2011
Value:   $200,000

Client: Phillips Citabria B | Permit id: Rb1101220
2011/04/11200000953918 Glen Park Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical/remodel kitchen and one bath; add master bath.
Date:  June 13, 2011

Client: Phillips Citabria B | Permit id: Re1101599
2011/06/130953918 Glen Park Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing/remodel kitchen and one bath; add master bath.
Date:  June 13, 2011

Client: Phillips Citabria B | Permit id: Rp1101295
2011/06/130953918 Glen Park Rd Oakland Ca
Electrical remodel kitchen and one bath; add master bath.
Date:  June 13, 2011

Client: Phillips Citabria B | Permit id: Re1101599
2011/06/130953918 Glen Park Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing remodel kitchen and one bath; add master bath.
Date:  June 13, 2011

Client: Phillips Citabria B | Permit id: Rp1101295
2011/06/130953918 Glen Park Rd Oakland Ca
Re-roof permit
Date:  September 26, 2011

Client: Gray Charlene Tr | Permit id: R1100462
2011/09/260953527 Bruce St Oakland Ca
Eliminate pg&e panel and install new circuits.
Date:  December 16, 2011

Client: Mckinley Hp Partners Lp | Permit id: Re1103420
2011/12/160953527 Bruce St Oakland Ca
Replace furnace.
Date:  December 19, 2011

Client: Mckinley Hp Partners Lp | Permit id: Rm1102051
2011/12/190953527 Bruce St Oakland Ca
Install kitchen sink and make required alterations
Date:  December 12, 2011

Client: Mckinley Hp Partners Lp | Permit id: Rp1102673
2011/12/120953527 Bruce St Oakland Ca
Re roofing
Date:  September 26, 2011

Permit id: R1100464
2011/09/260593843 La Cresta Av Oakland CaArmstrong Painting Roofing
Re-roofing permit
Date:  September 28, 2011
Contractor: Javier Mariscal

Permit id: R1100470
2011/09/2801004689 Benevides Av Oakland CaJavier Mariscal
Residential sfd--bathroom remodel: tile work and moving one existing window as part of the bathroom extension. Move
Date:  April 11, 2005
Value:   $4,000

Permit id: Rb0501502
2005/04/114000954689 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Construct and install a new set of stairs that will be shared by the adjacent property owners. This permit will
Date:  June 22, 2011
Value:   $5,000

Permit id: Rb1102199
2011/06/225000954689 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Residential sfd--bathroom remodel: tile work and moving one existing window as part of the bathroom extension. Move
Date:  June 22, 2005

Client: Shay Harting | Permit id: Re0502193
2005/06/220954689 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Install 4 new exterior lights to be mounted on the exterior south facing side of the structure.
Date:  June 22, 2011
Contractor: Richard L. Smith

Permit id: Re1101751
2011/06/220594689 Benevides Av Oakland CaRichard L. Smith
Re-roof permit
Date:  October 17, 2011

Permit id: R1100516
2011/10/170953809 Linwood Av Oakland Ca
Re-roof permit
Date:  November 15, 2011

Permit id: R1100595
2011/11/1509514 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Addition of sun room over
Date:  October 8, 2003
Value:   $3,000

Permit id: Rb0304871
2003/10/0830009514 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Addition of sun room over
Date:  October 26, 2007
Value:   $1,000

Permit id: Rb0705008
2007/10/2610009514 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Demolish approx. 2 sq. Ft. Garage
Date:  July 11, 2008

Permit id: Rb0802988
2008/07/1109514 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Addition at rear for bathroom and remodel breakfast room
Date:  August 12, 2010
Value:   $65,000

Permit id: Rb1003106
2010/08/12650009514 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Date:  May 18, 2011
Value:   $10,600

Permit id: Rb1101716
2011/05/18106006414 Hampel St Oakland CaMichael L. Miller Artifex Cons
Demolish entire dilapidated garage. Remove 3 feet of soil at back to prevent land slippage. #1101143.
Date:  June 9, 2011

Permit id: Rb1102026
2011/06/0909514 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Rebuild detached garage. #1101143.
Date:  July 11, 2011
Value:   $15,200
Contractor: Michael Miller

Permit id: Rb1102417
2011/07/111520010014 Hampel St Oakland CaMichael Miller
Replace a portion of fnd w/new along the northwestern side yard
Date:  August 24, 2011
Value:   $6,500

Permit id: Rb1103029
2011/08/2465009514 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Window replacements
Date:  October 13, 2011
Value:   $6,200

Permit id: Rb1103684
2011/10/1362005614 Hampel St Oakland CaMichael L. Millek Artifex
Electrical/add bathroom and remodel breakfast room
Date:  October 7, 2010

Permit id: Re1003006
2010/10/0709514 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Electrical for bathroom remodel.
Date:  May 18, 2011

Permit id: Re1101364
2011/05/1806414 Hampel St Oakland CaMichael L. Miller Artifex Cons
Electrical for furnace replacement.
Date:  September 26, 2011

Permit id: Re1102658
2011/09/2609514 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Electrical for rebuilt garage #1101143.
Date:  October 13, 2011
Contractor: Michael Miller

Permit id: Re1102824
2011/10/13010014 Hampel St Oakland CaMichael Miller
Bath fan and heat duct.
Date:  October 7, 2010

Permit id: Rm1001632
2010/10/0709514 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Install new combination bath exhaust fan &fluorescent light.
Date:  May 18, 2011

Permit id: Rm1100852
2011/05/1806414 Hampel St Oakland CaMichael L. Miller Artifex Cons
Replace furnace.
Date:  September 26, 2011

Permit id: Rm1101541
2011/09/2609514 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Plumbing /add bathroom and remodel breakfast room
Date:  October 7, 2010

Permit id: Rp1002372
2010/10/0709514 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Plumbing for bathroom remodel.
Date:  May 18, 2011

Permit id: Rp1101105
2011/05/1806414 Hampel St Oakland CaMichael L. Miller Artifex Cons
Replace a portion of fnd w new along the northwestern side yard
Date:  August 24, 2011
Value:   $6,500

Client: Gronert Diana L & Imogene | Permit id: Rb1103029
2011/08/2465009514 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Electrical add bathroom and remodel breakfast room
Date:  October 7, 2010

Client: Lekas Bessie Tr & Helen Tr | Permit id: Re1003006
2010/10/0709514 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Plumbing add bathroom and remodel breakfast room
Date:  October 7, 2010

Client: Lekas Bessie Tr & Helen Tr | Permit id: Rp1002372
2010/10/0709514 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Re-roofing permit
Date:  December 16, 2011

Permit id: R1100658
2011/12/160953756 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel, cabinets, counter, appliances, change window & rear door modification, bathroom remodel, fixtures
Date:  January 9, 2003
Value:   $19,500

Permit id: Rb0300190
2003/01/0919500953915 Glen Park Rd Oakland Ca
Build new workshop on location of old garage. 342 sf.
Date:  July 20, 2004
Value:   $20,000
Contractor: Yilmaz

Permit id: Rb0403210
2004/07/2020000713915 Glen Park Rd Oakland CaYilmaz
Demolish garage to build new workshop in same location. 342 sf.
Date:  October 12, 2004
Contractor: Yilmaz

Permit id: Rb0404646
2004/10/120713915 Glen Park Rd Oakland CaYilmaz
Electrical for kitchen remodel & bath, light fixture, circ.
Date:  January 9, 2003

Permit id: Re0300129
2003/01/090953915 Glen Park Rd Oakland Ca
Mechanical for kitchen remodel
Date:  January 9, 2003

Permit id: Rm0300092
2003/01/090953915 Glen Park Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen remodel, bath remodel, sink, tub, and toilet
Date:  January 9, 2003

Permit id: Rp0300123
2003/01/090953915 Glen Park Rd Oakland Ca
Mechanical/convert garage to work shop, incl. Gas test
Date:  September 28, 2004
Contractor: Yilmaz

Client: Wong Jeffrey & Edith M | Permit id: Rm0401904
2004/09/280713915 Glen Park Rd Oakland CaYilmaz
Electrical/convert garage to work shop
Date:  September 28, 2004
Contractor: Yilmaz

Client: Wong Jeffrey & Edith M | Permit id: Re0403660
2004/09/280713915 Glen Park Rd Oakland CaYilmaz
Plumbing/convert garage to work shop
Date:  September 28, 2004
Contractor: Yilmaz

Client: Wong Jeffrey & Edith M | Permit id: Rp0402863
2004/09/280713915 Glen Park Rd Oakland CaYilmaz
Adding 237 sq. Ft. To existing sfd to create new bathroom on second floor, remodel on first floor
Date:  January 16, 2003
Value:   $53,780
Contractor: Bou Sasso

Client: Diao Nancy | Permit id: Rb0300300
2003/01/1653780751314 Hampel St Oakland CaBou Sasso
Electrical for addition, remodel.
Date:  April 4, 2003

Client: Diao Nancy | Permit id: Re0301193
2003/04/040951314 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Mechanical for addition, remodel.
Date:  April 4, 2003

Client: Diao Nancy | Permit id: Rm0300687
2003/04/040951314 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Plumbing for addition, remodel.
Date:  April 4, 2003

Client: Diao Nancy | Permit id: Rp0301002
2003/04/040951314 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Substructural strengthening: add 5/8 x anchor bolts, add 1/2 plywood panels and replace 3 piers
Date:  January 16, 2003
Value:   $4,000

Permit id: Rb0300303
2003/01/164000953945 La Cresta Av Oakland Ca
Substructural strengthening: add 5 8 x anchor bolts, add 1 2 plywood panels and replace 3 piers
Date:  January 16, 2003
Value:   $4,000

Client: Hayek Roger & Linda | Permit id: Rb0300303
2003/01/164000953945 La Cresta Av Oakland Ca
Residential sfd--partial foundation replacement.
Date:  January 17, 2003
Value:   $8,500

Permit id: Rb0300325
2003/01/178500953804 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing: 1 water alteration
Date:  January 24, 2003

Permit id: Rp0300254
2003/01/240953804 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Demo 300s/f garage
Date:  January 31, 2003

Client: Matthew Herreras | Permit id: Rb0300502
2003/01/310954351 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
Add 216s/f artist studio
Date:  March 19, 2003
Value:   $15,000

Client: Matthew Herreras | Permit id: Rb0301302
2003/03/1915000954351 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for 216s/f artist studio
Date:  May 14, 2003

Client: Matthew Herreras | Permit id: Re0301764
2003/05/140954351 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for 216s f artist studio
Date:  May 14, 2003

Client: Matthew Herreras | Permit id: Re0301764
2003/05/140954351 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
Add 216s f artist studio
Date:  March 19, 2003
Value:   $15,000

Client: Matthew Herreras | Permit id: Rb0301302
2003/03/1915000954351 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
Demo 300s f garage
Date:  January 31, 2003

Client: Matthew Herreras | Permit id: Rb0300502
2003/01/310954351 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
Replace existing walls, sheetrock & wiring #0300918
Date:  February 18, 2003
Value:   $6,000
Contractor: Jeff Ford

Client: Jones Megan M | Permit id: Rb0300760
2003/02/186000714664 Dolores Av Oakland CaJeff Ford
Add deck to side of bldg
Date:  July 2, 2003
Value:   $3,000
Contractor: Jeff Ford

Client: Jones Megan M | Permit id: Rb0303280
2003/07/023000714664 Dolores Av Oakland CaJeff Ford
Electrical for wiring #0300918
Date:  February 18, 2003
Contractor: Jeff Ford

