Building Permits at 142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale MA

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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
Install low voltage security alarm system.
Date:  July 27, 2010
Value:   $139
Contractor: Dave Holton

Client: Doniger William | Permit type: Low voltage | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv32640 | Parcel: 2000290000
2010/07/2713982142-152 Belgrade Av Roslindale Ma 02131Dave Holton
Change existing occupancy of 2 offices community center restaurant grocery store tanning salon to same plus a beauty salon &; spa @ #142 belgrade ave - painting existing space only -
Date:  April 13, 2012
Value:   $700
Contractor: George Panagos

Client: Doniger William | Permit type: Change occupancy | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt117223 | Parcel: 2000290000
2012/04/1370066142-152 Belgrade Av Roslindale Ma 02131George Panagos
2 offices community center restaurant grocery store tanning salon to same plus a beauty salon &; spa @ #142 belgrade ave c o-for beauty salon &; spa @142 belgrade ave. Alt 117223 issued 4 13 2012
Date:  April 25, 2012
Value:   $700
Contractor: Rosanna Zayas

Client: Doniger William | Permit type: Change occupancy | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Coo135297 | Parcel: 2000290000
2012/04/2570066142-152 Belgrade Av Roslindale Ma 02131Rosanna Zayas
Bfdalteration of fuel oil burn
Date:  August 13, 2015

Client: Doniger William | Permit id: Alfob503587 | Parcel: 2000290000
2015/08/13095142 152 Belgrade Av Roslindale Ma
2 offices community center restaurant grocery store tanning salon to same plus a beauty salon &; spa @ #142 belgrade ave c/o-for beauty salon &; spa @142 belgrade ave. Alt 117223 issued 4/13/2012
Date:  April 25, 2012
Value:   $700
Contractor: Rosanna Zayas

Client: Doniger William | Permit type: Certificate of occupancy | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Coo135297 | Parcel: 2000290000
2012/04/2570066142 152 Belgrade Av Roslindale MaRosanna Zayas
Change occupancy from dental office to tattoo shop. No work to be done. Furniture only.
Date:  October 22, 2015
Contractor: Jesus Guzman

Client: Doniger William | Permit type: Board of appeals | Expiration date: October 22, 2017 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Boa481046 | Parcel: 2000290000
2015/10/22098142 152 Belgrade Av Roslindale MaJesus Guzman
Change occupancy from dental office to tattoo shop. No work to be done. Furniture only.
Date:  November 13, 2015
Contractor: Jesus Guzman

Client: Doniger William | Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: May 13, 2016 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt474691 | Parcel: 2000290000
2015/11/13098142 152 Belgrade Av Roslindale MaJesus Guzman
Offices community center restaurant grocery store tanning salon salon &; spa use and tattoo shop certificate of occupancy for thetattoo shop alt474691 11/13/15
Date:  November 17, 2015
Contractor: Jesus Guzman

Client: Doniger William | Permit type: Certificate of occupancy | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Coo538968 | Parcel: 2000290000
2015/11/17098142 152 Belgrade Av Roslindale MaJesus Guzman
Two offices community center restaurant grocery store tanning salon and; salon &; spa use doc#alt117223 temporary certificate of occupancy for thetattoo shop. No work to be done. Furniture only. Tco valid for days; 1/23/2016;pending issuance of alt474691 approved by the zba on 8/18/15. Alt474691 pending
Date:  October 23, 2015
Contractor: Jesus Guzman

Client: Doniger William | Permit type: Certificate of occupancy | Expiration date: January 23, 2016 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Coo518666 | Parcel: 2000290000
2015/10/23098142 152 Belgrade Av Roslindale MaJesus Guzman
Change existing occupancy of 2 offices community center restaurant grocery store tanning salon to same plus a beauty salon &; spa @ #142 belgrade ave - painting existing space only -
Date:  April 13, 2012
Value:   $700
Contractor: George Panagos

Client: Doniger William | Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: October 13, 2012 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt117223 | Parcel: 2000290000
2012/04/1370066142 152 Belgrade Av Roslindale MaGeorge Panagos
Install low voltage security alarm system.
Date:  July 27, 2010
Value:   $139
Contractor: Dave Holton

Client: Doniger William | Permit type: Electrical low voltage | Expiration date: January 27, 2011 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv32640 | Parcel: 2000290000
2010/07/2713982142 152 Belgrade Av Roslindale MaDave Holton
Bfd chemist certificate proces
Date:  October 16, 2015

Client: Doniger William | Permit id: Chm528630 | Parcel: 2000290000
2015/10/16095142 152 Belgrade Av Roslindale Ma
Replace entire roof and all flashings
Date:  May 4, 2017
Value:   $36,000
Contractor: Alexander Doyle

Client: Panagos George Ts | Permit type: Roofing | Permit status: Open | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf704953 | Parcel: 2000290000
2017/05/043600098142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale Ma 02131Alexander Doyle
Change occupancy from dental office to tattoo shop. No work to be done. Furniture only.
Date:  November 13, 2015
Contractor: Jesus Guzman

Client: Panagos George Ts | Permit type: Change occupancy | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt474691 | Parcel: 2000290000
2015/11/13098142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale Ma 02131Jesus Guzman
Change existing occupancy of 2 offices community center restaurant grocery store tanning salon to same plus a beauty salon &; spa @ #142 belgrade ave - painting existing space only -
Date:  April 13, 2012
Value:   $700
Contractor: George Panagos

Client: Panagos George Ts | Permit type: Change occupancy | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt117223 | Parcel: 2000290000
2012/04/1370066142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale Ma 02131George Panagos
2 offices community center restaurant grocery store tanning salon to same plus a beauty salon &; spa @ #142 belgrade ave c o-for beauty salon &; spa @142 belgrade ave. Alt 117223 issued 4 13 2012
Date:  April 25, 2012
Value:   $700
Contractor: Rosanna Zayas

Client: Panagos George Ts | Permit type: Change occupancy | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Coo135297 | Parcel: 2000290000
2012/04/2570066142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale Ma 02131Rosanna Zayas
Two offices community center restaurant grocery store tanning salon and; salon &; spa use doc#alt117223 temporary certificate of occupancy for thetattoo shop. No work to be done. Furniture only. Tco valid for days; 1 23 2016;pending issuance of alt474691 approved by the zba on 8 18 15. Alt474691 pending
Date:  October 23, 2015
Contractor: Jesus Guzman

Client: Panagos George Ts | Permit type: Change occupancy | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Coo518666 | Parcel: 2000290000
2015/10/23098142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale Ma 02131Jesus Guzman
Offices community center restaurant grocery store tanning salon salon &; spa use and tattoo shop certificate of occupancy for thetattoo shop alt474691 11 13 15
Date:  November 17, 2015
Contractor: Jesus Guzman

Client: Panagos George Ts | Permit type: Change occupancy | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Coo538968 | Parcel: 2000290000
2015/11/17098142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale Ma 02131Jesus Guzman
Install low voltage security alarm system.
Date:  July 27, 2010
Value:   $139
Contractor: Dave Holton

Client: Panagos George Ts | Permit type: Low voltage | Permit status: Expired | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv32640 | Parcel: 2000290000
2010/07/2713982142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale Ma 02131Dave Holton
Offices community center restaurant grocery store tanning salon salon &; spa use and tattoo shop certificate of occupancy for thetattoo shop alt474691 11 13 15
Date:  November 17, 2015
Contractor: Jesus Guzman

Client: Panagos George Ts | Permit type: Certificate of occupancy | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Coo538968 | Parcel: 2000290000
2015/11/17098142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale MaJesus Guzman
2 offices community center restaurant grocery store tanning salon to same plus a beauty salon &; spa @ #142 belgrade ave c o-for beauty salon &; spa @142 belgrade ave. Alt 117223 issued 4 13 2012
Date:  April 25, 2012
Value:   $700
Contractor: Rosanna Zayas

Client: Panagos George Ts | Permit type: Certificate of occupancy | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Coo135297 | Parcel: 2000290000
2012/04/2570066142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale MaRosanna Zayas
Install low voltage security alarm system.
Date:  July 27, 2010
Value:   $139
Contractor: Dave Holton

Client: Panagos George Ts | Permit type: Electrical low voltage | Expiration date: January 27, 2011 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Elv32640 | Parcel: 2000290000
2010/07/2713982142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale MaDave Holton
Change existing occupancy of 2 offices community center restaurant grocery store tanning salon to same plus a beauty salon &; spa @ #142 belgrade ave - painting existing space only -
Date:  April 13, 2012
Value:   $700
Contractor: George Panagos

Client: Panagos George Ts | Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: October 13, 2012 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt117223 | Parcel: 2000290000
2012/04/1370066142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale MaGeorge Panagos
Bfd chemist certificate proces
Date:  October 16, 2015

Client: Panagos George Ts | Permit id: Chm528630 | Parcel: 2000290000
2015/10/16095142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale Ma
Two offices community center restaurant grocery store tanning salon and; salon &; spa use doc#alt117223 temporary certificate of occupancy for thetattoo shop. No work to be done. Furniture only. Tco valid for days; 1 23 2016;pending issuance of alt474691 approved by the zba on 8 18 15. Alt474691 pending
Date:  October 23, 2015
Contractor: Jesus Guzman

Client: Panagos George Ts | Permit type: Certificate of occupancy | Expiration date: January 23, 2016 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Coo518666 | Parcel: 2000290000
2015/10/23098142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale MaJesus Guzman
Bfdalteration of fuel oil burn
Date:  August 13, 2015

Client: Panagos George Ts | Permit id: Alfob503587 | Parcel: 2000290000
2015/08/13095142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale Ma
Change occupancy from dental office to tattoo shop. No work to be done. Furniture only.
Date:  October 22, 2015
Contractor: Jesus Guzman

Client: Panagos George Ts | Permit type: Board of appeals | Expiration date: October 22, 2017 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Boa481046 | Parcel: 2000290000
2015/10/22098142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale MaJesus Guzman
Change occupancy from dental office to tattoo shop. No work to be done. Furniture only.
Date:  November 13, 2015
Contractor: Jesus Guzman

Client: Panagos George Ts | Permit type: Long form/alteration permit | Expiration date: May 13, 2016 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Alt474691 | Parcel: 2000290000
2015/11/13098142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale MaJesus Guzman
Replace entire roof and all flashings
Date:  May 4, 2017
Value:   $36,000
Contractor: Alexander Doyle

Client: Panagos George Ts | Permit type: Short form bldg permit | Expiration date: November 4, 2017 | Current use: Comm | Permit id: Sf704953 | Parcel: 2000290000
2017/05/043600098142152 Belgrade Av Roslindale MaAlexander Doyle

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