Client: Jones Megan M | Permit id: Re0300571
2003/02/180714664 Dolores Av Oakland CaJeff Ford
Mechanical repairs #0300918
Date:  February 18, 2003
Contractor: Jeff Ford

Client: Jones Megan M | Permit id: Rm0300351
2003/02/180714664 Dolores Av Oakland CaJeff Ford
1 fau
Date:  March 28, 2006

Client: Jones Megan M | Permit id: Rm0600530
2006/03/280954664 Dolores Av Oakland Ca
1 water heater #0300918
Date:  February 18, 2003
Contractor: Jeff Ford

Client: Jones Megan M | Permit id: Rp0300486
2003/02/180714664 Dolores Av Oakland CaJeff Ford
Residential sfd--restore existing garage back to its original use. This is to satisfy complaint #0300694.
Date:  February 20, 2003
Value:   $4,000

Client: Restituto D. Baraan | Permit id: Rb0300806
2003/02/204000954409 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Residential sfd--restore existing garage back to its original use. This is to satisfy complaint #0300694.
Date:  April 10, 2003
Value:   $2,000

Client: Restituto D. Baraan | Permit id: Rb0300806
2003/04/102000954409 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Electrical to restore garage to original use. One light, one switch and one receptacle.
Date:  March 5, 2003

Client: Restituto D. Baraan | Permit id: Re0300783
2003/03/050954409 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Repair of rear 2 of garage. No new addition built.#0209944
Date:  February 26, 2003
Value:   $1,500

Client: Gore Danny J | Permit id: Rb0300908
2003/02/261500953827 Ardley Av Oakland Ca
Remodel bathroom, add new insulation to ceiling and new roof vents & eve vents
Date:  July 19, 2010
Value:   $12,000

Client: Danny Gore | Permit id: Rb1002695
2010/07/1912000953827 Ardley Av Oakland Ca
Electrical/remodel bathroom
Date:  July 27, 2010

Client: Danny Gore | Permit id: Re1002193
2010/07/270953827 Ardley Av Oakland Ca
Replace gas water heater
Date:  March 30, 2004

Client: Gore Danny J | Permit id: Rp0400930
2004/03/300953827 Ardley Av Oakland Ca
Remodel bathroom
Date:  July 19, 2010

Client: Danny Gore | Permit id: Rp1001666
2010/07/190953827 Ardley Av Oakland Ca
Electrical remodel bathroom
Date:  July 27, 2010

Client: Danny Gore | Permit id: Re1002193
2010/07/270953827 Ardley Av Oakland Ca
Remove and replace windows in-kind, fixtures, repair and replace dry rot and sheetrock. Complete rb0103719
Date:  March 4, 2003
Value:   $1,000

Client: Edith Wiggins | Permit id: Rb0301005
2003/03/041000953601 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Date:  September 27, 2006
Value:   $13,470

Client: Wiggins, Edith | Permit id: Rb0604313
2006/09/2713470563601 Randolph Av Oakland CaJames Waldronl Homeguard
Kitchen remodel and alter utility room - no structural work
Date:  March 5, 2003
Value:   $5,000

Permit id: Rb0301036
2003/03/055000953723 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Alter 2/3 of existing garage and convert to storage shed
Date:  July 1, 2003
Value:   $3,000

Permit id: Rb0303252
2003/07/013000953723 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Two story addition at the back of the house
Date:  June 2, 2004
Value:   $100,000

Client: Colt Alexander | Permit id: Rb0402395
2004/06/02100000953723 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Remove chimney at sfd.
Date:  September 19, 2008
Value:   $1,500

Permit id: Rb0804053
2008/09/191500953723 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Build chase for gas fireplace, at location of old f/p and chimney; install per manufacturers instructions.
Date:  October 14, 2008
Value:   $2,000

Permit id: Rb0804454
2008/10/142000953723 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for: kitchen remodel and alter utility room per c/n dated 03/14/03
Date:  March 21, 2003

Permit id: Re0300985
2003/03/210953723 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for 2nd story addition
Date:  October 18, 2004

Client: Colt Alexander | Permit id: Re0403934
2004/10/180953723 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical/addition at the back of the house - radient coils
Date:  February 7, 2005

Client: Colt Alexander | Permit id: Rm0500283
2005/02/070953723 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
1 gas fireplace, 1 gas test.
Date:  October 14, 2008

Permit id: Rm0801675
2008/10/140953723 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for: kitchen remodel and alter utility room per c/n dated 03/14/03
Date:  March 21, 2003

Permit id: Rp0300830
2003/03/210953723 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for 2nd story addition
Date:  October 18, 2004

Client: Colt Alexander | Permit id: Rp0403103
2004/10/180953723 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Build chase for gas fireplace, at location of old f p and chimney; install per manufacturers instructions.
Date:  October 14, 2008
Value:   $2,000

Client: Colt Alexander & Groskreutz Ca | Permit id: Rb0804454
2008/10/142000953723 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical addition at the back of the house - radient coils
Date:  February 7, 2005

Client: Colt Alexander | Permit id: Rm0500283
2005/02/070953723 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for: kitchen remodel and alter utility room per c n dated 03 14 03
Date:  March 21, 2003

Client: Colt Alexander & Groskreutz Ca | Permit id: Rp0300830
2003/03/210953723 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for: kitchen remodel and alter utility room per c n dated 03 14 03
Date:  March 21, 2003

Client: Colt Alexander & Groskreutz Ca | Permit id: Re0300985
2003/03/210953723 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Alter 2 3 of existing garage and convert to storage shed
Date:  July 1, 2003
Value:   $3,000

Client: Colt Alexander & Groskreutz Ca | Permit id: Rb0303252
2003/07/013000953723 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Add 532s/f detached music studio at rear of property
Date:  March 11, 2003
Value:   $45,000

Permit id: Rb0301171
2003/03/1145000953839 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for detached music studio at rear of property
Date:  March 27, 2003

Permit id: Re0301078
2003/03/270953839 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Service for detached music studio at rear of property
Date:  July 28, 2004

Permit id: Re0402885
2004/07/280953839 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Add 532s f detached music studio at rear of property
Date:  March 11, 2003
Value:   $45,000

Client: Hardwick Richard & Elizabeth A | Permit id: Rb0301171
2003/03/1145000953839 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Substructural stengthening: add mudsill bolts, foundation plates and plywood panels
Date:  March 14, 2003
Value:   $2,825

Permit id: Rb0301205
2003/03/142825953725 Canon Av Oakland Ca
Addition of second story
Date:  June 19, 2007
Value:   $175,000

Permit id: Rb0702747
2007/06/19175000953725 Canon Av Oakland Ca
Rewire and new addition; 1 amp service.
Date:  August 31, 2007

Permit id: Re0702999
2007/08/310953725 Canon Av Oakland Ca
Replace 5 ducts
Date:  November 6, 2007

Permit id: Rm0702025
2007/11/060953725 Canon Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for addition of 2 bathrooms, on demand water heater and gas test.
Date:  September 6, 2007

Permit id: Rp0702548
2007/09/060953725 Canon Av Oakland Ca
Remodel master bedroom & bathroom, replacing 2 windows, exposed vaulted ceiling and adding rafter ties as support
Date:  March 17, 2003
Value:   $65,000

Client: George Margo R | Permit id: Rb0301241
2003/03/1765000953801 Brighton Av Oakland Ca
Electrical to: remodel master bedroom & bathroom
Date:  March 31, 2003

Client: George Margo R | Permit id: Re0301105
2003/03/310953801 Brighton Av Oakland Ca
Remodel master bathroom
Date:  March 31, 2003

Client: George Margo R | Permit id: Rp0300922
2003/03/310953801 Brighton Av Oakland Ca
Adding 805 sq. Ft. Second story to existing sfd to create 3 bedrooms, 1 bath
Date:  March 17, 2003
Value:   $200,000
Contractor: A.M. Celona

Permit id: Rb0301255
2003/03/172000006139 Randolph Av Oakland CaA.M. Celona
Electrical for adding 805 sq. Ft. Second story to existing sfd
Date:  October 9, 2003
Contractor: A.M. Celona

Permit id: Re0303677
2003/10/0906139 Randolph Av Oakland CaA.M. Celona
Ducts, flue, bath fan, dryer vent, kitchen hood
Date:  October 21, 2003

Permit id: Rm0301927
2003/10/2109539 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for adding 805 sq. Ft. Second story to existing sfd 3 bedrooms, 1 bath
Date:  October 13, 2003

Permit id: Rp0303004
2003/10/1309539 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Replace 70l/f foundation on front and left side of bldg
Date:  March 20, 2003
Value:   $13,000

Client: Whitman Victoria L | Permit id: Rb0301320
2003/03/2013000953717 Ardley Av Oakland Ca
Electrical/install fau, lpd, flue, gas test.
Date:  April 11, 2003

Client: Whitman Victoria L | Permit id: Re0301284
2003/04/110953717 Ardley Av Oakland Ca
Install fau, lpd, flue, gas test.
Date:  April 11, 2003

Client: Whitman Victoria L | Permit id: Rm0300731
2003/04/110953717 Ardley Av Oakland Ca
Replace 70l f foundation on front and left side of bldg
Date:  March 20, 2003
Value:   $13,000

Client: Whitman Victoria L | Permit id: Rb0301320
2003/03/2013000953717 Ardley Av Oakland Ca
Electrical install fau, lpd, flue, gas test.
Date:  April 11, 2003

Client: Whitman Victoria L | Permit id: Re0301284
2003/04/110953717 Ardley Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel, new patio sliding door at kitchen and replace two existing windows w/new anderson wood windows.
Date:  March 21, 2003
Value:   $65,000

Permit id: Rb0301357
2003/03/2165000953844 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Remodel master bathroom
Date:  November 18, 2011
Value:   $29,500

Permit id: Rb1104097
2011/11/1829500953844 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen remodel.
Date:  March 21, 2003

Permit id: Re0300988
2003/03/210953844 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Remodel master bathroom
Date:  November 18, 2011

Permit id: Re1103169
2011/11/180953844 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for kitchen remodel, gas test.
Date:  March 21, 2003

Permit id: Rm0300571
2003/03/210953844 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen remodel.
Date:  March 21, 2003

Permit id: Rp0300832
2003/03/210953844 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel, new patio sliding door at kitchen and replace two existing windows w new anderson wood windows.
Date:  March 21, 2003
Value:   $65,000

Client: Thompson Jean B & Connell Bria | Permit id: Rb0301357
2003/03/2165000953844 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Bathroom remodel, fixtures, retile walls and floor
Date:  April 14, 2003
Value:   $12,000

Permit id: Rb0301811
2003/04/1412000951359 El Centro Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for bathroom remodel
Date:  April 14, 2003

Permit id: Re0301320
2003/04/140951359 El Centro Av Oakland Ca
Electrical service upgrade to 2 amps, rewire house, re- place fuses with breakers.
Date:  February 7, 2005

Permit id: Re0500478
2005/02/070951359 El Centro Av Oakland Ca
Replace fau with 97. 5% afue unit with flue & condensate drain.
Date:  October 7, 2011

Permit id: Rm1101615
2011/10/070951359 El Centro Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for bathroom remodel
Date:  April 14, 2003

Permit id: Rp0301089
2003/04/140951359 El Centro Av Oakland Ca
Install tankless water heater.
Date:  September 27, 2011

Permit id: Rp1102121
2011/09/270951359 El Centro Av Oakland Ca
Interior remodel - kitchen and bathroom. #0302350.
Date:  April 23, 2003
Value:   $7,500

Client: Chow Yan C | Permit id: Rb0301992
2003/04/237500953965 Linwood Av Oakland Ca
Electrical/ - kitchen and bathroom. #0302350.
Date:  April 24, 2003

Client: Chow Yan C | Permit id: Re0301469
2003/04/240953965 Linwood Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing/ - kitchen and bathroom. #0302350.
Date:  April 24, 2003

Client: Chow Yan C | Permit id: Rp0301224
2003/04/240953965 Linwood Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing - kitchen and bathroom. #0302350.
Date:  April 24, 2003

Client: Chow Yan C | Permit id: Rp0301224
2003/04/240953965 Linwood Av Oakland Ca
Electrical - kitchen and bathroom. #0302350.
Date:  April 24, 2003

Client: Chow Yan C | Permit id: Re0301469
2003/04/240953965 Linwood Av Oakland Ca
Install 2. 88 kw photovoltaic system on roof without batteries.
Date:  April 28, 2003
Value:   $20,000

Client: Gnazzo Anthony J | Permit id: Rb0302040
2003/04/28200009538 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Termite repair item 9a.
Date:  May 6, 2003
Value:   $32,500

Permit id: Rb0302174
2003/05/0632500954614 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Deck repair
Date:  May 8, 2003
Value:   $3,600

Client: Vail Mary | Permit id: Rb0302236
2003/05/083600954406 Park Bl Oakland Ca
Remodel kitchen and bath, extend deck,stairs,add french door s, add 3 new windows
Date:  May 9, 2003
Value:   $80,000

Client: Barry Epstein | Permit id: Rb0302268
2003/05/0980000954609 Dolores Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen remodel, service upgrade.
Date:  July 22, 2003

Client: Barry Epstein | Permit id: Re0302681
2003/07/220954609 Dolores Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for kitchen remodel.
Date:  July 22, 2003

Client: Barry Epstein | Permit id: Rm0301390
2003/07/220954609 Dolores Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen remodel. Gas test.
Date:  July 22, 2003

Client: Barry Epstein | Permit id: Rp0302160
2003/07/220954609 Dolores Av Oakland Ca
Replace water heater
Date:  December 3, 2003

Permit id: Rp0303499
2003/12/030954609 Dolores Av Oakland Ca
Repair damage caused by car crash into house. #0301496
Date:  May 13, 2003
Value:   $4,000

Permit id: Rb0302298
2003/05/1340009513 Chatham Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for car crash repairl
Date:  May 13, 2003

Permit id: Rp0301413
2003/05/1309513 Chatham Rd Oakland Ca
Addition of new master bedroom, bath and laundry room. 396sf
Date:  May 15, 2003
Value:   $33,000

Client: Chan Anthony Y | Permit id: Rb0302335
2003/05/1533000981355 Excelsior Av Oakland CaGuillermo Rodriguez
Electrical for: addition
Date:  July 17, 2003

Client: Chan Anthony Y | Permit id: Re0302632
2003/07/170981355 Excelsior Av Oakland CaGuillermo Rodriguez
125amp service, 1 circuit
Date:  December 13, 2010

Permit id: Re1003684
2010/12/130951355 Excelsior Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for: addition
Date:  July 17, 2003

Client: Chan Anthony Y | Permit id: Rm0301370
2003/07/170981355 Excelsior Av Oakland CaGuillermo Rodriguez
Plumbing for: addition
Date:  July 17, 2003

Client: Chan Anthony Y | Permit id: Rp0302119
2003/07/170981355 Excelsior Av Oakland CaGuillermo Rodriguez
Remove unsound rear porch and build new two-level deck joined by new stairs.
Date:  May 19, 2003
Value:   $10,000

Permit id: Rb0302383
2003/05/1910000953816 Ardley Av Oakland Ca
Remove unsound rear porch and build new two-level deck joined by new stairs.
Date:  May 19, 2003
Value:   $10,000
Contractor: Work # 2382933

Permit id: Rb0302383
2003/05/1910000593816 Ardley Av Oakland CaWork # 2382933
Remodel kitchen and bathroom. Remove and replace comp shingles on roof.
Date:  May 19, 2003
Value:   $19,600

Client: Law Brenda B | Permit id: Rb0302408
2003/05/1919600951486 Allman St Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen and bathroom remodel. Upgrade service to 1 amps
Date:  May 19, 2003

Client: Law Brenda B | Permit id: Re0301831
2003/05/190951486 Allman St Oakland Ca
Plumbing for remodel kitchen and bathroom.
Date:  May 19, 2003

Client: Law Brenda B | Permit id: Rp0301464
2003/05/190951486 Allman St Oakland Ca
Lower floor in basement area to 7-6 to meet leagal height requirement for liveable space
Date:  May 23, 2003
Value:   $14,000
Contractor: Nigel Adams

Permit id: Rb0302541
2003/05/2314000663929 Everett Av Oakland CaNigel Adams
Build new deck per engineered drawing
Date:  July 30, 2003
Value:   $9,500
Contractor: Nigel Adams

Permit id: Rb0303803
2003/07/309500663929 Everett Av Oakland CaNigel Adams
Residential electrical--upgrade service 200amps., 1 meter and 12 circuits.
Date:  May 23, 2003
Contractor: Nigel Adams

Permit id: Re0301917
2003/05/230663929 Everett Av Oakland CaNigel Adams
Plumbing for bath, kitchen in lower level.
Date:  September 30, 2003

Permit id: Rp0302882
2003/09/300953929 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Remove/replace foundation
Date:  June 6, 2003
Value:   $27,000

Client: Bidgoli Fae Tr | Permit id: Rb0302751
2003/06/0627000953534 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
At duplex building, remove side stair/entry to lower unit & relocate to front of house, with new entry door. Expand
Date:  April 21, 2006
Value:   $8,000

Client: Nigel Adamslassonde Gregsara | Permit id: Rb0601594
2006/04/218000953534 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Replace 2 sub-panels, receptacles and lights.
Date:  March 12, 2004

Client: Nigel Adamslassonde Gregsara | Permit id: Re0400969
2004/03/120953534 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Repipe from galvanized to copper
Date:  March 29, 2004

Client: Nigel Adamslassonde Gregsara | Permit id: Rp0400921
2004/03/290953534 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Remove replace foundation
Date:  June 6, 2003
Value:   $27,000

Client: Bidgoli Fae Tr | Permit id: Rb0302751
2003/06/0627000953534 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
At duplex building, remove side stair entry to lower unit & relocate to front of house, with new entry door. Expand
Date:  April 21, 2006
Value:   $8,000

Client: Nigel Adams Lassonde Greg Sara | Permit id: Rb0601594
2006/04/218000953534 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Volun. Non engin resid. Substructural strengthening install angle irons, mudsill bolts and holdowns
Date:  June 6, 2003
Value:   $4,500

Permit id: Rb0302754
2003/06/064500951924 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Volun. Non engin. Resid. Substructural strengthening install angle irons, mudsill bolts and holdowns
Date:  June 6, 2003
Value:   $4,656

Client: Ellis Christine | Permit id: Rb0302755
2003/06/064656951727 Macarthur Bl Oakland Ca
Moving gas range, gas test
Date:  February 8, 2006

Permit id: Rp0600368
2006/02/080951727 Macarthur Bl Oakland Ca
Remove and replace existing aluminum retrofit windows with new marving wood
Date:  June 13, 2003
Value:   $14,700

Client: Besley David R | Permit id: Rb0302900
2003/06/1314700951648 Vista St Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel, new garden window in kitchen, sistering joists
Date:  September 12, 2008
Value:   $30,000

Client: David Besley | Permit id: Rb0803960
2008/09/1230000951648 Vista St Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen remodel
Date:  September 10, 2009

Client: David Besley | Permit id: Re0902608
2009/09/100951648 Vista St Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen remodel
Date:  September 10, 2009

Client: David Besley | Permit id: Rp0901930
2009/09/100951648 Vista St Oakland Ca
Replace approx. 13 lf of one story foundation.
Date:  June 17, 2003
Value:   $4,532

Client: Steve Santucci | Permit id: Rb0302942
2003/06/174532951433 Allman St Oakland Ca
Termite repairs, see attached report, items: 2a, 3a, 6f, 5b
Date:  July 6, 2005
Value:   $15,000

Permit id: Rb0503040
2005/07/0615000951433 Allman St Oakland Ca
Voluntary seismic strengthening to reduce risk of damage per plan set a & as shown.
Date:  October 8, 2007
Value:   $11,380

Permit id: Rb0704676
2007/10/0811380951433 Allman St Oakland Ca
Replace rear 9 sliding door with french door in the same opening
Date:  May 21, 2010
Value:   $2,500

Permit id: Rb1001875
2010/05/212500951433 Allman St Oakland Ca
1 tub
Date:  July 6, 2005

Permit id: Rp0501987
2005/07/060951433 Allman St Oakland Ca
Convert sfd to duplex. Continuation of work under rb0104203
Date:  June 18, 2003
Value:   $20,000

Permit id: Rb0302967
2003/06/1820000951433 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Electrical service upgrade to 1 amps and for remodel, radient heat.
Date:  February 27, 2003

Permit id: Re0300682
2003/02/270561433 E 38th St Oakland CaMark Was Added W Agency Letter
Electrical for converting sfd to duplex
Date:  November 20, 2003

Permit id: Re0304186
2003/11/200951433 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Plumbing for converting sfd to duplex
Date:  November 20, 2003

Permit id: Rp0303396
2003/11/200951433 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Substructural strengthening: add holddowns, mudsill bolts, angle irons and plywood panels
Date:  June 20, 2003
Value:   $12,380

Client: Barlow William P Jr | Permit id: Rb0303039
2003/06/2012380951474 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Bath remodel, no structural or exterior changes.
Date:  September 4, 2003
Value:   $6,500

Client: Barlow William P Jr | Permit id: Rb0304336
2003/09/046500951474 Hampel St Oakland Ca
2 story addition at rear of sfd. Add approx 3 sq ft.
Date:  August 1, 2005
Value:   $85,000

Client: Barlow William P Jr | Permit id: Rb0503521
2005/08/0185000951474 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Electrical for bath remodel, indoor spa
Date:  September 4, 2003

Client: Barlow William P Jr | Permit id: Re0303219
2003/09/040951474 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Electrical for addition
Date:  August 29, 2005

Client: Barlow William P Jr | Permit id: Re0503082
2005/08/290951474 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Replace f. A. U.,condensate drain and flue.
Date:  March 3, 2011

Client: Barlow William P Jr | Permit id: Rm1100464
2011/03/030951474 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Plumbing for bath remodel, indoor spa
Date:  September 4, 2003

Client: Barlow William P Jr | Permit id: Rp0302605
2003/09/040951474 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Plumbing for addition
Date:  August 29, 2005

Client: Barlow William P Jr | Permit id: Rp0502526
2005/08/290951474 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Replace foundation
Date:  July 2, 2003
Value:   $20,000

Client: Brian Weiss | Permit id: Rb0303269
2003/07/0220000953738 14th Av Oakland Ca
Replace foundation: complete work started under rb0303269.
Date:  February 13, 2007
Value:   $1,000

Client: Brian Weiss | Permit id: Rb0700665
2007/02/131000953738 14th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical service upgrade to 1 amps, new furnace circuit
Date:  July 15, 2004

Client: Brian Weiss | Permit id: Re0402734
2004/07/150953738 14th Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for basement remodel to uninhabitable space.
Date:  November 21, 2003

Permit id: Re0304220
2003/11/210953808 La Cresta Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for habitable conditioned space in basement.
Date:  January 20, 2004
Contractor: Hollie Williams

Permit id: Rm0400177
2004/01/200673808 La Cresta Av Oakland CaHollie Williams
1 toilet, basin, sink
Date:  September 5, 2003
Contractor: Hollie Williams

Permit id: Rp0302641
2003/09/050673808 La Cresta Av Oakland CaHollie Williams
Add 865s/f new habitable conditioned space in basement
Date:  June 17, 2004
Value:   $30,000
Contractor: Hollie Williams

Client: Peters Jack C & Peggie | Permit id: Rb0303589
2004/06/1730000673808 La Cresta Av Oakland CaHollie Williams
Replace dry rot wood on garage
Date:  July 24, 2003
Value:   $75

Permit id: Rb0303705
2003/07/2475953934 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Voluntary non-engineered substructural strengthening: install angle iron struts, mudsill bolts and hold-downs.
Date:  March 17, 2005
Value:   $4,361

Client: Laura Jackson | Permit id: Rb0501142
2005/03/174361953934 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Replace section of mudsill, bolt foundation and apply plywood panels per drawing attached.
Date:  July 29, 2003
Value:   $5,900

Client: Albright Jane Tr | Permit id: Rb0303768
2003/07/295900951427 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Replace brick fireplace with new wood chase and zone clr fireplace
Date:  December 1, 2004
Value:   $15,000
Contractor: Owners Cell #

Client: Jim Lee And Anne Cairney | Permit id: Rb0405389
2004/12/0115000883806 Elston Av Oakland CaOwners Cell #
Conversion of basement/crawlspace to habitable space
Date:  July 30, 2003
Value:   $150,000
Contractor: Owners Cell #

Client: Jim Lee And Anne Cairney | Permit id: Rb0303808
2003/07/30150000883806 Elston Av Oakland CaOwners Cell #
Mechanical for basement/crawlspace conversion to habitable space
Date:  September 12, 2003
Contractor: Owners Cell #

Client: Jim Lee And Anne Cairney | Permit id: Rm0301686
2003/09/120883806 Elston Av Oakland CaOwners Cell #
Electrical for basement/crawlspace conversion to habitable space adding 125 amp service
Date:  September 12, 2003
Contractor: Owners Cell #

Client: Jim Lee And Anne Cairney | Permit id: Re0303343
2003/09/120883806 Elston Av Oakland CaOwners Cell #
Plumbing for basement/crawlspace conversion to habitable space
Date:  September 12, 2003
Contractor: Owners Cell #

Client: Jim Lee And Anne Cairney | Permit id: Rp0302713
2003/09/120883806 Elston Av Oakland CaOwners Cell #
Termite repair per report #2444 items 8a & 8b only
Date:  July 31, 2003
Value:   $7,300

Client: Simms Patricia J Tr | Permit id: Rb0303814
2003/07/317300953903 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Volunatry siesmic retro fit per plan
Date:  August 18, 2003
Value:   $4,895

Permit id: Rb0304082
2003/08/184895953839 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Voluntary seismic retrofit per engineers plans.
Date:  October 6, 2011
Value:   $9,000

Permit id: Rb1103574
2011/10/069000953839 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Replace furnace, flue and condensate drain.
Date:  October 2, 2009

Permit id: Rm0901332
2009/10/020953839 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Remove and replace gas water heater.
Date:  August 11, 2004

Client: Morillo Linda | Permit id: Rp0402407
2004/08/1109534 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Remove/replace front porch and stairs
Date:  August 22, 2003
Value:   $5,000
Contractor: Elizabeth Santos

Client: Morillo Linda | Permit id: Rb0304175
2003/08/2250006134 Woodruff Av Oakland CaElizabeth Santos
Minor dryrot work in basement area
Date:  August 27, 2003
Value:   $1,500

Permit id: Rb0304250
2003/08/2715009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Create 2 bedroom, 2 bath, family room in basement area.
Date:  July 8, 2004
Value:   $160,000

Permit id: Rb0403028
2004/07/081600009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Create 2 bedroom, 2 bath, family room in basement area.
Date:  April 26, 2005
Value:   $160,000

Permit id: Rb0403028
2005/04/261600009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
New concrete retaining wall at right side of house.#0405475.
Date:  March 21, 2005
Value:   $5,000

Permit id: Rb0501186
2005/03/2150009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
New concrete retaining wall at right side of house.#0405475.
Date:  May 11, 2006
Value:   $5,000

Permit id: Rb0501186
2006/05/1150009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Complete rb0403028/create living space in basement area.
Date:  August 16, 2007
Value:   $1,000

Permit id: Rb0703837
2007/08/1610009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Complete rb0501186/retaining wall at right side of house.
Date:  August 16, 2007
Value:   $1,000

Permit id: Rb0703838
2007/08/1610009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Date:  November 7, 2007
Value:   $100,000

Permit id: Rb0705171
2007/11/071000009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Electrical/upgrade service to 2 amps, basement remodel.
Date:  December 30, 2004

Permit id: Re0404750
2004/12/3009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Complete re0404750/upgrade to 2 amps, basement remodel. Rok.
Date:  September 4, 2007

Permit id: Re0703019
2007/09/0409540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
9 circuit/feeders, 39 incandes, 12 fluorencent, 19 switches, 24 receptacles, 1 exhaust fan circuit, 1 dishwasher circuit
Date:  December 20, 2007

Permit id: Re0704240
2007/12/2009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical/new furnace system, gas test
Date:  December 30, 2004

Permit id: Rm0402464
2004/12/3009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Replacement furnace, low press ducts, flue & cond. Drain.
Date:  November 9, 2006

Permit id: Rm0601977
2006/11/0909540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Complte rm0402464/furnace system, gas test
Date:  September 4, 2007

Permit id: Rm0701629
2007/09/0409540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
1 envirmental duct, 1 fan blower less than 10k cfm, 3 low pressure ducts, 1 gas dryers, 1 gas range
Date:  December 20, 2007

Permit id: Rm0702319
2007/12/2009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing - basement remodel,
Date:  December 30, 2004

Permit id: Rp0403752
2004/12/3009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Date:  November 13, 2006

Permit id: Rp0603136
2006/11/1309540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Complete rp0403752/baement remodel; rok
Date:  September 4, 2007

Permit id: Rp0702517
2007/09/0409540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
1 toilet, 1 lavatory, 1 tubs, 1 sink, 1 dishwasher, 1 cloth washer, 1 waiste/vent, 1 water alteration, 1 gas test
Date:  December 20, 2007

Permit id: Rp0703506
2007/12/2009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Complete rp0403752 baement remodel; rok
Date:  September 4, 2007

Client: Pourfallah Siavash & Stacy S | Permit id: Rp0702517
2007/09/0409540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Complte rm0402464 furnace system, gas test
Date:  September 4, 2007

Client: Pourfallah Siavash & Stacy S | Permit id: Rm0701629
2007/09/0409540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
9 circuit feeders, 39 incandes, 12 fluorencent, 19 switches, 24 receptacles, 1 exhaust fan circuit, 1 dishwasher circuit
Date:  December 20, 2007

Client: Henning,Mathew&anderson,Heathe | Permit id: Re0704240
2007/12/2009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Electrical upgrade service to 2 amps, basement remodel.
Date:  December 30, 2004

Client: Pourfallah Siavash & Stacy S | Permit id: Re0404750
2004/12/3009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Complete re0404750 upgrade to 2 amps, basement remodel. Rok.
Date:  September 4, 2007

Client: Pourfallah Siavash & Stacy S | Permit id: Re0703019
2007/09/0409540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Complete rb0403028 create living space in basement area.
Date:  August 16, 2007
Value:   $1,000

Client: Pourfallah Siavash & Stacy S | Permit id: Rb0703837
2007/08/1610009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
1 toilet, 1 lavatory, 1 tubs, 1 sink, 1 dishwasher, 1 cloth washer, 1 waiste vent, 1 water alteration, 1 gas test
Date:  December 20, 2007

Client: Henning,Mathew&anderson,Heathe | Permit id: Rp0703506
2007/12/2009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Complete rb0501186 retaining wall at right side of house.
Date:  August 16, 2007
Value:   $1,000

Client: Pourfallah Siavash & Stacy S | Permit id: Rb0703838
2007/08/1610009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical new furnace system, gas test
Date:  December 30, 2004

Client: Pourfallah Siavash & Stacy S | Permit id: Rm0402464
2004/12/3009540 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Remodel two bathrm- chng out fixtures,re-sheetrock walls chng out recept. And lighting and exhaust fan.
Date:  August 27, 2003
Value:   $12,000

Client: Hilda A Olson | Permit id: Rb0304268
2003/08/2712000953614 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Remodel 2 bathrms:chng out fixtures,re-sheetrock walls chng out recept. And lighting and exhaust fan. Complete
Date:  September 14, 2010
Value:   $1,000
Contractor: Mary Molloy

Client: Hilda A Olson | Permit id: Rb1003534
2010/09/141000563614 Woodruff Av Oakland CaMary Molloy
Remodel at kitchen, non-structural and interior.
Date:  May 12, 2011
Value:   $10,000

Permit id: Rb1101627
2011/05/1210000953614 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Remodel two bathrm- chng out fixtures,re-sheetrock walls chng out recept. And lighting and exhaust fan.
Date:  August 27, 2003

Client: Hilda A Olson | Permit id: Re0303164
2003/08/270953614 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Remodel at kitchen, non-structural and interior. Electrical work.
Date:  May 12, 2011

Permit id: Re1101311
2011/05/120953614 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Remodel at kitchen, non-structural and interior. Plumbing work.
Date:  May 12, 2011

Permit id: Rp1101058
2011/05/120953614 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Legalize 2nd unit at rear lower level, to abate complaint number 0202580.
Date:  September 10, 2003
Value:   $30,000
Contractor: Sandra G Stanton

Permit id: Rb0304416
2003/09/1030000634648 Dolores Av Oakland CaSandra G Stanton
Electrical for new lower unit.
Date:  January 6, 2005
Contractor: Sandra G Stanton

Permit id: Re0500107
2005/01/060634648 Dolores Av Oakland CaSandra G Stanton
Mechanical - new 2nd unit at rear lower level.
Date:  May 13, 2005

Permit id: Rm0500928
2005/05/130954648 Dolores Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing/legalize 2nd unit at rear lower level.
Date:  May 13, 2005

Permit id: Rp0501397
2005/05/130954648 Dolores Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing legalize 2nd unit at rear lower level.
Date:  May 13, 2005

Client: Nerviani Charles E & Kelly R | Permit id: Rp0501397
2005/05/130954648 Dolores Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel, add french doors and garden window
Date:  September 11, 2003
Value:   $28,800

Client: Forney William M | Permit id: Rb0304453
2003/09/1128800954617 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Replace 8 windows and 1 door.
Date:  August 5, 2010
Value:   $7,800

Permit id: Rb1003000
2010/08/057800954617 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen remodel
Date:  December 19, 2003

Client: Forney William M | Permit id: Re0304565
2003/12/190954617 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
125 amp service up-grade. Pg&e applcation # required.
Date:  January 11, 2011

Permit id: Re1100173
2011/01/110954617 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical/kitchen remodel,
Date:  January 12, 2004

Client: Forney William M | Permit id: Rm0400134
2004/01/120954617 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen remodel
Date:  December 19, 2003

Client: Forney William M | Permit id: Rp0303656
2003/12/190954617 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical kitchen remodel,
Date:  January 12, 2004

Client: Forney William M | Permit id: Rm0400134
2004/01/120954617 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Install fence
Date:  September 12, 2003
Value:   $7,300

Client: Jeanine Larrivee | Permit id: Rb0304480
2003/09/127300951351 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Remove knob & tube in attick; replace w/romex; install 3 new fixtures & 3 receptacles in kitchen.
Date:  March 2, 2010

Client: Larrivee Jeanine E | Permit id: Re1000640
2010/03/020951351 Hampel St Oakland Ca
New water service; replace galv. Piping w/ copper throughout
Date:  May 21, 2007

Client: Larrivee Jeanine E | Permit id: Rp0701515
2007/05/210951351 Hampel St Oakland Ca
New water service; replace galv. Piping w copper throughout
Date:  May 21, 2007

Client: Larrivee Jeanine E | Permit id: Rp0701515
2007/05/210951351 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Remove knob & tube in attick; replace w romex; install 3 new fixtures & 3 receptacles in kitchen.
Date:  March 2, 2010

Client: Larrivee Jeanine E | Permit id: Re1000640
2010/03/020951351 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Apply vinyl siding to exterior walls to sfd
Date:  September 16, 2003
Value:   $4,850

Permit id: Rb0304518
2003/09/164850951578 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Addition of 771 sq ft habitable space at basement, including 1 bedroom; voluntary seismic retrofit. 5/28/10:relocate ext.
Date:  May 7, 2010
Value:   $80,000

Permit id: Rb1001682
2010/05/0780000951578 E 38th St Oakland Ca
2 amp sevrice panel up-grade, 3 feeder circuits, 1 wiring for bedroom, bath and utility room.
Date:  December 23, 2010

Permit id: Re1003809
2010/12/230951578 E 38th St Oakland Ca
3 radiant heat zones, 1 fire place insert, 1 bathroom fan, dryer vent, 1 low pressure gas test.
Date:  December 23, 2010

Permit id: Rm1002204
2010/12/230951578 E 38th St Oakland Ca
1 toilet, 1 shower, 1 lavy, 1 clothes washer, 1 waste/vent alt., 1water alt., 1 low pressure gas test.
Date:  December 23, 2010

Permit id: Rp1002957
2010/12/230951578 E 38th St Oakland Ca
1 toilet, 1 shower, 1 lavy, 1 clothes washer, 1 waste vent alt., 1water alt., 1 low pressure gas test.
Date:  December 23, 2010

Client: Cheung Hillary & Collins Josep | Permit id: Rp1002957
2010/12/230951578 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Addition of 771 sq ft habitable space at basement, including 1 bedroom; voluntary seismic retrofit. 5 28 10:relocate ext.
Date:  May 7, 2010
Value:   $80,000

Client: Cheung Hillary & Collins Josep | Permit id: Rb1001682
2010/05/0780000951578 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Rebuild side stairway and water heater enclosure to abate complaint #0305271
Date:  September 19, 2003
Value:   $10,000

Client: Vargas Betty | Permit id: Rb0304583
2003/09/1910000953432 Dimond Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing to r&r water heater to abate complaint #0305271
Date:  September 19, 2003

Client: Vargas Betty | Permit id: Rp0302788
2003/09/190953432 Dimond Av Oakland Ca
Replace foundation and partial drainage
Date:  September 24, 2003
Value:   $21,000

Client: Accardi Blanche | Permit id: Rb0304657
2003/09/2421000954335 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Change from 2 bdrm, 1 bath to 2 bdrm, 2 bath with small 25. 6 sf addition to north west corner
Date:  September 28, 2007
Value:   $100,000

Permit id: Rb0704571
2007/09/28100000954335 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Replace and extend 6 foot high redwood fence on right side of property.
Date:  July 21, 2009
Value:   $933

Permit id: Rb0902582
2009/07/21933954335 Evans Av Oakland Ca
2 amp service upgrade, spa circuit.
Date:  March 17, 2005

Client: Accardi Blanche | Permit id: Re0500948
2005/03/170954335 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Change from 2 bdrm, 1 bath to 2 bdrm, 2 bath. Completed electrical upgrade started under re0500948
Date:  May 23, 2008

Permit id: Re0801682
2008/05/230954335 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for change from 2 bdrm, 1 bath to 2 bdrm, 2 bath.
Date:  May 23, 2008

Permit id: Rm0800935
2008/05/230954335 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Change from 2 bdrm, 1 bath to 2 bdrm, 2 bath. Plumbing
Date:  May 23, 2008

Permit id: Rp0801306
2008/05/230954335 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Foundation repair per plan to abate complaint # 0306247 includes garage
Date:  September 26, 2003
Value:   $17,000

Permit id: Rb0304700
2003/09/2617000953936 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for garage and lower service at side of house after excavation of new driveway.
Date:  November 18, 2003

Permit id: Re0304144
2003/11/180953936 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for washer and gas dryer in garage, gas test.
Date:  November 18, 2003

Permit id: Rp0303350
2003/11/180953936 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Replace foundation and slab in garage
Date:  September 26, 2003
Value:   $5,000

Client: Allen Mary T | Permit id: Rb0304701
2003/09/265000954434 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Addition of 235 sf at rear and side and remodel 1st floor; also 129 sf basement addition
Date:  December 3, 2007
Value:   $142,500

Client: Allen Mary T | Permit id: Rb0705535
2007/12/03142500954434 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Replac existing 1 amp service & add 4 kitchen outlets
Date:  December 3, 2003

Client: Allen Mary T | Permit id: Re0304353
2003/12/030954434 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for addition and remodel 1st floor;
Date:  January 8, 2008

Client: Allen Mary T | Permit id: Re0800103
2008/01/080954434 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for addition and remodel 1st floor;
Date:  January 8, 2008

Client: Allen Mary T | Permit id: Rm0800090
2008/01/080954434 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Re-route waste lines from kitchen sink, bathroom sink and tub. Replace galvanized with copper piping.
Date:  January 21, 2004

Client: Allen Mary T | Permit id: Rp0400258
2004/01/210954434 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for addition and remodel 1st floor; incl. Gas test.
Date:  January 8, 2008

Client: Allen Mary T | Permit id: Rp0800098
2008/01/080954434 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Re-route waste lines from kitchen sink, bathroom sink and tub. Replace galvanized with copper piping.
Date:  January 21, 2004

Client: Allen Mary T | Permit id: Rp0400258
2004/01/210564434 Evans Av Oakland CaJames Michael Agency Ok
Termite report # 202126;item 1a,1b,1c.
Date:  October 6, 2003
Value:   $6,250
Contractor: Kevin Ball

Client: Alden Mudge | Permit id: Rb0304835
2003/10/066250821619 Vista St Oakland CaKevin Ball
Replace gas water heater.
Date:  May 19, 2005

Permit id: Rp0501449
2005/05/190951619 Vista St Oakland Ca
Partial foundation replacement; plywood panels and bolting per letter bid dated 9-8-03.
Date:  October 7, 2003
Value:   $14,695

Client: Jean Siciliano | Permit id: Rb0304842
2003/10/0714695954001 Canon Av Oakland Ca
Underpinning exist foundation at rear
Date:  October 20, 2008
Value:   $5,000

Client: Siciliano Jean M | Permit id: Rb0804544
2008/10/205000954001 Canon Av Oakland Ca
Demolish fire-damaged apt. Bldg.
Date:  October 21, 2003

Client: Joseph Du Borg | Permit id: Rb0305081
2003/10/210951449 E 36th St Oakland Ca
Termite repairs
Date:  October 27, 2003
Value:   $1,450

Permit id: Rb0305174
2003/10/271450951536 Wellington St Oakland Ca
Fire damage repair
Date:  November 12, 2003
Value:   $60,000

Client: Donovan Patricia A | Permit id: Rb0305414
2003/11/1260000951442 Macarthur Bl Oakland Ca
Replace electric service
Date:  September 30, 2003

Client: Donovan Patricia A | Permit id: Re0303561
2003/09/300951442 Macarthur Bl Oakland Ca
Electrical for fire damage repair
Date:  January 9, 2004

Client: Donovan Patricia A | Permit id: Re0400137
2004/01/090951442 Macarthur Bl Oakland Ca
Repair/replace front exterior retaining wall w/new engrd wall, 4 max height.
Date:  January 25, 2006
Value:   $8,023
Contractor: Bill Milligan

Client: Donovan Patricia A | Permit id: Rb0600308
2006/01/258023671442 Macarthur Bl Oakland CaBill Milligan
Mechanical for new fau, ducts, gas test
Date:  January 5, 2004

Permit id: Rm0400060
2004/01/050833914 Woodruff Av Oakland CaDan Tebbe L A Filed
Alterations to rear of house w/o permit. See case 0307525 legalize enclosure of existing porch and add waterheater clo
Date:  November 14, 2003
Value:   $1,000

Client: Zak Colin M & Rachel L | Permit id: Rb0305470
2003/11/141000833914 Woodruff Av Oakland CaDan Tebbe L A Filed
Alterations to rear of house w/o permit. See case 0307525 legalize enclosure of existing porch and add waterheater clo
Date:  November 14, 2003
Value:   $1,000

Permit id: Rb0305470
2003/11/141000953914 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Add sheetrock, insulation & electrical for det. Shed/garage
Date:  November 14, 2003
Value:   $1,000

Permit id: Rb0305472
2003/11/141000953914 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Install foundation plates, holdowns, bolts and plywood panels
Date:  March 18, 2008
Value:   $9,159

Permit id: Rb0801113
2008/03/189159953914 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for lighting, receptacles, furnace circuit, etc.
Date:  January 5, 2004

Permit id: Re0400070
2004/01/050953914 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for garage
Date:  January 5, 2004

Permit id: Re0400071
2004/01/050953914 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for new fau, ducts, gas test
Date:  January 5, 2004

Permit id: Rm0400060
2004/01/050953914 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for new fau, ducts, gas test. Complete work started under rm0400060.
Date:  June 22, 2005

Permit id: Rm0501196
2005/06/220953914 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for new dishwasher.
Date:  January 5, 2004

Permit id: Rp0400078
2004/01/050953914 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for lighting, receptacles, furnace circuit, etc.
Date:  January 5, 2004

Permit id: Re0400070
2004/01/050833914 Woodruff Av Oakland CaDan Tebbe L A Filed
Electrical for garage
Date:  January 5, 2004

Permit id: Re0400071
2004/01/050833914 Woodruff Av Oakland CaDan Tebbe L A Filed
Mechanical for new fau, ducts, gas test. Complete work started under rm0400060.
Date:  June 22, 2005

Permit id: Rm0501196
2005/06/220833914 Woodruff Av Oakland CaDan Tebbe L A Filed
Plumbing for new dishwasher.
Date:  January 5, 2004

Permit id: Rp0400078
2004/01/050833914 Woodruff Av Oakland CaDan Tebbe L A Filed
Add sheetrock, insulation & electrical for det. Shed/garage
Date:  November 14, 2003
Value:   $1,000

Client: Zak Colin M & Rachel L | Permit id: Rb0305472
2003/11/141000833914 Woodruff Av Oakland CaDan Tebbe L A Filed
Foundation upgrade and cripple wall shear panels
Date:  November 19, 2003
Value:   $21,000

Client: Erin Moore | Permit id: Rb0305520
2003/11/1921000951612 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Termite repair per items 6c & 6d.
Date:  July 30, 2010
Value:   $7,250

Client: Hamai, Paul | Permit id: Rb1002936
2010/07/307250591612 E 38th St Oakland CaBurt Chin East Bay Structural
Install circuit for furnace.
Date:  May 3, 2006

Permit id: Re0601442
2006/05/030951612 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Replace furnace,flue,low pressure ducts,and condensate drain
Date:  May 3, 2006

Permit id: Rm0600808
2006/05/030951612 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Complete rb0200079/basement remodel: construction of 2 bed- rooms and 2 bathrooms along with a study-room and family-
Date:  December 1, 2003
Value:   $5,000

Permit id: Rb0305618
2003/12/015000953727 Linwood Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for basement remodel
Date:  January 8, 2004

Permit id: Re0400107
2004/01/080953727 Linwood Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for remodel, addition; new furnace system
Date:  October 26, 2004

Permit id: Rm0402095
2004/10/260953727 Linwood Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for basement remodel
Date:  January 8, 2004

Permit id: Rp0400117
2004/01/080953727 Linwood Av Oakland Ca
Complete rb0200079 basement remodel: construction of 2 bed- rooms and 2 bathrooms along with a study-room and family-
Date:  December 1, 2003
Value:   $5,000

Client: Operario David & Tam L | Permit id: Rb0305618
2003/12/015000953727 Linwood Av Oakland Ca
Install patio cover
Date:  December 11, 2003
Value:   $1,820

Permit id: Rb0305807
2003/12/1118209537 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Replace sheetrock as necessary for kitchen upgrades.
Date:  June 17, 2005
Value:   $5,000

Client: Brown Julie A | Permit id: Rb0502741
2005/06/1750006137 Elston Av Oakland CaHarry Rogeriomanzanarez
Electrical for kitchen upgrades
Date:  June 9, 2005

Client: Brown Julie A | Permit id: Re0502017
2005/06/0909537 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for kitchen upgrades
Date:  June 9, 2005

Client: Brown Julie A | Permit id: Rm0501102
2005/06/0906137 Elston Av Oakland CaHarry Rogeriomanzanarez
Water service and repipe to copper
Date:  December 14, 2004

Permit id: Rp0403631
2004/12/1409537 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen upgrades
Date:  June 9, 2005

Client: Brown Julie A | Permit id: Rp0501703
2005/06/0909537 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Fire damage to framing
Date:  December 17, 2003
Value:   $20,000

Permit id: Rb0305899
2003/12/1720000951443 E 36th St Oakland Ca
Date:  September 22, 2003

Permit id: Re0303448
2003/09/220951443 E 36th St Oakland Ca
Fire damage to framing
Date:  April 8, 2004

Permit id: Re0401352
2004/04/080951443 E 36th St Oakland Ca
Mechanical - install new central heating system
Date:  July 28, 2004

Permit id: Rm0401531
2004/07/280951443 E 36th St Oakland Ca
Replace approx 26 lf of foundation at left rear of dwelling
Date:  December 18, 2003
Value:   $6,800

Client: Macdonald Bonnie A | Permit id: Rb0305916
2003/12/186800953942 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel, new cabinets
Date:  January 5, 2004
Value:   $16,000

Permit id: Rb0400075
2004/01/05160009515 Hampel St Oakland Ca
2 amp service upgrade, 2 switches, 6 receptacles
Date:  January 5, 2004

Permit id: Re0400063
2004/01/0509515 Hampel St Oakland Ca
1 dishwasher, garb disp.
Date:  January 5, 2004

Permit id: Rp0400069
2004/01/0509515 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Replace water line
Date:  November 30, 2005

Permit id: Rp0503436
2005/11/3009515 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Replace gas water heater
Date:  December 23, 2005

Permit id: Rp0503627
2005/12/2309515 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Kitchen and bath remodel
Date:  January 5, 2004
Value:   $50,000
Contractor: Michael Day

Client: Olson Lee | Permit id: Rb0400082
2004/01/0550000864301 Townsend Av Oakland CaMichael Day
Remove tile at tub surround, replace w/new tile, new shower valve
Date:  October 2, 2008
Value:   $14,000

Client: Lee Olson | Permit id: Rb0804274
2008/10/0214000954301 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen and bath remodel
Date:  January 30, 2004
Contractor: Michael Day

Client: Olson Lee | Permit id: Re0400438
2004/01/300864301 Townsend Av Oakland CaMichael Day
Remove 4 fuses from fuse panel, extend exist. Circuits to main service panel. 1-20amp circuit to detached garage. 3
Date:  April 7, 2005

Client: Lee Olson | Permit id: Re0501184
2005/04/070954301 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for bath remodel
Date:  October 2, 2008

Client: Lee Olson | Permit id: Re0803028
2008/10/020954301 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
Refeeding existing switches, receptacles and fixtures
Date:  February 4, 2010

Client: Lee Olson | Permit id: Re1000404
2010/02/040954301 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
1 env air duct for bath remodel
Date:  October 2, 2008

Client: Lee Olson | Permit id: Rm0801604
2008/10/020954301 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen and bath remodel
Date:  January 30, 2004
Contractor: Michael Day

Client: Olson Lee | Permit id: Rp0400358
2004/01/300864301 Townsend Av Oakland CaMichael Day
Plumbing for bath remodel
Date:  October 2, 2008

Client: Lee Olson | Permit id: Rp0802457
2008/10/020954301 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
Remove tile at tub surround, replace w new tile, new shower valve
Date:  October 2, 2008
Value:   $14,000

Client: Lee Olson | Permit id: Rb0804274
2008/10/0214000954301 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical/kitchen and bath remodel
Date:  March 24, 2004
Contractor: Michael Day

Client: Olson Lee | Permit id: Rm0400616
2004/03/240864301 Townsend Av Oakland CaMichael Day
Remove and replace front and left side foundation
Date:  January 16, 2004
Value:   $8,000

Client: Dorien Silverstein | Permit id: Rb0400266
2004/01/168000951501 Wellington St Oakland Ca
Repair foundation per city handout
Date:  January 16, 2004
Value:   $5,000

Client: Sanchez Carmen | Permit id: Rb0400267
2004/01/165000951784 Excelsior Av Oakland Ca
Replace fnd on the rt and frt side
Date:  March 23, 2007
Value:   $10,000

Client: Sanchez Carmen | Permit id: Rb0701253
2007/03/2310000951784 Excelsior Av Oakland Ca
Complete work under permit rb0701253
Date:  April 21, 2009
Value:   $8,000

Client: Sanchez Carmen | Permit id: Rb0901360
2009/04/218000951784 Excelsior Av Oakland Ca
Add house meter, 1 ircuit and 2 lights for driveway.
Date:  February 20, 2008

Client: Carmen Sanchez | Permit id: Re0800598
2008/02/200951784 Excelsior Av Oakland Ca
Add interior patition wall in existing kitchen to create 1/2 bath,convert double french door to single, add 3 windows
Date:  January 16, 2004
Value:   $18,000

Client: Power Betty J | Permit id: Rb0400279
2004/01/1618000954138 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Remove and replace 7 windows; comply with applicable code requirements.
Date:  October 20, 2010
Value:   $5,000

Permit id: Rb1004077
2010/10/205000954138 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Change service to 125 a and electrical for kitchen and bath remodel
Date:  January 16, 2004

Client: Power Betty J | Permit id: Re0400256
2004/01/160954138 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen and bath remodel
Date:  January 16, 2004

Client: Power Betty J | Permit id: Rp0400228
2004/01/160954138 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Add interior patition wall in existing kitchen to create 1 2 bath,convert double french door to single, add 3 windows
Date:  January 16, 2004
Value:   $18,000

Client: Power Betty J | Permit id: Rb0400279
2004/01/1618000954138 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Termite repairs 2a
Date:  January 20, 2004
Value:   $27,650

Client: Mohamed Ssetrelh A | Permit id: Rb0400306
2004/01/20276509537 Linwood Av Oakland Ca
Upgrade service to 125amp: includes 8 circuits, dishwasher & disposal circuits.
Date:  October 5, 2004

Client: Mohamed Ssetrelh A | Permit id: Re0403783
2004/10/0509537 Linwood Av Oakland Ca
Provide 1 hour rating to floor ceiling assembly per stc 50. At 3534.
Date:  January 23, 2004
Value:   $2,600

Client: Nigel Adams Sara Davis Greg L. | Permit id: Rb0400396
2004/01/232600953536 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Provide 1 hour rating to floor/ceiling assembly per stc 50. At 3534.
Date:  January 23, 2004
Value:   $2,600

Client: Nigel Adamssara Davisgreg L. | Permit id: Rb0400396
2004/01/232600953536 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Electrical conduit to rear cottage
Date:  September 10, 2009

Client: Nigel Adams | Permit id: Re0902598
2009/09/100953536 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Electrical conduit to rear cottage
Date:  August 16, 2010

Client: Nigel Adams | Permit id: Re1002451
2010/08/160953536 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Minor kitchen and laundry remodel; no exterior or structural changes.
Date:  February 5, 2004
Value:   $12,000

Client: Heather Kirlin; John Green | Permit id: Rb0400557
2004/02/0512000954627 Dolores Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for kitchen and laundry remodel
Date:  February 5, 2004

Client: Heather Kirlin; John Green | Permit id: Re0400511
2004/02/050954627 Dolores Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for kitchen and laundry remodel--gas test, range and dryer; exhaust duct.
Date:  February 5, 2004

Client: Heather Kirlin; John Green | Permit id: Rm0400303
2004/02/050954627 Dolores Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen and laundry remodel
Date:  February 5, 2004

Client: Heather Kirlin; John Green | Permit id: Rp0400407
2004/02/050954627 Dolores Av Oakland Ca
Replace section of foundation at left side.
Date:  March 9, 2004
Value:   $8,900

Client: Roger Wong | Permit id: Rb0401024
2004/03/098900951776 Excelsior Av Oakland Ca
Entire fnd. Replacement
Date:  March 10, 2004
Value:   $38,000

Client: Phil Rapier | Permit id: Rb0401043
2004/03/1038000953737 Linwood Av Oakland Ca
Voluntary foundation improvement
Date:  March 12, 2004
Value:   $7,075

Permit id: Rb0401071
2004/03/127075951561 Vista St Oakland Ca
Replace 2 windows with 1 bay window in kitchen in 2nd floor. Window will be further than 3 to property line.
Date:  March 15, 2004
Value:   $7,000

Permit id: Rb0401108
2004/03/1570009515 Elston Ct Oakland Ca
Remove / replace gas water heater.
Date:  February 23, 2007

Permit id: Rp0700614
2007/02/2309515 Elston Ct Oakland Ca
Remove replace gas water heater.
Date:  February 23, 2007

Client: Ybarra Joseph L & Nancy M | Permit id: Rp0700614
2007/02/2309515 Elston Ct Oakland Ca
Voluntary earthquake upgrade w/ holdowns, anchor bolts,and foundation plates.
Date:  March 23, 2004
Value:   $3,240

Permit id: Rb0401238
2004/03/233240953811 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Voluntary earthquake upgrade w holdowns, anchor bolts,and foundation plates.
Date:  March 23, 2004
Value:   $3,240

Client: Straub Harry M & Rae | Permit id: Rb0401238
2004/03/233240953811 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Volunteer sizmic upgrade, w/holdowns, sill bolts, and plywoo d bracing panels.
Date:  March 23, 2004
Value:   $6,828

Permit id: Rb0401239
2004/03/236828951627 Wellington St Oakland Ca
Volunteer sizmic upgrade, w holdowns, sill bolts, and plywoo d bracing panels.
Date:  March 23, 2004
Value:   $6,828

Client: Lochen Tara K & John W | Permit id: Rb0401239
2004/03/236828951627 Wellington St Oakland Ca
Repair stall rhower per pest report #7760, item 5a
Date:  March 25, 2004
Value:   $4,600

Client: Sharpe Roger L | Permit id: Rb0401268
2004/03/254600951345 El Centro Av Oakland Ca
Repair stall shower per pest report #7760, item 5a
Date:  March 25, 2004

Client: Sharpe Roger L | Permit id: Rp0400882
2004/03/250951345 El Centro Av Oakland Ca
Framing repairs as per attached description
Date:  March 26, 2004
Value:   $14,300

Client: Fitzpatrick Danielle | Permit id: Rb0401291
2004/03/2614300951501 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Replace 9 windows, 4 doors, repair 400sf stucco, repair 2 exterior stairs, replace 3 sf of sheetrock
Date:  March 29, 2004
Value:   $15,000

Client: Wiebe William R | Permit id: Rb0401314
2004/03/2915000953515 Brighton Av Oakland Ca
Addition to sfd
Date:  April 1, 2004
Value:   $80,000

Client: Rivera Mariana | Permit id: Rb0401380
2004/04/0180000951456 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Electrical for addition and remodel
Date:  August 19, 2004

Client: Rivera Mariana | Permit id: Re0403155
2004/08/190951456 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Mechanical for addition and remodel
Date:  August 19, 2004

Client: Rivera Mariana | Permit id: Rm0401663
2004/08/190951456 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Plumbing for addition and remodel
Date:  August 19, 2004

Client: Rivera Mariana | Permit id: Rp0402486
2004/08/190951456 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Replace exsisting rear door, with two seperate doors, and re place header with 4x12. Install rear landing min 36 long an
Date:  April 9, 2004
Value:   $3,000

Permit id: Rb0401532
2004/04/093000951551 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Seismic upgrade of foundation
Date:  April 15, 2004
Value:   $8,000

Permit id: Rb0401607
2004/04/158000951432 Hampel St Oakland Ca
Replace foundation, voluntary stregthening at underfloor
Date:  April 19, 2004
Value:   $30,000

Client: Bressler Sandra E | Permit id: Rb0401647
2004/04/1930000953837 Woodruff Av Oakland Ca
Remodel of existing kitchen and addition at rear
Date:  August 6, 2004
Value:   $50,000
Contractor: Leslie Lorimer

Client: Bressler Sandra E | Permit id: Rb0403509
2004/08/0650000663837 Woodruff Av Oakland CaLeslie Lorimer
Electrical for remodel of existing kitchen and addition
Date:  September 21, 2004
Contractor: Leslie Lorimer

Client: Bressler Sandra E | Permit id: Re0403541
2004/09/210663837 Woodruff Av Oakland CaLeslie Lorimer
Mechanical for remodel of existing kitchen and addition
Date:  September 21, 2004
Contractor: Leslie Lorimer

Client: Bressler Sandra E | Permit id: Rm0401844
2004/09/210663837 Woodruff Av Oakland CaLeslie Lorimer
Plumbing for remodel of existing kitchen and addition
Date:  September 21, 2004
Contractor: Leslie Lorimer

Client: Bressler Sandra E | Permit id: Rp0402743
2004/09/210663837 Woodruff Av Oakland CaLeslie Lorimer
Fnd replacement at front and sides
Date:  April 21, 2004
Value:   $13,000

Client: Charles Highley | Permit id: Rb0401703
2004/04/2113000953741 Canon Av Oakland Ca
Foundation repair per drawing.
Date:  May 12, 2004
Value:   $32,000

Client: Lew Catherine | Permit id: Rb0402050
2004/05/12320009539 Linwood Av Oakland Ca
4x17 lower deck extension. Dry rot repair in existing deck
Date:  May 19, 2004
Value:   $4,730

Client: Karen Breslau Steve Schecter | Permit id: Rb0402179
2004/05/194730951632 Vista St Oakland Ca
Demo detached garage
Date:  June 1, 2004
Value:   $8,000

Client: Simon Cheng | Permit id: Rb0402382
2004/06/018000954671 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Replace a portion of rear fnd with new engineered fnd wall new garage structure
Date:  June 24, 2004
Value:   $50,000

Client: Simon Cheng | Permit id: Rb0402809
2004/06/2450000954671 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Replace a portion of rear fnd with new engineered fnd wall new garage structure
Date:  June 17, 2005
Value:   $50,000

Client: Simon Cheng | Permit id: Rb0402809
2005/06/1750000954671 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Electrical/replace a portion of rear fnd with new engineered wall for new garage structure
Date:  September 12, 2005

Client: Simon Cheng | Permit id: Re0503234
2005/09/120954671 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Electrical replace a portion of rear fnd with new engineered wall for new garage structure
Date:  September 12, 2005

Client: Simon Cheng | Permit id: Re0503234
2005/09/120954671 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel:fixture change out,window change and door
Date:  June 9, 2004
Value:   $35,000
Contractor: Chris Rateaver

Permit id: Rb0402534
2004/06/0935000611506 Hampel St Oakland CaChris Rateaver
Kitchen remodel:fixture change out,window change and door
Date:  June 9, 2004
Contractor: Chris Rateaver

Permit id: Re0402252
2004/06/090611506 Hampel St Oakland CaChris Rateaver
Repair dry rotted front porch. Replace some joists, decking, some stucco and the foundation at the front of the porch.
Date:  June 18, 2004
Value:   $5,600

Client: Knighten Betty J | Permit id: Rb0402706
2004/06/185600951708 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel, cabinets, counters, electrical & plumbing
Date:  August 4, 2005
Value:   $2,000

Client: Knighten Betty J | Permit id: Rb0503599
2005/08/042000951708 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Electrical switches, recpticles, range, disposal, d/w.
Date:  July 13, 2005

Client: Knighten Betty J | Permit id: Re0502469
2005/07/130951708 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Kitchen exhaust fan
Date:  July 13, 2005

Client: Knighten Betty J | Permit id: Rm0501325
2005/07/130951708 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Plumbing for new dishwasher, garbage disposal, kitchen sink.
Date:  July 13, 2005

Client: Knighten Betty J | Permit id: Rp0502065
2005/07/130951708 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Electrical switches, recpticles, range, disposal, d w.
Date:  July 13, 2005

Client: Knighten Betty J | Permit id: Re0502469
2005/07/130951708 E 38th St Oakland Ca
Foundation upgrade per plan dated 6/22/04 by d. Olnes,p. E.
Date:  June 28, 2004
Value:   $24,000

Client: Brenner Jan | Permit id: Rb0402858
2004/06/2824000953835 Glen Park Rd Oakland Ca
Foundation upgrade per plan dated 6 22 04 by d. Olnes,p. E.
Date:  June 28, 2004
Value:   $24,000

Client: Brenner Jan | Permit id: Rb0402858
2004/06/2824000953835 Glen Park Rd Oakland Ca
Remove lath & plaster in shower, check for dry rot, install new cement board and tile.
Date:  July 6, 2004
Value:   $1,850

Client: Roberts Bertha M | Permit id: Rb0402975
2004/07/061850954307 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Fnd bolting,plywood cripplewall
Date:  October 4, 2007
Value:   $6,800

Client: Roberts Bertha M | Permit id: Rb0704639
2007/10/046800954307 Evans Av Oakland Ca
1 circuit
Date:  May 24, 2007

Client: Roberts Bertha M | Permit id: Re0701792
2007/05/240954307 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Install new furnace in existing location, gas test
Date:  May 24, 2007

Client: Roberts Bertha M | Permit id: Rm0701007
2007/05/240954307 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for new shower valve
Date:  July 6, 2004

Client: Roberts Bertha M | Permit id: Rp0402036
2004/07/060954307 Evans Av Oakland Ca
Remodel kitchen and bathroom; replace wood windows with vinyl windows. No structural changes.
Date:  July 8, 2004
Value:   $20,000

Client: Jian Tao Liu | Permit id: Rb0403029
2004/07/0820000953828 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Fnd replacement:fnd curb wall at rear and t fnd on front and rt side
Date:  January 24, 2005
Value:   $19,675
Contractor: Nina Aguilar

Client: Eggerts Donald W | Permit id: Rb0500357
2005/01/2419675743828 Elston Av Oakland CaNina Aguilar
Electrical for kitchen & bath remodel; service upgrade 100a.
Date:  July 8, 2004

Client: Jian Tao Liu | Permit id: Re0402641
2004/07/080953828 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Install new fau, ducts to replace floor furnace.
Date:  September 24, 2004

Client: Jian Tao Liu | Permit id: Rm0401882
2004/09/240953828 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for kitchen and bath remodel
Date:  July 8, 2004

Client: Jian Tao Liu | Permit id: Rp0402083
2004/07/080953828 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Create new bathroom and bedroom by removing utility room, open kitchen to family room - all within existing
Date:  July 8, 2004
Value:   $35,000

Client: Vallejo Symphony Assoc. | Permit id: Rb0403041
2004/07/0835000953857 Brighton Av Oakland Ca
Repair foundation and roof framing for detached garage to abate complaint # 0500895
Date:  February 25, 2005
Value:   $2,500

Client: Vallejo Symphony Assoc. | Permit id: Rb0500833
2005/02/252500953857 Brighton Av Oakland Ca
Foundation repair per plans, with drain and sump pump.
Date:  July 29, 2008
Value:   $32,000

Client: Ratcliff Mary E | Permit id: Rb0803257
2008/07/2932000953857 Brighton Av Oakland Ca
Voluntary seismic strengthening to reduce risk of damge per plan set a. Permit shall be finalled within 1 year per
Date:  August 14, 2008
Value:   $4,200

Client: Vincent, David | Permit id: Rb0803478
2008/08/144200693857 Brighton Av Oakland CaBrian W Alameda Structural Inc
Electrical for new bedroom & bath, rewire of knob & tube.
Date:  August 26, 2004

Client: Vallejo Symphony Assoc. | Permit id: Re0403233
2004/08/260953857 Brighton Av Oakland Ca
Install sump pump for foundation drain.
Date:  July 29, 2008

Client: Ratcliff Mary E | Permit id: Re0802367
2008/07/290953857 Brighton Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical - new central furnace system
Date:  August 26, 2004

Client: Vallejo Symphony Assoc. | Permit id: Rm0401708
2004/08/260953857 Brighton Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for interior remodel
Date:  August 26, 2004

Client: Vallejo Symphony Assoc. | Permit id: Rp0402556
2004/08/260953857 Brighton Av Oakland Ca
Repair fire damage at rear. Legalize porch enclosure on east & bedroom enlargement
Date:  July 12, 2004
Value:   $80,000

Client: Wong Shun C | Permit id: Rb0403083
2004/07/1280000951483 Macarthur Bl Oakland Ca
Build bathroom in existing storage area at rear of sfd; no exterior changes.
Date:  October 3, 2007
Value:   $8,000
Contractor: Steven Haine

Client: Wong Shun C | Permit id: Rb0704623
2007/10/038000611483 Macarthur Bl Oakland CaSteven Haine
Add receptacles, 4 circuits, replace main service with 1 amp. Application by fax.
Date:  December 22, 2004

Client: Wong Shun C | Permit id: Re0404687
2004/12/220951483 Macarthur Bl Oakland Ca
Electrical/ central furnace system
Date:  July 1, 2005

Client: Wong Shun C | Permit id: Re0502342
2005/07/010951483 Macarthur Bl Oakland Ca
1 incandes fixture, 1 fluor fixture, 1 switch, 1 receptacle.
Date:  October 3, 2007
Contractor: Steven Haine

Client: Wong Shun C | Permit id: Re0703333
2007/10/030611483 Macarthur Bl Oakland CaSteven Haine
Replace wall furnace with central furnace system
Date:  July 1, 2005

Client: Wong Shun C | Permit id: Rm0501259
2005/07/010951483 Macarthur Bl Oakland Ca
Electrical central furnace system
Date:  July 1, 2005

Client: Wong Shun C | Permit id: Re0502342
2005/07/010951483 Macarthur Bl Oakland Ca
1 toilet, 1 shower, 1 sink, 1 waste/vent, 1 water alt.
Date:  October 3, 2007
Contractor: Steven Haine

Client: Wong Shun C | Permit id: Rp0702766
2007/10/030611483 Macarthur Bl Oakland CaSteven Haine
Replace existing front porch stairs
Date:  July 16, 2004
Value:   $2,600

Permit id: Rb0403157
2004/07/162600954003 Linwood Av Oakland Ca
Fnd curb wall along rear;replace sill at left side; fnd bolt -ing;repair fnd;
Date:  June 16, 2010
Value:   $9,000

Permit id: Rb1002255
2010/06/169000954003 Linwood Av Oakland Ca
Remove existing fireplace and chimney at right side of house, install side vented fireplace
Date:  July 19, 2004
Value:   $20,000

Permit id: Rb0403177
2004/07/1920000953934 Glen Park Rd Oakland Ca
Remove wood shingles and place with smooth coat stucco.
Date:  July 26, 2011
Value:   $43,000

Permit id: Rb1102646
2011/07/2643000953934 Glen Park Rd Oakland Ca
Outdoor spa h. T.
Date:  January 5, 2007

Permit id: Re0700106
2007/01/050953934 Glen Park Rd Oakland Ca
Mechanical/install side vented fireplace 8/9/04 gas test
Date:  July 19, 2004

Permit id: Rm0401482
2004/07/190953934 Glen Park Rd Oakland Ca
Plumbing for outdoor spa h. T. And drainage
Date:  January 5, 2007

Permit id: Rp0700099
2007/01/050953934 Glen Park Rd Oakland Ca
Mechanical install side vented fireplace 8 9 04 gas test
Date:  July 19, 2004

Client: Inouye Carla J & Holmes Michae | Permit id: Rm0401482
2004/07/190953934 Glen Park Rd Oakland Ca
Adding 267 sq. Ft. To existing sfd to create master bedroom suite
Date:  July 21, 2004
Value:   $60,000
Contractor: Jim Goring

Permit id: Rb0403234
2004/07/2160000614162 Randolph Av Oakland CaJim Goring
Date:  February 2, 2005

Permit id: Re0500417
2005/02/020954162 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for addition of master bedroom suite
Date:  September 24, 2004
Contractor: Jim Goring

Permit id: Rp0402803
2004/09/240614162 Randolph Av Oakland CaJim Goring
Fire damage repair
Date:  July 23, 2004
Value:   $1,000

Permit id: Rb0403262
2004/07/231000954017 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Demo fire damage structure
Date:  August 16, 2004

Permit id: Rb0403663
2004/08/160944017 Everett Av Oakland CaLevitch Associates Inc
Build new duplex 2361 sf to replace fire damaged duplex 16 sf
Date:  March 25, 2005
Value:   $375,000

Permit id: Rb0501252
2005/03/25375000954017 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Build new sfd 2082 4 bedrooms, attached garage.
Date:  July 17, 2006
Value:   $250,000

Permit id: Rb0603040
2006/07/17250000954017 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Electrical/new sfd; 125 amp service
Date:  May 2, 2007

Permit id: Re0701484
2007/05/020954017 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical/new sfd; fau, a/c, ducting, etc.
Date:  May 2, 2007

Permit id: Rm0700862
2007/05/020954017 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing/new sfd; incl. Gas test
Date:  May 2, 2007

Permit id: Rp0701297
2007/05/020954017 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical new sfd; fau, a c, ducting, etc.
Date:  May 2, 2007

Client: Huynh Vinh & Liang Hollie | Permit id: Rm0700862
2007/05/020954017 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing new sfd; incl. Gas test
Date:  May 2, 2007

Client: Huynh Vinh & Liang Hollie | Permit id: Rp0701297
2007/05/020954017 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Electrical new sfd; 125 amp service
Date:  May 2, 2007

Client: Huynh Vinh & Liang Hollie | Permit id: Re0701484
2007/05/020954017 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Repair termite damge per item 1a, 1c, 4a, 6a, 11b, and 11f per termite report by r j clark & company. 8/16:replace
Date:  July 28, 2004
Value:   $19,800

Client: Babjak Steven J. | Permit id: Rb0403340
2004/07/2819800953744 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Replace 1 amp electrical service and change to circuit breakers.
Date:  July 15, 2004

Client: Babjak Steven | Permit id: Re0402726
2004/07/150953744 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Repair termite damge per item 1a, 1c, 4a, 6a, 11b, and 11f per termite report by r j clark & company. 8 16:replace
Date:  July 28, 2004
Value:   $19,800

Client: Babjak Steven J. | Permit id: Rb0403340
2004/07/2819800953744 Elston Av Oakland Ca
Termite repair per attached report #22287: items 12,14,19.
Date:  August 16, 2004
Value:   $8,485

Permit id: Rb0403655
2004/08/168485953821 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Replacement of water heater
Date:  December 29, 2006

Client: Chester Dilauro | Permit id: Rp0603530
2006/12/290953821 Everett Av Oakland Ca
Fnd cap at rear corner of house/garage. Replace one floor joist. Create concrete fnd
Date:  August 5, 2004
Value:   $6,500
Contractor: Mark W

Client: Stearns John A & Solari Diana | Permit id: Rb0403488
2004/08/056500593821 Everett Av Oakland CaMark W
Replace 3/8 ply with 1/2 nailed at 4 o. C.,add a-35 clips.
Date:  August 6, 2004
Value:   $4,850

Permit id: Rb0403501
2004/08/064850953803 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Bathroom remodel
Date:  June 13, 2006
Value:   $15,000

Permit id: Rb0602469
2006/06/1315000953803 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Replace 21 windows in sfr. Openings to meet safety glazing & proximity requirment per table 704. 8. Bedroom windows to
Date:  September 19, 2008
Value:   $20,540

Client: Linda Fortino | Permit id: Rb0804059
2008/09/1920540953803 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Kitchen remodel; no structural or exterior changes.
Date:  August 26, 2011
Value:   $34,000

Permit id: Rb1103072
2011/08/2634000953803 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Upgrade service to 200amp.
Date:  August 11, 2004

Permit id: Re0403034
2004/08/110953803 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Change out electrical and plumbing
Date:  June 13, 2006

Permit id: Re0601948
2006/06/130953803 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Electrical/kitchen remodel
Date:  August 26, 2011

Permit id: Re1102402
2011/08/260953803 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing/kitchen remodel
Date:  August 26, 2011

Permit id: Rp1101882
2011/08/260953803 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing kitchen remodel
Date:  August 26, 2011

Client: Thornton Laurie & Fortino Lind | Permit id: Rp1101882
2011/08/260953803 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Electrical kitchen remodel
Date:  August 26, 2011

Client: Thornton Laurie & Fortino Lind | Permit id: Re1102402
2011/08/260953803 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Replace 3 8 ply with 1 2 nailed at 4 o. C.,add a-35 clips.
Date:  August 6, 2004
Value:   $4,850

Client: Walker H D & Jean & John & Chr | Permit id: Rb0403501
2004/08/064850953803 Randolph Av Oakland Ca
Remodel of kitchen/laundry & family room. Includes window alterations.
Date:  August 12, 2004
Value:   $28,000

Permit id: Rb0403590
2004/08/1228000954377 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
Electrical for remodel
Date:  October 6, 2004

Permit id: Re0403795
2004/10/060954377 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical for remodel
Date:  October 6, 2004

Permit id: Rm0401970
2004/10/060954377 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing for remodel
Date:  October 6, 2004

Permit id: Rp0402950
2004/10/060954377 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
Remodel of kitchen laundry & family room. Includes window alterations.
Date:  August 12, 2004
Value:   $28,000

Client: Brill Allan L & King Carol A | Permit id: Rb0403590
2004/08/1228000954377 Townsend Av Oakland Ca
Create laundry & bathroom in basement area. Includes new basement retain. Walls
Date:  August 12, 2004
Value:   $29,000

Client: Sharkey Karen S | Permit id: Rb0403610
2004/08/1229000954644 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Electrical/create laundry & bathroom in basement area.
Date:  October 7, 2005

Client: Sharkey Karen S | Permit id: Re0503593
2005/10/070954644 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical/create laundry & bathroom in basement area.
Date:  October 7, 2005

Client: Sharkey Karen S | Permit id: Rm0501917
2005/10/070954644 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing/create laundry & bathroom in basement area. New tankless water heater, gas test
Date:  October 7, 2005

Client: Sharkey Karen S | Permit id: Rp0502949
2005/10/070954644 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Plumbing create laundry & bathroom in basement area. New tankless water heater, gas test
Date:  October 7, 2005

Client: Sharkey Karen S | Permit id: Rp0502949
2005/10/070954644 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Electrical create laundry & bathroom in basement area.
Date:  October 7, 2005

Client: Sharkey Karen S | Permit id: Re0503593
2005/10/070954644 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Mechanical create laundry & bathroom in basement area.
Date:  October 7, 2005

Client: Sharkey Karen S | Permit id: Rm0501917
2005/10/070954644 Benevides Av Oakland Ca
Termite repairs per attached: 2a,4a,4b,10e,10h,11n. 9/30/04 add window and door replacements.
Date:  August 19, 2004
Value:   $50,000

Permit id: Rb0403725
2004/08/1950000953804 La Cresta Av Oakland Ca
Electrical service to 1 amps, fuses to breakers, add bath fan and 14 plugs.
Date:  February 1, 2005

Permit id: Re0500397
2005/02/010953804 La Cresta Av Oakland Ca
Replace shower and tub
Date:  August 24, 2004

Client: Dwonch Theresa M | Permit id: Rp0402526
2004/08/240953804 La Cresta Av Oakland Ca
Replace galvinized pipping with copper and water heater replacement
Date:  January 24, 2007

Permit id: Rp0700272
2007/01/240953804 La Cresta Av Oakland Ca
Termite repairs per attached: 2a,4a,4b,10e,10h,11n. 9 30 04 add window and door replacements.
Date:  August 19, 2004
Value:   $50,000

Client: Hepple Alan & Tung Jennifer | Permit id: Rb0403725
2004/08/1950000953804 La Cresta Av Oakland Ca

Contractor Rank Contractor Details Number of Projects Avg. Project Cost Years in Business Photos
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